Gay books


Alluvioni e siccità

serie Nuvole e pioggia
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della serie Nuvole e pioggia

Tim Conroy sa bene che cosa vuol dire avere pazienza. Ha aspettato per tre anni che Rory McCown uscisse dalla prigione dopo aver scontato la pena per aver rubato dei cavalli al Blue River Ranch. Ora che Rory ha diritto alla libertà condizionale, Tim cerca di convincere il suo capo, Hunter Krause, a concedergli una seconda possibilità.

Arriva quasi a pentirsene quando Hunter accetta. Rory passa in fretta dall’essere una persona malinconica e solitaria a diventare arrogante e troppo sicuro di sé. L’attrazione tra loro è ancora viva, ma non appena cominciano ad avvicinarsi, si fa vivo un vecchio nemico per mettere i bastoni tra le ruote... e la loro relazione appena iniziata potrebbe non essere abbastanza forte da resistere alla tempesta in arrivo.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Husband Material is a long-running reality show, where eighteen lucky guys compete for the hand of one lucky lady. Meet contestant number one, Riley. Since being left at the altar, he’s hit the gym to get into the best shape of his life. Now he’s in it to win it. Contestant number two, Asher, doesn’t really want the bachelorette; he needs the prize money for his sister’s cancer treatment. Asher's upbeat personality brings Riley out of the funk he's been in since his breakup. They make a formidable team, with one complication: Asher’s falling for Riley.

Producer Kaitlyn has her hands full when two bachelors are found in the shower soaping up inappropriately, then another live-tweets the entire debacle. If another scandal erupts, the network will cancel the show.

The two bachelors are on a collision course under the watchful eye of a producer torn between wanting them to find true love and trying to keep her show going. In the end, Riley must choose the bachelorette or the bachelor.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Secrets. Their weight can be crushing, but their release can change everything—and not necessarily for the better. Ian is no stranger to secrets. Being a gay teen in a backwater southern town, Ian must keep his orientation under wraps, especially since he spends a lot of time with his hands all over members of the same sex, pinning their sweaty, hard bodies to the wrestling mat.

When he’s trying not to stare at teammates in the locker room, he’s busy hiding another secret—that he starves himself so he doesn’t get bumped to the next weight class.

Enter Julian Yang, an Adonis with mesmerizing looks and punk rocker style. Befriending the flirtatious artist not only raises suspicion among his classmates, but leaves Ian terrified he’ll give in to the desires he’s fought to ignore.

As secrets come to light, Ian’s world crumbles. Disowned, defriended, and deserted by nearly everyone, Ian’s one-way ticket out of town is revoked, leaving him trapped in a world he hates—and one that hates him back.


$6.99 $5.24

Adel's Purr

Elements of Love | Book One
$5.99 $4.49

Elements of Love: Book One

In a world recovering from a war that devastated humanity, Evan Halvard struggles to control a power he doesn't understand. Evan is a stone mason. He can give life to stone to create and awaken living gargoyles. When he receives a message that a large gargoyle is about to be demolished by the Church, Evan rushes to save it.

After centuries of sleep, the gargoyle has no interest in a present he can’t relate to. Yet, through the haze of his hibernation, a voice calls to him. He awakens restrained by those he swore to protect. Evan and Adel must work to understand the power connecting them and escape the evil hunting Evan, before the Church destroys Adel.

2nd Edition
1st Edition published by Silver Publishing, July 2011


$5.99 $4.49

Crow and Crown

Crow and Firefly and Crow and Crown
$3.99 $2.99

Sequel to Crow and Firefly

Four years after Ari and Dagur’s forced marriage, not many know the man at the future king’s side. Dagur, the king’s nephew, is convinced secrecy is necessary for Ari’s safety. Ari, on the other hand, doesn’t mind that not many know of his existence, let alone what he looks like. But one day, everything changes. The king dies and Dagur is called to court—alone. When he’s attacked on the way, it’s up to Ari to find out who the enemy is. And if that’s not enough, he also has to figure out who wants the king dead, deal with a wayward healer, and find a missing fiancé.


$3.99 $2.99
$6.99 $5.24

Una historia de la saga "7 días"

¿Puede la vida de una persona cambiar en un día? ¿Y en siete?

Donald Pottier y Jason Greene son unos adolescentes cuando se conocen en la isla Chincoteague, Virginia. Un día pescando cangrejos los convierte en amigos y luego en algo más. Pero el tiempo del que disponen es limitado porque al final del verano Jay deja atrás a Don y a la isla.

