Contemporary Romance books


Truth in Lace

Desires Entwined | Book 3.5

A spin-off of Temptations of Desire
Desires Entwined: Book 3.5

When Alexander James Noble looks in the mirror, he sees a freak looking back at him. Despite his high grades and plans for culinary arts school after graduation, his parents would hate him if they really knew him.

Forced on a shopping trip with his twin sister, Lyric, and her friends, Alex eyes the girls jealously, longing to be able to dress like them—to be them. The constant struggle of being “gender fluid,” wrestling with an identity that seems to change daily, begins to wear on Alex. But all those questions and fears seem more manageable when his sister gives him his first skirt and lace panties.


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Trovare l’uomo giusto è già abbastanza difficile. Gettate nel calderone anche un chihuahua incontinente, un amore non corrisposto, un caso piuttosto grave di ansia sociale, un padre in fin di vita, un cinghiale carnivoro, e diventa quasi impossibile. Tuttavia, le vie del Signore sono infinite, e quando Tom Morgan, un mite bancario affetto da una timidezza debilitante, incontra Frank Wells, appena arrivato dalla sua fattoria in Indiana e ancora più timido di lui, la scintilla scocca all’istante.

Ma proprio quando la storia tra i due sembra decollare alla grande, Frank è costretto a tornare a casa per assistere il padre malato di cancro e occuparsi della fattoria. Tom lo segue e tutt’a un tratto si ritrova a dar da mangiare ai maiali, a mungere le mucche e a chiedersi che fine abbia fatto la sua tranquilla vita cittadina. E tutti quei polli? Tom detesta i polli.

Tuttavia, con l’aiuto di Frank, Tom stringe i denti e va avanti. Incredibile quello che due ragazzi innamorati riescono a fare quando sono pazzi l’uno dell’altro! Neanche novecento polli possono qualcosa contro il vero amore.


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2013 Advent Calendar | Heartwarming

Christmas is a time for peace, love, and goodwill toward mankind. Not! More like cheating exes and absentee friends. For Emmett Byrd, spending the holiday season with his old college friend Terry in San Diego is supposed to be about mending his broken heart. But when Terry deserts him at the last minute, leaving Emmett alone in his condo for Christmas, it's just the icing on the cake of a crappy year full of betrayal and lost love. The only Christmas spirit this Scrooge is feeling is the alcoholic kind. Then a slightly kooky, unsophisticated farm boy named Sky knocks on the door looking for Terry, and a case of mistaken identity reawakens Emmett's hope in happily ever after.


Amore significa... libertà

Serie Amore Significa…
$6.99 $3.49

Serie Amore Significa...

Rifiutato dal padre e sbattuto fuori di casa, Stone Hillyard ha difficoltà a trovare un riparo dall’inverno del Michigan quando, per un colpo di fortuna, finisce nella fattoria di Geoff Laughton e del suo compagno Eli. I due uomini lo accolgono in casa, lo riscaldano e gli danno un lavoro all’interno del programma di equitazione terapeutica ‘Nessun Limite’.

Un automobilista ubriaco ha reso Preston Harding incapace di camminare e, dopo mesi di duro lavoro, il suo terapista gli raccomanda il programma di Geoff ed Eli. Purtroppo la rabbia e l’arroganza che Preston si porta dentro lo fanno quasi sbattere fuori, ma Stone intercede per lui, nonostante gli insulti ricevuti. È un piccolo gesto di gentilezza che apre gli occhi a Preston.

Stone e Preston si daranno una mano l’un l’altro, affronteranno la disapprovazione delle proprie famiglie e affronteranno vecchi segreti. Impareranno – a volte a proprie spese – come l’amore possa voler dire libertà per entrambi.


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Père et Fils

Perspectives | Tome 3
$6.99 $3.49

Suite de Le Goût du risque
Perspectives, tome 3

Six mois après leur première rencontre au Festival du Goût de Chicago, Lil Lampert et Grier Dilorio vivent ensemble. Leur relation est plus forte que jamais, mais le couple réalise très vite qu’il faut plus que du sexe et trois mots magiques pour réussir une vie à deux.

Comme tout néophyte, Grier doit apprendre à gérer sa nouvelle vie. Il pensait ses problèmes résolus après avoir obtenu la signature de Jillian lui reconnaissant enfin ses droits de père biologique de Luca et l’opportunité de poursuivre une carrière d’architecte d’intérieur. Il réalise au contraire être toujours hanté par d’anciennes terreurs et mauvaises habitudes.

