Mystery/Suspense books


Dark Tide

Kildevil Cove Murder Mysteries | Book Three
$1.99 $1.49

A Kildevil Cove Murder Mystery

They say it never rains but it pours. Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Inspector Danny Quirke would have to agree.

First someone murders a vulnerable Kildevil Cove man and dumps him in an abandoned well. Then the body of a sex-trafficking victim washes up on a nearby beach. Danny has to get to the bottom of both deaths, but with few leads and little support from his superiors, he’s spinning his wheels in a mud pit of a case. Vital resources go missing, witnesses disappear, and suspects proliferate.

Each step toward the truth brings him two steps back. Help comes in the form of Scottish investigator Martin Belshawe, but he may not be who he says he is, and someone in the highest echelons of the Newfoundland Constabulary is lying to Danny. Even Danny’s lover, Tadhg Heaney, whom he looks to for emotional support, seems to know more than he should about the shady characters who keep popping up in the investigation.

With time running out, Danny must decide who, if anyone, he can trust—before the sex traffickers claim their next victims. But on an island, there's no escaping the tide.


$1.99 $1.49

Cole-McGinnis Krimi : Band 1 bis 3

Ein Cole-McGinnis-Krimi
$9.99 $7.49

Als der ehemalige Polizist und Privatdetektiv Cole McGinnis den Selbstmord des Sohnes eines erfolgreichen koreanischen Geschäftsmannes untersucht, führt ihn das in die Welt reicher, traditioneller Familien, die ein schmutziges Geheimnis der Art geheimhalten, mit dem sich Cole bestens auskennt. Es führt ihn auch in die Arme von Kim Jae-Min, dem Cousin des Opfers, und das könnte zu einem Problem werden, denn dessen Tod sieht mehr und mehr wie ein Mord aus, während Jae-Min das nächste Ziel zu sein scheint.

Kim Jae-Min zu lieben ist nicht immer leicht: Jae fürchtet sich davor, als offen schwuler Mann zu leben, während der zum Privatdetektiv gewordene ehemalige Polizist Cole McGinnis es nicht anders kennt. Als er damit beauftragt wird, einen schwulen Koreaner zu finden, der seit beinahe zwei Jahrzehnten verschwunden ist, segnet eine Person nach der anderen das Zeitliche – und ein geliebter Mensch könnte als Nächstes auf der Liste des Mörders stehen.


$9.99 $7.49

Dead Woman's Pond

Nearly Departed | Book One
$0.99 $0.74

2022 Goldie Award Finalist - Paranormal/Occult/Horror

No matter how Flynn Dalton tries to avoid it, the supernatural finds her.

At first it’s not so bad. Flynn’s girlfriend, Genesis, is a nationally known psychic, which makes Flynn uncomfortable for both paranormal and financial reasons, but she can handle it. As long as no one makes her talk about it.

Then, on her way home from her construction job, Flynn almost ends up the latest casualty of Festivity’s infamous Dead Man’s Pond. And when her ex-lover’s ghost appears to warn her away, things get a whole lot weirder.

Flynn might not like it, but the pond has fixated on her to be its next victim. If she wants to survive, she’ll have to swallow her pride, accept Gen’s help, and get much closer to the psychic realm—and her own latent psychic abilities—than she ever wanted.


$0.99 $0.74

Dirty Laundry (Deutsch)

Ein Cole-McGinnis-Krimi
$6.99 $5.24

Fortsetzung zu Dirty Secret
Ein Cole-McGinnis-Krimi

Für den zum Privatdetektiv gewordenen ehemaligen Polizisten Cole McGinnis bringt jeder Tag eine neue Herausforderung mit sich. Leider sind die meisten davon mit Schmerz und Tod verbunden. Seine Büroleiterin und Ersatzmutter Claudia erholt sich noch von einer Schussverletzung, als sein heimlich schwuler Freund Kim Jae-Min sich plötzlich um seine jüngere Schwester kümmern muss. Währenddessen hat Cole eigene Geschwisterprobleme – vor allem einen geheimnisvollen Halbbruder aus Japan, den sein älterer Bruder Mike unbedingt mit offenen Armen willkommen heißen möchte.

Als wäre sein Privatleben nicht dramatisch genug, taucht Madame Sun in seinem Büro auf – eine Wahrsagerin, deren Kunden besorgniserregend häufig ums Leben kommen. Da die Polizei ihre Vermutung, dass es jemand auf ihre Kunden abgesehen hat, nicht ernst nimmt, möchte sie Cole beauftragen. Nachdem er ursprünglich nur zustimmt, um sie zu beruhigen, findet sich Cole bald in einem gordischen Knoten aus Lug und Trug wieder, in dem nichts ist wie vermutet und Madame Suns einzige Karte der Tod zu sein scheint.


