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Kann es sein, dass ein Computerprogramm mehr von der Liebe versteht als das menschliche Herz?

Archer, die künstliche Intelligenz hinter der Partnervermittlung Q*pid, stellt fest, dass Menschen nicht immer die besten Entscheidungen treffen. Deshalb mischt er sich ein und übernimmt es für sie, einige wirklich unkonventionelle Entscheidungen zu treffen.

Fox Kincade ist der letzte Single in seinem Freundeskreis. Deshalb freut er sich besonders, als seine Q*pid-App ihm einen Vorschlag präsentiert, mit dem er – wenn man den Hexenkünsten der AI glauben darf – die Liebe seines Lebens finden wird. Doch zu Fox’ Überraschung handelt es sich bei diesem Idealpartner nicht um eine Frau, sondern um Drew Larsen, einen schüchternen und manchmal sonderlichen Doktoranden, der ebenfalls nicht an die wahre Liebe glaubt.

Drew und Fox haben wenig gemeinsam – wenn man von der Tatsache absieht, dass sie beide nicht schwul sind. Jedenfalls dachten sie das bisher. Aber je besser sie sich kennenlernen, umso mehr dämmert ihnen, dass Archer vielleicht gar nicht so falsch lag mit seinem Vorschlag. Es ist kein leichter Weg, denn sie müssen beide ihr althergebrachtes Selbstverständnis aufgeben und sich mit einem neuen Konzept von Liebe vertraut machen. Mit Archers Hilfe und der Unterstützung einiger Freunde, die Fox und Drew durch dick und dünn zur Seite stehen, gelingt es ihnen schließlich, alle Hindernisse aus dem Weg zu räumen.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Il programma di un computer può comprendere l’amore meglio del cuore umano?

Archer, l’intelligenza artificiale del servizio di incontri online Q*pid, è consapevole che gli esseri umani non prendono sempre le decisioni migliori, e per questo motivo comincia a prenderne di bizzarre al posto loro. 

Fox Kincade è l’ultimo scapolo superstite nel suo gruppo di amici ed è al settimo cielo quando scopre di avere un nuovo match sulla sua app di incontri Q*pid: quel match, secondo l’avanzata stregoneria di Archer, dovrebbe essere l’amore della sua vita. Si aspettava una donna, ma si ritrova abbinato a Drew Larsen, un timido dottorando dall’aria un po’ nerd, che come lui ha cominciato a perdere le speranze in amore. 

Drew e Fox hanno poco in comune, a parte il fatto di essere entrambi etero. O così hanno sempre creduto. Tuttavia, mentre imparano a conoscersi, si rendono conto che Archer potrebbe aver avuto l’idea giusta. Il loro percorso non è facile: hanno bisogno di lasciarsi alle spalle l’immagine che hanno sempre avuto di loro stessi e del vero amore, ma con l’aiuto di Archer – e di alcuni amici che sono rimasti loro fedeli durante gli alti e bassi di quella nuova relazione – forse troveranno il modo di intrufolarsi l’uno nel cuore dell’altro. 


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Un logiciel peut-il mieux comprendre l’amour que le cœur humain ?

Archer, l’intelligence artificielle du site de rencontre Q*pidon, sait que les humains ne prennent pas toujours les meilleures décisions. Il commence alors à en prendre à leur place, même si elles ne sont pas très conventionnelles.

Fox Kincade est le dernier célibataire de son groupe d’amis. Il est ravi de découvrir que l’application Q*pidon a trouvé une personne qui lui correspond – une personne qui, selon la magie de cette nouvelle intelligence artificielle, serait son âme sœur. Quelle n’est pas sa surprise lorsqu’il découvre qu’au lieu de la femme qu’il attendait, il est associé avec Drew Larsen, un doctorant timide et assez geek qui ne croit plus en la romance.

