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Pardonner à Thayne

Véritables compagnons
$6.99 $5.24

Véritables compagnons, numéro hors série

Nicholas Cartwright a fait tout ce qui était en son pouvoir pour oublier cette nuit, six mois plus tôt à Senaka, quand son véritable compagnon l’a rejeté, le laissant brisé et désabusé. Se réfugiant dans son travail, il s’y adonne jusqu’à l’épuisement, tout en trouvant les caresses d’un autre insupportables. Tout à coup, son compagnon a besoin de son aide et demande peut-être plus que ce Nick est prêt à lui accorder.

Thayne Whitedove a toujours été une âme errante, passant ses journées sur les routes et ses nuits dans les bras d’un amant de rencontre, jusqu’à ce qu’une erreur fatale le pousse à chercher secours auprès des siens. À sa grande consternation, la seule façon de réparer sa faute est d’accepter ce qu’il refuse par-dessus tout… son compagnon. Thayne doit choisir entre continuer à fuir ou rester et se battre pour le pardon de Nick.


$6.99 $5.24

Dom of Ages

Collars and Cuffs | Book Seven
$6.99 $5.24

Collars and Cuffs: Book Seven

Eli may only be thirty, but he has had enough of pretend submissives. When he spies Jarod in a BDSM club, everything about the man screams submission. So what if Jarod is probably twenty years older than Eli. What does age matter, anyway? All he can see is what he’s always wanted—a sub who wants to serve.

Jarod spent twenty-four years with his Master before Fate took him. Four years on, Jarod is still lost, so when a young Dom takes charge, Jarod rolls with it and finds himself serving again. But he keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop. Because there’s going to come a point when Eli realizes he’s a laughingstock in the club. Who would want to be seen with a fifty-year-old sub?

After several missteps, Eli realizes that in order to find happiness, they will need friends who will understand. At a friend’s insistence, he visits Collars & Cuffs, where they are met with open arms. As they settle in to their new life, Eli begins to see things differently and he dares to think he can have it all. Until a phone call threatens to take it all away….


$6.99 $5.24

Another Way

Another Way...

On the surface, Jesse Ross is an average guy in an average relationship with his college sweetheart, Adele. But what his girlfriend doesn’t know is that he’s having an affair—with a man—and exploring his sexuality in ways she never could imagine. His compartmentalized life suits Jesse just fine, and he has no intention of coming out of the closet either as a bisexual or as a submissive.

However, Jesse takes a tumble when his Master, Will, admits to wanting more, wanting Jesse as his partner, not just his submissive. Suddenly Jesse's conveniently pieced-together life isn’t quite so comfortable. In the end, Jesse has to lay it all on the line—for his girlfriend, for his lover, and for himself.


Onwaachige the Dreamer

The Two-spirit Chronicles | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Sequel to A Scout is Brave
The Two-spirit Chronicles: Book Three

Love can mean sacrifice. Joshua Ishkoday must decide if he can abandon the boy he loves in order to save him.

In the expansive and sometimes deadly northwoods of Wisconsin, Joshua must make a heartbreaking choice as he battles his greatest fears. His best friends, Mokwa and Little Deer, accompany him when a nightmare sends him on an adventure of self-discovery. But the three teenagers aren’t alone in the vast forest. Joshua realizes bizarre creatures called Memegwesi have not only been manipulating him through his dreams, but plan to use him in a mysterious plan of their own. Soon he’s fighting three enemies: the lethal storm headed their way, the mysterious beings appearing in his dreams, and most frightening of all, his mother’s hatred and bigotry.


$6.99 $5.24

Prickly Business

Portland Pack Chronicles | Book One

Some people might call Avery Babineaux a prick. He’s a hedgehog shifter from an old-money Louisiana family, with a penchant for expensive shoes and a reputation for being a judgmental snob. His attitude is why he and his fated mate are estranged. Not that Avery cares. He doesn’t want to be mated to some blue-collar werewolf anyway. Or so he keeps telling himself.

No werewolf likes to be looked down upon, least of all Dylan Green. He doesn’t need a mate, especially not some snotty hedgehog who sneers at his custom motorcycle shop and calls him a grease monkey. But when Avery gets into trouble with a shady loan shark, Dylan can’t stand by and let him be hurt—whether he wants the brat or not.

Yet once Dylan steps into Avery’s world, he realizes there’s more to Avery than his prickly exterior, and that unexpected vulnerability calls to Dylan’s protective instincts. The sassy little hedgehog needs a keeper, and despite their horrible first impressions, Dylan starts to believe he might be the wolf for the job.