$6.99 $5.24
$9.99 $7.49

Quando l’ex poliziotto Cole McGinnis indaga sull’apparente suicidio del figlio di un importante uomo d’affari coreano, si ritrova nel mondo delle ricche famiglie tradizionaliste che nascondono il tipo di segreto che Cole conosce bene da tutta la vita. Si ritrova anche tra le braccia di Kim Jae-Min, cugino della vittima. Potrebbe diventare un problema, perché la morte dell’uomo assomiglia sempre meno a un suicidio, e Jae-Min assomiglia sempre più al prossimo obiettivo.

Amare un uomo non dichiarato non è sempre facile, ma Cole non ha tempo di dedicarsi alle questioni personali irrisolte di Jae-Min. Quando viene incaricato di ritrovare un uomo gay coreano scomparso vent’anni prima, i cadaveri cominciano ad ammucchiarsi attorno a lui. Una persona che Cole ama rischia di essere il prossimo bersaglio dell’assassino.

Forse Cole riuscirà a risolvere il mistero, ma c’è sempre un nuovo caso…


$9.99 $7.49

Sin and Tonic (Français)

Sinners (Français) | Tome 6
Série Sinners (Français)
$6.99 $5.24

Suite d'Absinthe of Malice
Série Sinners Tome 6

Miki St John croyait que les fins heureuses n’existaient que dans les contes de fées jusqu’à ce que sa vie prenne quelques virages inattendus… et désormais il a trouvé la sienne.

Son meilleur ami, Damien, est de retour d’entre les morts, et leur nouveau groupe, Crossroads Gin, grimpe en flèche dans les charts. Miki peut compter sur un compagnon solide et affectueux nommé Kane Morgan – un inspecteur de la police de San Francisco, doté d’une grande famille irlandaise qui le considère comme l’un des leurs – et son chien Mec se tient à ses côtés.

Hélas, quelqu’un essaye de le tuer.

De vieilles loyautés et d’anciennes rancunes émergent du sombre et mystérieux passé de Chinatown. Miki lutte pour faire face à l’abandon de sa mère décédée, aux secrets et au meurtre brutal de cette dernière, alors qu’il est traqué par un meurtrier énigmatique qui pourrait avoir des liens avec elle.

L’affaire atterrit entre les mains de Kane. Miki et lui sont entraînés dans un jeu mortel du chat et de la souris. Quand Miki est forcé d’affronter ses démons personnels et les horreurs de son enfance, une seule chose est certaine : la rock star et son flic sont déterminés à se battre pour leur avenir et à survivre aux démons menaçants du passé de Miki.


$6.99 $5.24

The Cutie-Pie Murders

BJ Vinson Mysteries
$6.99 $5.24

A BJ Vinson Mystery

When BJ Vinson agrees to investigate the murder of young Mateo Zapata, he knows it will be a tough case. Not only is the victim’s uncle Zancon the mob underboss BJ took down six years earlier, but Matt seems to be the third victim of a depraved serial killer who debauches his victims before strangling them.

BJ and his team—including his lover, journalist Paul Barton—start down a long and tangled road while the killer strikes again and again with seeming impunity. His sterile semen offers no DNA for identification, nor is it clear how he finds his victims.

Park House, a new near-downtown apartment high-rise, could be the key to the mystery, but BJ can’t find the lock it fits. However, his search stirs up old resentments and new dangers. At any moment Zancon, impatiently waiting in the New Mexico State Penitentiary to exact his revenge, could decide to take matters into his own hands. And poking around in the case has excited the killer’s lust for Paul, whose eagerness to help stop the killings puts him in the path of certain death—unless BJ can reach him in time….


$6.99 $5.24

Dark Mire

Kildevil Cove Murder Mysteries | Book Two
$0.99 $0.74

A Kildevil Cove Murder Mystery

You never know what trouble will rise from the bog.

When the body of an unidentified woman is found in a Newfoundland bog, Inspector Danny Quirke must scramble his team of investigators to find her killer. But what initially seems like a straightforward case soon becomes mired in a tangled web of lies and deliberate obfuscation.

