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Cœur et avenir

Le Clan des Panthères
$6.99 $5.24

Le Clan des Panthères, numéro hors série

Jin Church est de retour là où tout a commencé, seul, errant et incertain quant au chemin à suivre. Ce n’est pas guidé par un choix, mais par les circonstances. Il se souvient être une panthère… mais pas grand-chose d’autre. Il n’est sûr que d’une chose : il doit retrouver le bel homme blond qui hante ses rêves. 

Logan Church est piégé dans un véritable enfer. Son compagnon a disparu, sa tribu tombe en morceaux et il s’est éloigné du fils qu’il aime de tout son cœur. Son monde déraille sans son âme sœur à ses côtés et il n’a personne à blâmer à part lui-même. 

Si Jin parvient à retrouver la mémoire et Logan à surmonter les menaces envers son commandement, alors, peut-être, pourront-ils reprendre le cours de leur vie. La question est : est-ce vraiment ce qu’ils veulent ? Retrouver la même maison, la même tribu, les mêmes problèmes ? Ils peuvent choisir parmi les différentes routes qui mènent à leur avenir… ou se forger leur propre chemin.


$6.99 $5.24


Elpida | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Elpida: Book Three

Michael and Christy attended prom, graduated high school, and Michael leads the USATF tryouts. With Oxford University on the horizon, his future looks bright, and he believes life has returned to normal after Christy’s rescue. He couldn’t be more wrong.

Christy has been free from a life of slavery for more than a year and has made remarkable progress due in no small part to the love he found with Michael. But the recent prosecution of a past abuser has shattered the life he so painstakingly built out of nothing but a mountain of horror. He now faces the daunting task of building a new life—yet again.

Twelve-year-old Thimi has been missing since Christy left Greece and, unbeknownst to everyone, has hidden out in a vacant mansion in Glyfada. Learning of Christy’s survival is the only thing that brings him out of hiding. People, open spaces, even the most common of sounds frighten him beyond reason. A mere ghost of a boy, Thimi arrives in the US with no knowledge of the outside world—the only constant in his life a purple marble.

Lost, shattered, and afraid, only hope gives them the strength and courage they need to begin anew.


$6.99 $5.24

Nach Art der Wölfe

Den Schleier heben | Buch 1
$4.99 $3.74

Buch 1 in der Serie - Den Schleier heben

Kris Ellis dachte, die Zeit arrangierter Ehen wäre lange vorbei – aber das war, bevor die Große Enthüllung bewies, dass mythische Wesen unter den Menschen leben. Nun hat ein medizinischer Routintest gezeigt, dass Kris einen Gefährten hat, einen Werwolf namens Rafael King.

Kris hat gerade seinen Collegeabschluss gemacht und hat Pläne für sein zukünftiges Leben. Für immer an jemanden gebunden zu sein, den er nie getroffen hat, gehört nicht dazu. Dann erhält er einen Anruf von Rafe und beginnt, seine Meinung zu ändern. Wie muss es sein, zweihundert Jahre auf seinen wahren Gefährten zu warten? 

Rafe ist geduldig, stark und freundlich, und nicht zu vergessen - verdammt attraktiv. Alles, was Kris über wahre Gefährten gehört hat, bewahrheitet sich. In dem Moment, als sie sich treffen, fliegen die Funken. Aber Kris und Rafe sind sehr verschieden, und nach Art der Wölfe zu leben, ist gefährlich. Ist ihre Liebe es wert, um sie zu kämpfen?


$4.99 $3.74

Shadow Fray

Shadow Fray | Round One
$6.99 $5.24

Shadow Fray: Round One

Family is worth fighting for—and family doesn’t always mean blood.

No one knows what calamity poisoned the earth and decimated the human population, but living close to the toxic ground means illness and death. Justin is determined to keep his twin sister and younger brother from that fate—no matter what he has to do. To earn enough to keep his family safe in a high-rise, Justin enlists in a deadly sport called Shadow Fray. He quickly finds himself in over his head, especially when he is scheduled to face the most dangerous player.

Hale—who competes as Black Jim—knows he won’t be on top forever, despite his skills. He fights for a better life for his daughter, but his time is running out as Shadow Fray becomes increasingly lethal. Something about the newest fighter intrigues him, but does he dare defy his masters to investigate? Justin and Hale will clash in the ring, while beyond it the powerful elite and the crumbling world seem determined to keep them apart. If they can find common ground, they might have a chance to fight for their futures.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Violence is hard to escape because of the scars it leaves—on the body, the mind, and the heart.

Small, skinny, and timid, Matt is the school’s punching bag. He suffers in silence and holds no hope anyone will come to his aid. The last thing on his mind is finding someone special. He’s sure it’s impossible, so why bother trying?

