Mystery/Suspense books



Les contes de Toronto
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Les contes de Toronto, tome 2

L’inspecteur Ivan Bekker a touché le fond. Non seulement il se remet d’une mauvaise rupture avec un petit ami qui le trompait, mais il est également impliqué dans une affaire de drogue qui a mal tourné. Ivan a dû tuer un homme, et son ami a reçu une balle et se bat maintenant pour sa vie. Bien qu’Ivan soit sous le coup d’une enquête concernant son rôle dans la fusillade, son patron l’envoie en mission d’infiltration officieuse pour clore l’affaire. Le timing est critique, mais cela pourrait être leur chance de mettre à jour une fuite dans leur département.

Dérouté et sans renfort, Ivan se retrouve à jouer le rôle d’un homme récemment divorcé et devient le colocataire de Parker Wakefield. Il a du mal à croire que le doux Parker puisse être un criminel, et encore moins être lié à une opération de trafic de drogue de la mafia russe et Ivan baisse sa garde. Son affection n’est pas professionnelle, mais Parker est irrésistible.

Quand Ivan tombe sur une preuve évidente de l’implication criminelle de Parker, il doit choisir : protéger leur relation, en dépit des conséquences, ou sauver sa carrière et arrêter l’homme qu’il aime.


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Pretty Peg

Oaktown Fey
$6.99 $3.49

A Harmony Ink Press Title

An Oaktown Fey Book

High school senior Josy Grant already had plenty on her plate before she found the magic puppet theater her murdered sister left behind. Despite Josy’s grief, the responsibility of taking care of her family falls to her, and being queer doesn’t make dealing with school any easier. Things only get worse when sexy new girl Nicky tells Josy her sister died at the hands of a mysterious figure from the Faerie Realm called the Woodcutter, and if they can’t stop him, Josy and her remaining sister will be next.

They have just days before the Woodcutter strikes again on the autumn equinox, so Josy follows Nicky into the Faerie Realm to hunt him. Along the way, she discovers Fey gifts of her own and answers to the questions that have driven the Grant family apart. Nothing comes for free when dealing with Fey, though, and those gifts and answers might come at a terrible price.


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$6.99 $3.49

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Carmen is the most beautiful and desirable girl Lucy has ever known, and when Carmen is savagely murdered, Lucy's teenage life crumbles. She is devastated by the loss of her first love, and when it appears the killers might never be found, she vows to solve the murder herself.

Together with her best friend Seth, who is not only a master computer hacker but also the son of LA's new Chief of Homicide, they gain access to the gruesome autopsy reports. They learn the true extent of the horror inflicted on Carmen, and Lucy gets closer to understanding the secret behind Carmen's little black dress.

After another beautiful girl is murdered, they uncover the brutality lurking within the corridors of their privileged Los Angeles high school. They put their lives on the line to come face to face with the murderer himself.


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$6.99 $3.49

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Graduating senior, theater lighting wunderkind, and closeted gay, Nick Fortunati volunteers with The Streetwise Players in the dark corners of The Laughton, a creepy old movie palace decorated in Grand Guignol style. But his father wishes Nick would use his intellect and his scholarship to become a biotech engineer and earn a prosperous living for his future family. Nick loves his dad and wants to please him, but he dreams of a career in theater. And he wants a male lover. Unfortunately, his homophobic father won’t approve of either.

When Nick’s at his loneliest, out of the corners of the theater and into his life comes trouble-laden Steve Stripling, a man with little memory of his past other than his name. Meanwhile, Nick’s introduced to the dashing Wash Vitek and is torn between the two men. His situation is further complicated because he doesn't know if Wash is gay.

Nick resolves to solve the mystery surrounding Steve and help the young man recover his memories, even though by doing so, he risks losing the first love he’s ever found.


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After witnessing a mob hit, surgeon Jack Francisco is put into protective custody to keep him safe until he can testify. A hitman known only as D is blackmailed into killing Jack, but when he tracks him down, his weary conscience won't allow him to murder an innocent man. Finding in each other an unlikely ally, Jack and D are soon on the run from shadowy enemies.

Forced to work together to survive, the two men forge a bond that ripens into unexpected passion. Jack sees the wounded soul beneath D's cold, detached exterior, and D finds in Jack the person who can help him reclaim the man he once was. As the day of Jack's testimony approaches, he and D find themselves not only fighting for their lives... but also fighting for their future. A future together.


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In the frigid winter of 1891, with the nation still reeling from the Barings bank crisis, Inspector Philemon Raft returns from an involuntary sabbatical, tasked with solving the kidnapping of highly placed peer Miriam Dewberry. Thrust into a sordid underworld where the upper classes indulge in disreputable overseas investments designed to fatten their pocketbooks, Raft finds himself at loose ends without his companion, Constable Freddie Crook. Far from offering their help, the ton use every asset at their disposal to keep Raft from discovering the truth about hapless kidnap victim Miriam Dewberry—who may not even exist.