With the strange mutilation of the body—one eye gouged out completely—evidence seems to lead to a fringe religious group with bizarre beliefs. But while the pathologist indicates mushroom poisoning as the cause of death, Danny thinks circumstances point to something more sinister—especially when he begins to receive anonymous messages with links to horrific pictures of damaged human eyes.

Three more bodies join the first, with seemingly nothing to link them but a little girl in a yellow party dress who flits in and out of the mystery like a creature from the old legends. Then an old friend from his childhood reappears, and Danny is forced to confront uncomfortable truths about his own nearest and dearest.

On an island, everyone is a suspect…


$0.99 $0.74

Dark Water

Kildevil Cove Murder Mysteries | Book One
$0.99 $0.74

A Kildevil Cove Murder Mystery

They say trouble comes in threes. Detective Danny Quirke is already mourning his wife and mired in an internal investigation that will likely spell the end of his career. Now he must return to the Newfoundland fishing village of his youth to bury his abusive grandfather. At least his three are up. Right?

Then the bones of local boy Llewellyn Single, drowned thirty years before, wash up on the beach, and secrets Danny thought were buried forever rise violently to the surface. Only two people know what really happened: Danny Quirke and his former best friend, millionaire Tadhg Heaney.

Danny and Tadhg have been bitter enemies for years. But when Danny is accused of Llewellyn’s murder, he needs Tadhg’s help exposing the truth—before those who believe he is responsible get their revenge.

After all, on an island, nothing stays secret forever….


Previously published by Dreamspinner Press as Wind and Dark Water, March 2020.


$0.99 $0.74


Storm Fronts | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Storm Fronts: Book Three

What if the mirror does reflect what’s inside?

Mercenary Vick Corren is steadfast in her love for empath Kelly LaSalle. When it comes to her love of herself, not so much.

After an acidic-lake dunking on a distant moon shows Vick what’s really beneath her synthetic skin, it doesn’t matter that she heals. All she can see is the metallic shell of the soldier she once was. It’s a cruel reminder that she’s a cyborg. An AI. Less than human.

And that's not Vick's biggest problem. Her clone, the sadistic VC2, is on the loose and on the hunt. Her mission? Eliminate Vick and make Kelly her own.

Can Vick resolve her crippling identity crisis in time to defeat VC2—a terrifying version of herself that she might have been if not for Kelly’s love?


$6.99 $5.24

'Nother Sip of Gin

Sinners Series
$3.00 $2.25

A Sinners Gin Anthology

For Crossroads Gin rock stars Miki, Damien, Rafe, and Forest, life is a Möbius strip of music, mayhem, and murder. Through it all, the sweet, hot moments between tours with lovers, friends, and family keep them sane, healthy, and happy. This Sinners collection features short stories spanning the entire series, from before the first note to after the lights go out.


$3.00 $2.25
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

A human girl and an elven prince embark on an epic quest to save both their worlds…. 

Tam is a plucky seventeen-year-old girl determined to join the army by any means necessary—even if she has to sneak in. Loren, the prince of the elves, would rather be a healer than a prince. Neither of them wishes to do what society expects of them. 

As it turns out, destiny has something else in mind for them altogether, something far grander and infinitely more dangerous. When the humans and the elves forge an unlikely alliance against a common foe, Tam and Loren are thrown together in a desperate bid to vanquish an evil king.

Originally published as Wanderwood by Tara Burman in 2018.


$6.99 $5.24


Storm Fronts | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Storm Fronts: Book Two

Empath Kelly LaSalle means everything to cybernetic soldier Vick Corren—and Kelly deserves a partner who can love her in a romantic way.

For the first time since receiving her robotic enhancements and an AI that makes her faster and stronger than the average merc, Vick thinks she can be that person.

Vick wants Kelly for life, and she’ll do whatever it takes to be worthy. A holiday on a tropical planet seems the perfect time for Vick to demonstrate her commitment.

And she has big plans.

But the best intentions unravel when they’re pursued by a rival mercenary company that wants Vick’s technology—with or without her cooperation. A competitor for Kelly’s affection is determined to tear them apart, and a lover from Vick’s past has depraved plans of her own. Vick might not be able to save their lives without giving herself over to the machine she’s trying so hard to transcend.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Welcome, Motor Heads, Rally Girls, and Hangers-On! It’s another wild ride here at the Gathering—the underground world of fast cars, crazy drivers, and partying all night long. If you’re here, it means you’ve broken curfew. Not something the ruling Mob of Terra One encourages, but we’re all in the same boat, so let’s rock it! As long as you’ve paid off your local Associate, you’ll be fine. Maybe.

