Romantic Suspense books


A Royal Bind

Changing Moon | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

Changing Moon: Book Two

Lance Fitz and Andrew Reed are a blissfully mated pair, but Andrew’s benefactor Stephon, a born vampire, isn’t happy with the pairing, especially after he discovers Lance’s pedigree. Stephon attempts to find answers using his mental connection with Andrew, and when his efforts fail, he goes after Lance’s new shifter family. Enraged, Lance severs the tie to Stephon. He wants to tear apart the abusive vampire and free his mate and family for good. But before he can try, the family reminds Lance that the death of one vampire won't change the social status of shifters as an enslaved people. The fight won’t end with Stephon, even if Lance succeeds.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Silver Publishing, 2012.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

August Adahy Mendez would rather be buried in the world of his detective novels or a good film noir movie than in real life. He’s overweight, undermotivated, and stuck in a dead-end job. As a Chincha, he’s part of a long line of chinchilla shifters, but the greatest accomplishment in his life so far has been moving an hour away from his close-knit herd. That all changes when August’s grandfather leaves him enough cash to pursue his dream: becoming a detective himself.

Sam Ewing is a bitter divorcé who enjoys watching football and being alone. It’s easier when his only interaction with people is when he collects rent from his office building tenants. Then August rents space from him to set up his new detective agency, and Sam is drawn to him despite his misgivings.

Sam soon finds himself involved with one of August’s cases, and the men join forces to catch their criminal. The greater challenges they face, however, are how August makes Sam want to give love a second try and how Sam makes August believe that real life might be even better than fiction.


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Whiskey and Wry

Sinners Series
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Sinner's Gin
Sinners Series: Book Two

He was dead. And it was murder most foul. If erasing a man’s existence could even be called murder.

When Damien Mitchell wakes, he finds himself without a life or a name. The Montana asylum’s doctors tell him he’s delusional and his memories are all lies: he’s really Stephen Thompson, and he’d gone over the edge, obsessing about a rock star who died in a fiery crash. His chance to escape back to his own life comes when his prison burns, but a gunman is waiting for him, determined that neither Stephen Thompson nor Damien Mitchell will escape.

With the assassin on his tail, Damien flees to the City by the Bay, but keeping a low profile is the only way he’ll survive as he searches San Francisco for his best friend, Miki St. John. Falling back on what kept him fed before he made it big, Damien sings for his supper outside Finnegan’s, an Irish pub on the pier, and he soon falls in with the owner, Sionn Murphy. Damien doesn’t need a complication like Sionn, and to make matters worse, the gunman—who doesn’t mind going through Sionn or anyone else if that’s what it takes kill Damien—shows up to finish what he started.


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$6.99 $5.24

When small-time thief Timmy Harwell recklessly “borrows” a Cadillac for a joyride, he doesn’t expect to find a cool $100,000 in the trunk. His elation turns to terror when he realizes the SUV and the dough belong to Miguel Garcia, aka El Poco, a Tijuana drug dealer with a nasty reputation. Timmy sees only one way out: leave the stolen car behind and run as fast as he can.

His getaway is cut short when a storm strands him outside Jasper Stone’s secluded mountain cabin. Jasper finds Timmy in his shed, unconscious and burning up with fever, and takes care of the younger man, nursing him back to health. The two begin to grow close, but Jasper, a writer who seeks only solitude, is everything Timmy isn’t. Straightforward, honest, and kind.

Timmy needs Jasper’s help—and wants his respect—so he hides his dishonest habits. But when El Poco comes after him, Timmy realizes he’s not the only one at risk. His actions have also put Jasper in harm’s way. Honesty now could mean Timmy loses the man he’s come to love, but not being honest could mean far worse.


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$3.99 $2.99

At twenty-eight, Josh Adams has more than a few secrets and personal demons. He’s an international traveler and doesn’t think he’ll ever be ready for the serious attention handsome and heroic airline pilot Benny Mills is ready to pay him. Their shared near-death experience seems to clarify everything for Benny, who wants nothing more than to share his stunning home in an idyllic Wisconsin apple orchard with Josh.