Shane is no stranger to pain. At his old school, he broke a football player’s arms for tormenting his friend, and with his size and multiple tattoos, he looks every bit the thug everyone—Matt included—assumes he is.

Building trust isn’t easy, but a sweet yet passionate romance slowly unfolds. Their road isn’t without bumps, but Matt and Shane navigate them together, finding happiness and security in each other—until another act of violence and its aftermath threatens to tear their lives—and their love—apart once and for all. But like the symbols etched into Shane’s skin, some things are made to last.


$6.99 $5.24

Before You Break

Secrets | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Secrets: Book One

Six years ago Ellis walked into his first briefing as the newest member of London’s Specialist Firearms unit. He was partnered with Wayne and they became fast friends. When Wayne begins to notice changes—Ellis’s erratic temper, the effects of sleep deprivation—he knows he has to act before Ellis reaches his breaking point. He invites Ellis to the opening of the new BDSM club, Secrets, where Wayne has a membership. His purpose? He wants Ellis to glimpse the lifestyle before Wayne approaches him with a proposition. He wants to take Ellis in hand, to control his life because he wants his friend back, and he figures this is the only way to do it.

There are a few issues, however. Ellis is straight. Stubborn. And sexy. Wayne knows he has to put his own feelings aside to be what Ellis needs. What surprises the hell out of him is finding out what Ellis actually requires.


$6.99 $5.24

Secured and Free

Entwined Dreams | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Entwined Dreams: Book Two

An abusive Dom robbed Orion Gordon of his love of BDSM, destroying his confidence and leaving him unsure he’ll ever find peace through submission to another. Still, deep inside, his longing continues. 

Marcus Sadir loves Hunter Dixon, yet he can’t be the one thing Hunter truly desires: a sub to control. And Hunter can’t find satisfaction in the sadistic aspects of the BDSM lifestyle, while Marcus thrives on inflicting and sharing pain. When Marcus convinces Hunter they should find a third on a permanent basis, they discover Orion might be the key to bridging their differences and joining them on a deeper level. 

But they must help Orion move past his trauma enough for him to enjoy new facets of BDSM and kink again. Their journey toward becoming whole—together—won’t be without challenges. Can Orion trust enough to try again?


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74

The sea is full of jealously guarded secrets, but everything washes up eventually….

Betrayed by a trusted partner, Nathan figures he might as well be lost and heartbroken in the sunshine, and he heads to the coast of South Carolina, to stay with a friend and find a new direction for his life. But despite his efforts, he is lost in the fog, unable to find a guiding light and sometimes unable to find a reason to go on. His only respite from depression and anxiety is the soothing rhythm of the tides and the comfort he draws from proximity to the water.

When the sea sends a lifeline in the form of a strange and beautiful man, it’s easy for Nathan to ignore all the things that don’t add up about his new friend. But the tides can turn without notice, and it’s those mystical traits that will either finally lead Nathan safely to shore or drown him in confusion and despair.


$4.99 $3.74

Blaue Tage

Mangrove Stories (Deutsch)
$3.99 $2.99

Ein Titel der Mangrove Stories Serie

Sich in einen Kollegen zu vergucken, ist selten eine gute Idee, speziell für einen Mann, der eine letzte Chance bekommt, seine Karriere zu retten. Doch von dem Moment an, in dem Dwyer Knolls dem gutaussehenden, aber unbeholfenen Takeo Hiroyuki begegnet, scheint er nur noch die falschen Entscheidungen zu treffen.

Takeos Leben besteht aus einer Reihe vergeblicher Versuche, seinen konservativen japanischen Vater zufrieden zu stellen. Unglücklicherweise ist die erfolgreiche Ausübung seines Jobs genauso schwierig für ihn wie der Wechsel von homo- zu heterosexuell. Aber ein Augenmerk auf Dwyer Knolls zu haben – darin ist er wirklich gut.

Auf einer Geschäftsreise nach Mangrove, Florida, wird aus Takeos` und Dwyers zögerlicher Freundschaft plötzlich mehr – viel mehr. Ist ihre Liebe stark genug, um ihre Karrieren dafür zu riskieren, oder haben sie die plötzliche, intensive Leidenschaft nur der lauen Brise des blauen Ozeans zu verdanken?


$3.99 $2.99

Les braises sous la cendre

Les contes de Pennymaker
$5.99 $4.49

Les contes de Pennymaker, numéro hors série

Mark Sintorella (surnommé Cendres) travaille sans relâche en tant que valet dans un hôtel de luxe le jour, et dessine des vêtements la nuit, dans l’espoir secret de réussir un jour à entrer en école de mode. Mais tous ses plans tombent à l’eau le jour où il rencontre Ashton Armitage, fils de la cinquième plus grosse fortune des États-Unis. Le Prince Ashton est sans conteste le jeune homme le plus séduisant que Mark ait jamais vu de sa vie.

