Gay books

$6.99 $5.24

On a tous une façon de se cacher. Certains s’isolent, d’autres se jettent dans les bras du premier venu.

Depuis la mort de son compagnon, Caleb Maguire mène une vie paisible dans les montagnes australiennes avec sa chienne et ses chevaux pour toute compagnie. Les jours passent et se ressemblent.... jusqu’au jour où une tempête de neige s’abat sur la montagne et où Caleb doit secourir un touriste perdu. Avec la neige arrive une âme en peine qui va obliger Caleb à remettre en question sa vie solitaire.

Paul Turner est barman à Carlton, le quartier branché de Melbourne. Il vit la vie au jour le jour ; mais cette vie sans attache s’apprête à prendre fin. En trois jours, Paul tombe amoureux de Caleb. Il revient en ville en lui promettant qu’il va reprendre sa vie en main... mais seulement quand toutes les routes seront dégagées.


$6.99 $5.24

Senza più scampo

Marshals (Italiano)
$6.99 $1.00

Serie Marshals, Libro 3

Miro Jones sta vivendo la vita dei suoi sogni: ha un lavoro appassionante e gratificante come vicesceriffo federale, una bella casa alla periferia di Chicago, una splendida famiglia adottiva e soprattutto ha l’uomo che ha catturato il suo cuore, Ian Doyle. Il problema è che Ian non è solo uno sceriffo: è anche un soldato, e questo lo costringe ad assentarsi spesso e all’improvviso, gettando così un’ombra su quella che per Miro potrebbe essere una vita perfetta.

Senza Ian, la casa e il lavoro non sono gli stessi, e Miro deve fronteggiare le sue paure da solo: mantenere la calma in ufficio, sopravvivere a minacce provenienti dal passato e andare avanti tutti i giorni senza la presenza rassicurante di Ian al suo fianco. La sua vita sembra essere a un punto morto, e forse per sbloccarla dovrà prendere una decisione drastica. Ma cosa comporterebbe quello per lui e Ian? Le scelte che si prospettano a Miro sono difficili, ma a volte l’unico modo per trovare scampo non è sciogliere il nodo, ma tagliarlo.


$6.99 $1.00

Back in Black

McGinnis Investigations | Book One
$6.99 $1.00

McGinnis Investigations: Book One

There are eight million stories in the City of Angels but only one man can stumble upon the body of a former client while being chased by a pair of Dobermans and a deranged psycho dressed as a sheep.

That man is Cole McGinnis.

Since his last life-threatening case years ago, McGinnis has married the love of his life, Jae-Min Kim, consulted for the LAPD, and investigated cases as a private detective for hire. Yet nothing could have prepared him for the shocking discovery of a dead, grandmotherly woman at his feet and the cascade of murders that follows, even if he should have been used to it by now.

Now he’s back in the dark world of murder and intrigue where every bullet appears to have his name on it and every answer he digs up seems to only create more questions. Hired by the dead woman’s husband, McGinnis has to figure out who is behind the crime spree. As if the twisted case of a murdered grandmother isn’t complicated enough, Death is knocking on his door, and each time it opens, Death is wearing a new face, leaving McGinnis to wonder who he can actually trust.


$6.99 $1.00
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

For six years, Harmony Ink has been privileged to showcase the very best up-and-coming writers of LGBTQ+ fiction. We are once again awed and inspired by the talent, creativity, and heart displayed by these authors, all fourteen to twenty-one years old. Selected from dozens of entrants, these young people are the winners of the Harmony Ink Young Author Challenge, and they represent the entire spectrum as well as a variety of fictional genres. They are the future voices of our community, and they invite you to take a journey into their rich and imaginative worlds.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 2 in der Serie Horizonte

Was als kurzes Intermezzo gedacht war, wird zu etwas Tieferem, als Lil Lampert beim Taste of Chicago Grier Dilorio kennenlernt. Lil ist in der Stadt, um seine guten Freunde Jody Williams und Clark Stevens zu besuchen, aber er hatte nicht vor, einen jüngeren Mann kennenzulernen und die gemeinsame Liebe zur Architektur, Innenarchitektur und einem einzigartigen Fetisch zu finden, der Lil nicht loslässt.

