Mystery/Suspense books


Buried Secrets

Timothy and Wyatt Mysteries

A Harmony Ink Press Title

A Timothy and Wyatt Mystery

Teen detectives Wyatt and Timothy are determined to find out what happened to a group of boys who disappeared years ago—but surviving the mystery might be as challenging as solving it.

To make ends meet, Wyatt works construction instead of attending school, and it’s in an old house he’s gutting that he finds a collection of articles about a missing boy. Wyatt knew Bobby LaFleur before he disappeared, and this new clue stirs up Wyatt’s old memories.

Sheriff’s son Timothy Mitchell can’t resist a challenge—or the chance to show his dad he’s more than capable of working in law enforcement. Together with Wyatt, he investigates the disappearance and learns Bobby isn’t the only victim—and that Wyatt and Bobby were more than friends. As the case grows darker and more twisted, the connection between Wyatt and Timothy deepens.  But the secrets they uncover could get them killed.



Storm Fronts | Book One

Storm Fronts: Book One

All cybernetic soldier Vick Corren wanted was to be human again. Now all she wants is Kelly. But machines can’t love. Can they?

With the computerized implants that replaced most of her brain, Vick views herself as more machine than human. She’s lost her memory, but worse, can no longer control her emotions, though with the help of empath Kelly LaSalle, she’s holding the threads of her fraying sanity together. 

Vick is smarter, faster, impervious to pain… the best mercenary in the Fighting Storm, until odd flashbacks show Vick a life she can't remember and a romantic relationship with Kelly that Vick never knew existed. But investigating that must wait until Vick and her team rescue the Storm’s kidnapped leader.

Someone from within the organization is working against them, threatening Kelly’s freedom. To save her, Vick will have to sacrifice what she values most: the last of her humanity. Before the mission is over, either Vick or Kelly will forfeit the life she once knew.  


Absolute Heart

Infernal Instruments of the Dragon

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Infernal Instruments of the Dragon

As the British Empire builds power based on new clockwork and steam technology, Ireland draws its might from its potent magical traditions. Only two boys with little in common can end the fighting between the two nations and prevent a terrible worldwide war.

Gavin Haveland’s dreams are in the sky with the airships, while his reality as a High Councilman’s son means hiding secrets that will get him executed if revealed.

Orion of Oberon is not just a powerful mage, he’s the nephew of the Irish queen, and the one she’s sent him on a quest for the ancient Dragon Stones that will bolster her fading power. In the process, he might restore his family to their rightful place in society.

With enemies determined to stop them by any means necessary and war or peace hinging on their success, Gavin and Orion must find a way to work together, despite the centuries of mistrust between their nations.


Senza più dubbi

Marshals (Italiano)

Serie Marshals, Libro 2

Miro Jones e Ian Doyle, vicesceriffi federali, sono adesso partner sia sul lavoro che fuori: la calma professionalità di Miro compensa il carattere passionale e irascibile di Ian. Ogni relazione, però, ha dei problemi, e a volte Miro si chiede quale posto abbia nel cuore del suo focoso amante. I nodi d’amore che così di recente li hanno uniti corrono forse il rischio di sciogliersi?

Il loro legame è continuamente messo alla prova da intrusioni familiari, amici benintenzionati e insicurezze personali. Inoltre, devono affrontare una vera e propria prova del fuoco anche al lavoro, quando un vecchio caso di Miro torna a perseguitarli. Ce ne sarebbe abbastanza per convincere Ian a farsi venire dei dubbi riguardo alla sua decisione di impegnarsi con Miro, il quale può solo sperare, a questo punto, che i sentimenti che legano lui e il suo partner siano talmente forti da resistere a tutto.


Jesse Morales si è appena laureato e aspira a diventare uno scrittore di gialli. Quando si offre volontario per prestare servizio una settimana sulla vetta del monte Washington, sa già che dovrà lavorare duro. Quello che non sa è che in mezzo alla nebbia troverà un cadavere, disteso tra le rocce, ucciso con un colpo alla testa. La vittima si rivela essere un giovane turista di nome Stuart Warren, allontanatosi poche ore prima dagli amici con cui stava visitando la montagna.

Kyle Dubois, un ispettore di polizia vedovo già da qualche anno, è costretto ad accorrere sulla scena del crimine in piena notte. Kyle e Jesse sono immediatamente attratti l’uno dall’altro, anche se per l’ispettore è difficile prendere sul serio quel pivello fissato con i romanzi polizieschi. Ma Jesse trova un modo per rendersi indispensabile a Kyle, prendendo una stanza presso l’hotel dove alloggiano i parenti e gli amici della vittima e introducendosi nella loro cerchia. Quello che scoprirà potrebbe portarlo a risolvere il caso… o a farsi ammazzare.


