Romantic Suspense books


Until Thanksgiving

Philip Potter Series
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Philip Potter Series

Josh Freeman knows his best days are behind him. After his partner of seventeen years has an affair with a younger man, Josh buries himself in takeout boxes, half-smoked joints, and self-pity until his best friend gently kicks him in the ass and encourages him to try out a new job in Washington DC—at least until Thanksgiving.

Though DC has its share of troubles, specifically in the form of a murderer targeting gay men, Josh soon discovers its charms as well. Unlike his old home, DC is crawling with men who want to date him—apparently he's not as overweight, out of shape, or over the hill as the man he once loved made him believe. In particular, Josh would love a chance with relocation expert Thad Parker, but Josh is sure Thad is seeing someone, so he looks for love elsewhere. He tells himself he and Thad don't have anything in common anyway.

Then Josh learns Thad really is available. Maybe they can work it out after all. Suddenly the future seems bright again. Of course, Josh doesn't know he's the murderer's next target....


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Cover Up

Toronto Tales
$6.99 $5.24

Toronto Tales: Book Two

Detective Ivan Bekker has hit rock bottom. Not only is he recovering from a bad breakup with a cheating boyfriend, he’s also involved in a drug bust gone bad. Ivan had to kill a man, and his friend was shot and is now fighting for his life. Though Ivan is under investigation for his part in the shooting, his boss sends him on an off-the-books undercover operation to close the case. The timing is critical—this could be their chance to plug a leak in the department.

Off-balance and without backup, Ivan finds himself playing a recent divorcé and becoming Parker Wakefield’s roommate. He finds it hard to believe that sweet Parker could possibly be a criminal, much less have ties to a Russian mafia drug-trafficking operation, and Ivan lets down his guard. His affection is unprofessional, but Parker is irresistible.

When Ivan comes across clear evidence of Parker’s criminal involvement, he has to choose: protect their relationship, regardless of the consequences, or save his career and arrest the man he loves.


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Brown-eyed Devil

Brown-Eyed Devil and Red Rogue
$6.99 $5.24

Eighteen-year-old Myron Mitchell's small-town life is getting strange. First, a handsome, mysterious Native American man named Anoki appears in town, and Myron discovers they share a powerful affection neither of them understands. Second, people in the area have been disappearing. And finally, Myron’s body has begun to change in a deadly way. When Myron’s friend Bette becomes the latest abductee, he vows to bring her back—but his time is shorter than he knows.

A necromancer who possesses power over spirits, Anoki has come to stop the person behind the abductions. Unfortunately, he must also stop Myron, the victim of a curse that transforms him into an uncontrollable monster. Despite the inexplicable love he feels for Myron, Anoki will have to banish him to the spirit world to prevent disaster. But Myron wants enough time to find his friend, and Anoki needs Myron’s growing inhuman senses to track down the kidnapper. They agree to work together, but the clock is ticking: they need to find Bette and the kidnapper before Myron transforms completely. Then Anoki must banish the man who seems to be the missing part of his heart.


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Evadiendo los problemas

Historias de Toronto | Volumen 1
$6.99 $5.24

Volumen 1 de la serie Historias de Toronto

El Detective Kurt O’Donnell está acostumbrado a destapar los secretos de otras personas, pero cuando descubre que su compañero asesinado estaba casado con otro hombre, se siente conmocionado. Decidido a hacer lo correcto, Kurt ofrece su apoyo al afligido Davy. Ayudar a Davy a superar su dolor ayuda a Kurt a lidiar con la culpa de que su compañero no confiase en él lo suficiente para contarle la verdad, y en algún momento a lo largo del camino, Davy deja de ser una obligación y se convierte en un amigo, el amigo más cercano que Kurt haya tenido jamás.

Su creciente atracción hacia Davy complica las cosas, sumiendo a Kurt en una lucha interna para reevaluar su sexualidad. Entonces, un encuentro sexual para el que ninguno de ellos está preparado les cofunde aún más. Para estar con Davy, Kurt debe afrontar la perspectiva de salir del armario, pero su trabajo y su relación con su familia católica están en juego. ¿Puede arriesgarse a destruir su vida por la incierta posibilidad de una relación con un hombre que acaba de enviudar?


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$6.99 $5.24

Sebastian Harkin retreated to the Trappist monastery at Mt. Ouray, nestled high in Colorado's San Juan Mountains, to escape a past filled with heartache and pain. The arrival of young novice Brother Casey Galvan gives Sebastian hope for the future. But when the monks discover a handsome stranger freezing on their doorstep during a snowstorm, Sebastian, Casey, and their fellow monks find themselves ensnarled in jealousies and passions that eventually lead to murder.

Desperate to conceal the crime from outsiders, Mt. Ouray’s abbot, Father Paolo Cabral, asks Sebastian to help solve the mystery. With Casey assisting, Sebastian plunges deeper into the investigation. But working with Casey threatens Sebastian’s self-control until his desires erupt, along with the dreaded past he has tried so desperately to put behind him. As Sebastian closes in on the killer, Father Paolo intervenes—not just in Sebastian’s search for the truth but in his pursuit of Casey’s heart.