Nach außen hin ist Grier ein Bad Boy, der die Geschwindigkeit, Tätowierungen und Leder liebt, aber Lil entdeckt langsam noch eine andere Seite an ihm: Er ist selbstlos, verantwortungsbewusst und zärtlich, besonders zu Luca, dem Sohn, den er verleugnen muss. Mit Lils Liebe und Unterstützung trifft Grier eine Entscheidung, die die Tür zu einer gemeinsamen Zukunft öffnet, die auch Vaterschaft einschließt. Etwas, von dem Lil immer geträumt hat, aber nie zu hoffen wagte.


$6.99 $5.24

Burn It Down

Texas Heroes
$6.99 $1.00

A Texas Heroes Novel

When an arsonist targets a kind-hearted park ranger, a firefighter steps up to protect him… and overcome his fear of dating in the process.

Park Ranger Troy Hurst has his hands full with a long, hot summer causing fires to break out all over the Sam Houston National Forest, and it looks like the weather isn’t the only culprit. But helping two abandoned teenage boys and facing the memory of his own difficult childhood will require all Troy’s strength and courage—he doesn’t have anything left to deal with the increasingly dangerous fires.

Firefighter Jared Winters has never been one to turn his back on those in need, and Troy and his young wards are in more danger than they know. Even though Jared is still reeling from an abusive relationship and Troy’s never acted on his attraction to men, the heat between them is impossible to extinguish, and before they know it, they’re planning to become foster parents—a family.

But first they’ll need to find and stop the dangerous criminal threatening homes and lives in Everness.


$6.99 $1.00

Let Me Live

Finding the Strength | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Finding the Strength: Book Two

The one person he trusted destroyed everything. Trusting again won’t be easy.

Eighteen-year-old Marshall’s bright future shattered the day his once friend and lover opened fire on their campus, killing twelve and leaving Marshall with a shoulder wound and devastating guilt over the part he played in the massacre. The press may have dubbed him a hero, but Marshall has nowhere to turn, no one to help him through the anxiety and depression closing in on him.

Until he meets tattoo artist Benny Hayes.

Benny can’t solve all Marshall’s problems, but he can assure him that he’s not defined by his trauma. Marshall wants what Benny’s offering. He wants to live, to love again. But the secret he shares with the shooter casts a long shadow, and Marshall’s fear of it coming to light makes it hard to move forward.


$6.99 $5.24

Fire and Onyx

Carlisle Deputies | Book 5
$6.99 $5.24

A Carlisle Deputies Novel

Undercover sheriff’s deputy Evan Whittaker is close to infiltrating a vicious local gang. He just needs to find an opening. Instead, he finds Wes Douglas, a web designer who is raising his irresponsible brother’s son. Wes agrees to help with a stakeout, but he pays the price when his home is destroyed in a shootout.

Evan’s always been a loner, but when he invites Wes into his home, living together feels right, and the two men only grow closer as they adapt to each other’s lives and rhythms. A future as a family looks brighter by the day, but all of that could collapse when Wes’s brother—and his connection to the drug dealers—crashes into the life they’re carefully building.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $1.00

A Love Can't Novel

Yet another series of poor decisions lands Parker Levin back in his mother’s house, working at her coffee shop, and feeling like a failure. Then he learns his ex-boyfriend has died by suicide and things go from bad to worse. When he meets a handsome stranger, he doesn’t have much left to lose. 

Ten years ago Westley Anker made a grave mistake. Since then he’s lived in near isolation, supporting himself by making custom furniture and only rarely connecting with other people. When he attempts to make amends, he encounters Parker, a beautiful and colorful young man, and he agrees to Parker’s impulsive request to join him.   

Together, Parker and Wes find quick friendship and fierce attraction. But Wes’s past demons haunt his footsteps, and Parker’s struggle to plan a future has him stumbling through life. Then they uncover evidence that suggests Parker’s ex’s death might not have been a straightforward suicide, and every path seems to lead to dead ends and destruction. Can Parker and Wes find their way to lasting love when the route is hidden?


$6.99 $1.00


Coda (Français)
$6.99 $3.49

Coda, numéro hors série

Adolescent, Dominic Jacobsen soupçonne déjà qu’il est gay. Il a toute la confirmation nécessaire lorsqu’un garçon de passage grimpe sur le siège arrière de sa GTO. Une soirée avec Lamar Franklin suffit à le convaincre qu’il a trouvé l’homme de sa vie. Malheureusement, une soirée est tout ce qu’il a avant que Lamar retourne à Tucson.