Quant à Lil, il trouve difficile de devoir s’ajuster à l’étroitesse de son nouvel appartement, au terrible hiver de Chicago, et à la compagnie d’un jeune particulièrement entêté. Sa position de ‘beau-père’ de Luca est délicate : Lil doit trouver le juste équilibre entre agir selon ses convictions et se soumettre aux huit ans d’expérience de Grier en tant que père.

Alors que leur vie est déjà stressante, Lil et Grier font face à une nouvelle complication : l’intolérance d’une institution aussi puissante que tentaculaire. Luca est en danger. Aussi bien sa sécurité que le bonheur de la petite famille nouvellement constituée dépendront de la parfaite compréhension qu’a Lil de la nature humaine et du désir d’apprendre de Grier.


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Un pedazo de amor

Probando el Amor
$6.99 $3.49

Un libro de la saga Probando el Amor

«Para hacer una pequeña fortuna, empieza con una gran fortuna y abre una panadería». Ése fue el consejo que escuchó Marcus Wilson. Por desgracia, Marcus no tiene una gran fortuna: sólo una panadería, Un Pedazo de Cielo, en Carlisle, Pensilvania, y la resolución de hacer de ella un éxito. Necesita más ayuda de la que puede permitirse, así que cuando contrata al contable Gregory Southland es para que trabaje tanto en la tienda como en los libros de contabilidad.

Ahora que su salud está mejorando, Gregory toma la panadería como segundo trabajo para pagar las facturas. Pronto, espera con ilusión pasar más tiempo con Marcus. Pero cuando las ventas —y su relación— crecen, también lo hacen las complicaciones: primero la madrastra de Marcus le envuelve en un asunto que podría darle a la panadería una mala reputación que no necesita. Marcus y Gregory no están de acuerdo sobre si implicar a Un Pedazo de Cielo en una disputa de derechos civiles. Para colmo de males, el exnovio de Gregory aparece justo en la etapa más vulnerable de éste. Pero la mayor complicación de todas es la lucha de Marcus y Gregory para aprender a confiar en el otro y en ellos mismos, sobre todo cuando se refiere a hornear los asuntos del corazón.


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Damian's Discipline

Collars and Cuffs | Book Five
$6.99 $3.49

Collars and Cuffs: Book Five

The man who pimped Jeff may be in prison, but Jeff is still living the nightmare, selling himself to men and relying on pills to manage. Then he meets Scott, a young American man who could easily have been where Jeff is now. Scott’s friends extend a helping hand to Jeff, and he grabs it.

Leo and Thomas bring Jeff to stay with Dom Damian Barnett until they can find him someplace more long-term. Still grieving from losing his sub to cancer two years before, Damian agrees to help. But when he glimpses the extent of the damage, Damian wants to do more than offer his guestroom. Jeff is not a submissive, but Damian can see he desperately needs structure in his life. It’s up to Damian to find an answer.

He never expects that what he discovers will change both their lives.


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Le baptême du feu

Par le Feu | Tome 1
$3.99 $2.00

Par le Feu, tome 1

Dirk Krause est un connard de première. Sa vie est un enfer par sa propre faute, et il rend tous ceux qui l’entourent tout aussi malheureux. Quand il se blesse au travail, il se montre odieux envers le personnel de l’hôpital, et bien sûr, aucun membre de son équipe ne daigne lui rendre visite.

Lee Stockton est le petit nouveau de la caserne, et il écope donc d’une mission : amener à Dirk un bouquet de bon rétablissement de la part des autres pompiers de l’équipe. À la surprise de Dirk, Lee lit en lui comme dans un livre ouvert et voit clair dans son jeu. Lee semble déterminé à pousser Dirk à arrêter de se comporter comme un salaud pour repousser ceux qui l’entourent. Leurs chamailleries se transforment alors en étreintes… Une nouvelle relation naîtra-t-elle de ces flammes, ou celles-ci laisseront-elles seulement des cendres ?


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Beneath the Stain

2015 Award Winners
Beneath the Stain
$6.99 $3.49

A Beneath the Stain Novel

In a town as small as Tyson, CA, everybody knew the four brothers with the four different fathers—and their penchant for making good music when they weren't getting into trouble. For Mackey Sanders, playing in Outbreak Monkey with his brothers and their friends—especially Grant Adams—made Tyson bearable. But Grant has plans for getting Mackey and the Sanders boys out of Tyson, even if that means staying behind.