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$6.99 $5.24

When Brent Hyde arrives home from college to find his parents missing from their dairy farm, he feels a creeping sense of dread, but the inept local police won’t take him seriously. Determined to find them, Brent drags his boyfriend, Gary, into the search.

When Jason Killeen, a senior journalism student from Brent’s college, shows up to investigate a twenty-year-old research project involving Brent’s mother—and Brent’s current employer—the situation gets sticky. Jason insists they’re all in danger, and a sudden body count proves him right.

While Brent, Jason, and Gary gather clues, a hit man, an FBI agent, and a corporate scientist turn up the heat by embroiling themselves in the investigation. Under that pressure, Brent and Gary’s relationship falters, and Brent finds himself turning to Jason, whose understated heroism attracts him. Then an unexpected discovery puts all three of them in mortal danger, and Brent makes a choice that will change them all forever.


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$6.99 $5.24

Wyatt Mettler is a Dreamer. While asleep, he can insert himself into people's dreams and manipulate them, watch their fantasies, steal their secrets, and change their minds—all without their knowledge. For eleven years he's been Lumoinnovations’ secret weapon, illegally enslaved, all in the name of the bottom line. But when an assignment goes awry and results in the death of the subject, Wyatt’s handlers leave him for dead.

When Aidan Donecoff stumbles across Wyatt’s unconscious body in an alley, he is struggling to get over a failed relationship and has almost given up hope of forging a true Bond with anyone. He has known Dreamers in the past, but none like Wyatt. When Wyatt truly wakes up for the first time since he was a child, it is Aidan who helps him find his way in the world. They grow close as Wyatt gains confidence, and life is good… until Wyatt’s handlers discover he is still alive and decide they want him back.


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Push Comes to Shove

No More Heroes | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

No More Heroes: Book One

Super-powered superhero Push and his human partner, Scratch, have been best friends and roommates for years. Push is the gay posterchild for the Real-Life Superhero Association. Unfortunately, Scratch is straight, which makes Push’s suppressed feelings for him problematic—but not as problematic as their next assignment.

Push and Scratch’s job: rehabilitating Wrath, a recently released supervillain, complete with super powers of his own. It’s not easy to trust someone who used to be on the other side, and Wrath’s presence creates just the wrong kind of friction.

When a bank-robbing practical joker throws a wrench in their plans and leads them on a wild chase across the southern United States, Push, Scratch, and Wrath have to leave their baggage behind and work together. But there are more secrets and danger awaiting them, and super powers may not be enough.


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But For You

A Matter of Time Series
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Bulletproof

Jory Harcourt is finally living the dream. Being married to US Marshal Sam Kage has changed him—it’s settled the tumult of their past and changed Jory from a guy who bails at the first sign of trouble to a man who stays and weathers the storm. He and Sam have two kids, a house in the burbs, and a badass minivan. Jory’s days of being an epicenter for disaster are over. Domestic life is good.

Which means it's exactly the right time for a shakeup on the home front. Sam’s ex turns up in an unexpected place. A hit man climbs up their balcony at a family reunion. And maybe both of those things have something to do with a witness who disappeared a year ago. Marital bliss just got a kick in the pants, but Jory won’t let anyone take his family away from him. Before he knew what it felt like to have a home, he would have run. Not anymore. He knows he and Sam need to handle things together, because that’s the only way they’re going to make it.


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Alleanza di Sangue

Legami di sangue
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Legami di sangue, Libro 1

Un mago disperato e un vampiro disilluso e amareggiato possono trovare il modo di costruire un’alleanza che possa salvare il loro mondo?

In un mondo scosso da una guerra combattuta a colpi di magia, i vampiri sono considerati meno che umani, le tipiche creature della notte che, come nelle leggende, danno la caccia agli uomini. Ma all’inasprirsi dei combattimenti, i maghi capiscono di aver bisogno di un vantaggio che volga gli eventi in loro favore: la forza che i vampiri possono dare loro nella lotta contro i maghi oscuri, i quali cercano di distruggere la vita così come la conoscono.

Con una mossa azzardata, ma indice di buona volontà, i maghi chiedono al capo dei vampiri di incontrali, per perorare la loro causa. Un uomo disperato, Alain Maigner, e un vampiro amareggiato e disilluso, Orlando St. Clair, si incontrano a Parigi, e il destino del mondo dipenderà dalle loro decisioni: i vampiri si uniranno alla causa e formeranno un’alleanza con i maghi per vincere la guerra?


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$5.99 $4.49

In the future, corporations buy the life contracts of infants and raise them for specific careers. Jaymes, aka The Prince, is Erotic Bioware, Thoroughbred Class, trained to seduce and give pleasure in the highest tiers of society. But his latest client involves him in a political assassination, and Jaymes must flee the comforts of the city for the barbaric outlands.

