$1 Paranormal eBooks


Schwur der Ehre

Wandel des Herzens | Buch 3
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Fortsetzung zu Bund des Vertrauens
Buch 3 in der Serie – Wandel des Herzens

Jin Rayne ist immer noch damit beschäftigt, in seine neue Kraft als Nekhene-Katze und seine Position als Reah von Logan Churchs Stamm hineinzuwachsen, als er erfährt, dass ein Sepat ausgerufen wurde. Logan, der nie etwas anderes wollte, als seinen eigenen kleinen Stamm zu führen, muss um die ganze Welt in die Mongolei reisen, um sich einem Kampf zu stellen, in dem der mächtigste Anführer der Werpantherwelt ermittelt werden soll.

Logan wird diese Reise nicht allein antreten. Als sein Gefährte muss Jin an seiner Seite kämpfen, um seine Treue zu Logan und seinem Stamm unter Beweis zu stellen. Doch die Prüfung ist lang, zwingt sie zu einer langen Trennung und gefährdet Logans Menschlichkeit. Um diesen Albtraum zu überstehen, müssen Jin und Logan ihr Schicksal akzeptieren, einander vertrauen und das Bündnis ehren, das zwischen ihnen herrscht – egal, zu welchem Preis.


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The Touchstone

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A Harmony Ink Press Title

A Touchstone Novel

It’s no surprise teens Sam and Harry are inseparable. Harry’s ability to fly manifested at age ten—when he saved Sam’s life. Since then, Sam’s made it his mission to shield Harry from danger. They’re being watched by people with an unknown agenda, and their only chance is to run.

An encounter with Jonah Clayton and the group of gifted teens he’s training means a place for Harry and insight into his powers. But is there a place for an ordinary kid like Sam, or has he reached the end of his quest to help his best friend? Jonah’s group isn’t as benign as it seems, however, and the danger is far from over. Harry still needs Sam—who is far more than anyone can imagine.


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$6.99 $1.00

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Mykayla’s parents’ marriage is in trouble, but they’re working on it. Unfortunately for Mykayla, that means she’s getting shipped off to Boston to spend her summer with Uncle Yushua while they work out their issues. Mykayla has issues of her own—like her confusion about her sexuality, or apparent lack of it—that she’d like to explore alongside her best friend, Xiu.The situation at her uncle’s house is weird to say the least. There’s something off about his coworkers—aside from the fact that they won’t go away.

Things go from strange to stranger when a supernatural being shows up to protect Mykayla from someone he calls the Shadow Pharaoh. Sutekhgen is a sorcerer who never made it to the afterlife, with a huge Set Beast as a companion… and the mistaken assumption that Mykayla is the reincarnation of his lost romantic partner. 

She doesn’t know what’s worse: being caught in a metaphysical conflict between ancient gods or being stuck with a pushy jerk who doesn’t know the meaning of personal boundaries.


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$6.99 $1.00

Two men, each with a hidden destiny. Can they defeat a web of deceit and dark magic to ensure their fates intertwine?

Bedouin Isra al-Grayjaab’s dreams lead him to Janan, an amnesiac beggar on the street of Qena—one who steals his heart and starts him on a seemingly hopeless quest. With only their wits, Isra’s knowledge of the desert’s secrets, and the aid of a mercurial djinn, they must recover Janan’s past. But neither can predict his true identity or the lengths others will go to see that his mind remains broken and his true power out of his reach.

In a sweeping romantic adventure that takes them across the Eastern Desert to the modern streets of Cairo and on to the luxurious Red Sea Coast, Janan and Isra seek a truth that will either bring them into each other’s arms or tear them apart forever.


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The 7th of Victorica

Gadgets and Shadows | Book Two
$6.99 $1.00

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Gadgets and Shadows: Book Two
A Sequel to The 7th of London

Since Seven saved London and Queen Victoria, problems have begun growing in Victorica, formerly the free states of America. With government corruption running rampant and slavery becoming epidemic, rumors are flying about the Confederacy of the South building an army and threatening war. 

Still haunted by the memory of his old enemy, Seven and his lover, Silas Kettlebent, are sent to investigate the growing corruption of the South, but they find that the problem runs deeper than they could have possibly imagined. Seven is determined to see not only the slaves freed, but the colony as well. It’s going to take the combined efforts of slaves, criminals, politicians, and Abraham Lincoln to avoid a devastating war, and if Seven has anything to say about it, to ensure the freedom of every single Victorican from British rule. 

He’ll just have to do it while contending with the ghost of a previous enemy and another’s thirst for revenge.


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The Wounded Heart

The Grim Life | Book Two
$6.99 $1.00

A Harmony Ink Press Title

The Grim Life: Book Two

Dating is tough… especially when you’re dead. 

Max and Kody never really figured life out, and their afterlife isn’t proving any easier. They were supposed to live happily ever after, escorting souls to heaven for the Big Guy—as in God—but then their boss, the mysterious angel Slade, delivered some shocking news about the undead.

Their afterlife just got a lot more complicated.

The appearance of the undead shades can only mean one thing: wraiths—the malevolent incarnation of stranded spirits. But what do they want with Kody? If that wasn’t enough for Max to worry about, Slade makes a cryptic remark about the end of Max and Kody’s relationship—and Max already resents the time Kody spends with Slade.

Kody’s family is still reeling from his death, and his sister is spiraling out of control. She blames their mother, religion, and God. When Kody and Max form a plan to help save her faith and her heart, it could bring the wraiths into the mortal world… and the boys might not have the power to fight them.

Only love can push back the darkness and heal the wounds in their hearts. But sorrow and confusion might drive a wedge between Max and Kody when they need most to stand together.


