Gay books



La saga de la ciudad de Coda
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro de La saga de la ciudad de Coda

Jared Thomas ha vivido toda su vida en Coda, un pequeño pueblo de montaña en Colorado. No puede imaginar vivir en ningún otro lugar. Desafortunadamente, el único otro hombre gay del pueblo le dobla la edad y fue su profesor, así que Jared se ha resignado a pasar su vida solo.

Es decir, hasta que Matt entra en su vida. Matt acaba de ser contratado por el departamento de Policía de Coda, y Jared y él se hacen amigos inmediatamente. Matt afirma ser hetero, pero para Jared, tener un amigo tan sexy resulta demasiado tentador. Entre a la aventura de Matt con una mujer del pueblo, la desaprobadora familia de este y el acoso de sus compañeros del departamento, Jared teme que nunca encuentren la forma de estar juntos…, si es que alguna vez logra convencer a Matt de intentarlo.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

David Cameron ist hilflos. Erst hat er einen Migräneanfall, dann bricht er sich zu allem Überfluss auch noch die rechte Schulter. Kurzentschlossen zieht sein bester Freund, Trace Jackson, bei ihm ein, um sich um ihn zu kümmern. Die räumliche Nähe führt zu sexuellen Spannungen und David verliebt sich in Trace, obwohl er weiß, dass sein Freund heterosexuell ist.

Trace hat noch nie einen anderen Mann begehrt. Im Gegenteil, er ist als Frauenheld bekannt. Die Frauen reißen sich um ihn, und mit ihm gesehen zu werden gilt als Privileg. Die unerwarteten Gefühle, die sich zwischen ihm und David entwickeln, stellen ihre Freundschaft daher auf eine harte Probe. Trace will es schließlich wissen und schlägt seinem Freund vor, das Wagnis einzugehen und ihrer Beziehung eine Chance zu geben. Denn ihm ist eines klar geworden – er möchte nie wieder mit einem anderen Menschen zusammen leben als mit David, den er mehr liebt, als er je zuvor vermutet hätte.


$6.99 $5.24

Talker, la décision

Talker (Français) | Tome 3
$3.99 $2.99

Suite de Talker, la rédemption
Talker, tome 3

Une fois acquis le réflexe primaire de la survie, que faut-il d’autre ?

Brian Cooper s’est remis de l’agression ayant failli le tuer, Tate Walker a appris à affronter ses propres démons. Maintenant, chacun des garçons ne possède plus que son compagnon. Vivre ensemble – et vivre leur amour au jour le jour – n’a rien de facile.

D’une certaine façon, l’éternel optimisme de Talker associé à la foi tranquille de Brian s’avère capable d’aplanir tous les obstacles, grands et petits, de vaincre les épreuves et de réaliser leurs rêves respectifs.


$3.99 $2.99

Ethan, Who Loved Carter

2013 Award Winners

By twenty-four, Carter Stevenson has stuttered and ticced his way to debilitating shyness. Although his friends accuse him of letting his Tourette's dictate his life, Carter moves from Los Angeles to a quiet California town. He'll keep his head down and avoid people. He doesn't anticipate his new neighbor, Ethan Hart, crashing into his solitude and forcing him to get out and live.

From the beginning, Ethan makes his love for Carter clear. But he fears Carter won't see past Ethan's damaged brain, even though it makes Ethan more attuned to his emotions than most people. For Carter, there's a bigger issue: he's been burned by so-called "perfect" matches, and he won't risk his heart again.

One way or another, Ethan's determined to show Carter they belong together. Then Ethan receives tragic news. Suddenly he must turn to Carter for strength and support. Will Carter come through when Ethan needs him most?


Motel. Pool.

2014 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

In the mid-1950s, Jack Dayton flees his working-class prospects in Omaha and heads to Hollywood, convinced he’ll be the next James Dean. But sleazy casting couches don't earn him stardom, and despair leads to a series of poor decisions that ultimately find him at a cheap motel off Route 66, lifeless at the bottom of the pool.

