Gay books

$6.99 $5.24

Da ventiquattro anni Carter Stevenson convive con i tic e la balbuzie che lo hanno portato a sviluppare una timidezza cronica. Nonostante gli amici lo accusino di lasciare che la Sindrome di Tourette, dalla quale è affetto, governi la sua vita, Carter decide di lasciare la caotica Los Angeles per trasferirsi in una tranquilla cittadina californiana. Il suo proposito di passare inosservato e nascondersi, però, si scontra con l’esuberanza del nuovo vicino di casa, che irrompe nella sua vita solitaria e lo costringe a uscire e vivere.

Ethan mette in chiaro sin dall’inizio quello che prova per Carter, ma teme che il giovane non riesca a vedere oltre la sua lesione cerebrale, anche se è proprio questa a renderlo molto più in sintonia con le sue emozioni di quanto lo sia la maggior parte della gente. Per Carter invece il problema è un altro: troppe volte ormai è rimasto scottato da quelle che credeva anime gemelle, e non ha intenzione di mettere di nuovo a rischio il proprio cuore.

In un modo o nell’altro, Ethan è comunque deciso a dimostrargli che sono fatti per stare insieme. Fino a quando una cosa spaventosa non gli sconvolge la vita, costringendolo a cercare in Carter forza e sostegno. Riuscirà Carter a superare le proprie paure e ad aiutarlo quando più avrà bisogno di lui?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $2.69

Volumen 1 de la serie Lang Downs

Caine Neiheisel está atrapado en un trabajo sin salida y una relación sin futuro cuando una oportunidad única cae en sus manos. Su madre hereda el rancho de ovejas de su tío en Nueva Gales del Sur, en Australia. Caine lo ve como una ocasión de empezar una nueva vida en el campo donde su tartamudeo no será un lastre y su buena disposición para el trabajo seguramente compensará su falta de conocimientos.

Por desgracia, Macklin Armstrong, el capataz de Lang Downs, que debería ser el mayor aliado de Caine, tan pronto se comporta de manera fría como se muestra displicente, y los otros empleados están más entretenidos por su acento americano que conmovidos por la difícil situación en la que se ha metido… Hasta que se enteran de que es gay y su simpatía se convierte en desdén. Hará falta toda la determinación de Caine y un acto de cruel sabotaje por parte de un vecino hostil para unir a los hombres de Lang Downs, y que Caine y Macklin tengan una oportunidad en el amor.


$6.99 $2.69
$6.99 $5.24

British actor Wesley Tremayne thinks he’s close to hitting the big time—a film career—with his role as a hunky explorer on a popular American TV show. Success should be just around the corner, as long as he keeps his sexual orientation a secret. Wes’s best friend and beard, Julia Compton, forms the other half of a glamorous Hollywood couple that’s merely a façade.

Evan Taylor left his acting career behind five years ago without looking back. He's always been more comfortable around horses than people—especially Hollywood types. His new life training racehorses is a dream come true, but increasing financial problems and an abusive boyfriend have him doubting himself and his choices.

Then Wes and his friends buy a third-rate racehorse—partially for publicity—and send him to Evan’s stable. Wes’s friendship with Evan soon develops into an overpowering attraction he can’t act on. He's never met a man like Evan, but if there’s any chance for a future together, Wes must choose between a career he loves and the man he adores.


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74

Duncan Kerr is the art director of Enamored Press, an erotic romance publisher based in Seattle. An open submissions call for new artists yields an imaginative book cover with rich details and bold colors that catches his interest. After a few more samples of work and some e-mails, Duncan is determined to hire the talented young artist on a permanent basis.

But Ruben Winterbottom isn’t an average freelance artist. His agoraphobia leaves him terrified to set foot outside his secluded house in the woods by the Olympic National Park. Living alone, fear is Ruben’s sole companion.

When the two men meet, Ruben has a panic attack and hides away. Although confused, Duncan sees past Ruben’s anxiety to his artistic gifts and beautiful soul. So he sets out to coax the young man out of his shy shell.

Falling in love with a broken boy, however, might be the first draft of heartbreak.