Benny offers commitment and a contented life of peaceful, loving comradeship far from the high-flying hazards of foreign travel. But for sexy love-’em-and-leave-’em-hot Josh, only another life-and-death adventure can convince him that the smoking heat of their mutual attraction is destined to be more than a hit-and-run entertainment.

With time running out, finding refuge from his increasingly dangerous world just might be what Josh needs after all. Especially when his and Benny’s very lives depend on it.


$3.99 $2.99

Mauvais timing

Dans les temps | Tome 1
$6.99 $5.24

Dans les temps, tome 1

Stefan Joss connait une période difficile. Non seulement, il doit se rendre au Texas, en plein été, pour le mariage de sa meilleure amie, Charlotte, dont il est le témoin, mais on le charge en plus de négocier un marché de plusieurs millions de dollars. Pire encore, il se retrouve face à face avec un homme qu’il espérait bien de jamais revoir : Rand Holloway, le frère ainé de Charlotte.

Stefan et Rand se détestent depuis le jour de leur première rencontre, aussi Stefan a-t-il du mal à croire à la trêve que lui propose son ennemi juré. Peu à peu, leur hostilité mutuelle se transforme en passion dévorante. Malgré ses doutes devant une volte-face aussi brutale, Stefan décide de faire confiance à Rand, et de lui donner une chance de prouver sa sincérité.

Leur entente est vite menacée : le marché que Stefan devait négocier tourne mal, et la propriétaire du ranch qu’il devait acquérir au nom de sa boite est assassinée. À sa grande surprise, Stefan est désormais en danger...


$6.99 $5.24

Parting Shot

A Matter of Time Series
$6.99 $5.24

A Matter of Time Story

Life has never been easy for Duncan Stiel. His childhood was the stuff of nightmares, and his day job as an undercover police officer forces him to hide his true self and occasionally lands him in the hospital. So when he finally meets the perfect man, it comes as no surprise that everything falls apart around him. What Duncan doesn’t expect is that the hardest hurdle to get over before he can make a life with Aaron Sutter is the one inside himself.

Everyone thinks Aaron has it all—looks, money, fame, and success beyond measure. Everyone, that is, except Aaron. At the end of the day, the cameras stop flashing, friends go back to their own lives, company business is handled, and Aaron is always alone. The moment he meets Duncan Stiel, Aaron knows he’ll do anything to hold onto the larger-than-life detective. But when he realizes money won’t buy him the ultimate happiness, Aaron needs to find the strength to give Duncan something much more important—his heart.


$6.99 $5.24


Stranded | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Stranded: Book One

Kendall Monroe is handcuffed to a car in the desert.

Is this life imitating art or art imitating life? The only thing he’s sure of is that the situation he finds himself in is a copy of a scene he filmed earlier, only this time, there is no director yelling “cut” and no crew to rescue him. Terrified for his life, Kendall takes comfort remembering happier times with his longtime lover, Johnny. He hasn’t seen Johnny in weeks since Johnny stayed behind to finish his latest best-selling novel.

As he attempts to survive scorching-hot days and freezing nights, Kendall tries to figure out who did this to him. Could it be Johnny, or the research assistant he suspects Johnny is having an affair with? Both options fill him with bitterness. Or is it a more likely suspect? Kendall has a stalker who sends him flowers and always seems to know where he is. But what does this stranger have to gain by leaving Kendall stranded in the middle of nowhere?


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$5.99 $4.49

When the body of a crucified boy is found by the river in Kansas City, Lieutenant Thomas Noel, a priest turned homicide detective, is assigned the case. In their search for the boy’s killer, Noel and his new partner, Daniel Qo, follow the clues to a secretive traditional Catholic group located in the Missouri countryside.

Then another body turns up, and the hunt intensifies. But Noel’s investigation hits too close to home and attracts the attention of the killer….


$5.99 $4.49

The Thirteenth Shard

Section Thirteen
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to The Thirteenth Sigil
A Section Thirteen Story

When a powerful witch is murdered by mundane means—with the killer leaving behind clues reminiscent of an old mortal folktale—the NYPD calls in Tuulois MacColewyn and the rest of Section Thirteen.

It’s been a while since Cole and his onetime partner, Corhagen, have worked together on a murder case, and sparks still linger between them despite Cole’s budding relationship with Inspector Joss Vallimun. As they struggle to put their past behind them and discover what happened to the witch, they unearth clues to similar murders. Murders that remind them of an old adversary in a case still unsolved.