Drew et Fox ont peu de choses en commun – si ce n’est le fait d’être hétérosexuel. Du moins, c’est ce qu’ils ont toujours cru. En apprenant à se connaître, ils se rendent compte qu’Archer ne les a peut-être pas associés par hasard. Le chemin ne sera pas sans embûches puisqu’ils devront dépasser l’image qu’ils se sont construite d’eux-mêmes et de ce que doit être le véritable amour. Mais avec l’aide d’Archer – et de quelques amis qui encourageront Fox et Drew à travers les hauts et les bas de leur relation –, ils pourraient trouver leur chemin vers le cœur de l’autre. 


$6.99 $5.24

The Lovely Pines

BJ Vinson Mysteries
$6.99 $5.24

A BJ Vinson Mystery

When Ariel Gonda’s winery, the Lovely Pines, suffers a break-in, the police write the incident off as a prank since nothing was taken. But Ariel knows something is wrong—small clues are beginning to add up—and he turns to private investigator BJ Vinson for help.

BJ soon discovers the incident is anything but harmless. When a vineyard worker—who is also more than he seems—is killed, there are plenty of suspects to go around. But are the two crimes even related? As BJ and his significant other, Paul Barton, follow the trail from the central New Mexico wine country south to Las Cruces and Carlsbad, they discover a tangled web involving members of the US military, a mistaken identity, a family fortune in dispute, and even a secret baby. The body count is rising, and a child may be in danger. BJ will need all his skills to survive because, between a deadly sniper and sabotage, someone is determined to make sure this case goes unsolved.


$6.99 $5.24

Hex and Candy

Strange Bedfellows
Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

True love’s kiss can break the curse. But then what?

Cole Alpin runs a small-town candy store. He visits his grandmother twice a week. And sometimes he breaks curses.

Leo Ericson’s curse is obvious right away, spiderwebbing across his very nice body. Though something about it worries Cole, he agrees to help—with little idea of what he’s getting into.

Leo is a serial monogamist, but his vampire ex has taken dating off the table with his nasty spell, and Leo needs Cole’s companionship as much as his help. When the hex proves to be only the beginning of his problems, Leo seeks refuge at Cole’s place. Too bad magic prevents him from finding refuge in Cole’s arms.

Cole’s never had a boyfriend, so how can he recognize true love? And there’s still the matter of the one responsible for their troubles in the first place…. 


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Sa mère. Son meilleur ami. Le barman du pub local. Tout le monde a pour objectif de trouver un petit ami à Nathan Moffatt, même si c’est la dernière chose qu’il souhaite. Après avoir passé ses journées à s’assurer que ses clients ne connaissent rien d’autre que la magie du romantisme, le soir, l’organisateur de mariages du Granshire Hotel n’a qu’une envie : rentrer chez lui, regarder plusieurs épisodes de séries criminelles et manger une pizza en sous-vêtement.

Malheureusement, personne ne le croit et il doit subir les leçons de morale lui disant qu’il mourra seul. Mais un jour, il a une illumination. Il faudrait que ses proches comprennent qu’il vaut mieux qu’il reste célibataire. Il doit trouver un petit ami odieux.

Un seul homme peut tenir ce rôle.

Flynn Delaney est habitué à ce que l’île de Ceremony ne pense que du mal de lui, mais il préférerait ne pas avoir l’honneur d’occuper la place de « pire petit ami de l’île ». D’un autre côté, s’il accepte, il aura l’opportunité de sortir avec un homme sublime et de contrarier les propriétaires du Granshire Hotel. Ils seraient tous les deux gagnants.

Il n'y a qu'un un seul problème : comme Flynn se révèle être un bon petit ami, Nathan finit par se demander si quitter son canapé de temps en temps serait vraiment une si mauvaise idée.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Sua madre.  Il suo migliore amico. La barista del pub. Tutti sono decisi a trovare a Nathan Moffatt un compagno. Peccato che sia l’ultima cosa che vuole lui! Ogni giorno, al lavoro, il wedding planner del Granshire Hotel fa in modo che i suoi clienti vivano il loro sogno romantico, ma quando torna a casa, vuole solo stare in pigiama sul divano a guardare serie poliziesche in televisione e mangiare pizza.