Sixty years later, Tag Manning, feeling hopeless and empty, flees his most recent relationship mistake and takes to the open road. On a roundabout route to Las Vegas, he pulls over to rest at an isolated spot on Route 66. There’s no longer a motel or pool, but when Tag resumes his journey to Vegas, he finds he’s transporting a hitchhiking ghost. Jack and Tag come to find much-needed friends in each other, but one man is a phantom and the other is strangely cursed. Time is running out for each of them, and they must face the fact that a future together may not only be a gamble... it may not be in the cards.


$6.99 $5.24


Guards of Folsom | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

Guards of Folsom: Book Four

Life has been known by a series of constants. Violence, anger, drugs, sex, death, heartbreak, pain, fear and the most common, hunger. Always hunger. Not the kind that can be satisfied with food, but the kind born of circumstance. The kind that not only claws within a gut, but settles into a heart, consumes a mind. Deeper. Encircles, penetrates the soul. Hunger for something more, something better, safer. Always just out of grasp.

Craving. Starved.

It’s part of me.

Who I am.

Born of blood and violence, hunger is my fate.

Yet, the slightest things can change the directions of a life. An unplanned circumstance, random act—a connection—a chance event, like a lightning strike, fate trumped.

Jamie is my lightning strike.
                                                      Tek Cain

Tek Cain was cultivated from birth to lead the motorcycle gang, Crimson Eight. Jamie Ryan, his best friend, is destined to be his second. But forbidden desires have them questioning everything they know, and an undeniable bond makes them want more than their supposed brotherhood can provide. Their love could get them killed, but they are bound to each other—from the cradle to the grave.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Graduating senior, theater lighting wunderkind, and closeted gay, Nick Fortunati volunteers with The Streetwise Players in the dark corners of The Laughton, a creepy old movie palace decorated in Grand Guignol style. But his father wishes Nick would use his intellect and his scholarship to become a biotech engineer and earn a prosperous living for his future family. Nick loves his dad and wants to please him, but he dreams of a career in theater. And he wants a male lover. Unfortunately, his homophobic father won’t approve of either.

When Nick’s at his loneliest, out of the corners of the theater and into his life comes trouble-laden Steve Stripling, a man with little memory of his past other than his name. Meanwhile, Nick’s introduced to the dashing Wash Vitek and is torn between the two men. His situation is further complicated because he doesn't know if Wash is gay.

Nick resolves to solve the mystery surrounding Steve and help the young man recover his memories, even though by doing so, he risks losing the first love he’s ever found.


$6.99 $5.24

A Casual Weekend Thing

Least Likely Partnership | Book One
2013 Award Winners

Doug Heavy Runner left the life of an openly gay Miami police officer and returned to his home on the Salish-Kootenai Indian Reservation when his mother got sick. In the two years since she passed, he’s carved out an empty life as a small-town deputy, relying on out-of-town one-night stands to keep him sane. Then he meets Detective Christopher Hayes, and they share a wild night so incredible Doug breaks his own rule and allows a one-night stand to grow into a weekend of amazing sex.

When Christopher travels from San Diego to Montana to deal with his abusive brother’s suicide, he doesn’t expect to find the man he spent the weekend with to be handling his brother’s case. He certainly doesn’t mind spending more time with Doug—but then an arsonist destroys the house Christopher inherited from his brother, and Christopher and Doug discover they are the primary suspects.

As they investigate, they discover Christopher’s dead brother has set them on the trail of a psychotic pedophile who will stop at nothing to silence his last victim. However, the search for the victim goes horribly wrong, leaving Doug hospitalized and Christopher at the mercy of the killer….


Raven Feathers

Quantinum Residue Saga | Book Three
$3.99 $2.99

Sequel to Lavender Skies
Quantinum Residue: Book Three

Rourke, a surface dweller, and Evan, the Shelter 17 geneticist who left his underground home, share Rourke’s hut now, but their problems are far from over. Rourke wants to include Evan in life at the village, but pressure from other tribal members reopens old wounds Rourke had thought long healed. Tensions build in the tribe as Rourke spirals into depression, and he lashes out at Evan, driving a wedge between them. Evan faces concerns of his own when he discovers dangerous radioactive elements in the water supply. Evan wants to help Rourke, but doesn’t know if he can keep their fledgling relationship from collapsing.