Le testament du grand-père d’Ashton le contraint à se marier s’il veut toucher l’héritage familial, aussi décide-t-il d’épouser Kiki Fanderel. Ce que personne ne sait, c’est qu’en réalité, Ash est gay, et c’est le garçon qui nettoie les cheminées qui fait battre son cœur.

Pour compliquer encore la situation, l’étrange Carstairs Pennymaker, petit homme espiègle et facétieux, découvre que Mark est styliste et décide de lui faire porter ses créations en le faisant passer pour une femme, espérant ainsi impressionner les gourous de la mode qui séjournent à l’hôtel. Et lorsque sonnent les douze coups de minuit, le prince se retrouve confronté non pas à une, mais deux princesses. Seulement l’une d’entre elles n’est pas ce qu’elle semble être. À qui la chaussure ira-t-elle ? Seul le mystérieux Monsieur Pennymaker le sait…


$5.99 $4.49
$6.99 $5.24

Jeremy Spencer n’aurait jamais imaginé que l’ordre occulte qu’il avait fondé pour rire avec son petit ami Bowyn lorsqu’ils étaient à l’université deviendrait une organisation internationale rassemblant des centaines de membres. Désormais professeur et spécialiste de la musique de la Renaissance, Jeremy se retrouve de nouveau plongé dans un univers de libertinage et de cérémonies magickes. Les jalousies et rancœurs qui l’ont séparé de Bowyn huit ans plus tôt semblent bel et bien appartenir au passé.

Mais Jeremy commence à se demander si la mélodie vieille de plusieurs siècles qu’on lui a demandé de retranscrire ne recèle pas un sombre secret. À chaque couplet, des volées d’oiseaux se jettent sur le vieux manoir, un mystérieux brouillard s’abat sur le domaine et des nuées de chauves-souris envahissent le dôme du temple. Au cours d’une séance de spiritisme, les participants reçoivent un avertissement énigmatique depuis le royaume des esprits. Alors que le jour de la représentation approche, Jeremy comprend que ce morceau contient peut-être la clé d’un immense pouvoir – un pouvoir pour lequel certains seraient prêts à tuer.


$6.99 $5.24

Fangs with a Heart

Chain of Fate | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Chain of Fate: Book Two

Lynx shifter Trace Wilson’s fun-loving exterior hides a heart scarred by severe domestic violence—a heart that might not ever trust another male, fated mate or not. When Trace moves to Seattle to take his place as trainer and council representative to the Glacier Rim Tribe, he discovers his mate is the vampire prince Sasha Tolstoi, leader of the Konstantin Coven. It’s not something Trace is ready to accept. Not now, maybe not ever. But if there’s one thing Sasha knows how to do, it’s how to be patient, especially when his fated heart is also his perfect sub.

When an outside force threatens the fragile bond slowly forming between them—and nearly kills Trace—Trace’s instincts shift into high gear. Sasha is powerful, and that means he has enemies, among them several rival covens and an uncle determined to force Sasha into a marriage with a vampire princess. But why involve the lynx Trace in their maneuvering? Finding the culprit won’t be easy, and it will mean building trust—a slow and difficult prospect for someone who’s suffered as much as Trace. Finding a way to move beyond the past, and to love, before those out to finish Sasha can destroy either, is a race the two fated hearts have to win.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Newly turned thirty, Cameron North is preparing himself to spend his life alone. When he inherits his great-aunt's teashop on the remote island of Farlough, he returns for the first time in more than a dozen years to a place where memories—and demons—flit close to the surface of his mind. There he meets Gwyneth, a sassy barista who becomes his instant best friend—until Cam discovers she’s the wife of his first love, Matthias. She has only the best of intentions when she arranges a reunion between the two men, and it forces them to finally discuss why Cam left the island so long ago.

With his heart broken anew, Cam retreats to his great-aunt’s house—where he learns he is not alone. Someone—or something—has pledged an oath to look out for Cam, and as he investigates the presence, he uncovers wounds that both he and his mysterious guardian sought to escape by coming to Farlough. Now Cam must figure out how to heal them—and himself.


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74

Wolf shifter Falco Gladstone knew Carter McCloud was his mate when they were in seventh grade, but school and the foster care system tore them apart. Years later, Falco is second in command of his Michigan pack, serving under an uncle who cares more about his own power than the welfare of their people. The alpha orders Falco to marry and produce offspring—but Falco’s already found his mate, and mates are forever. 

Carter’s lonely life is turned upside down when he detects a familiar scent on the wind. The mates might have found each other, but their happily ever after is far from guaranteed. Falco’s commitment to Carter puts him at odds with his uncle’s plans, and when one of the alpha’s enforcers starts shadowing the couple, something must be done—something that will either cement their relationship or destroy it once and for all.