When Jamie Roma and Derek Lee find their blossoming love affair interrupted by dual invitations to a house party from a mysterious unnamed host, they think, Sounds like fun. The next thing they know they are caught up in a game of cat and mouse that quickly starts racking up a lot of dead mice. Yikes, they think. Not so fun. 

Trapped inside a spooky old house in the middle of nowhere, with the body count rising among their fellow guests, they begin to wonder if they’ll escape with their lives. As a cataclysmic storm swoops in to batter the survivors, the horror mounts. 

Oddly enough, even in the midst of murder and mayhem, Jamie and Derek’s love continues to thrive. 

While the guest list thins, so does the list of suspects. Soon it’s only them and the killer. 

And then the battle really begins.


A Harmony Ink Press Title

Mykayla’s parents’ marriage is in trouble, but they’re working on it. Unfortunately for Mykayla, that means she’s getting shipped off to Boston to spend her summer with Uncle Yushua while they work out their issues. Mykayla has issues of her own—like her confusion about her sexuality, or apparent lack of it—that she’d like to explore alongside her best friend, Xiu.The situation at her uncle’s house is weird to say the least. There’s something off about his coworkers—aside from the fact that they won’t go away.

Things go from strange to stranger when a supernatural being shows up to protect Mykayla from someone he calls the Shadow Pharaoh. Sutekhgen is a sorcerer who never made it to the afterlife, with a huge Set Beast as a companion… and the mistaken assumption that Mykayla is the reincarnation of his lost romantic partner. 

She doesn’t know what’s worse: being caught in a metaphysical conflict between ancient gods or being stuck with a pushy jerk who doesn’t know the meaning of personal boundaries.


Delitti e disastri

Delitti e disastri | Libro 1

Serie Delitti e disastri, Libro 1

I morti tengono la bocca chiusa.

L’ex topo d’appartamento Rook Stevens ha rubato molti oggetti preziosi in passato, ma mai prima d’ora era stato accusato di aver sottratto una vita. Una cosa è trovare una vecchia complice ad aspettarlo dentro al Potter’s Field, il suo negozio di cimeli della cultura pop, un’altra è inciampare nel suo cadavere.

Il detective Dante Montoya era convinto di aver chiuso per sempre con Rook Stevens, dopo che il suo precedente partner aveva falsificato delle prove per incastrare il ladro di gioielli che invece se l’era cavata impunemente. Così, quando interrompe la fuga di un sospettato di omicidio coperto di sangue, rimane senza parole nello scoprire che si tratta proprio dell’uomo che aveva giurato di mettere dietro le sbarre e che continua a fargli ribollire il sangue nelle vene anche a distanza di anni.

Rook è determinato a scrollarsi di dosso l’accusa di omicidio, anche se ciò significa prendere le distanze dal duro detective messico-cubano che lo ha arrestato. Ma come se un’artista della truffa morta non fosse abbastanza, presto se ne aggiungo altre e, mentre i cadaveri si ammucchiano ai suoi piedi, Rook è costretto a chiedere aiuto proprio all’ultima persona che in teoria dovrebbe credere alla sua innocenza… e l’unico uomo che non è mai riuscito a dimenticare.


Jonathon de Mountford a décidé de se rendre au village de Merrychurch pour passer un peu de temps avec son oncle Dominic, mais son séjour commence mal quand celui-ci oublie de venir le récupérer à la gare. Quand Jonathon retrouve le corps de son oncle sans vie dans son bureau, à la suite de ce qui semble être une chute, son monde se retrouve bouleversé. D’une part, il est l’héritier du manoir. D’autre part, il n’est pas si sûr que ce soit un simple accident. Il se met en tête de prouver sa théorie avec l’aide de Mike Tattersall, propriétaire du pub local – si tant est qu’il puisse se concentrer assez longtemps sans être distrait par la beauté de cet homme.

Ensemble, ils établissent une liste – de plus en plus longue – rassemblant les personnes qui avaient une raison d’en vouloir à Dominic. Quand la situation prend un tournant inattendu, les détectives amateurs restent perplexes. Pour compliquer les choses, l’inspecteur de police qui est envoyé pour résoudre cette affaire est la dernière personne que Mike a envie de voir, surtout quand il leur demande de ne pas fourrer leur nez dans cette enquête.

