

Fish on a Bicycle

Fish Out of Water | Book 5

Fish Out of Water: Book Five

Jackson Rivers has always bucked the rules—and bucking the rules of recovery is no exception. Now that he and Ellery are starting their own law firm, there’s no reason he can’t rush into trouble and take the same risks as always, right?

Maybe not. Their first case is a doozy, involving porn stars, drug empires, and daddy issues, and their client, Henry Worrall, wants to be an active participant in his own defense. As Henry and Jackson fight the bad guys and each other to find out who dumped the porn star in the trash can, Jackson must reexamine his assumptions that four months of rest and a few good conversations have made him all better inside. 

Jackson keeps crashing his bicycle of self-care and a successful relationship, and Ellery wonders what’s going to give out first—Jackson’s health or Ellery’s patience. Jackson’s body hasn’t forgiven him for past crimes. Can Ellery forgive him for his current sins? And can they keep Henry from going to jail for sleeping with the wrong guy at the wrong time?

Being a fish out of water is tough—but if you give a fish a bicycle, how’s he going to swim?


A Harmony Ink Press Title

Early settlers transported foxes to the Australian colonies, but not all foxes are what they appear.

Connor Coutts fiercely guards the family secret of the Furborn in sheep country Victoria, where foxes are shot on sight and left to hang from trees as a warning to others. At seventeen he is the only male Furborn for hundreds of miles, one of the last of a rapidly dwindling legacy. His life’s path is clear—until someone new arrives at the MacKenzie sheep farm. Spencer MacKenzie, with his long black hair and gothic style, might seem out of place, but it soon becomes clear that the two boys could make a formidable team against their enemies.

But before they can work together, Connor owes Spencer the truth…. He’s just not sure if he should trust him.   


Grand, ténébreux et sans visa

Dreamspun Desires (Français)

Traverser la frontière de l'amour.

Décisions hâtives sur idées malencontreuses rapprochent le Portugais Mateus Fontes et l'homme d'affaires Crawford Hargrave au poste de frontière canadien.

Mateus se retrouve dans une impasse. Avec un permis de tourisme qui expire sous peu, son entrée au Canada lui est refusée et on rejette sa demande pour repasser la frontière des États-Unis. En inventant de toute pièce leurs prétendues fiançailles, Crawford pense avoir réglé le problème, et cela fonctionne, jusqu’à ce qu’ils apprennent qu’ils doivent réellement se marier avant de pouvoir rentrer aux États-Unis. Mais Crawford s’est déjà fait avoir une fois par le mariage et il est déterminé à ne pas reproduire la même erreur.

Aucun d’entre eux ne s’attend à ce que de réels sentiments naissent de ce mariage blanc, et c’est pourtant ce qui est sur le point d’arriver. Ils devront apprendre à être honnêtes l’un envers l’autre s’ils espèrent que cela fonctionne entre eux, chose particulièrement difficile lorsque leur mariage entier est basé sur des mensonges.


Locked Down

Texas Heroes

A Texas Heroes Novel

A charming, confident FBI analyst gets more than the fling he bargained for when his lover lands smack in the middle of his investigation.

Gabe Lopez travels to Everness, Texas, to investigate and profile a dangerous group of white supremacists living on the outskirts of the small town.  As far as he’s concerned, the assignment can’t end soon enough. When he stops to help Matt York with a flat tire, he anticipates a sexy distraction—nothing more. But Matt has a knack for getting himself into trouble, and soon Gabe is torn between protecting Matt and doing his job.

Matt left a successful life and business back in San Francisco to fulfill a promise to his aunt: find his runaway cousin and bring him home. But Tommy is on a dangerous path, and someone is trying to scare Matt off—or worse.

When the situation escalates, Matt turns to Gabe, who doesn’t like mixing business and pleasure. But in Everness, the secrets are buried deep, and like it or not, Matt is at risk of being buried right alongside them.


When the pickiest eater in America is tapped to judge a cooking competition along with his chef ex-boyfriend, will it be a recipe for a second chance… or disaster?

Luke Walker’s humor about foods he can’t stand made him an internet celebrity and his blog, The Pickiest Eater in America, a huge hit. He plans to bring that same lighthearted comedy to the show—but he won’t be the only host.

Meyer Thibodeaux might be a famous chef, but he’s solemn, uptight, and closeted. He’s also  Luke's ex. As different as they are, the sparks between Luke and Meyer never really went out, and as they work together, each begins to see the other in a new light, and the passion between them reignites, hot as ever. But secrets, gossip, and rumors on the set could sour their reunion.