$3.99 $2.99

Je te le jure

Coda (Français)
$6.99 $5.24

Coda, numéro hors série

Jared Thomas a vécu toute sa vie dans la petite ville montagnarde de Coda, dans le Colorado. Il ne s’imagine vivre nulle part ailleurs. Malheureusement, l’unique autre homme gay en ville a deux fois son âge et a été son professeur, alors Jared s’est résigné à passer sa vie tout seul.

Jusqu’à ce que Matt Richards débarque dans sa vie. Matt vient d’être embauché par le commissariat de la ville de Coda et Jared et lui sont aussitôt devenu amis. Matt prétend qu’il est hétéro, mais pour Jared, avoir un ami sexy comme Matt est beaucoup trop tentant. Face à la liaison de Matt avec une femme de la région, la désapprobation de sa famille, le harcèlement des collègues de Matt, Jared craint qu’ils ne trouvent jamais le moyen d’être ensemble… s’il arrive déjà à convaincre Matt d’essayer.


$6.99 $5.24

Questione di tempo vol. 2

Questione di tempo | Libri 3 e 4
$6.99 $5.24

Vol. 2 (Libri 3 e 4)

Tre anni fa, Jory Harcourt ha cambiato il suo nome e chiuso la porta a un passato pieno di dolore, per riemergere più forte dall’altra parte. Adesso ha una nuova carriera, una socia fantastica e una vita che lo soddisfa, eccetto che per il vuoto nel petto rimastogli quando il detective di polizia Sam Kage se ne è andato via con il suo cuore.

Adesso Sam è tornato e sa quello che vuole… e quello che vuole è Jory. Ma Jory non pensa che riuscirà a sopravvivere a un’altra rottura o alla perdita di Sam a causa del suo pericoloso lavoro, ed è restio a tornare fra le braccia dell’unico uomo che abbia mai amato. Quando un serial killer, con un conto da saldare, prende Jory di mira, dovrà decidere se vale la pena amare di nuovo, mentre cerca di risolvere il caso e tenere Sam al sicuro.


$6.99 $5.24

Into the Wind

Mermen of Ea Trilogy | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

With a foreword by C. Kennedy.

Sequel to Stealing the Wind
Mermen of Ea: Book Two

Since learning of his merman shifter heritage, Taren has begun building a life with Ian Dunaidh among the mainland Ea. But memories of his past life still haunt him, and as the threat of war with the hostile island merfolk looms ever closer, Taren fears he will lose Ian the same way he lost his beloved centuries before. Together they sail to the Gateway Islands in search of the fabled rune stone—a weapon of great power the Ea believe will protect them—and Odhrán, the pirate rumored to possess it.

After humans attack the Phantom, Taren finds himself washed up on an island, faced with a mysterious boy named Brynn who promises to lead him to Odhrán. But Taren isn’t sure if he can trust Brynn, and Odhrán is rumored to enslave Ea to protect his stronghold. Taren will have to put his life on the line to find his way back to Ian and attempt to recover the stone. Even if he does find it, his troubles are far from over: he and Ian are being stalked by an enemy who wants them dead at all costs.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Knitter in His Natural Habitat
A Granby Knitting Novel

After three years of waiting for “rabbit” Jeremy to commit to a life in Granby—and a life together—Aiden Rhodes was appalled when Jeremy sustained a nearly fatal beating to keep a friend out of harm's way. How could Aiden’s bunny put himself in danger like that?

Aiden needs to get over himself, because Jeremy has a long road to recovery, and he's going to need Aiden's promise of love every step of the way. Jeremy has new scars on his face and body to deal with, and his heart can’t afford any more wounds.

When their friend’s baby needs some special care, the two men find common ground to firm up their shaky union. With Aiden’s support and his boss’s inspiration, Jeremy comes up with a plan to make sure Ariadne's little blackbird comes into this world with everything she needs. While Jeremy grows into his new role as protector, Aiden needs to ease back on his protectiveness over his once-timid lover. Aiden may be a wolf in student's clothing and Jeremy may be a rabbit of a man, but that doesn’t mean they can’t walk the wilds of Granby together.


$6.99 $5.24

The Granby Knitting Menagerie

Granby Knitting Series

Welcome to Granby, Colorado, a small town at the foot of the Rocky Mountains where it snows eight months out of the year and knitting is a mashup of art form, necessity, and religion. Here you will meet:

* Rance “Craw” Crawford, owner of the local alpaca farm and fiber mill, who courts tenderfoot Ben McCutcheon with awkwardness and the most lovingly handcrafted knitted garments known to man.