Soon Raft discovers that his old nemesis, the workhouse master John Gallant, has returned to London. Gallant doesn’t say what he wants—but he knows enough to ruin Raft's career and even his life. Raft tries to solve the case with his usual strange insight, but there are other, darker forces at work. This is a frightened London: the London of Whitechapel, of Jack the Ripper, the London of poverty, dirt and despair, where a right turn down the wrong alley could earn Raft a swift trip to the morgue.


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Recompensa de Amor

Serie del amor
$6.99 $3.49

La víspera de su boda, Zander Walsh, sus padres y su prometido son disparados cuando interrumpen un misterioso robo al volver a casa. Después de tres semanas en coma, Zander se despierta y descubre que es el único superviviente. Su vida perfecta se hace añicos en un instante.

El atractivo agente del FBI, Jake Elliot, está investigando el caso y no tardará en detener al asesino que, sin embargo, escapa fácilmente. Tras seis meses de investigación, Zander y Jake descubren que están siendo saboteados por el propio FBI…, y que la amistad que han forjado está empezando a convertirse en algo más fuerte.

Pero cuando se embarcan en un viaje para detener al asesino por segunda vez, descubrirán que aquella noche terrible escondía mucho más que un intento fallido de robo. ¿Es posible que los grandes negocios y el mundo de la política sean capaces de encubrir la verdad, o tal vez los intentos de Zander y Jake por resolver el misterio marcarán el final de su nuevo amor y de sus vidas?


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Whiskey and Wry

Sinners Series
$6.99 $3.49

Sequel to Sinner's Gin
Sinners Series: Book Two

He was dead. And it was murder most foul. If erasing a man’s existence could even be called murder.

When Damien Mitchell wakes, he finds himself without a life or a name. The Montana asylum’s doctors tell him he’s delusional and his memories are all lies: he’s really Stephen Thompson, and he’d gone over the edge, obsessing about a rock star who died in a fiery crash. His chance to escape back to his own life comes when his prison burns, but a gunman is waiting for him, determined that neither Stephen Thompson nor Damien Mitchell will escape.

With the assassin on his tail, Damien flees to the City by the Bay, but keeping a low profile is the only way he’ll survive as he searches San Francisco for his best friend, Miki St. John. Falling back on what kept him fed before he made it big, Damien sings for his supper outside Finnegan’s, an Irish pub on the pier, and he soon falls in with the owner, Sionn Murphy. Damien doesn’t need a complication like Sionn, and to make matters worse, the gunman—who doesn’t mind going through Sionn or anyone else if that’s what it takes kill Damien—shows up to finish what he started.


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Parting Shot

A Matter of Time Series
$6.99 $3.49

A Matter of Time Story

Life has never been easy for Duncan Stiel. His childhood was the stuff of nightmares, and his day job as an undercover police officer forces him to hide his true self and occasionally lands him in the hospital. So when he finally meets the perfect man, it comes as no surprise that everything falls apart around him. What Duncan doesn’t expect is that the hardest hurdle to get over before he can make a life with Aaron Sutter is the one inside himself.

Everyone thinks Aaron has it all—looks, money, fame, and success beyond measure. Everyone, that is, except Aaron. At the end of the day, the cameras stop flashing, friends go back to their own lives, company business is handled, and Aaron is always alone. The moment he meets Duncan Stiel, Aaron knows he’ll do anything to hold onto the larger-than-life detective. But when he realizes money won’t buy him the ultimate happiness, Aaron needs to find the strength to give Duncan something much more important—his heart.


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Dirty Laundry

Cole McGinnis Mysteries
$6.99 $3.49

Sequel to Dirty Secret
A Cole McGinnis Mystery

For ex-cop turned private investigator Cole McGinnis, each day brings a new challenge. Too bad most of them involve pain and death. Claudia, his office manager and surrogate mother, is still recovering from a gunshot, and Cole’s closeted boyfriend, Kim Jae-Min, suddenly finds his teenaged sister dumped in his lap. Meanwhile, Cole has his own sibling problems—most notably, a mysterious half brother from Japan whom his older brother, Mike, is determined they welcome with open arms.

As if his own personal dramas weren’t enough, Cole is approached by Madame Sun, a fortune-teller whose clients have been dying at an alarming rate. Convinced someone is after her customers, she wants the matter investigated, but the police think she’s imagining things. Hoping to put Sun’s mind at ease, Cole takes the case and finds himself plunged into a Gordian knot of lies and betrayal where no one is who they are supposed to be and Death seems to be the only card in Madame Sun’s deck.


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Dono d’amore

Serie amore
$6.99 $3.49

La sera prima del suo matrimonio, Zander Walsh rincasa assieme ai suoi genitori e al suo futuro marito, e vengono tutti massacrati a colpi di arma da fuoco nel corso di una misteriosa rapina. Dopo tre settimane di coma Zander si risveglia per scoprire di essere l’unico sopravvissuto alla strage e la sua vita perfetta va a pezzi in un attimo.

L’affascinante agente dell’FBI Jake Elliott è assegnato al caso e finalmente riesce a catturare l’assassino, che però fugge poco dopo. Dopo sei mesi d’indagini, Zander e Jake si accorgono che c’è stato un forte ostruzionismo da parte dell’FBI… e anche che hanno stretto un intenso legame che si sta pian piano trasformando in qualcosa di sempre più importante.

