$1 Paranormal eBooks


Buried Bones

The Bones Series | Book Two
$6.99 $1.00

Sequel to Good Bones
Bones: Book Two

Werewolves don’t have a how-to manual—nor do men embarking on a new life together.

It’s been a few weeks since Dylan Warner wolfed out and killed Andy, the crazed werewolf who originally turned him and later tried to murder Chris Nock. Architect Dylan and handyman Chris are still refurbishing Dylan's old house as they work out the structure of their relationship. They come from very different backgrounds, and neither has had a long-term lover before, so negotiating their connections would be challenge enough even if Dylan didn’t turn into a beast once a month.

To make matters worse, Dylan’s house is haunted, and events from both men’s pasts are catching up with them. Dylan has to cope with the aftermath of killing Andy, and Chris continues to suffer the effects of a difficult childhood.

In his quest to get rid of the ghost, Dylan rekindles old friendships and faces new dangers. At the same time, Chris’s father makes a sudden reappearance, stirring up old emotions. If Dylan and Chris want to build a lasting relationship, they’ll have to meet these challenges head-on.


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Crucible of Fate

Change of Heart | Book 4
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A Change of Heart Novel

In the secret city of Sobek, Domin Thorne is making his way as the newly chosen semel-aten, the leader of the werepanther world. He aspires to make sweeping changes—he’s set goals for himself and the people he chose to bring with him, modeling his reign after that of his friend, Logan Church. But Domin may have set too lofty a goal: his normal leadership style isn’t working.

While juggling a homesick Crane, a moody Mikhail, a bullwhip-wielding Taj, servants with murderous intentions, a visiting ex, and a mate on a dangerous goodwill mission, Domin has to figure out his new role alone. He also must determine how to deal with a conspiracy, all the while falling hard for a man who, for the first time in Domin’s life, reciprocates that love. Whether Domin is ready or not, Fate has stepped in to teach him a lesson: internal threats are just as dangerous as external ones.


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Distant Rumblings

Lords of Arcadia | Book One
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A Harmony Ink Press Title

Lords of Arcadia: Act One

Kane Vess may be gay, but he is also extraordinarily ordinary—a crushing weight in Athens, Iowa, where a person’s worth is measured by his uniqueness. But when he meets the school’s newest student, Kane’s ordinariness seems to evaporate. He is desperate to get to know the mysterious stranger… and that leads him into danger.

Hawk is an exile from his homeland, an otherworldly traveler with impossible abilities and a changeling bodyguard. He’s generally disappointed in Earth, which seems common except for Kane. But while Hawk and Kane explore their mutual interest, the forces that made Hawk an exile are busy tracking him down. Kane’s newfound feelings pull him into Hawk’s shadowy fantasy world, where he learns he needs to grow up fast. Kane’s life may now be extraordinary, but if he isn’t careful it could cost him everyone he holds dear—including Hawk.


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Wandel des Herzens

Wandel des Herzens | Buch 1
$6.99 $1.00

Buch 1 in der Serie - Wandel des Herzens

Als ein junger Mann, der schwul ist und noch dazu ein Werpanther, wünscht sich Jin Rayne nichts sehnlicher als ein normales Leben. Er ist seiner Vergangenheit entflohen und möchte einfach neu anfangen. Aber Jins altes Leben will ihn nicht loslassen. Als seine Reisen ihn in eine neue Stadt führen, begegnet er dem Anführer eines örtlichen Werkatzen-Stammes. Logan Church ist ein Schock und ein Rätsel für ihn und Jin ist voller Sorge, dass Logan der Gefährte ist, den er so sehr fürchtet, aber auch die Liebe seines Lebens. Jin möchte mit den Traditionen nichts mehr zu tun haben und die Verbindung mit einem Gefährten würde ihn unwiderruflich daran fesseln.

Aber Jin ist genau der Gefährte, den Logan an seiner Seite braucht, um seinen Stamm erfolgreich zu führen, und deshalb wird er Jin nicht einfach gehen lassen. Jin wird Zeit und Vertrauen brauchen, die Freude zu entdecken, die darin liegt zu Logan zu gehören und seine Liebe ohne Einschränkungen zu erwidern.


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Cœur sauvage

Le Clan des Panthères | Tome 1
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Le Clan des Panthères, tome 1

Jin Rayne est un jeune homme – mi-homme mi-panthère de surcroit – qui n'aspire qu'à une vie des plus ordinaires. Il a fui son passé pour prendre un nouveau départ, mais on ne se débarrasse pas si facilement d'aussi lourds secrets. Son arrivée dans une nouvelle ville l'amène à rencontrer le leader d'une tribu d'homme-panthères. Cette rencontre avec Logan Church, bel homme envoûtant, s'avère être un choc pour Jin qui panique à l'idée qu'il puisse s'agir de celui à qui il est destiné, c'est à dire l'amour de sa vie. Jin refuse de vivre selon les rites des hommes-panthères et se donner à son destiné le contraindrait à s'y soumettre.