Sin embargo, el destino tiene algo más reservado para ellos que un simple verano de lo que pudo ser y no fue. De los once años de amistad, dolor, amor, pérdida, enfermedad y desgracia, destacan siete días que definen lo que son y la relación que comparten. Siete días de encuentros y separaciones, accidentes y casualidades, rechazo y aceptación, decepción y esperanza. Siete días que constituyen la base sin la que ninguna historia de amor puede sobrevivir: el amor incondicional.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Ein Titel der Clouds and Rain Serie

Flynn Tomlinson hat sich mehrere Jahre herumgetrieben, irgendwelche Jobs angenommen, wenn er Geld brauchte, und ist weitergezogen, wenn er nichts brauchte. Er ist zufrieden mit seinem ungebundenen Leben, wo er für niemanden verantwortlich ist, außer sich selbst. Dann sieht er die Kleinanzeige „Aushilfe gesucht“ in einem Postamt in Idaho und trifft Gable Sutton. Gable kann Flynn nicht bezahlen, bis er seine Pferde verkauft hat, aber nach einem schweren Unfall kann er seine Ranch nicht mehr alleine bewirtschaften.

Mit Pferden zu arbeiten ist um Längen besser als Regale im Supermarkt einzuräumen, daher erklärt sich Flynn mit Gables Bedingungen einverstanden. Womit Flynn nicht gerechnet hat, ist die Anziehungskraft des sanften, einsamen Mannes, der sein Herz erobert und Flynn dazu bringt, eine große Aufgabe anzunehmen: Gables Ranch zu retten.


$6.99 $5.24

Inseguire le stelle

Lang Downs (Italiano)
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Lang Downs, Libro 2

Il ventenne Chris Simms riesce a malapena a mantenersi a galla. Dopo aver perso la madre e la casa, si trova a dover provvedere da solo a se stesso e al fratello minore. Quando è attaccato da un branco di teppisti omofobi, Chris pensa che la sua vita sia ormai giunta alla fine, ma viene salvato da alcuni uomini che lavorano in un allevamento di pecore della regione. La sorpresa di sentirsi offrire un lavoro è superata solo dallo scoprire che il proprietario e il sovrintendente della stazione formano una coppia gay.

Per Chris la stazione di Lang Downs è un sogno, che migliora ancora quando scopre che il ragazzo per il quale ha un debole è non solo gay, ma anche disposto a spassarsela un po’. Tutto sembra procedere al meglio, fino a che Chris non si rende conto che i suoi sentimenti per Jesse sono molto più profondi di quanto previsto dal loro accordo.

Jesse ama la vita randagia e passa di stazione in stazione, senza mai cercare qualcosa di stabile. Convinto che Chris sia troppo giovane e fragile per una relazione seria, decide di fare in modo che la loro rimanga una relazione occasionale. Tuttavia, posto di fronte al tipo di rapporto che lega il proprietario della stazione al suo sovrintendente, comincia a valutare la possibilità di fermarsi anche lui a Lang Downs; almeno finché non si accorge dei sentimenti che Chris nutre per lui e piomba nel panico. I due ragazzi dovranno quindi decidere se darsi un’occasione, possibilmente prima che la fine dell’estate li separi.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

There's been little love in H.D. "Hound Dog" Fisher's life since the death of his beloved mom when he was a boy. Bounced around the foster care system, he ran away as soon as he could… and took the foster dog with him. As far as he's concerned, only dogs have no ulterior motive, never hold a grudge, and offer unconditional love. Now he helps run a no-kill shelter and leaves relationships where they belong: in the back room.

"Bean" Alexander settled in Kansas City to open his coffee shop after years of traveling. He never expected to open his heart too. When a man with a grudge takes a swing at H.D. while in line at Bean's shop, Bean jumps to intervene.

So taking a hit for H.D. gets Bean noticed, and H.D. feels obligated to pay a debt. But then the unexpected happens. A series of misadventures causes H.D. to open up—but falling in love makes him turn tail and run. Trust is a tough road to travel. Will good friends, a dog named Sarah Jane, and a bit of folk magic be enough to bring Hound Dog and Bean a happy ending?


$6.99 $5.24

Music Box

DIY Family
$6.99 $5.24

A DIY Family Story

When bullies chase Jonah Winfield to the front step of Avakian Music, owner Davoud Avakian intervenes and offers Jonah sanctuary among the lush chords of the Music Box’s Steinway Grand. Jonah’s sexuality isn’t a problem for Avakian, but it’s an issue the kids at school won’t allow Jonah to forget—whether he’s ready to deal with it or not. When the bullying escalates to violence, Jonah's favorite music teacher, Mr. Gaston, wants to take the bullies to the principal.