Ma quando intraprendono un viaggio per fermare il killer una seconda volta, scoprono che in quella terribile notte non era in corso solo una semplice rapina… riusciranno un grosso affare e la politica a nascondere la verità, o forse la missione di Zander e Jake per svelare il mistero segnerà la fine del loro amore appena sbocciato e delle loro vite?


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Sinner's Gin

Sinners Series
$6.99 $3.49

Sinners Series: Book One

There’s a dead man in Miki St. John’s vintage Pontiac GTO, and he has no idea how it got there.

After Miki survives the tragic accident that killed his best friend and the other members of their band, Sinner’s Gin, all he wants is to hide from the world in the refurbished warehouse he bought before their last tour. But when the man who sexually abused him as a boy is killed and his remains are dumped in Miki’s car, Miki fears Death isn’t done with him yet.

Kane Morgan, the SFPD inspector renting space in the art co-op next door, initially suspects Miki had a hand in the man’s murder, but Kane soon realizes Miki is as much a victim as the man splattered inside the GTO. As the murderer’s body count rises, the attraction between Miki and Kane heats up. Neither man knows if they can make a relationship work, but despite Miki’s emotional damage, Kane is determined to teach him how to love and be loved — provided, of course, Kane can catch the killer before Miki becomes the murderer’s final victim.


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Cover Up

Toronto Tales
$6.99 $3.49

Toronto Tales: Book Two

Detective Ivan Bekker has hit rock bottom. Not only is he recovering from a bad breakup with a cheating boyfriend, he’s also involved in a drug bust gone bad. Ivan had to kill a man, and his friend was shot and is now fighting for his life. Though Ivan is under investigation for his part in the shooting, his boss sends him on an off-the-books undercover operation to close the case. The timing is critical—this could be their chance to plug a leak in the department.

Off-balance and without backup, Ivan finds himself playing a recent divorcé and becoming Parker Wakefield’s roommate. He finds it hard to believe that sweet Parker could possibly be a criminal, much less have ties to a Russian mafia drug-trafficking operation, and Ivan lets down his guard. His affection is unprofessional, but Parker is irresistible.

When Ivan comes across clear evidence of Parker’s criminal involvement, he has to choose: protect their relationship, regardless of the consequences, or save his career and arrest the man he loves.


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Dirty Secret

Cole McGinnis Mysteries
$6.99 $3.49

Sequel to Dirty Kiss
A Cole McGinnis Mystery

Loving Kim Jae-Min isn’t always easy: Jae is gun-shy about being openly homosexual. Ex-cop turned private investigator Cole McGinnis doesn’t know any other way to be. Still, he understands where Jae is coming from. Traditional Korean men aren’t gay—at least not usually where people can see them.

But Cole can’t spend too much time unraveling his boyfriend’s issues. He has a job to do. When a singer named Scarlet asks him to help find Park Dae-Hoon, a gay Korean man who disappeared nearly two decades ago, Cole finds himself submerged in the tangled world of rich Korean families, where obligation and politics mean sacrificing happiness to preserve corporate empires. Soon the bodies start piling up without rhyme or reason. With every step Cole takes toward locating Park Dae-Hoon, another person meets their demise—and someone Cole loves could be next on the murderer’s list.


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Bounty of Love

Love Series
$6.99 $3.49

The night before his wedding, Zander Walsh, his parents, and his husband-to-be are all shot when they return home and interrupt a mysterious robbery in progress. After three weeks in a coma, Zander wakes up to find out he is the only survivor, and his perfect life falls apart in an instant.

Hunky FBI Agent Jake Elliot is investigating the case, and he eventually apprehends the killer—who soon escapes. Following six months of searching, Zander and Jake realize they’re being stonewalled by the FBI... and that they have slowly formed an unbreakable bond that is beginning to turn into much more.

Once they embark on a journey to apprehend the killer for the second time, they’ll discover that one terrible night was much more than just an interrupted robbery. Can big business and politics cover up the truth, or will Zander and Jake’s quest to unravel the mystery be the end of their newfound love and their lives?


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Dirty Kiss

Cole McGinnis Mysteries
$6.99 $1.00

A Cole McGinnis Mystery

Cole Kenjiro McGinnis, ex-cop and PI, is trying to get over the shooting death of his lover when a supposedly routine investigation lands in his lap. Investigating the apparent suicide of a prominent Korean businessman’s son proves to be anything but ordinary, especially when it introduces Cole to the dead man’s handsome cousin, Kim Jae-Min.

Jae-Min’s cousin had a dirty little secret, the kind that Cole has been familiar with all his life and that Jae-Min is still hiding from his family.  The investigation leads Cole from tasteful mansions to seedy lover’s trysts to Dirty Kiss, the place where the rich and discreet go to indulge in desires their traditional-minded families would rather know nothing about.

It also leads Cole McGinnis into Jae-Min’s arms, and that could be a problem. Jae-Min’s cousin’s death is looking less and less like a suicide, and Jae-Min is looking more and more like a target.  Cole has already lost one lover to violence—he’s not about to lose Jae-Min too.


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