Jin est pourtant bel et bien le compagnon dont Logan a besoin pour diriger sa tribu et il ne renoncera pas si facilement. Il aura besoin de temps et de se sentir en confiance pour découvrir le bonheur d'appartenir à Logan et apprendre à l'aimer sans borne.


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Scelta del Cuore

Serie Scelta del cuore | Libro 1
$6.99 $1.00

Serie Scelta del cuore, Libro 1

Come giovane uomo gay – e pantera mannara - tutto ciò che Jin Rayne desidera è un'esistenza normale. Dopo essere fuggito dal suo passato, vuole solo ricominciare da capo, ma la vecchia vita di Jin non vuole lasciarlo andare. Quando i suoi viaggi lo portano in una nuova città, incrocia la strada del capo della tribù di pantere locale. Logan Church è uno shock ed un enigma e Jin ha paura che Logan sia il compagno che teme ed anche l'amore della sua vita. Jin non vuole tornare al suo vecchio stile di vita ed accoppiarsi lo legherebbe irrevocabilmente ad esso.

Ma Jin è il compagno che Logan deve avere al suo fianco perché lo aiuti a guidare la tribù e non rinuncerà a Jin così facilmente. Ci vorranno tempo e fiducia perché Jin scopra la gioia dell'appartenere a Logan e come amare senza freni.


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Honored Vow

Change of Heart | Book 3
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Sequel to Trusted Bond
Change of Heart: Book Three

Jin Rayne is still growing into his frightening new powers as a nekhene cat and his place as reah of Logan Church’s tribe when he learns that a sepat, an honor challenge, has been called. Logan, who has never wanted to do anything but lead his small-town tribe, must travel around the world to Mongolia and fight to become the most powerful leader in the werepanther world.

Logan won’t be the only one making the journey. As his mate, Jin must fight with him to honor his commitment to Logan, his culture, and his tribe. But the trial is long, involving a prolonged separation between the two men, and Logan’s humanity is at stake. In order to make it through the nightmarish sepat, Jin and Logan must accept their fates, trust each other, and honor the vows between them no matter the cost.


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Trusted Bond

Change of Heart | Book 2
$6.99 $1.00

Sequel to Change of Heart
Change of Heart: Book Two

Jin Rayne is having trouble adjusting to the new life he’s supposed to love. Instead of adapting to being the mate of tribe leader Logan Church, Jin can't get past the fact that his lover was straight before they met. He's discovered the joy in belonging to Logan but fears his new life could disappear at a moment’s notice, despite Logan's insistence that they are forever, end of story.

Jin wants to trust Logan, but that desire will be put to the test both by a rival tribe leader and by a startling revelation about Jin's existence. At stake is Jin's life and his place in the tribe. If he's going to survive to see Logan again, he'll have to release his fear and freely accept the bond, for only then can he truly trust.


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$6.99 $1.00

Jude Shea's life is turned upside down when he rescues a dog he names Joe. Even though Jude has enough trouble taking care of himself—he doesn't even have a job—he can't resist the animal that needs him. Then one night, a man shows up on his doorstep looking to claim Jude's new companion. As they run from a surprise attack, Jude finds out that "Joe" is not what he seems.

Eoin Thral is a guardian from an alternate dimension, and once he leads Jude through the veil that separates their worlds, he transforms into a handsome hulk of a man known for his fighting skills, not the capacity for love. Jude finds himself immersed in Eoin’s world, and he's faced with the fight of his life to secure a happy future for them both.


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Change of Heart

Change of Heart | Book 1
$6.99 $1.00

Change of Heart: Book One

As a young gay man—and a werepanther—all Jin Rayne yearns for is a normal life. Having fled his past, he wants nothing more than to start over, but Jin’s old life doesn’t want to let him go. When his travels bring him to a new city, he crosses paths with the leader of the local were-tribe. Logan Church is a shock and an enigma, and Jin fears that Logan is both the mate he fears and the love of his life. Jin doesn't want to go back to the old ways, and mating would irrevocably tie him to them.

But Jin is the mate Logan needs at his side to help him lead his tribe, and he won't give Jin up so easily. It will take time and trust for Jin to discover the joy in belonging to Logan and how to love without restraint.


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