Buried Secrets

Timothy and Wyatt Mysteries

A Harmony Ink Press Title

A Timothy and Wyatt Mystery

Teen detectives Wyatt and Timothy are determined to find out what happened to a group of boys who disappeared years ago—but surviving the mystery might be as challenging as solving it.

To make ends meet, Wyatt works construction instead of attending school, and it’s in an old house he’s gutting that he finds a collection of articles about a missing boy. Wyatt knew Bobby LaFleur before he disappeared, and this new clue stirs up Wyatt’s old memories.

Sheriff’s son Timothy Mitchell can’t resist a challenge—or the chance to show his dad he’s more than capable of working in law enforcement. Together with Wyatt, he investigates the disappearance and learns Bobby isn’t the only victim—and that Wyatt and Bobby were more than friends. As the case grows darker and more twisted, the connection between Wyatt and Timothy deepens.  But the secrets they uncover could get them killed.


Un esprit libéré

Secrets (Français)

Secrets, tome 2

Rob Daniels est déterminé à prouver que son frère Alex se trompe sur toute la ligne. Alex pense avoir trouvé l’amour à travers la pratique du BDSM ; Rob est certain que ce n’est pas possible. Il se rend à plusieurs reprises dans un club de Londres pour lui donner tort. En assistant à la soirée d’inauguration du Secrets, Rob a droit à une mauvaise surprise qui le fait fuir en jurant de ne plus jamais revenir… Mais il ne peut pas s’empêcher d’y remettre les pieds et tombe sur un homme imposant : le Dom Vic Prentiss. Leur première rencontre est un désastre.

Mais plus Vic passe de temps avec Rob, plus il est convaincu de deux choses : primo, ce jeune homme est rongé de l’intérieur et deuzio, il est à la recherche de quelque chose. Son instinct le pousse à lui venir en aide, mais une clé est nécessaire pour libérer les secrets dissimulés dans l’esprit de Rob. Il suffit de la trouver. Alors seulement pourra-t-il découvrir le véritable Rob, l’homme qui est effrayé à l’idée de lâcher prise…


Robin sait bien qu’il ne peut pas donner son nouveau cœur à n’importe qui…

D’une greffe cardiaque à une rupture brutale, Robin a vécu bien des coups durs récemment, mais il sait désormais que la vie est courte et qu’il doit mordre dedans à pleines dents en profitant de chaque bouchée. Un poste au sein des Euro Pride Tours est pile le genre d’aventure qu’il recherche : il a la chance de voir le monde et de vivre un peu, mais l’amour ne l’intéresse pas. Il ne pense pas que son cœur puisse en prendre encore. 

Johan a peut-être déçu sa famille en voulant voler de ses propres ailes, mais quand il rencontre Robin, il n’a pas l’intention de le laisser tomber. Chaque homme est exactement ce dont l’autre a besoin pour se sentir entier à nouveau et, bien que Johan ne soit pas celui qu’imaginait Robin au départ, il est exactement ce que le médecin lui a prescrit pour faire battre son cœur. Comme leur voyage se poursuit en Allemagne, les deux hommes se rapprochent, mais l’arrivée de l’ancien partenaire de Robin pourrait bien prendre une mauvaise tournure.



415 Ink | Book Three

415 Ink: Book Three

From the moment SFPD Detective Ruan Nicholls meets Ivo Rogers, he knows the tattoo artist is going to bring chaos to his neat, orderly life. A hellion down to the bone, Ivo is someone Ruan not only doesn’t understand, he’s not even sure he needs to. Everything about Ivo is vibrant, brash, cocky, and arrogant, and Ruan wants no part of him.

Or at least that’s the lie he tells himself when he damps down his desire for the social wild child life tosses into his path.

For Ivo Rogers, life revolves around two things—his family and 415 Ink, the tattoo shop he co-owns with his four brothers. His family might be stitched together by their battle scars from growing up in foster care, but their brotherhood is tight—and strong enough to hold Ivo together during the times when he falls apart.

Now Ivo faces a new challenge when he falls for a cop with an old-school mentality on how a man looks and acts. Ruan is the promise of a life Ivo thought he’d never have, but their clashing perspectives threaten any chance of a relationship. Being the family’s hellion makes it easy to be misunderstood, yet Ivo has faith Ruan will not only embrace who he is but love him as well. 