When further evidence leads Cole and Corhagen to the shattered fragments of a mythical sword, it points to a cryptic clue about a prophecy involving a king. The revelation leaves Cole reeling and sets him up to make what could be the biggest mistake of his life….


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

He’s searching for a story but finds so much more.

Brad Torrence is next on the chopping block at the newspaper where he works. Hungry for any source he can find, he runs across an ad in the classifieds: For Sale: Nursery Items, Never Used. It’s the lead he’s been looking for. Thinking a piece about the loss of a child will give him the edge he needs to keep his job, Brad follows up. He doesn’t expect a single man to answer.

Rather than being offended, Cory Wolfe finds sharing the story of his grief and pain liberating. He’s even surprised by the spark that strikes, and one story leads to another.

Brad digs into his stories and Cory’s life, eager to know everything about the man who’s caught his attention. But when a lead points him to the hospital where Cory works, he unearths a mystery that might have been safer left buried. Brad’s search for a story could prove deadly….


$6.99 $5.24

Buried Bones

The Bones Series | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Good Bones
Bones: Book Two

Werewolves don’t have a how-to manual—nor do men embarking on a new life together.

It’s been a few weeks since Dylan Warner wolfed out and killed Andy, the crazed werewolf who originally turned him and later tried to murder Chris Nock. Architect Dylan and handyman Chris are still refurbishing Dylan's old house as they work out the structure of their relationship. They come from very different backgrounds, and neither has had a long-term lover before, so negotiating their connections would be challenge enough even if Dylan didn’t turn into a beast once a month.

To make matters worse, Dylan’s house is haunted, and events from both men’s pasts are catching up with them. Dylan has to cope with the aftermath of killing Andy, and Chris continues to suffer the effects of a difficult childhood.

In his quest to get rid of the ghost, Dylan rekindles old friendships and faces new dangers. At the same time, Chris’s father makes a sudden reappearance, stirring up old emotions. If Dylan and Chris want to build a lasting relationship, they’ll have to meet these challenges head-on.


$6.99 $5.24

Le chemin de l’acceptation

Les contes de Toronto
$6.99 $5.24

Les contes de Toronto, tome 1

L’inspecteur Kurt O'Donnell a l’habitude de déterrer les secrets des autres, mais quand il découvre que son partenaire décédé était marié à un autre homme, il est secoué. Déterminé à faire les choses comme il se doit, Kurt offre son soutien à Davy, en deuil. Aider Davy à surmonter son chagrin aide Kurt à faire face à la culpabilité dévorante de savoir que son partenaire ne lui faisait pas assez confiance pour lui dire la vérité à son sujet. Mais quelque part en chemin, Davy cesse d'être une obligation et devient un ami, l'ami le plus proche que Kurt ait jamais eu.

Son attirance grandissante pour Davy complique les choses, laissant Kurt face à la difficulté de reconsidérer sa sexualité. Puis, un échange sensuel auquel ni l'un ni l'autre ne s'attendait vient les perturber davantage. Pour être avec Davy, Kurt doit se résoudre à révéler son homosexualité, mais son travail et ses relations avec sa famille catholique le retiennent. Peut-il risquer de tout perdre pour la possibilité de vivre une relation avec un homme récemment devenu veuf ?


$6.99 $5.24

Dirty Laundry

Cole McGinnis Mysteries
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Dirty Secret
A Cole McGinnis Mystery

For ex-cop turned private investigator Cole McGinnis, each day brings a new challenge. Too bad most of them involve pain and death. Claudia, his office manager and surrogate mother, is still recovering from a gunshot, and Cole’s closeted boyfriend, Kim Jae-Min, suddenly finds his teenaged sister dumped in his lap. Meanwhile, Cole has his own sibling problems—most notably, a mysterious half brother from Japan whom his older brother, Mike, is determined they welcome with open arms.