$4.99 $3.74

Cœur confiant

Le Clan des Panthères | Tome 2
$6.99 $5.24

Suite de Cœur Sauvage
Le Clan des Panthères, tome 2

Jin Rayne a bien du mal à se faire à sa nouvelle vie, qu’il est pourtant censé adorer. Au lieu d’apprécier simplement d’être le compagnon du chef de tribu Logan Church, il ne parvient pas à accepter le fait que son amant ait été hétéro avant de le rencontrer. Il a trouvé le bonheur en se livrant entièrement à Logan, mais reste terrorisé à l’idée que sa nouvelle vie puisse disparaître du jour au lendemain, malgré l’affirmation catégorique de Logan que leur relation est pour la vie.

Jin veut vraiment croire Logan, mais ce souhait va être mis à rude épreuve par le chef d’une tribu rivale, mais aussi par une révélation cruciale concernant son existence même. C’est la vie de Jin et son rang dans la tribu qui seront en jeu. S’il veut survivre à cette épreuve et retrouver Logan, il lui faudra se défaire de ses craintes et accepter pleinement leur lien sacré, condition sine qua non pour qu’il puisse lui faire pleinement confiance.


$6.99 $5.24


Los Centinelas
$4.99 $3.74

Un libro de la saga Los Centinelas

El guardián Jackson Tybalt siempre ha sido uno de los buenos, hasta que descubre al hombre al que ama besando a otro. Traicionado y furioso, Jackson comienza a jugar con el peligro y la muerte, ignorando los ruegos de los demás Guardianes para que vaya con cuidado. Su estado de ánimo no es el más recomendable para iniciar un romance, pero eso no detiene a Raphael, el kyrie, que más que nada desea poseer a Jackson.

Jackson no desea un Hogar, no desea un amante… solo busca oscuridad y dolor, y Raphael está dispuesto a darle lo que quiere. Pero a veces los pecados de la carne son lo que el cuerpo necesita para vendar las heridas del corazón, y Raphael ocultará la ternura que siente por Jackson mientras el Guardián siga vistiendo los hábitos del Pecador.


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Per sei anni Rex Payton si è concentrato su due cose: mantenere a galla il bar che ha ereditato dal padre in una piccola città del Kentucky e crescere suo nipote, Tyler. Dopo la tragica perdita dei genitori e della sorella, Rex non è interessato all’amore. È rispettato nella sua comunità ed è considerato fra gli scapoli più desiderabili di Carlisle, ma ha accettato che la sua vita non sia destinata a una relazione romantica, considerate soprattutto la sua riservatezza e la sua omosessualità.

Fa il suo ingresso sulla scena Josh Billings, uno studente di veterinaria che sta facendo tirocinio in città. La passione più profonda di Josh è aiutare gli animali. L’amore è quanto di più lontano ci sia dalla sua mente… fino alla notte in cui incontra il taciturno, bellissimo Rex Payton. Il caso e un ballo lento dopo l’orario di chiusura cospirano per forgiare un’intima connessione che nessuno dei due cercava, ma che nessuno dei due può ignorare, perché quel lento porta dritto a un bacio.

Improvvisamente l’amore non è più così insignificante, ma nemmeno senza complicazioni. Affinché questa relazione funzioni, Josh dovrà decidere se se la sente di uscire con un papà single, Rex dovrà aprire il suo cuore, e Ty dovrà imparare a condividere con un’altra persona l’affetto di suo padre.


$6.99 $5.24

After witnessing a mob hit, surgeon Jack Francisco is put into protective custody to keep him safe until he can testify. A hitman known only as D is blackmailed into killing Jack, but when he tracks him down, his weary conscience won't allow him to murder an innocent man. Finding in each other an unlikely ally, Jack and D are soon on the run from shadowy enemies.

Forced to work together to survive, the two men forge a bond that ripens into unexpected passion. Jack sees the wounded soul beneath D's cold, detached exterior, and D finds in Jack the person who can help him reclaim the man he once was. As the day of Jack's testimony approaches, he and D find themselves not only fighting for their lives... but also fighting for their future. A future together.


$6.99 $5.24

John Wainwright is having a momentous day. To start off, he lands his first teaching job. Then his brother, Evan, and Evan’s husband, Daniel, take him out to celebrate in Manchester’s gay village. An encounter with a sexy man forces John to admit what he’s been denying for too long—he’s gay. His coming out proves he’s supported and loved by his family and roommates. What more could a man want? There’s just one small problem: John’s dishy Head Teacher, Brett Sanderson, and John’s gigantic crush on him. Too bad Brett is straight.