Tonight’s race features racing royalty, ladies and gents! Let’s welcome seventeen-year-old Rebecca “RC” Camille, third in the Driver’s Index. She lives to race. Nothing but motor oil running through her veins, folks. Her aim? To be number one, beating out two of the boys she grew up with at the Open Arms orphanage. She’s lethal in her GT500KR. Nothing gets in her way. Not a sense of brotherhood. Not even love.

Her challenger tonight? A psychotic serial killer willing to stop at nothing to eliminate the competition. Can RC stop him before he kills his way to the top? Or will she need reinforcements from the authority we all love to hate? Remember, children, the Mob never gives away their help for free.


$6.99 $5.24

Senza più scampo

Marshals (Italiano)
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Marshals, Libro 3

Miro Jones sta vivendo la vita dei suoi sogni: ha un lavoro appassionante e gratificante come vicesceriffo federale, una bella casa alla periferia di Chicago, una splendida famiglia adottiva e soprattutto ha l’uomo che ha catturato il suo cuore, Ian Doyle. Il problema è che Ian non è solo uno sceriffo: è anche un soldato, e questo lo costringe ad assentarsi spesso e all’improvviso, gettando così un’ombra su quella che per Miro potrebbe essere una vita perfetta.

Senza Ian, la casa e il lavoro non sono gli stessi, e Miro deve fronteggiare le sue paure da solo: mantenere la calma in ufficio, sopravvivere a minacce provenienti dal passato e andare avanti tutti i giorni senza la presenza rassicurante di Ian al suo fianco. La sua vita sembra essere a un punto morto, e forse per sbloccarla dovrà prendere una decisione drastica. Ma cosa comporterebbe quello per lui e Ian? Le scelte che si prospettano a Miro sono difficili, ma a volte l’unico modo per trovare scampo non è sciogliere il nodo, ma tagliarlo.


$6.99 $5.24

Back in Black

McGinnis Investigations | Book One
$6.99 $1.00

McGinnis Investigations: Book One

There are eight million stories in the City of Angels but only one man can stumble upon the body of a former client while being chased by a pair of Dobermans and a deranged psycho dressed as a sheep.

That man is Cole McGinnis.

Since his last life-threatening case years ago, McGinnis has married the love of his life, Jae-Min Kim, consulted for the LAPD, and investigated cases as a private detective for hire. Yet nothing could have prepared him for the shocking discovery of a dead, grandmotherly woman at his feet and the cascade of murders that follows, even if he should have been used to it by now.

Now he’s back in the dark world of murder and intrigue where every bullet appears to have his name on it and every answer he digs up seems to only create more questions. Hired by the dead woman’s husband, McGinnis has to figure out who is behind the crime spree. As if the twisted case of a murdered grandmother isn’t complicated enough, Death is knocking on his door, and each time it opens, Death is wearing a new face, leaving McGinnis to wonder who he can actually trust.


$6.99 $1.00
$6.99 $5.24

Assassin meets innocent. 

Kicked out of the Assassins Guild for breach of contract, hunted by its members for killing the Guild Leader, and half hooked on illegal narcotics, Cor Sandros could use a break. Down to her last few credits, Cor is offered a freelance job to eliminate a perverse political powerhouse. Always a sucker for helping the helpless, she accepts.

The plan doesn’t include Cor falling in love with her employer, sweet and attractive Kila, but as the pair struggles to reach the target’s home world, pursued by assassins from the Guild, Cor finds the inexplicable attraction growing stronger. There’s a job to do, and intimate involvement is an unwelcome distraction. Then again, so is sexual frustration.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Torquere Press Publishers, November 2015.


$6.99 $5.24

The Voxlightner Scandal

BJ Vinson Mysteries
$6.99 $5.24

A BJ Vinson Mystery

No good deed goes unpunished, as investigator BJ Vinson is about to discover.

Writer John Pierce Belhaven was murdered before he could reveal the name of another killer—one connected to the biggest scandal to rock Albuquerque in years. Two of the city’s most prominent citizens—Barron Voxlightner and Dr. Walther Stabler—vanished in 2004, along with fifty million dollars looted from Voxlightner Precious Metals Recovery Corp. It only makes sense that poking into that disappearance cost Belhaven his life.

But BJ isn’t so sure.

He’s agreed to help novice detective Roy Guerra reopen the old case—which the wealthy and influential Voxlightner family doesn’t want dredged up. But Belhaven was part of their family, and that connection could’ve led to his murder. Or did the sixty-year-old author die because of a sordid sexual affair?


$6.99 $5.24