The First Step

Coastal Carolina

A Coastal Carolina Novel

The first step is the hardest. After a scandal, New York political reporter Reed Barfield is lying low at the North Carolina coast, writing a story about the seafood industry. But it’s the harbor pilots on the Cape Fear River who capture his interest—men who jump across ten feet of open ocean to grab a rope ladder and guide huge container ships into port. Men like sexy but prickly Justin Vance. 

After surviving an abusive childhood and a tour in the Navy, Justin isn’t fazed by his dangerous job—it’s certainly easier to face than Reed’s annoying questions. Justin isn’t out at work, and he doesn’t need Reed digging into his personal life or his past. 

But Reed’s no stranger to using his considerable charm to get what he wants, and as he wears Justin down, they realize they have a lot in common—and that they like spending time together. Moving beyond that, though, will mean Justin confessing his sexuality and learning to trust Reed with his secrets—if Reed even decides to stay. Both men want a future together, but can they find the courage to take the first step?


A high-stakes case of industrial espionage ties them together, but before they can pursue their attraction, they must find out who’s pulling the strings. 

Devon Donaldson doesn’t know how a folio of stolen corporate secrets found its way into his bag, and certainly can’t think of anyone who’d want to frame him. The trouble is, he has to convince Powers McPherson. 

Devon’s firm hired Powers to investigate the theft of a new banking system, and so far Devon is his only lead. While Powers’s gut tells him Devon is innocent, he has no intention of letting Devon out of his sight… for more than one reason. Working together to get Devon’s life back leads to feelings far beyond cooperation. But before they can act on them, they need to find the group of thieves intent on ruining Devon’s reputation.


Stained Hearts

Links In the Chain

A Links In the Chain Story

Can two hearts stained by past pain find healing together?

Tom Kotke held his husband of twenty-five years on the day he died and spent nearly a year adrift. Determined to force Tom back into the world, his family takes him to the Park View Diner, where he meets young stained-glass artist Aiden Dawson. For a brief moment, Tom doesn’t think about his deceased husband—a terrifying prospect.

Slowly, Aiden draws Tom out of his shell and helps him feel alive once more. But Tom isn’t the only one who has suffered. Aiden fears no one sees beyond his wheelchair. Even if Tom can convince him he’s different, they’ll still have to overcome their age difference and a secret that could destroy their future together.


The Priest

Chronicles of the Riftlands | Book Four

Chronicles of the Riftlands: Book Two

Brother Tasnerek, one of the infamous Thirty-Six stone bearers, is facing a dangerous crisis of faith after uncovering a secret that could shake the foundations of the Brotherhood of Harot. When Tas is sent to protect a tiny village on the edge of Rassa’s borders from Riftspawn, he struggles to resume his duties, risking his life and the lives of those around him.

Girik has always been an outsider, but to help his sick mother, he agrees to be the village’s offering in a painful ritual deemed necessary by the Brotherhood. But when the priest has a crisis of conscience, Girik offers his help to untangle a web of lies—even if it means getting closer than he ever imagined and committing sacrilege in the process.

With a monster lurking in the forest, a wandering mage mysteriously appearing, and more secrets awakening to unravel the truths of their world, Tas and Girik must make grave decisions. A life without danger seems a far-off hope, but love just might be theirs… if they survive.


Cranberry Boys

Watermarsh Tales | Book One

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Watermarsh Tales: Book One

Is it possible to have it all—even for a boy from a dying town of old cranberry bogs? Even for the son of religious zealots who will never accept his being gay? Even if his closeted boyfriend will never acknowledge their relationship and dates girls to distract people?

Sixteen-year-old cross-country runner Zeph hopes so, because he isn’t giving up on his happily ever after. He has big plans for life after high school and for his relationship with Connor… even if Connor insists they keep it secret. 

Then Bronson, an old friend of Zeph’s, returns to Watermarsh after being kicked out of boarding school with secrets of his own in tow. But they keep their eyes on the prize and start a blog to impress colleges who often dismiss small-town students like them. 

But not even Zeph can run from everything as his home life implodes and the love triangle he’s stuck in with Bronson and Connor begins to crumble. He’ll do whatever it takes to hold on to hope—even if it means a covert trip to Bronson’s old prep school.


Absinthe of Malice (Français)

Sinners (Français) | Tome 5

Suite de Sloe Ride
Série Sinners : Tome Cinq

Nous reformons le groupe.