Speaking up for his favorite student may bring Paul Gaston’s own sexuality up for debate, and with budget cuts looming, he’s already on shaky ground. Forcing Jonah to do anything will only make matters worse. Getting Jonah’s cooperation requires earning his trust and helping to preserve the sanctuary of the Music Box. But the generations old music store handed down to Davoud is on the verge of bankruptcy. If Paul and Davoud can’t figure out how to turn the business around, everyone will feel the loss.


$6.99 $5.24

Dumped in Oz

Tales from Kansas
$4.99 $3.74

Tales from Kansas

Because of an opportunity he’d be a fool to turn down, Lyle Powers transfers to his company’s warehouse in central Kansas. The last thing he expects is to meet another gay man in the small town, let alone one who captures his interest.

Roger Kypers is a recovering alcoholic with a twelve-year-old daughter he only gets to see for part of the summer. Neither Lyle nor Roger is looking for a relationship, and they fumble at the start, yet emotions build as Roger shows Lyle the landmarks of Oz.

But when Roger’s wicked witch of an ex-wife threatens to take his daughter away for good if he doesn’t act “normally,” he’s faced with the challenge of letting her get away with it, or fighting to accept himself and standing up for what he knows is right.


$4.99 $3.74

Bund des Vertrauens

Wandel des Herzens | Buch 2
$6.99 $5.24

Fortsetzung zu Wandel des Herzens
Buch 2 in der Serie - Wandel des Herzens

Jin Rayne hat Schwierigkeiten damit, sich in seinem neuen Leben zurechtzufinden, das er eigentlich lieben sollte. Anstatt sich daran zu gewöhnen, dass er der Gefährte des Stammesführers, Logan Church, ist, kann Jin sich einfach nicht mit der Tatsache abfinden, dass der hetero war, bevor sie sich trafen. Er hat erfahren, was für ein Glück es ist, zu Logan zu gehören, fürchtet sich aber gleichzeitig davor, das sein neues Leben sich in Sekundenschnell auch wieder in Luft auflösen könnte, auch wenn Logan nicht müde wird, ihm zu versichern, dass so etwas niemals geschehen wird. Punkt.

Jin möchte Logan so gerne glauben, aber dieses Verlangen wird auf eine harte Probe gestellt, von einem rivalisierenden Clanführer und einer erschütternden Enthüllung über Jins Existenz. Jins Leben und sein Platz im Stamm sind in Gefahr. Wenn er überleben sollte, um Logan wiederzusehen, muss er seine Angst überwinden und das Band zwischen ihnen akzeptieren, denn nur dann kann er wirklich vertrauen.


$6.99 $5.24

Pacto de sangre

Coalición de Sangre
$6.99 $5.24

Volumen 2 de la serie Coalición de Sangre

Los magos y los vampiros han forjado una alianza basada en sangre y magia con la esperanza de inclinar la balanza de la guerra contra los magos oscuros. Algunos de los emparejamientos formados resultan tan exitosos como el de Alain Magnier y Orlando St. Claire, pero otros lo son mucho menos, conduciendo a discusiones, resentimientos y verdaderas peleas a pesar de los objetivos comunes.

Siguiendo el ejemplo de su mejor amigo, Thierry Dumont se empareja resueltamente con Sébastien Noyer, a pesar de lo incómodo que le resulta estar tan cerca de un vampiro, un hombre además, tan pronto tras la muerte de su esposa. Pero ambos descubren que la desesperación puede ser la clave para formar un pacto que funcione y cada uno de ellos se consagra casi de inmediato a mantener a salvo a su compañero.

Respaldados por una nueva fuerza, los líderes de la coalición se disponen a anunciar su existencia al mundo entero con la esperanza de conseguir apoyo contra los magos rebeldes que amenazan con destruir la vida tal y como se la conoce. En su lucha por encontrar su lugar en la cada vez más intensa guerra, la alianza descubre que a pesar de sus beneficios, los emparejamientos están afectando al equilibrio del poder mágico en el planeta, lo cual puede incluso llegar a ser una amenaza mayor que la guerra misma.


$6.99 $5.24


Orizzonti | Libro 3
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di La degustazione
Un libro della serie Orizzonti.

Sei mesi dopo essersi incontrati alla Degustazione di Chicago, Lil Lampert e Grier Dilorio vivono insieme. Il loro legame fisico è forte più che mai, ma la coppia capisce presto che servono più di due magiche parole e del sesso straordinario per far funzionare una relazione.

Come un uccellino che ha appena lasciato il nido, Grier sta imparando come condurre la sua nuova vita. I suoi problemi sarebbero dovuti finire quando Jillian ha firmato i documenti che lo riconoscono come padre biologico di Luca e quando ha avuto l’opportunità di inseguire la carriera di designer d’interni. Invece, è ostacolato da vecchi timori e cattive abitudini che sono difficili da abbandonare.