Sleeping ’til Sunrise

Mangrove Stories
$3.99 $2.99

Mangrove Stories

Everyone in Mangrove, Florida, knows Fire Chief Essien Dodd is a saint. He took care of his ex-wife until she died, is raising his teenage daughter alone, and is the kind of man who pulls kittens from trees. All in all, the man’s a catch. But Roark Hammond has sworn off getting involved with a man who’s been hurt before because he can’t guarantee he won’t hurt his prospective love again. If only he could get Essien out of his mind long enough to focus on anyone, or anything, else.

Strong emotions are in play. Essien is lonely but determined to focus on Ivy; Ivy wants her father to have a new life so much that, to his horror, she’s trying to find him a man; and Roark is so scared of the present and past, he won’t allow himself to commit. To have any chance of sleeping ’til sunrise and greeting each new day together, Essien and Roark will have to rethink how they’re living their lives and focus on what’s most important.


$3.99 $2.99

Cœur à prendre

Histoires de cœur
$6.99 $5.24

Histoires de cœur, tome 2

Le ranch des Holden et le ranch des Jessup sont voisins, mais ils n’entretiennent pas ce qu’on pourrait appeler des relations cordiales ; Jefferson Holden et Kent Jessup se détestent.

En dépit des vieilles rancunes qui brûlent entre leurs pères, le jeune Haven Jessup ne peut se résoudre à cette haine, surtout après que Dakota Holden est venu à son secours lors d’une violente tempête.

Dans la cohue, Haven fait la connaissance de Phillip Reardon, un ami de Dakota. Phillip est un homme tolérant et ouvert d’esprit, et il accepte Haven tel qu’il est, dès le début. Il ne tarde pas à découvrir le secret d’Haven, son attirance pour les hommes, et très vite, ils entament une relation secrète.

Mais leurs sentiments les dépassent, et l’angoisse d’être découverts pèse sur leur couple. Des clôtures sabotées, des animaux blessés, des histoires mystérieuses et les secrets de la famille Jessup vont menacer le bonheur naissant d’Haven qui rêve d’un avenir avec Phillip.


$6.99 $5.24

Olympic figure skater Emory Lowe falls in lust the moment he lays eyes on his new neighbor, hockey player Nikolai Vetrov. On the surface, Nik is a typical badass enforcer, intimidating and dangerous, on and off the ice. The only son of Ukrainian immigrants, Nik has been groomed from childhood to fulfill his father’s dreams of seeing him in the Hockey Hall of Fame. Igor guides his son toward that goal with a controlling—and abusive—hand, steering him clear of anyone who might ruin his chances.

Although Emory is the US National Figure Skating champion, he’s in-your-face gay, and his audacious persona rubs Nik and his family the wrong way. Raised by supportive and loving parents, Emory is Nik’s polar opposite in every way but one—his desire to succeed. Underneath the fluff and glitter beats the heart of a fierce competitor, and this side of Emory’s personality begins to close the distance between the two athletes.

While the attraction is one-sided in the beginning, Nik finds himself responding to Emory’s flirting. But before the incongruous pair have a chance at any sort of relationship, they must survive the pressures of career, separation, and most importantly, Igor’s ruthless homophobia.


No! Jocks Don't Date Guys

The JOCK Series | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

The JOCK Series: Book Two

What is a sexy soccer stud supposed to do when “following family tradition” falls 180 degrees opposite his closeted ideal?

From birth, Chris Jackson has been schooled on how to land a cheerleader. After all, his father married one, and his father’s father before him. Heck, even his older brother married a stereotypical cheerleader the summer before Chris went off to college. For two years, Chris dodges invasive questions about relationships by blaming his lack of female companionship on grueling practices and heavy course loads. But his lack of interest in girls should’ve given his family a clue. It isn’t until Chris mentions meeting a boy that his father’s synapses short-circuit.

Alonzo Martin is anything but a buxom blond. From his black hair, combat boots, and trench coat to his nail polish and guyliner, the mysterious introvert isn’t easily persuaded to date. Alonzo’s insecurities keep Chris at arm’s length, but Alonzo’s painful past might meet its match in the charismatic jock’s winning smile and sense of humor.

When opposites attract, only cheerleaders and gummy bears can help overcome fear and family tradition.