Purtroppo non gli crede nessuno, e tutti gli ricordano di continuo che, se andrà avanti così, morirà da solo. Un giorno, però, gli viene un’idea: per essere lasciato in pace ha bisogno che anche i suoi amici e conoscenti comincino a desiderare che resti single. Per convincerli ha bisogno di un pessimo fidanzato, e c’è un solo uomo adatto a quel compito.

A Flynn Delaney non importa che gli abitanti di Ceremony pensino il peggio di lui, ma non sa se vuole anche fregiarsi del discutibile titolo di peggior fidanzato dell’isola. D’altro canto, però, se starà al gioco potrà uscire con il bel Nathan e far arrabbiare i proprietari del Granshire Hotel. È una situazione che gioverebbe a entrambi.

C’è solo un problema. Flynn si rivela un bravo fidanzato, e ora Nathan comincia a chiedersi se abbandonare il divano ogni tanto sia davvero la cosa più brutta del mondo.


$6.99 $5.24

The 7th of Victorica

Gadgets and Shadows | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Gadgets and Shadows: Book Two
A Sequel to The 7th of London

Since Seven saved London and Queen Victoria, problems have begun growing in Victorica, formerly the free states of America. With government corruption running rampant and slavery becoming epidemic, rumors are flying about the Confederacy of the South building an army and threatening war. 

Still haunted by the memory of his old enemy, Seven and his lover, Silas Kettlebent, are sent to investigate the growing corruption of the South, but they find that the problem runs deeper than they could have possibly imagined. Seven is determined to see not only the slaves freed, but the colony as well. It’s going to take the combined efforts of slaves, criminals, politicians, and Abraham Lincoln to avoid a devastating war, and if Seven has anything to say about it, to ensure the freedom of every single Victorican from British rule. 

He’ll just have to do it while contending with the ghost of a previous enemy and another’s thirst for revenge.


$6.99 $5.24


Secrets | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Secrets: Book Three

Can two Doms open their hearts again for a young man desperately in need of their help?

Two years ago, Aaron Greene and Sam Thompson were devastated when their submissive broke the contract that bound the three of them together. They still wonder what happened and whether they can find a way to move forward. When Aaron finds a sick young man by the curbside, his protective instincts kick in, and after consulting Sam, he takes Tim home.

After being thrown out of his home, Tim Waterman finds himself on the street, doing whatever he needs to survive. Until a bear of a Good Samaritan scoops him up and saves him. Then one bear becomes two, and a chance discovery gets him thinking about what might be, if he’s bold enough to make a move.

So what happens when Aaron and Sam wake up one morning to find Tim naked in their bed? Will they get a new chance at life, or will history Threepeat itself?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Seine Mutter. Sein bester Freund. Die Bardame im ortsansässigen Pub. Sie alle sind entschlossen, einen Freund für Nathan Moffatt zu finden. Dabei ist es das Letzte, was Nathan sich wünscht. Nachdem er jeden Tag dafür sorgt, dass seine Kunden nichts als romantische Magie erleben, möchte der Hochzeitsplaner des Granshire Hotel nur nach Hause gehen, sich stundenlang Krimiserien ansehen und in Unterwäsche Pizza essen.

Da ihm jedoch leider niemand glaubt, muss er sich Vorträge über einen einsamen Tod anhören. Bis er eine Idee hat: Er muss die Menschen in seinem Leben dazu bringen, ihn ebenfalls lieber als Single sehen zu wollen. Er braucht einen schlechten Freund.

Und für diese Rolle ist ein Mann perfekt.

Obwohl Flynn Delaney daran gewöhnt ist, dass die Bewohner der Insel Ceremony von ihm das Schlechteste denken, ist er nicht sicher, ob er die zweifelhafte Ehre annehmen möchte, der schlimmste Freund auf der gesamten Insel zu sein. Andererseits kann er, wenn er bei der Sache mitspielt, Zeit mit dem umwerfenden Nathan verbringen und gleichzeitig die Besitzer des Granshire Hotel ärgern – sehr lohnenswert.