Autant dresser un drap rouge devant un taureau…


Abaddon's Locusts

BJ Vinson Mysteries

A BJ Vinson Mystery

When B.J. Vinson, confidential investigator, learns his young friend, Jazz Penrod, has disappeared and has not been heard from in a month, he discovers some ominous emails. Jazz has been corresponding with a “Juan” through a dating site, and that single clue draws BJ and his significant other, Paul Barton, into the brutal but lucrative world of human trafficking.

Their trail leads to a mysterious Albuquerquean known only as Silver Wings, who protects the Bulgarian cartel that moves people—mostly the young and vulnerable—around the state to be sold into modern-day slavery, sexual and otherwise. Can BJ and Paul locate and expose Silver Wings without putting Jazz’s life in jeopardy? Hell, can they do so without putting themselves at risk? People start dying as BJ, Paul, and Henry Secatero, Jazz's Navajo half-brother, get too close. To find the answer, bring down the ring, and save Jazz, they’ll need to locate the place where human trafficking ties into the Navajo Nation and the gay underground.


With the pressures of the job bearing down on him, police officer Garrett Wreckley needs a vacation—in fact, he isn’t given a choice in the matter. Since the water has always soothed Garrett’s soul, he heads to the Caribbean, hoping some time alone sailing on the open water will help him pull himself together.

But even though he’s taking a break from law enforcement, Garrett can’t get rid of his cop’s instinct so easily.

He meets Nigel, a young man as innocent as he is beautiful, who grew up sheltered from the world, exploring the beaches and tropical forests with only the company of his aunt, his brother, and the wildlife and sea creatures he befriended.

As sweet, passionate love blooms, their time in paradise feels too good to be true… and Garrett’s gut and training tell him that might be the case. As he investigates, he quickly realizes everything is not as it seems. Will his snooping destroy not only their romance, but everything Nigel believes about his life?


Salve d'honneur

Tout vient à point...

Tout vient à point..., numéro hors série

La vie de Duncan Stiel n’a jamais été facile. Son enfance a été un vrai cauchemar, et son boulot d’agent de police infiltré l’oblige à cacher sa véritable identité et le fait atterrir de temps à autre à l’hôpital. Puis, quand il rencontre enfin l’homme idéal, il n’est pas surpris de voir tout s’effondrer autour de lui. Mais Duncan ne s’attend pas à ce que l’obstacle le plus difficile à surmonter avant de pouvoir faire sa vie avec Aaron Sutter soit celui qu’il porte en lui.

Tout le monde pense qu’Aaron a tout pour lui – la beauté, l’argent, la renommée et un succès démesuré. Tout le monde, sauf Aaron. À la fin de ses journées, les flashes des appareils photo s’éteignent, ses amis retournent à leur propre vie, les affaires de sa société sont gérées et Aaron se retrouve toujours seul. Dès l’instant où il rencontre Duncan Stiel, Aaron sait qu’il fera tout pour garder cet inspecteur hors du commun. Mais, quand il se rend compte que l’argent ne lui achètera pas le bonheur ultime, Aaron doit avoir la force d’offrir à Duncan quelque chose de bien plus important : son cœur.


A Harmony Ink Press Title

When Jilda embarks on a cruise with her mother and twin sister, Rosa, she has no idea of the ordeal she’ll face. Feeling unwell, Jilda stays in her cabin while her mother and sister go ashore to explore a Fijian island. Jilda emerges to find the ship has been commandeered by a group determined to use it to transport refugees away from the island nation of Levy Archipelago, which is flooding due to climate change.

Conditions on the ship deteriorate quickly due to overcrowding. The refugees grow restless with no idea of where they’re heading, and they mourn the loss of their animals they had to leave behind on the islands. Alone and afraid Jilda finds an ally in Jade—along with feelings she’s never experienced before. But will the relationship forming between them end when Jilda admits she has a boyfriend?


Femme Faux Fatale

Dreamspun Desires

Mystery. Murder. Men in silk stockings. Hollywood nights are heating up. 

Hardboiled Los Angeles PI Cain Noble is hired by wealthy and gorgeous Camille Astor to find her husband and a priceless work of art, both of which have disappeared.

At the nightclub owned by Mr. Astor, Cain encounters the mesmerizing Lily Lavender, who has the body of a goddess and the sultry voice of an angel—but is really a young man named Riley who attracts trouble like a magnet.