$6.99 $5.24

Round and Round

Bronco's Boys | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Backward
Bronco's Boys: Book Four

When it comes to love, Kevin Foster can’t seem to win. Some consider him a hero, but dousing an arsonist’s attempt to burn Bronco’s to the ground puts Kevin on the vengeful criminal’s radar. Afterward, the arsonist fixates on Kevin, determined to burn away every part of Kevin’s life.

Coming to Kevin’s rescue more than once, and in more ways than one, is “MacDreamy Hotness”—firefighter Angus MacTavish. Not only is Angus smitten at first sight, he learns Kevin’s nickname for him, intriguing him further.

When Angus discovers Kevin is the arsonist’s target, he takes it upon himself to protect him at any cost. Soon Kevin works his way into a heart Angus thought he’d closed off for good. Things heat up between them, but the arsonist has no intention of letting Kevin finally find happiness. Hopefully Angus and Kevin can stop him before he reduces everything Kevin values to ash—including the love igniting between him and Angus.


$6.99 $5.24

Soul Struck

The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge: Book Three

Like the electricity he commands, Pierce Blackmoor streaks through life on raw power and pure sexual energy. His conquests on the battlefield and in the bedroom form his foundation, but that bedrock crumbles when his younger brothers’ abilities surpass his own. Pierce finds himself at an all-time low, and clawing his way back to the top becomes his only concern.

Pierce's plan to reassert his dominance, however, takes a backseat when he wounds Kale Aquilo, an emissary of the Beast King, lord of all shifters.

Kale’s beguiling nature shoots like a lightning bolt straight to Pierce’s soul, and when the soft-spoken Kale relays that a virus is killing his people, Pierce abandons his quest for power to do something he has never done before—protect someone other than himself.

As Kale, Pierce, and his brothers struggle to find the root of the magical virus spreading plague across Aeaea, the shifter island, they face a gauntlet of old and new foes. Soul struck, Pierce and Kale must uncover the truth behind the conspiracy gathering in the shadows.


$6.99 $5.24
$9.99 $7.49

From steampunk to fantasy, don't miss these four favorites of alternative-universe gay romance from Amy Lane in this exclusive bundle!

Immortal: As Teyth grows in the craft of metalwork, he also comes to love Diarmuid, the gentle, clever young man who introduces him to smithing. Together, can they keep their village safe and sustain the love that will make them immortal? —Under the Rushes: While Dorjan fights to save the world, Taern joins the battle simply to save Dorjan, knowing everything hinges on the heart of a man in armor and the strength of the man who loves him. —Truth in the Dark: Knife's entire existence has been as twisted as his flesh and his face. He's offered a way out: keep company with Aerie-Smith, cursed to walk upright in the form of a beast, on his island for the span of a year... and perform one "regrettable task" at year's end. —Hammer & Air: Graeme ("Hammer") and Eirn have no words for what they are to each other. They negotiate the dangers of magic and motion, of sex, obsession, and tenderness, hoping to learn the word that can make sense of it all—one word they must earn for themselves.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $7.49


City of Keys | Book One
2015 Award Winners

My name is Octavius Septimus Stalk, but my friends call me Oss. I live in the City of Keys, a town of gears, keys, locks, and wonder. Our forefathers banished magic long ago, bolted the doors and locked everything up tight to keep people out and the town’s secrets in. Four Lock Lords control what information is left, and everyone else is left struggling to survive.

Despite what Thorne, my naïve lover, thinks, I was an orphan, but not a victim. When I walked the streets at the age of twelve, I learned fast where to steal the best food, how to use my daggers, and where to hide my would-be attackers’ bodies. No one suspected me of such violence. No one knew then or now that I have magic inside me.

Now, power-hungry men intend to release the magic for their own benefit—at the expense of the rest of the city. We will stop them, even if Thorne must battle his own kin, even if I must reveal my hidden talents and the role I seem destined to play.


The Lightning-Struck Heart

Tales From Verania
2017 Award Winners

Once upon a time, in an alleyway in the slums of the City Of Lockes, a young and somewhat lonely boy named Sam Haversford turns a group of teenage douchebags into stone completely by accident.

Of course, this catches the attention of a higher power, and Sam’s pulled from the only world he knows to become an apprentice to the King's Wizard, Morgan of Shadows.

When Sam’s fourteen, he enters the Dark Woods and returns with Gary, the hornless gay unicorn, and a half-giant named Tiggy, earning the moniker Sam of Wilds.

At fifteen, Sam learns what love truly is when a new knight arrives at the castle—Knight Ryan Foxheart, the dreamiest dream to have ever been dreamed.