Quinze ans plus tard, après avoir mis fin à la dernière d’une série de relations désastreuses, Lamar revient à Coda dans le Colorado. Il est seul, déprimé et reçoit des coups de téléphone anonymes la nuit. Lamar est prêt à renoncer lorsqu’il se retrouve face à son passé.

Depuis ses dix-sept ans, Dominic rêve de retrouver Lamar, mais ça ne signifie pas qu’il y est prêt. C’est déjà assez difficile d’affronter les rumeurs d’une petite ville et les mélodrames d’une grande famille, Dominic refuse de perdre la garde de sa fille adolescente, Naomi. La seule solution, c’est de s’assurer que Lamar et lui restent amis, rien de plus. Quoi qu’il arrive, ils garderont leurs vêtements.

Rien de plus simple, n’est-ce pas ?


$6.99 $3.49

Silent Heart

Search and Rescue | Book Two
Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

Search and Rescue: Book Two

Dog wrangler Preston Echo has been in love with his brother’s best friend, copilot, and business partner since high school—and Damien Ward knew it. As Preston grew into a stunning, hard-willed man, Damien began to dream of Preston too. 

Then Damien almost died in a helicopter crash. While his physical wounds are slowly healing, the blows to his self-confidence and goodwill are almost worse. His body is broken and he’s afraid to fly—how can Preston love him now? 

When Preston’s brother goes on a search-and-rescue mission and disappears in an earthquake zone in Mexico, Preston and Damien are thrown together in an effort to find him and bring him back. Preston’s merciless honesty—and relentless passion—may leverage Damien into his bed, but can Damien overcome his fears to allow himself to stay there? 


$4.99 $3.74

Un cuore di vetro

Avvocati innamorati
$4.99 $3.74

Avvocati innamorati

La paura di essere come il padre fedifrago ha portato l’avvocato Asher Caldwell a costruire una barriera attorno al proprio cuore. Riuscirà l’ex procuratore distrettuale Zach Richardson ad abbattere quei muri per liberare l’uomo passionale che si nasconde dietro allo stacanovista con la fobia di impegnarsi. Oppure sarà la gelosia di Zach a distruggere ciò che stanno cercando di costruire?

Una nuova vita e un nuovo amore: è quello che Zach spera di trovare quando lascia l’ufficio del procuratore distrettuale e permette agli amici di trasformarlo. Ma l’esperimento sarà riuscito? Il suo nuovo aspetto attira l’attenzione di Asher Caldwell, il suo capo. Zach ha una cotta segreta per lui e un incontro fortuito porta a un gioco di seduzione, e a uno scambio di identità. Purtroppo, e con orrore, Zach scopre che l’uomo lo credeva un escort a pagamento. Asher, dal canto suo, è mortificato di aver fatto sesso con un dipendente. Ciò nonostante, la notte passata insieme ha significato molto per entrambi, tanto che vogliono provare a frequentarsi. C’è una possibilità che la loro storia d’amore funzioni, ma Zach dovrà convincersi che ad Asher basterà l’amore di un solo uomo e imparare a fidarsi di lui… e Asher dovrà imparare a fidarsi di sé stesso.


$4.99 $3.74
$3.99 $2.99

The holiday season is lonely for construction worker Benjamin Morgan, a big muscular guy who just wants to submit, obey, and serve. But the men he’s attracted to usually don’t have a dominant bone in their bodies. He’s done seeking his BDSM dreams with someone who isn’t interested in putting him in his rightful place—on his knees at their feet.

When a friend sets up a meeting with Foster Ridgeway at the BDSM club, Entwined, Benjamin has his doubts. Of course he is attracted to bookish Foster, who works for the same construction company, but how will someone so small and delicate-looking master Benjamin? But when Foster--the tiny temple of dominance wielding a crop—heads toward Benjamin, he might get what he’s always wanted, just in time for Solstice.


$3.99 $2.99
$3.99 $2.99

Love is trying to catch up to two lonely men. Can they stop long enough to let it?

Running defines Kincaid’s life. It’s not until he loses it that he realizes how isolated he’s become. But even if an injury hadn’t forced him to slow down, the hottie in the yoga studio would have given him pause. In fact, admiring the man each morning is the only thing keeping the spring in his step when it feels like he’s lost everything.