What’s a private dick in the vein of LA’s bygone era and a cross-dressing burlesque starlet to do when faced with the hidden decadence and lethal dangers of the Hollywood Hills? They have their work cut out for them because they haven’t even scratched the surface of an elaborate scheme more twisted than anyone could ever have imagined.


Truth Will Out

Merrychurch Mysteries

A Merrychurch Mysteries Case

Jonathon de Mountford’s visit to Merrychurch village to stay with his uncle Dominic gets off to a bad start when Dominic fails to appear at the railway station. But when Jonathon finds him dead in his study, apparently as the result of a fall, everything changes. For one thing, Jonathon is the next in line to inherit the manor house. For another, he’s not so sure it was an accident, and with the help of Mike Tattersall, the owner of the village pub, Jonathon sets out to prove his theory—if he can concentrate long enough without getting distracted by the handsome Mike.

They discover an increasingly long list of people who had reason to want Dominic dead. And when events take an unexpected turn, the amateur sleuths are left bewildered. It doesn’t help that the police inspector brought in to solve the case is the last person Mike wants to see, especially when they are told to keep their noses out of police business.

In Jonathon’s case, that’s like a red rag to a bull….


Tief im Schlamassel

Verliebte Partner | Buch 3

Buch 3 in der Serie - Verliebte Partner

Eigentlich könnte  Miro Jones sein Leben in vollen Zügen genießen. Er hat einen aufregenden Job als US Deputy Marshal, der ihn erfüllt, sein wunderschönes Greystone in einem Vorort von Chicago, seine geliebte Wahlfamilie und am allerwichtigsten: den Mann, der sein Herz erobert hat, Ian Doyle. Gäbe es da nicht ein Problem: Ian ist nicht nur ein Marshal und beruflich wie privat Miros Partner – Ian ist auch Soldat mit Leib und Seele. Diese Verpflichtung führt ihn immer wieder fort von Miros Seite, unerwartet und viel zu oft. Das wirft einen Schatten auf etwas, das sonst alles wäre, was Miro sich je hätte erträumen können.

Die Arbeit ist nicht dieselbe ohne Ian. Zuhause ist nicht dasselbe und Miro muss sich seinen Ängsten allein stellen … wie kann er im Beruf die Nerven behalten, wie die dunkle Bedrohung aus seiner Vergangenheit überstehen – und wie kann er ohne Ians unerschütterliche Gegenwart an seiner Seite weiterleben? Sein Leben ist ein ziemlicher Schlamassel, aber was ist, wenn der Ausweg daraus etwas Dauerhaftes erfordert? Was würde das für ihn und Ian bedeuten? Miro steckt in der Zwickmühle und manchmal ist der einzige Weg aus dem Schlamassel, sich an seine Rettungsleine zu klammern und fest zu ziehen.


The Lovely Pines

BJ Vinson Mysteries

A BJ Vinson Mystery

When Ariel Gonda’s winery, the Lovely Pines, suffers a break-in, the police write the incident off as a prank since nothing was taken. But Ariel knows something is wrong—small clues are beginning to add up—and he turns to private investigator BJ Vinson for help.

BJ soon discovers the incident is anything but harmless. When a vineyard worker—who is also more than he seems—is killed, there are plenty of suspects to go around. But are the two crimes even related? As BJ and his significant other, Paul Barton, follow the trail from the central New Mexico wine country south to Las Cruces and Carlsbad, they discover a tangled web involving members of the US military, a mistaken identity, a family fortune in dispute, and even a secret baby. The body count is rising, and a child may be in danger. BJ will need all his skills to survive because, between a deadly sniper and sabotage, someone is determined to make sure this case goes unsolved.


Twisted and Tied

Marshals | Book Four

Marshals: Book Four

Deputy US Marshal Miro Jones finally has everything he ever wanted. He’s head-over-heels in love and married to the man of his dreams, his partner Ian Doyle, he’s doing well at work, and all his friends are in good places as well. Things are all tied up nicely… until they’re not.

Change has never been easy for Miro, and when situations at work force the team he’s come to depend on to break apart, and worst of all, his and Ian’s individual strengths put them on two separate paths, he’s pretty certain everything just went up in smoke. But before he can even worry about the future, his past comes for a visit, shaking his world up even more. It’s hard to tell what road he should truly be on, but as he learns some paths are forged and others are discovered, it might be that where he's going is the right course after all. If he can navigate all the twists and turns, he and Ian might just get their happily ever after.