Naturally, it all goes to hell when Ryan dates the reprehensible Prince Justin, Sam can't control his magic, a sexually aggressive dragon kidnaps the prince, and the King sends them on an epic quest to save Ryan's boyfriend, all while Sam falls more in love with someone he can never have.

Or so he thinks.


Adoro tu nombre

Los Centinelas
$4.99 $3.74

Un libro de la saga Los Centinelas

Malic Sunden está en el infierno… aunque no literalmente. Aún. Como Guardián, está acostumbrado a luchar contra demonios y enfrentarse a toda clase de criaturas del abismo, pero este año tiene que vérselas con una nueva y aterradora perspectiva: pasar las Navidades junto a su novio, mucho más joven que él, y la familia de este.

Malic ama a Dylan, su Hogar, pero los padres de Dylan, los Shaw, son otra historia. Lo consideran un asaltacunas, entre otras cosas. Al menos a su vecino Brad parece gustarle; aunque, por otro lado, puede que no sea así. Cuando Malic es entregado a un demonio que borra de su memoria todo excepto el nombre de Dylan, deberá utilizar todos sus recursos para escapar de su nueva vida en una dimensión infernal y regresar con el hombre al que considera su Hogar.


$4.99 $3.74

Meurtre et complications

Meurtre et complications
$6.99 $5.24

Meurtre et complications, tome 1

Seuls les cadavres ne parlent pas.

Cambrioleur réformé, Rook Stevens a jadis volé d’innombrables objets de valeur inestimable, mais jamais il n’avait encore été accusé de meurtre – jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Déjà surpris de découvrir une de ses anciennes complices à Potter’s Field, sa boutique dédiée aux collectionneurs et fans du cinéma, Rook l’est encore plus de constater qu’elle a été assassinée.

L’inspecteur Dante Montoya pensait ne jamais revoir Rook Stevens – surtout après une douteuse affaire de falsification de preuve commise par son ancien partenaire pour piéger le voleur. Aussi, quand il intercepte un suspect couvert de sang fuyant la scène d’un crime, est-il choqué de reconnaître celui qu’il avait tant voulu mettre en prison quelques années plus tôt. Et comme autrefois, Rook Stevens lui enflamme le sang.

Rook, malgré son attirance inexplicable pour l’inspecteur cubano-mexicain qui vient de l’arrêter, est déterminé à se disculper. Malheureusement, les cadavres ne cessent de s’accumuler autour de lui. Quand sa vie est menacée, Rook est obligé d’accepter l’aide d’un flic qu’il n’aurait jamais cru capable de croire à son innocence : Dante, le seul homme qu’il ait dans la peau.


$6.99 $5.24

Se non fosse per te

Questione di tempo
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di A prova di proiettile

Jory Harcourt sta finalmente vivendo la vita che ha sempre sognato, essere sposato con un vicesceriffo federale lo ha cambiato: ha calmato i tumulti del passato e trasformato Jory da un ragazzo che se la dava a gambe al primo segno di pericolo in un uomo che affronta le situazioni difficili. Lui e Sam hanno due bambini, una casa in periferia e un mitico minivan. I giorni disastrosi sono finiti, la vita domestica è tranquilla e pacifica. 

Il che significa che è il momento giusto per un po’ di azione: l’ex fiamma di Sam si rifà inaspettatamente vivo, e un sicario cerca di ucciderli mentre sono a una riunione di famiglia. Forse entrambe le cose sono ricollegabili a un testimone scomparso un anno prima. La sua vita familiare viene scossa, ma Jory non permetterà a nessuno di allontanarlo dai suoi cari. Prima di sapere cosa volesse dire avere una famiglia sua, sarebbe fuggito, ma ora non più. Sa che lui e Sam dovranno risolvere le cose insieme, perché sarà l’unico modo in cui riusciranno a farcela. 


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Jimmy Brink and Eric Halter grew up together in a small country town. While Eric has always been content with life as a rancher, Jimmy wanted more and moved to Chicago early on to pursue a medical career.

Life has a way of coming back around. When Jimmy’s parents decide to retire in Florida, Jimmy returns to his hometown to finish his residency at a local hospital. Flamboyant boyfriend Oliver in tow, Jimmy bumps into his old friend. Eric quickly takes a disliking to Oliver, though, and for good reason. Oliver proves he’s not only self-centered but also a cheater.

To complicate matters, Eric finds it more and more difficult to hide his attraction to his best friend. When the opportunity arises, he needs to decide whether to risk their friendship to pursue his feelings... but maybe Jimmy will see there’s more for him now than ever before in his hometown.


$6.99 $5.24