Adeguarsi a un piccolo appartamento in uno stato con quattro stagioni – con un uomo più giovane di lui dal temperamento testardo – è una sfida per Lil. Fare il “Papi” di Luca significa trovare una sorta di equilibrio delicato tra quello che lui pensa sia giusto e il dover fare affidamento agli otto anni di esperienza di Grier.

La vita è abbastanza stressante, ma ora Lil e Grier affrontano anche una complicanza inaspettata creata da un’autorità influente, potente e radicale. Improvvisamente, la sicurezza di Luca e la felicità della famiglia che si sta formando dipendono dalla profonda comprensione della natura umana di Lil e dalla voglia di imparare di Grier.


$6.99 $5.24

Sombre était la nuit

Californie équestre | Tome 2
$6.99 $5.24

Suite de Sombre est le cheval
Californie équestre, tome 2

À deux, c’est déjà difficile. Alors ajouter un troisième là-dedans... Je ne sais pas. Est-ce que ce n’est pas chercher les emmerdes ?

Ça n’a pas été facile, mais l’entraîneur équestre Dan Wheeler commence à se construire une nouvelle vie en Californie, avec ses amants Evan Kaminski et Jeff Stevens. Quand tout se passe bien, c’est magnifique ; affection, humour, passion. Mais tout ne se passe pas toujours au mieux.

Dan a toujours du mal à accepter la perte de son compagnon précédent, et semble douter parfois de son droit à être heureux. Evan est jaloux de chaque rival possible, y compris Jeff. Et Jeff se demande s’il n’est pas trop vieux pour les deux jeunes hommes, s’il ne devrait pas se retirer complètement. Malgré tout, Dan a commencé à s’attacher aux deux hommes. Est-ce suffisant ? Être ensemble les blesse ; mais être séparés ne les blesserait-il pas davantage ?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

After graduating from high school early, twenty-year-old Philippe Bergeron spent the past several years lost among the stars while fishing off the New England coast. A shoulder injury ends his dream of living reclusively on the water, and he finds himself lost among the bright lights of New York City. His older brother, Henri, has asked Philippe to chaperone his seventeen-year-old niece, Sophie, on her tours of the city's legendary dance programs.

Sophie meets with professional dancer and choreographer, Dario Pereira, to prepare a routine for her college auditions. Dario’s cool perfection and immaculate style contrast with Philippe’s awkward scruffiness, but it wakes desires Philippe thought he’d left behind. When the attraction is surprisingly returned, Dario’s confidence won’t let Philippe remain invisible. Unsure but curious, Philippe relaxes his rule of isolation, and as the summer progresses, his relationship with Dario leads him to a surprising discovery of his submissive sexual tendencies and a greater sense of self-awareness.

Tragedy threatens to destroy the connections Philippe has made and forces him to retreat into the shadows of his past, far from the radiance of Dario’s love. Ultimately, he must decide if it is time to stop hiding and set himself free.


$6.99 $5.24

Someone to Keep Me

Collars and Cuffs | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Collars and Cuffs: Book Three

Eighteen-year-old Scott Keating knows a whole world exists beyond his parents’ strict control, but until he gains access to the World Wide Web, he really has no idea what’s out there. In a chat room, Scott meets “JeffUK.” Jeff loves and understands him, and when he offers to bring Scott to the UK, Scott seizes his chance to escape his humdrum life and see the world. But when his plane touches down and Jeff isn’t there, panic sets in.

Collars & Cuffs favorite barman and Dom-in-training, Ben Winters, drops his sister off at the airport and finds a lost, anxious Scott. Hearing Scott’s story sets off alarm bells, along with his protective instincts. Taking pity on the naïve boy, Ben offers him a place to crash and invites him to Collars & Cuffs, hoping his bosses will know how to help. Scott dreams of belonging to someone, heart and soul. Ben longs for a sub of his own. And neither man sees what’s right under his nose.


$6.99 $5.24

Mind Magic

Triad | Book One

Magical species must never mix. According to the rules, Simon Osborne should ignore the children’s cries for help. After all, they’re werewolf cubs, and he’s an apprentice mage. But for once in his life, Simon breaks the rules and rescues the cubs, saving them from a demon intent on draining them of their magic.

Of course, all actions have consequences, and Simon’s bold move earns him the displeasure of his peers and the attention of the cubs’ alpha, a man named Gray Townsend.

The last thing Gray needs is a mage in his life, but Simon did save his son. Since Simon is now a friend of the pack, Gray doesn’t have much choice about it—or the forbidden attraction that goes along with it. Unfortunately for the alpha, he needs Simon’s help to track down the demon behind the kidnappings—before it strikes again. Simon and Gray must join forces to protect the pack, even as they struggle to resist the temptation that threatens to destroy them both.