As if his own personal dramas weren’t enough, Cole is approached by Madame Sun, a fortune-teller whose clients have been dying at an alarming rate. Convinced someone is after her customers, she wants the matter investigated, but the police think she’s imagining things. Hoping to put Sun’s mind at ease, Cole takes the case and finds himself plunged into a Gordian knot of lies and betrayal where no one is who they are supposed to be and Death seems to be the only card in Madame Sun’s deck.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

After six months of research, adventure seekers Bowen McAlister, Cyrus Curran, Duff Gentry, and Lockhart Dawson make their way to Boulder, Colorado, to explore the abandoned gold mine Ruby Lode. But when they arrive, Duff, a born psychic, senses something isn’t quite right—and the closer they get, the more his unease grows.

Something long buried in the deep shafts and drifts of Ruby Lode makes its presence known by exposing dark, guarded secrets. Preying on the adventurers’ weaknesses and insecurities, Ruby Lode’s own destructive secret threatens their sanity, friendship, and ultimately their lives. Bo, Cy, Duff, and Lockey must work together to unravel the century-old mystery before they become another footnote in the mine’s history.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Silver Publishing, June 2012


$6.99 $5.24

A Luminous Touch

Senses and Sensations
$4.99 $3.74

A Senses and Sensations Story

Just off work one wintery evening, EMT Jack Waters comes across a blazing building, and he sets out to do his job. A day later he wakes up in a hospital, suffering from severe burns. For a man who values his beauty, the injury is devastating.

But Jack hardly has time to process what’s happened. Waiting by his bedside are his cop ex-boyfriend, Kevin Thompson, and his fireman rescuer, Luke Kennard, who both seem determined to compete for his attention—burns or no. Jack pushes Kevin away, fearing the man will want nothing to do with him now, and seems to be proven right when Kevin leaves without a fight. The scene is set for seductive, playful Luke to begin a flirtation with Jack, soothing his fragile ego.

When new fires break out all over town, targeting rescue personnel, clues point to someone close to Jack. He survived one fire, but he might not be so lucky next time. For it seems he is pursued by a relentless foe. If he isn’t careful, the flames will reduce him to ashes… unless the love of two men burns him first.


$4.99 $3.74

Alliance de sang

Partenariat de Sang
$6.99 $5.24

Partenariat de Sang, Tome 1

Un magicien désespéré et un vampire désabusé et amer peuvent-ils trouver un moyen de construire un partenariat qui pourrait sauver leur monde ?

Beaucoup dans ce monde secoué par la guerre magique voient les vampires comme des prédateurs, des créatures de la nuit valant moins que les humains. Pourtant, avec le conflit qui s'intensifie, la Milice de la Sorcellerie a besoin d’avantages pour inverser le cours de la guerre en sa faveur et les vampires lui donnent un avantage contre les sorciers dans cette bataille meurtrière. Dans une tentative dangereuse pour montrer leur bonne volonté, la Milice de la Sorcellerie demande une rencontre avec les vampires afin de pouvoir plaider leur cause.

Un homme désespéré, Alain Magnier et un vampire amer et sans illusion, Orlando Saint Clair se rencontrent à Paris et le sort du monde dépend de leur bon jugement. Est-ce que les vampires vont envisager de se joindre à la cause et de former une Alliance avec les magiciens pour gagner la guerre ?


$6.99 $5.24

Dono d’amore

Serie amore
$6.99 $5.24

La sera prima del suo matrimonio, Zander Walsh rincasa assieme ai suoi genitori e al suo futuro marito, e vengono tutti massacrati a colpi di arma da fuoco nel corso di una misteriosa rapina. Dopo tre settimane di coma Zander si risveglia per scoprire di essere l’unico sopravvissuto alla strage e la sua vita perfetta va a pezzi in un attimo.

L’affascinante agente dell’FBI Jake Elliott è assegnato al caso e finalmente riesce a catturare l’assassino, che però fugge poco dopo. Dopo sei mesi d’indagini, Zander e Jake si accorgono che c’è stato un forte ostruzionismo da parte dell’FBI… e anche che hanno stretto un intenso legame che si sta pian piano trasformando in qualcosa di sempre più importante.

Ma quando intraprendono un viaggio per fermare il killer una seconda volta, scoprono che in quella terribile notte non era in corso solo una semplice rapina… riusciranno un grosso affare e la politica a nascondere la verità, o forse la missione di Zander e Jake per svelare il mistero segnerà la fine del loro amore appena sbocciato e delle loro vite?


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