Owen’s busy life as a yoga instructor doesn’t leave him much time to meet guys, let alone date. He’s convinced his passion for helping people is worth the sacrifice, but he’s willing to spare a few moments for the cutie who walks past the studio every morning.

When their lives intersect and romance is set in motion, they stumble off the starting block. But no matter the obstacles in their path, this race won’t be over until they reach the finish… together.


$3.99 $2.99

Il tesoro del drago

Dreamspun Beyond
$4.99 $3.74

Essere amati da un drago significa essere trattati come un tesoro inestimabile.

Cento anni fa, l’Alfa Montgomery, spinto dalla disperazione, ha scelto di correre un rischio: ha preso in prestito dei soldi dall’antico drago Warwick Ehecatl, lasciando come garanzia le terre del branco. Ora è arrivato il momento di pagare il debito, e i draghi non dimenticano… né perdonano. Warwick esige come risarcimento il figlio di Montgomery, Avery, e tre delle sue attività commerciali. Avery è un Omega e sa di essere praticamente inutile al branco, quindi potrebbe anche accettare, ma ha dei ripensamenti: il suo futuro compagno è terrificante, e sarebbe libero di fare di lui ciò che vuole.

Warwick è consapevole della reputazione della sua razza, ed è persino disposto ad ammettere che in parte sia meritata, ma preferirebbe tagliarsi la coda piuttosto che smorzare la luce negli occhi innocenti del compagno. Non sarà semplice, ma c’è qualcosa tra loro che ribolle sotto la superficie e che vale la pena di proteggere.


$4.99 $3.74

On the Same Page

Secrets | Book Five
$6.99 $5.24

Secrets: Book Four

When a Dom invites a shy bookstore owner to live out his fantasies, more than one life will be transformed.

Words are Heath Snow’s life. He can’t remember a time when he didn’t have his nose buried in a book. He couldn’t make a living as a writer, so he did the next best thing—he bought a bookstore. But when he’s not selling books, he’s living vicariously through the characters he encounters. Real men can’t hold a candle to the hot men in his favorite genre.

The Pride display in the bookstore window may be what captured Xavier James’s attention, but the man enthusing about books interests him more. The BDSM book lying next to the cash register is a pleasant surprise, and when he draws attention to it, Heath’s flushed cheeks and bright eyes pique Xavier’s curiosity even further.

Xavier is about to learn that some things are more important than work, and Heath is about to step out of his comfort zone, into a place where fantasy and real life coexist.


$6.99 $5.24

Un pass pour deux

Dreamspun Desires (Français)
$6.99 $5.24

Des vacances de conte de fées – s’il peut en réussir la fin.

Finch Mason, infirmier américain, sort du confort de sa vie ordonnée et s’offre un voyage de rêve en Angleterre, avec un pass du National Trust pour visiter de nombreux sites historiques. Au premier sur sa liste, il est chaleureusement accueilli – et informé qu’il a acheté un pass pour deux personnes.

Finch n’hésite pas à l’offrir à Benedict, un beau Britannique également présent lors de cette visite. Ils passent une semaine magique à visiter la campagne, et même s’il est trop tôt pour s’attacher, Finch souhaite que leurs moments ensemble ne s’arrêtent jamais.

Puis il se retrouve coincé sans argent et il n’a personne vers qui se tourner à part Benedict. Celui-ci est heureux d’aider, mais il doit aussi des réponses à Finch – comme qui il est vraiment et pourquoi il se trouvait au domaine où ils se sont rencontrés.


$6.99 $5.24

Fall Through Spring

Winter Ball
$6.99 $5.24

A Winter Ball Novel

As far as Clay Carpenter is concerned, his abusive relationship with food is the best thing he’s got going. When a good friend starts kicking his ass into gear, Clay is forced to reexamine everything he learned about food and love—and that’s right when he meets troubled graduate student, Dane Hayes.

Dane Hayes doesn’t do the whole monogamy thing, but the minute he meets Clay Carpenter, he’s doing the friend thing in spades. The snarky, scruffy bastard not only gets Dane's wacky sense of humor, he also accepts the things Dane can’t control—like the bipolar disorder Dane has been trying to manage for the past six years.

Dane is hoping for more than friendship, and Clay is looking at him with longing that isn't platonic. They’re both positive they’re bad at relationships, but with the help of forbidden desserts and new medication regimens, they prove outstanding at being with each other. But can they turn their friendship into the love neither of them has dared to hope for?


$6.99 $5.24