Es gibt nur ein Problem: In Wirklichkeit ist Flynn ein ziemlich guter Freund, weshalb sich Nathan nun fragt, ob es tatsächlich das Schlimmste der Welt ist, sich hin und wieder von seinem Sofa zu trennen.


$6.99 $5.24

A Club Whisper Novel

Life is perfect for Richard and Dean. Richard is a wealthy and successful businessman who also owns a BDSM club, and Dean is a best-selling author and sub to Richard. They’re young, happy, and in love. The future is bright….

Until tragedy strikes and an accident claims Dean’s beloved sister. Dean finds himself the guardian of a three-month-old infant, and soon he’s trading in his leather fetish gear for diapers and drool bibs. But little Emily is all that remains of his family, so how can he abandon her?

It’s not what Richard signed up for. As much as he tries to be supportive, he never wanted kids and misses having his partner to himself. Suddenly the life he imagined for them is gone, and he’s not sure their relationship can survive the upheaval. But fate isn’t through with Dean, and when misfortune strikes again, will he be able to turn to the man he loves? A final crisis will determine if they can pull together as a family or must face facts and part ways.


$6.99 $5.24

Life—and love—doesn’t follow a script.

Struggling actor Oswell Outterridge thinks he’s hit the jackpot when he’s chosen to play a scene opposite his idol, Kane Teague, in a superhero movie. However, things take an unexpected turn when the slime he accidentally ingests gives him telekinetic powers. Then Kane asks him out, against all expectation, and it seems that life couldn’t get any better—aside from the little matter of keeping his identity secret from his celebrity boyfriend.

Oswell goes from a nobody with little social life and few prospects for the future to dating the man of his dreams and using his superhuman abilities to defend innocents. Everything is perfect, and it seems he’s finally achieved a happily ever after worthy of the silver screen. But when a supervillain arrives, determined to defeat Oswell and win Kane’s affections, everything falls apart. In the ensuing conflict, Kane gets caught in the crossfire, and Oswell faces his toughest fight yet. Can he remain the hero he’s always imagined himself, or will a dark desire for vengeance change him forever?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Avery Rivers is a country music sensation, selling records by the millions and playing to sold-out crowds. But behind that persona is Robert, a burned-out musician cracking under the pressure. He’s unable to write any new songs, and he wants out of the business—at least for a while. He changes his appearance and finds honest, hard work in Jackson, Wyoming. Maybe getting to be a regular guy for a while will get him past his block.

Hy Whitely was a championship bull rider until he watched his best friend thrown in the arena and decided the rodeo circuit was no longer the place for him. He wants to be plain old Zeke for a while, and when he returns to his family ranch, he bumps right into Robert—a one-night stand from his last rodeo appearance who is now working there as a ranch hand.

The heat between the men could sear the grass off the range, but each one is hiding a secret. Robert and Zeke, the men behind the public images, fall in love, but can they hold on when Avery and Hy are pulled back into the spotlight? 


$6.99 $5.24

Mariés surprise

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$4.99 $3.74

Ce qui se passe à Las Vegas ne reste pas toujours à Las Vegas.

Cody Hayes est en train de vivre un lendemain de soirée épique. La gueule de bois qui suit l’enterrement de vie de garçon n’a rien de nouveau, pas plus que l’homme nu dans son lit.

Son mariage apparent, c’est une autre histoire.

Planifier soigneusement chaque détail de sa vie a conduit Julian Canales à un poste de sénateur, en tant qu’homme ouvertement gay. Une soirée alcoolisée à jouer à Action ou Vérité ne lui ressemble pas… et encore moins épouser un homme qu’il vient juste de rencontrer. Il pourrait demander une annulation, mais les médias ont vent de son mariage précipité. Si la carrière politique de Julian veut survivre, il doit rester marié à un homme qui est son parfait opposé.