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Familiar Angel

Familiar Love | Book One
$6.99 $1.00

Familiar Love: Book One

One hundred and forty years ago, Harry, Edward, and Francis met an angel, a demon, and a sorceress while escaping imprisonment and worse! They emerged with a new family—and shapeshifting powers beyond their wildest dreams. 

Now Harry and his brothers use their sorcery to rescue those enslaved in human trafficking—but Harry’s not doing so well. Pining for Suriel the angel has driven him to take more and more risks until his family desperately asks Suriel for an intervention. 

In order for Suriel to escape the bindings of heaven, he needs to be sure enough of his love to fight to be with Harry. Back when they first met, Harry was feral and angry, and he didn’t know enough about love for Suriel to justify that risk. Can Suriel trust in Harry enough now to break his bonds of service for the boy who has loved his Familiar Angel for nearly a century and a half?


$6.99 $1.00


Les Gardiens des Abysses
$4.99 $1.00

Les Gardiens des Abysses, numéro hors série

Marcus Roth est un grand avocat criminel le jour et un gardien, tueur de démons, la nuit, cependant il n’est qu’un des cinq gardiens… sans réelle importance pour quiconque, hormis Joseph Locke, son foyer. Du moins, c’est ce que croit Marcus, à tort.

Lors d’un voyage à Lexington, dans le Kentucky, pour célébrer l’anniversaire du grand-père de Joe, cette conviction change quand Marcus découvre involontairement une implication paranormale et finit par révéler son identité de gardien à la famille de Joe. Faisant face à un traître, à des démons et au retour d’un vieil ennemi, Marcus doit mettre ses propres désirs de côté pour sauver ses amis – même si, en agissant ainsi, il risque de perdre l’homme qu’il aime inconditionnellement. Toutefois, survivre à l’épreuve pourrait ne pas suffire, si Marcus ne peut pas se pardonner et apprendre que son foyer, et le reste de son poing armé, ne peut pas se passer de lui.


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$3.99 $1.00

Quando, in una calda notte d’estate, Mason James si ferma per prestare soccorso, non sa ancora quali cambiamenti porterà quel semplice atto di gentilezza. Dopo aver dato un passaggio a casa a un uomo anziano, Mason scopre un mondo nuovo, magico e a tratti pericoloso, un mondo che non riesce a capire. Ma incontra anche Luc Toussaint, ed è passione a prima vista. Nemmeno il segreto che Luc custodisce potrà tenere Mason lontano dalla verità circa il suo passato e il loro amore.


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Les Gardiens des Abysses
$4.99 $1.00

Les Gardiens des Abysses, numéro hors série

En tant que gardien, Jackson Tybalt est un homme bon, jusqu’à ce qu’il découvre l’homme qu’il aime embrassant quelqu’un d’autre. Trahi et en colère, Jackson flirte avec le danger et la mort, ignorant les appels à la prudence des autres gardiens. C’est un état d’esprit exécrable pour commencer une nouvelle relation, mais cela n’arrête pas le kyrie Raphaël qui veut, plus que tout, que Jackson lui appartienne. 

Jackson ne veut pas d’un foyer, ne veut pas d’un amant… il veut juste de la noirceur et de la douleur, alors Raphaël lui donnera ce qu’il veut. Mais parfois, les péchés de la chair sont exactement ce dont un corps a besoin pour panser les plaies du cœur, donc Raphaël cachera la tendresse qu’il éprouve pour Jackson tant que le gardien portera l’apparence d’un pécheur.


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$6.99 $1.00

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Cristina Mera Richards’s father is the latest victim of reaper Edgar Verner. Verner and the harvesters have been preying on the hovertown of New Bayou for too long, and someone has to put an end to their carnage. Cristina Mera decides she is that someone, but because Verner is an immortal alkemist, she will have to get creative when it comes to destroying him. And the stakes only get higher when Verner decides he wants Cristina Mera—and her unique powers—as his apprentice and under his control. As a changeling, Cristina Mera can see and hear the spirits of the dead. It’s an ability she uses to free souls from suffering when their bodies become desiccated by the withering sickness—and one Verner intends to exploit. A way out for Cristina Mera appears in the form of Wanderer Alkemist Nikola Skazat—a woman with a long past and many secrets—whose beauty and charm entice Cristina Mera as much as the opportunity for her help against Verner. As Nikola’s apprentice, Cristina Mera might find a way to save her hovertown. But she could lose her heart along the way—or even her life.


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Cœur et avenir

Le Clan des Panthères
$6.99 $1.00

Le Clan des Panthères, numéro hors série

Jin Church est de retour là où tout a commencé, seul, errant et incertain quant au chemin à suivre. Ce n’est pas guidé par un choix, mais par les circonstances. Il se souvient être une panthère… mais pas grand-chose d’autre. Il n’est sûr que d’une chose : il doit retrouver le bel homme blond qui hante ses rêves. 

Logan Church est piégé dans un véritable enfer. Son compagnon a disparu, sa tribu tombe en morceaux et il s’est éloigné du fils qu’il aime de tout son cœur. Son monde déraille sans son âme sœur à ses côtés et il n’a personne à blâmer à part lui-même. 

Si Jin parvient à retrouver la mémoire et Logan à surmonter les menaces envers son commandement, alors, peut-être, pourront-ils reprendre le cours de leur vie. La question est : est-ce vraiment ce qu’ils veulent ? Retrouver la même maison, la même tribu, les mêmes problèmes ? Ils peuvent choisir parmi les différentes routes qui mènent à leur avenir… ou se forger leur propre chemin.


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