Between the heartbreak of leaving Grant and the terrifying, glamorous life of rock stardom, Mackey is adrift and sinking fast. When he's hit rock bottom, Trav Ford shows up, courtesy of their record company and a producer who wants to see what Mackey can do if he doesn't flame out first. But cleaning up his act means coming clean about Grant, and that's not easy to do or say. Mackey might make it with Trav's help—but Trav's not sure he's going to survive falling in love with Mackey.

Mackey James Sanders comes with a whole lot of messy, painful baggage, and law-and-order Trav doesn't do messy or painful. And just when Trav thinks they may have mastered every demon in Mackey's past, the biggest, baddest demon of all comes knocking.

1st edition


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The Art of Breathing

Bear, Otter, and the Kid Chronicles

Tyson Thompson graduated high school at sixteen and left the town of Seafare, Oregon, bound for what he assumed would be bigger and better things. He soon found out the real world has teeth, and he returns to the coast with four years of failure, addiction, and a diagnosis of panic disorder trailing behind him. His brother, Bear, and his brother's husband, Otter, believe coming home is exactly what Tyson needs to find himself again. Surrounded by family in the Green Monstrosity, Tyson attempts to put the pieces of his broken life back together.

But shortly after he arrives home, Tyson comes face to face with inevitability in the form of his childhood friend and first love, Dominic Miller, who he hasn't seen since the day he left Seafare. As their paths cross, old wounds reopen, new secrets are revealed, and Tyson discovers there is more to his own story than he was told all those years ago.

In a sea of familiar faces, new friends, and the memories of a mother's devastating choice, Tyson will learn that in order to have any hope for a future, he must fight the ghosts of his past.


De A à Z

Coda (Français)
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Coda, numéro hors série

Zach Mitchell est enlisé dans sa routine. Ça fait dix ans que son petit ami de fac l’a quitté, pourtant Zach vit toujours dans le même appartement, conduit la même voiture et continue à nourrir la chatte ingrate de son ex. Son vidéo club de Denver, De A à Z, est en difficulté. Il a des clients ennuyeux, des voisins excentriques et vit une romance inintéressante avec son propriétaire, Tom.

Angelo Green, un insolent en bottes de combat, a grandi dans des familles d’accueil et se débrouille seul depuis qu’il a seize ans. Il n’a jamais appris à faire confiance ou à aimer. Il refuse aussi les relations sérieuses, alors quand il commence à travailler à De A à Z, il décide que Zach lui est strictement interdit.

Malgré leurs différences, Zach et Angelo se lient rapidement d’amitié. Quand la rupture de Zach et Tom met le vidéo club en péril, c’est Angelo qui trouve la solution. Avec l’aide de Jared et Matt, leurs amis de Coda dans le Colorado, Zach et Angelo trouveront le moyen de sauver De A à Z, mais pourront-ils aussi se sauver l’un l’autre ?


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$6.99 $3.49

Durante seis años, Rex Payton ha estado centrado en dos cosas: mantener a flote el bar de su difunto padre en un pequeño pueblo de Kentucky y en criar a su sobrino Ty. Tras la trágica pérdida de sus padres y su hermana, Rex no estaba interesado en el amor. Es respetado por sus vecinos, que le ven como el soltero de oro de Carlisle, pero ha aceptado que su vida no es propicia para tener una relación, sobre todo cuando aún no ha salido del armario.

Josh Billings es un estudiante de veterinaria que está haciendo unas prácticas en el pueblo. La mayor pasión de Josh es ayudar a los animales. El amor es una idea que no entra en su cabeza… hasta la noche en la que conoce al guapo y taciturno Rex Payton. La suerte y un baile a deshora, conspiran para dar lugar a una íntima conexión que ninguno de los dos buscaba, una conexión que ninguno de los dos podrá olvidar después de que el baile conduzca a un beso.

De repente, el amor no es algo tan insignificante pero surgen complicaciones. Para que la relación funcione, Josh tendrá que decidir si puede sobrellevar lo que supone salir con un padre soltero, Rex tiene que abrir su corazón y Ty tiene que aprender a compartir el afecto de su padre.


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$6.99 $3.49

Bradley Zelder can’t find his way in life. After struggling for nearly a decade, he has yet to complete his college degree. Working as a school custodian, living in blue-collar Landsbury, MA, his love life is as empty as the rest of his existence. But on his way home after another disastrous date, his truck breaks down in upscale Oceanside. When he thinks life can’t get any worse, a man who is the epitome of Boston elite and everything Bradley finds attractive and intimidating helps him move his truck to the side of the road. Ashamed of his lot in life, Bradley almost lets the opportunity slip away, but he comes to his senses in time and tracks Caleb down.