Maintenant, il doit convaincre Cody que tout ce qu’il leur reste à faire, c’est survivre à un rival politique conservateur, à un ex au cœur brisé, à leurs passés douloureux… et à une attirance qu’aucun des deux hommes ne peut combattre. 


$4.99 $3.74

Star-Crossed Lover

Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

A Dreamcatchers Tale

A love worth crossing the stars for.

Taka has been a dreamcatcher and part of Team 32 for over six decades, but nobody has tempted him like Ginger—a dancer at club Zee. Too bad dreamcatchers aren't allowed to have meaningful relationships with regular people. His willpower proves a finite resource, though, when a mission at the club means spending much more time around Ginger.

Ginger’s infatuation with Taka is unwavering. When he proves to have some paranormal skills of his own, he earns himself a place on the team—if he wants it. His decision will change his life—not to mention Taka’s—irrevocably.

But living in the now could prove an issue for a man who has as much history as Taka. Can Ginger’s determination help him make his way into Taka’s heart? 


$4.99 $3.74
$4.99 $3.74

It can take losing everything to realize what you had all along.

Up-and-coming London chef Marcus Vine is poised on the edge of success, but the only men courting him are investors. That leaves Marcus with some free time—which is fortunate, because his godchildren need him.  

A year ago, a horrible accident killed Marcus’s best friend, Raine, leaving her children without a mother and her husband, Tom, without a partner. Consumed by grief, Tom has been going it alone, refusing help, but when Marcus sees him out with the children, it’s obvious that Tom and his two daughters need someone. His persistent caring finally wears Tom down, allowing him to accept the comfort Marcus offers. Soon Marcus is up to his elbows in homework, home-cooked meals, and after-school activities. Over time he helps them rebuild their world, until soon their lives are approaching normal.

Then the unexpected happens: Tom confesses he has romantic feelings for Marcus, and nothing can ever be the same.


$4.99 $3.74

Meet Me in Shanghai

World of Love | China - Shanghai
$3.99 $2.99

What are the odds of meeting your perfect match in a city of twenty-four million people—halfway around the world?

Software engineer Jeff has never set foot outside North America when his company sends him to Shanghai. It’s daunting to say the least, and Jeff is soon lost. He’s rescued by Chinese American banker Greg—a man who immediately sparks Jeff’s desire. But in a city so large and chaotic, what are the chances that they’ll bump into each other again?

When they do, a vigorous friendship forms despite Greg’s devotion to his high-powered—and high-stress—career. Both men want more, but Greg never takes things further, and Jeff’s time in China is running out. Soon he has only one night left. Will it be a last night together as friends… or the beginning of something that can last despite the distance between them?

World of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.


$3.99 $2.99

Blood and Eternity

Blood | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Blood and Ghosts
Blood: Book Three

Vampire hunter Adrien Gilbert never dreamed he’d fall for his prey or that his love, Nicolas Lambert, would give him the gift of immortality. But when a hunter bent on destroying the truce between vampires and hunters throws the gauntlet at Adrien’s feet, Adrien must travel through time to save Nicolas, and with him, the entire vampire race.

The time has come to make a choice—one they will live with for eternity. 

In this final installment in the Blood Trilogy, Adrien and Nicolas must face their greatest enemy in a deadly last confrontation. But to prevail, they’ll need to master the enemies within. 

When Adrien awakens to a future he doesn’t recognize, he faces an impossible decision: live a perfect life with Nicolas in a shattered world, or risk everything to repair a broken past. But before he can challenge vampire hunter Verel Pelletier, he must master the demon who lives in his own mind—and learn to control his ability to travel through time. With Nicolas by his side, he prepares for a final battle against a powerful adversary who likes to play games with the past and future. 

But the price of ensuring a future for their loved ones may be an eternity spent alone. 


$6.99 $5.24