À ces quatre mots, un frisson glacé dévala le long de la colonne vertébrale de Miki St John, surtout quand ils émanaient avec une ferveur presque religieuse de son frère en tout, sauf par le sang, Damien Mitchell. Cependant, ces mots n’étaient rien, comparés à ce qu’il ajouta.

Et nous partons en tournée.

Quand Crossroads Gin prend la route, Damien espère que cela les rapprochera. Il y a quelque chose de magique dans le fait d’être en tournée, surtout lorsque vous voyagez dans une fourgonnette où il n’y a pas de roadies, de gérants ou d’amants pour servir de tampon. Le groupe est déjà proche, mais Damien sait qu’ils peuvent l’être davantage… des sortes de frères, pas uniquement liés par des liens familiaux, mais aussi par leur intense amour de la musique.

Tandis qu’ils voyagent d’un concert à l’autre, le groupe est hanté par des erreurs du passé et des démons personnels, mais ils continuent. Pour Miki, Damie, Forest et Rafe, la scène est l’endroit où ils prennent véritablement vie et la musique qu’ils jouent est aussi importante pour eux que l’air qu’ils respirent.

Mais les démons et les problèmes ne les laisseront pas tranquilles, au cours des kilomètres parcourus, le groupe fera face à ses plus grands défis : dépasser ses défauts les plus profonds et ne pas s’entre-tuer les uns les autres.


Schwur der Ehre

Wandel des Herzens | Buch 3

Fortsetzung zu Bund des Vertrauens
Buch 3 in der Serie – Wandel des Herzens

Jin Rayne ist immer noch damit beschäftigt, in seine neue Kraft als Nekhene-Katze und seine Position als Reah von Logan Churchs Stamm hineinzuwachsen, als er erfährt, dass ein Sepat ausgerufen wurde. Logan, der nie etwas anderes wollte, als seinen eigenen kleinen Stamm zu führen, muss um die ganze Welt in die Mongolei reisen, um sich einem Kampf zu stellen, in dem der mächtigste Anführer der Werpantherwelt ermittelt werden soll.

Logan wird diese Reise nicht allein antreten. Als sein Gefährte muss Jin an seiner Seite kämpfen, um seine Treue zu Logan und seinem Stamm unter Beweis zu stellen. Doch die Prüfung ist lang, zwingt sie zu einer langen Trennung und gefährdet Logans Menschlichkeit. Um diesen Albtraum zu überstehen, müssen Jin und Logan ihr Schicksal akzeptieren, einander vertrauen und das Bündnis ehren, das zwischen ihnen herrscht – egal, zu welchem Preis.


I Dare You to Break Curfew

Inshari Chronicles | Book One

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Inshari Chronicles: Book One

To save humankind, Camron may have to fall in love.

Vampires are real, and they are called the Inshari. After Camron Masters breaks curfew the first time, he discovers them living beneath Braylin Academy. The second time he breaks curfew, he meets a mad scientist who convinces him to take part in an experiment in exchange for more information about the Inshari. A small pinprick later, Camron wakes up as one of them and finds himself bonded to the prince of his dreams—vampire or not, Troyan is dark, brooding, and oh so delicious. But there’s the enigmatic Zaire vying for his attention too. Or is Camron just a pawn in a centuries-old feud?

All Camron’s ever wanted was to live his own fairy tale. But there’s always a catch after meeting Prince Charming.


No Limits

Exploring Limits

Exploring Limits: Book Two

For three actors in a committed gay ménage, balancing work, sex, and romance might be their most challenging role yet.

The Dom who taught Devon about BDSM is back to reclaim his sub and break up the trio. He leaves chaos across the set of Camelot and Devon reluctant to resume his dominant role with his lovers, Jonathan and Kit. 

But facing their pasts and discovering and exploring new kinks might not be the ultimate test of their relationship….

Filming is ending on the miniseries that brought the three of them together, and they’re about to go their separate ways, pulled in different directions by family, obligations, and careers. How will they hold onto the love they’ve built when production wraps?

Each man has a unique idea about how to maintain their relationship, but will promises and memories be enough?


This volume includes newly edited and expanded versions of the novellas:

Breaking Limits

Transcending Limits

No Limits

First Edition
Breaking Limits, Transcending Limits, No Limits previously published individually by Dreamspinner Press, respectively: July 2010, September 2010, November 2010.