* Jeremy Stillson, ex-con and ex-grifter, who comes to work for Craw and learns the secrets to being honest are in both the yarn he learns to use and in Aiden Rhodes, his young co-worker, who has a very direct way of dealing with life and seducing Jeremy.

* Stanley Schulz, yarn buyer and Craw’s ex-lover, who discovers the joys of knitting alone—and then discovers the joys of knitting for Johnny, a delivery driver with a shady past. Join this menagerie of knitters as they craft to keep their toes toasty and their hearts warm.

Novellas in this anthology originally published as eBooks by Dreamspinner Press.


$4.99 $3.74

A Harmony Ink Press Title

With time ticking until graduation, Ellis Carter doesn't have a plan for after high school. Since his best friend Cary dropped out, he has no one to talk to. All he knows is he doesn’t want to continue being a burden to his mother. Adding to his daily torture is the school’s new resident bad boy, Saul Brooks. So to say he’s amazed when the mysterious Saul invites him to the gym for a workout is an understatement. Soon, they go from workout buddies to boyfriends, and Ellis couldn't be happier. But happiness is fleeting. His mother begins a new relationship he thinks will lead to pain, and Cary makes a decision that could take him out of Ellis's life for good. Just when he needs to lean on his boyfriend the most, Ellis discovers Saul has a secret that could break them apart.


$4.99 $3.74
$3.99 $2.99

Everyone Blayne Carter knows has lost his or her mind. He doesn't have a twin, so why do people keep swearing they’ve seen him in places he hasn’t been? Blayne finally spots the look-alike at a gay bar and becomes intrigued, but his longtime friend and former lover, Doug Adams, distracts him, and Blayne loses track of his supposed twin. Some friend Doug is. Thanks, dude.

But Doug vows to make it up to Blayne and discovers the name of this doppelganger: Cary Fontaine. Doug sets up a meeting for Blayne and Cary, hoping Blayne will share all the details—down to the bare facts. Seriously, Doug is as curious as Blayne to find out exactly how much these two look alike, clothes on and off.


$3.99 $2.99


The Mongrel Trilogy | Book Three
$5.99 $4.49

Mongrel Trilogy: Book Three

The closing-day flea market at the Marvelous Mechanical Circus always draws a colorful crowd, but salesman Will Marchman doesn’t expect to see a large, elaborate gold wagon on the plaza—especially one called the Spiritorium. The wagon’s exotic looking owner claims he can perform “cleansings and siphonings” via a miracle-working machine housed within. He can supposedly flush the wickedness out of people and places.

The Spiritorium appears in the Mongrel village of Taintwell the next day, setting off a potentially tragic chain of events that begins with a shocking revelation. To make matters worse, Fanule Perfidor, de facto mayor and Will’s lover, has been neglecting to take the tonic that stabilizes his moods. Besieged by his illness, Fan drives Will away. Then Fan’s best friend, vampire Clancy Marrowbone, vanishes, causing a rift between him and his mortal lover. Then Will disappears.

As Fan regains control of his mind, he knows what he must do to save his village and the people most important to him. He must solve the mystery of the Spiritorium and confront a man he’d hoped never to see again.


$5.99 $4.49

Stuck in Oz

Tales from Kansas
$4.99 $3.74

Tales from Kansas

When Jeremy and Petey’s mother died, their house was taken to pay the debts she left behind, leaving them homeless. Afraid Petey will be put in foster care, they have no one to turn to but their Uncle Milt, so they pack up Jeremy’s beat-up car and leave San Diego for Wamego, Kansas.

They arrive in the middle of a snowstorm and stop at the local diner to contact their uncle, where they meet Nate. Nate and his aunt help them contact Uncle Milt, and he agrees to help.

Jeremy and Nate hit it off quickly, but Jeremy runs when he’s made to believe their new home isn’t permanent. Nate goes after him, finds him, and convinces him that he’s wanted. However, just as Jeremy and Nate begin to trust each other, Petey’s estranged father appears and threatens to tear Jeremy’s new life and fledgling family apart.


$4.99 $3.74