From a random act of kindness, romance begins to grow, filling all the dark corners of Bradley’s empty life—until a random act of violence threatens to take it all away. Bradley must step up and be the man Caleb believes him to be. Caleb rescued him from a life without hope. Can Bradley rescue him in return?


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$6.99 $3.49

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Ethan Tanner is an out and proud, fastidious, and fashionable sixteen-year-old vegetarian who likes theater and musicals. This year, it’s his sister's turn to pick the vacation destination, so he ends up on a dude ranch he knows he is going to hate. What with the dirt, animals, and germs, he can’t possibly be happy.

Jason McCoy is the closeted sixteen-year-old son of the ranch owners and is trying to find his place in a world that doesn't seem to fit him. He takes an interest in Ethan, shows him around, and gets him to ride a horse. When he invites Ethan camping, Ethan thinks Jason must be joking. But Ethan takes a risk, and the two boys bond under the stars.

After that, Ethan and Jason are inseparable. Their friendship grows into something deeper as they begin to figure out what they want from life. But Ethan’s home is in Chicago, and the distance might be more than the two teenagers—and their blossoming relationship—can withstand.


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Trapped in Oz

Tales from Kansas
$4.99 $2.49

Tales from Kansas

Martin Long has plans and dreams, but they are derailed when his parents move and must sell their house. In need of a place to stay, fast, he answers an ad for a roommate, and even though the house needs work, the owner seems nice so Martin agrees to move in.

Gary Hunter is barely making ends meet, with mysteriously disappearing tips at work and tuition to pay. Disowned by his family and left with a house in need of repair, Gary desperately needs the extra set of hands along with the money.

When Gary confesses that his family disowned him for being gay, Martin makes his own confession that opens a world of possibilities. But Gary has paid a heavy price for being who he is, and Martin’s unwillingness to open up to his family puts strain on the fledgling relationship.


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Work in Progress

The Belladonna Arms
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A Belladonna Arms Novel

Dumped by his lover, Harlie Rose ducks for cover in the Belladonna Arms, a seedy apartment building perched high on a hill in downtown San Diego. What he doesn't know is that the Belladonna Arms has a reputation for romance—and Harlie is about to become its next victim.

Finding a job at a deli up the street, Harlie meets Milan, a gorgeous but cranky baker. Unaware that Milan is suffering the effects of a broken heart just as Harlie is, the two men circle around each other, manning the barricades, both unwilling to open themselves up to love yet again.

But even the most stubborn heart can be conquered.

With his new friends to back him up—Sylvia, on the verge of her final surgery to become a woman, Arthur, the aging drag queen who is about to discover a romance of his own, and Stanley and Roger, the handsome young couple in 5C who lead by example, Harlie soon learns that at the Belladonna Arms, love is always just around the corner waiting to pounce. Whether you want it to or not.

But tragedy also drops in now and then.


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Two Red Leaves

Young Love's Journey
$6.99 $3.49

Sequel to The Last of the Summer Tomatoes

After attempting a long-distance relationship, Kyle and Sam realize they don’t want to be with anyone else and decide to take the next step. But living together brings more challenges than they had anticipated.

After a summer back at the farm, Kyle and Sam move in together while Sam starts an internship in the city and Kyle continues with art school. Farm life’s left them ill prepared for dealing with each other’s idiosyncrasies, but they have no intention of giving up on each other. To succeed, they’ll need to learn to compromise, but everything gets more complicated when Kyle’s mother unexpectedly leaves her abusive husband and vows to be the mother Kyle has always wanted.

When the realities of living as a gay couple settle over them, they’re faced with the ultimate test of their commitment. Whether they’re ready or not, the moment has arrived when Kyle and Sam must sink or swim.


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Zack Sheldon doesn’t have time to be lonely. He’s in his last year as a pediatric resident, almost married to the job, and busy with the joys and sorrows that come with providing medical care to children. Professionally, he’s confident, accomplished, and respected. But personally he’s too insecure to approach a sexy man like Sergio Quartulli, or even to imagine that Sergio might be attracted to him.

Zack spots Sergio from across the gym, and then a chance meeting poolside somehow turns into a date. Before Zack knows it, they’ve become a couple, but Zack’s white coat is his closet at the hospital, and committing to a relationship with Sergio makes it difficult for Zack to continue hiding behind it. On the other hand, he grew up in a small town where being gay was shameful, and he works in an environment that can sometimes be homophobic, so it’s hard for him to open up about who he really is. Before Zack can make a choice on his own terms, circumstances force him to make a decision. He can continue to hide, or he can step out from behind his white coat and risk everything for love.