
By Mark Wildyr

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  • Release Date
  • Type Short Stories
  • Words 4873
  • Pages 19
  • ISBN-13 978-1-63477-508-3
  • SKU 7870
  • File Formats epub, pdf
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When Gray Fox sets out by canoe to visit Elk Horn, his childhood friend and secret crush, mysterious forces strand him on a terrifying hunk of ebony rock known as Black Island. During the dark, cold night, a strangely androgynous being seduces the young virgin. In the midst of his passion, the creature shifts into a comely youth, shocking the naïve young man. He can hardly wait to tell Elk Horn about the experience. But does he dare?


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Daily Dose package "A Walk on the Wild Side."

Cover Artist: Catt Ford

Daily Dose

Genres Fantasy Romance / Gay / New Adult / Paranormal Romance