Brett Sanderson leads a double life. At thirty-three, he is the Head Teacher of a primary school. But for seven years now, during every school holiday, Brett has fled to Brighton, where he becomes ‘Rob,’ a man who has a different guy in his bed every night but has never had a relationship.

Once he’s back in school, Brett is firmly back in that closet, until his newest staff member starts prying open the door. When John pulls out all the stops to get Brett’s attention, neither man is prepared for the consequences.


$6.99 $5.24

Dark Horse

Dark Horse Series | Book One

Dan thinks about just driving, leaving the whole mess behind. He's got enough money. He could just arrange to get his stuff and his horse shipped to wherever he's going. Taking off is what he used to do when things got to be too much, and it worked pretty well, really.

Dan Wheeler thought he'd found lasting love and stability with his life and work partner, Justin Archer. But when Dan finds himself alone again, still working as a horse trainer for Justin's parents, he has to find a way to accept that his perfect life is gone forever.

Then he meets billionaire Evan Kaminski, who arrives to buy a horse for his younger sister, and Evan's lover Jeff Stevens, a horse trainer who seems to understand more than just Dan's job. Struggling to deal with all the upheavals in his life, Dan finds himself drawn to both Evan's mercurial passion and Jeff's quiet wisdom. Is Dan strong enough to take a chance on new love, or would it be better—safer—for him to be alone?


Wrestling Demons

Brandt and Donnelly Capers | Case File Two
$6.99 $5.24

A Brandt and Donnelly Caper: Case File Two

Jonah Fischer’s high school wrestling career has been stellar, but now he’s the unwilling star of a series of videos that have hit the web. The whole world may have seen the evidence that his best friend turns him on. Jonah’s conservative family wants him cured, and his conventional town and school want him normal. The only person who still wants him just the way he is is Casey Melville, the same best friend who turned him on for all the world to see. Meanwhile, Casey begins to wonder if there’s more to his feelings for Jonah than he thought.

Officers Brandt and Donnelly—lovers as well as partners on the job—have been assigned to find the culprit who posted the video. While investigating the case, they also help Jonah and Casey find their way through their feelings, and steer them toward refuge when Jonah’s family turns against him. But the mystery remains: who wants to hurt Jonah badly enough to post those videos, and why? Thank goodness Jonah and Casey have found friends—they’re going to need all the help and support they can get.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Srikkanth Bhattacharya est le célibataire gay par excellence et parfaitement heureux de l’être, jusqu’à ce qu’il reçoive un appel de l’hôpital local lui annonçant que sa meilleure amie est morte en couches. Sri avait accepté de donner son sperme afin que le rêve de maternité de Jill se réalise, mais il ne s’était pas attendu à être responsable d’une petite fille. Il décide de la placer dans une famille adoptive, mais une fois qu’il la voit, Sri ne peut se résoudre à le faire, et se débat maintenant pour apprendre à s’occuper d’un nouveau-né.

Son colocataire et ami, Jaime Frias, propose de l’aider, ne se doutant pas qu’il allait tomber amoureux du bébé et de Sri. Tout semble parfait jusqu’à ce qu’une visite des Services Sociaux plonge Sri dans le désarroi, lui donnant l’impression qu’il doit choisir entre sa fille et une relation avec l’homme qu’il était venu à aimer.


$6.99 $5.24
$5.99 $4.49

Josh Kelly es un actor hetero que da vida a uno de los componentes de una pareja gay en la ficción de una novela muy famosa de la tele. Sam Peterson es su otra mitad genuinamente gay, aunque solo es su pareja en la televisión, claro. En la vida real Josh y Sam son los mejores amigos, aunque no hayan sido muy conscientes de cómo sus respectivas relaciones se están acabando.

Un fan lunático persigue a Sam y eso pone las cosas en perspectiva para Josh, que empieza a darse cuenta de que quizás no solo es amistad lo que siente por su compañero televisivo. Pero, ¿podrá encontrar la fuerza para decirle a Sam lo que siente cuando piensa que eso podría poner en peligro esa amistad?


$5.99 $4.49

When Love Comes to Town

Provincetown | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

Provincetown: Book Four

Brody O’Shea isn't looking for much, just a hot guy with a decent job, who is sane and doesn’t have kids. The son of a former rock star, Brody has lived through the pain of bankruptcy and bad parenting, and he doesn't want to experience it again. As a reformed horndog, he wants the security and stability of a relationship. But almost every guy he meets seems satisfied with Mr. Right Now, and he wants to find Mr. Right—now!