$4.99 $3.74

Michael, Reinvented

Delta Restorations | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to David, Renewed
Delta Restorations: Novel Two

Cute hipster and interior designer Michael doesn’t do love—not after his ex screwed him over. Sex is a different story, though, and the gentle giant who’s painting the mural in the old mansion they’re restoring might be perfect hookup material. Gil is just Michael’s type with his solid muscle, wicked sense of humor, and the hazel eyes that seem to see into Michael’s soul.

Trouble is, Gil does do love. He wants romance and forever, and he’s set his sights firmly on Michael. Michael’s not going there again.

Yet when Michael is the victim of a vandal who’s been plaguing the men working for Delta Restoration, Renovation, and Design, Gil is the first person he tells. No matter how he fights it, it’s becoming harder and harder to deny he’s crazy about the guy—even if that thought terrifies him. But the true fear sets in when the criminal behavior escalates, and Michael realizes he might have lost the chance to tell Gil how he feels—forever.


$6.99 $5.24

Feu et eau

Les flics de Carlisle | Tome 1
$6.99 $5.24

Les flics de Carlisle, tome 1

L’agent de police  Red Markham sait bien à quel point la vie peut être moche depuis qu’un accident de voiture l’a privé de ses parents et l’a laissé défiguré. Son métier, qui l’amène à sillonner les rues de Carlisle, en Pennsylvanie, ne fait qu’ajouter à l’horreur, d’autant plus que le nombre des overdoses a dernièrement considérablement augmenté. Puis, un après-midi, il est appelé au centre de loisirs pour une noyade impliquant un enfant. Arrivé sur les lieux, il découvre que le petit garçon a été sauvé par un jeune maître-nageur du nom de Terry Baumgartner. Red n’est guère surpris lorsque cet homme magnifique fait tout son possible pour ne pas avoir à regarder son visage couturé de cicatrices. 

Quand Terry surprend un jour un commentaire de Red le décrivant comme un homme superficiel, il en vient à se dire qu’il n’est pas vraiment aussi généreux qu’il veut bien le croire. Son amie Julie lui suggère alors d’aider les plus démunis en livrant des repas aux personnes âgées. Cette action de bénévolat lui permet de faire la connaissance de Margie, une vieille dame au franc-parler, qui s’avère être par ailleurs la tante de l’agent de police. 

Les mondes de Terry et de Red entrent en collision alors que Red s’efforce de découvrir la source du trafic de drogue et de protéger Terry d’un ex qui refuse leur séparation. S’ils parviennent à voir au-delà des apparences, il se pourrait que les bénéfices qu’ils retirent de l’aventure dépassent leurs plus grandes espérances.


$6.99 $5.24

Il colpo di Royal Street

Serie Bissonet & Cruz, Investigatori Privati | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Bissonet & Cruz, Investigatori Privati, Libro 1

Quando due pregiati quadri risalenti alla Guerra Civile vengono rubati da una famosa galleria di New Orleans, l’investigatore capo della NOPD Montgomery “Beau” Bissonet e il suo collega sono chiamati a risolvere il caso. Nel frattempo, la compagnia assicurativa della galleria ha inviato in città Tollison Cruz affinché conduca un’indagine indipendente, ma non appena l’uomo incontra il detective, le loro personalità entrano in conflitto e lo scontro è inevitabile. 

Il furto diventa subito un caso da prima pagina che coinvolge persone importanti. Quando gli viene ordinato di farsi affiancare da Cruz per arrivare più velocemente a un arresto, Bissonet si infuria. Il rapporto tra i due però si incendia quando scoprono di avere più cose in comune di quanto avessero inizialmente pensato. 

Con i dissidi temporaneamente superati, Bissonet e Cruz iniziano a collaborare, ma non si limitano a un rapporto professionale. Tutto sembra arrestarsi bruscamente quando Beau scopre che Tollison ha omesso informazioni sul caso e nascosto un passato decisamente discutibile. Ciò che segue è così scottante da competere col caldo sole estivo della Louisiana.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Only a chosen few can prevent an ancient evil from overtaking the world: the Singers, the Seekers, and the Saviors….

Tyrell Hughes and Jeremy Michalak are both juniors at Winton Yowell High School in Chicago, and aside from sharing a homeroom, they couldn’t be more different. Tyrell is well-liked, surrounded by friends, popular with girls, and looking forward to a bright future. Jeremy transfers to Winton Yowell to escape the troubles of his past. He’s hoping to survive his last two years of high school by flying under his new classmates’ gaydar and indulging in his passion: playing clarinet.

Tyrell and Jeremy struggle to ignore their attraction to each other. But that becomes increasingly difficult as young people across the city start dying. Both teens realize they alone know the true cause of the tragedies—and have the ability to put a stop to them. They’re the city’s only chance to defeat the dark forces threatening it, but to succeed, they’ll need to find common ground and reconcile the desires they’re trying to deny.


$6.99 $5.24