The only men Eric Vasquez chases are criminals. As a deputy and single father, he has no need for a relationship after his last one ended disastrously. He lives for and through Maddie, his nine-year-old daughter. Everything else is a needless distraction, but distraction is what Eric gets when he comes to Provincetown to attend the wedding between his cousin Van and the man of his dreams.

When Brody and Eric meet, what they want and what they find conflict. An ocean of expectations separates them. If they cannot move past their reservations to reach each other’s shores, they might miss the boat when love comes to town.


$6.99 $5.24

The Final Seduction

Sin & Seduction | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Sin & Seduction: Book Three

Sin & Seduction is closing its doors for good, and Dorian Grant’s being arrested for murder. The world has finally spun off its axis, and everybody involved has a role to play.

In the midst of this tragedy and strife, “Golden Boy” Lance moves his heart out of no-man’s-land, thanks to a Portuguese beauty, Davi “Amante Quente,” who shakes his sweet little physique all over Sin & Seduction’s stage. But Lance can’t consider a future with someone else until he faces the issues that have kept him out of relationships in the past. His belief that love is a myth is high on that list.

Meanwhile, Jason’s relationship with Brad has turned surreally domestic. Their lives are consumed with raising Brad’s little girl. Couple that with the urgency of saving jobs, and Jason’s stress level skyrockets into the red.

Life looks grim for the Sin & Seduction crew, and it will take something close to a miracle to save them all.


$6.99 $5.24

Us Three

One Voice | Book One
2014 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

One Voice: Book One

In his junior year at a public high school, sweet, bright Casey Minton’s biggest worry isn’t being gay. Keeping from being too badly bullied by his so-called friends, a group of girls called the Queen Bees, is more pressing. Nate De Marco has no friends, his tough home life having taken its toll on his reputation, but he’s determined to get through high school. Zander Zane’s story is different: he’s popular, a jock. Zander knows he’s gay, but fellow students don’t, and he’d like to keep it that way.

No one expects much when these three are grouped together for a class project, yet in the process the boys discover each other’s talents and traits, and a new bond forms. But what if Nate, Zander, and Casey fall in love—each with the other and all three together? Not only gay but also a threesome, for them high school becomes infinitely more complicated and maybe even dangerous. To survive and keep their love alive, they must find their individual strengths and courage and stand together, honest and united. If they can do that, they might prevail against the Queen Bees and a student body frightened into silence—and even against their own crippling fears.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Ever since hearing his granny’s old fairy tales, Hank Lear has longed to experience the ancient magic coursing through Ireland, sure that some grand adventure awaited him among the verdant hills. Now, with his vacation coming to an end, he’s about to return to Texas with nothing but memories of old castles, modern cities, and a cheap Claddagh ring he bought in an antique store. On a whim, Hank visits a bath house on his last night in Dublin, where he meets Darren Connell, a man with plenty of secrets of his own. Obscured by the dim light and thick steam, shy Hank musters the courage to flirt with Darren, and though they can barely see one another, a strong and mysterious connection forms.

Just as Hank is about to leave for the airport, Darren stops him, tells Hank he needs his help, and begs Hank to stay. Hank can’t refuse him, and soon they’re caught in a web of forces outside their control and outside reality as Hank understands it. Each step leads them to Shamrock Green and the last portal to the world of the Fae. With danger closing in, Hank and Darren must decipher their destinies before the portal is lost forever.


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74

Sometimes Sonny Scrignoli forgets he’s Tim Mansfield’s ex. He waltzes in and out of Tim’s apartment like he still lives there, driving Tim crazy. Is it really so hard to remember they’ve broken up? Then again, maybe Tim should quit having sex with him.

When Sonny disappears for two weeks, Tim can’t help but be concerned. A strange phone call and a mysterious cry for help leads Tim on a desperate search for his ex.

Sonny’s in big trouble, and it’s Tim to the rescue! He’s the only one who can save his ex from a fate worse than death. Bumbling gangsters, a thick-headed former boyfriend, and secretive FBI agents lead Tim and Sonny on a merry chase full of laughs and quirks.


$4.99 $3.74