With Drue the Fox, Bioware, Exotic Class, Jaymes struggles through the last wilderness on his world in his quest to return to civilization and his pampered life. The ruthless corporate mercenary on their trail should make them want to work together—but Jaymes and Drue are diametrically opposed in personality, class, and ideology and can’t stop bickering about Bioware inequality.

Eventually, Jaymes’s dislike of Drue evolves into something else as Jaymes wakes up to the reality of his place in society and admits that Drue is right. It will take great courage, a band of ex-military outcasts, and a sympathetic politician to clear Jaymes’s name and bring about lasting changes for all Bioware. Only then can he and Drue have a life together with all the rights a human deserves.


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Dirty Secret

Cole McGinnis Mysteries
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Dirty Kiss
A Cole McGinnis Mystery

Loving Kim Jae-Min isn’t always easy: Jae is gun-shy about being openly homosexual. Ex-cop turned private investigator Cole McGinnis doesn’t know any other way to be. Still, he understands where Jae is coming from. Traditional Korean men aren’t gay—at least not usually where people can see them.

But Cole can’t spend too much time unraveling his boyfriend’s issues. He has a job to do. When a singer named Scarlet asks him to help find Park Dae-Hoon, a gay Korean man who disappeared nearly two decades ago, Cole finds himself submerged in the tangled world of rich Korean families, where obligation and politics mean sacrificing happiness to preserve corporate empires. Soon the bodies start piling up without rhyme or reason. With every step Cole takes toward locating Park Dae-Hoon, another person meets their demise—and someone Cole loves could be next on the murderer’s list.


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Dentro o fuori

Storie di Toronto | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Storie di Toronto, Libro 1

Il detective Kurt O’Donnell è abituato a scavare nella vita degli altri, ma quando scopre che il suo collega, appena assassinato, era sposato con un uomo, ne rimane sconvolto. Deciso a fare la cosa giusta, Kurt offre il suo sostegno a Davy – il vedovo. Aiutare l’uomo a superare il dolore gli permette di convivere col senso di colpa per non aver saputo instaurare una relazione di fiducia col proprio partner, fino a quando Davy smette di essere un obbligo e diventa un amico – il migliore che Kurt abbia mai avuto.

A un certo punto, però, Kurt comincia a provare nei confronti dell’uomo un’attrazione inspiegabile, che oltre a complicare le cose lo costringe a rivalutare la propria sessualità. Finché un incontro sensuale, che nessuno dei due uomini è pronto ad affrontare, non fa precipitare la situazione… Per avere Davy, Kurt deve accettare di fare coming-out e rischiare problemi sul lavoro e con la sua cattolica famiglia. Vale la pena di mettere tutto in gioco per poter stare con un uomo appena rimasto vedovo?


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$6.99 $5.24

For Alaska Wildlife Trooper Zanebono Fusca, it’s just another summer in Anchorage until a slew of inexplicable fatal bear attacks sets the city reeling. As far as Zane is concerned, the timing couldn’t be worse. He’s besieged with his own demons, coping with personal loss and an identity crisis that clutches him worse than a grizzly’s pickaxe-sized fangs. Ten years before, he hoped Alaska would bring him a sense of his manhood. Now the “last frontier” could put him in an early grave.

Zane’s role to protect Alaska’s teeming wildlife gets even more tangled when handsome twenty-five-year-old Joshua Gaffner arrives seeking the details of his uncle’s gruesome death. But Alaskan officials have few answers. Against his better judgment, Zane takes Joshua deep into Anchorage’s far-flung backcountry—populated with eccentric recluses and ego-driven ecologists—in search of the truth. As the bizarre attacks increase, Zane and Josh continue to push for clues to crack the mystery. Finally Zane unravels a shocking discovery that makes the pieces fall into place. The trouble is Josh stands in the perfect position to become the next victim.


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$6.99 $5.24

A dead body is never a welcome sight, but it’s especially troublesome when Tadd Leventis and Declan Anagnos return home to find one in their foyer. Most people know the dead woman as a curator at the local museum, but Tadd and Declan recognize her as someone from their distant past—Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare. To Tadd and Declan, it's more than a murder. It's a threat to the mortal lives they've worked so hard to build—and a wakeup call that their immortal lives are in danger too.

At Zeus’s request, they once again don the mantles of Ares and Hermes, but when they start investigating their fellow Olympians, Tadd and Declan discover things are far more complicated than they seem. As the body count rises, tracking the killer becomes more dangerous, and the investigation starts to strain their relationship. Can they patch things up in time to catch the killer, or will the killer catch them first?


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Italian Ice

Precious Gems | Book Two
2012 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Rarer than Rubies
Precious Gems: Book Two

In this exciting sequel to Rarer Than Rubies, gay romance author Trent Copeland and former FBI agent Reed Action head to Italy for a Roman holiday. What should be a relaxing and romantic vacation is interrupted when Reed’s not-so-former boss asks for his help with a case. Trent's shocked to discover in the six months they’ve been living together in LA, Reed hasn’t been completely honest about his “retirement.”

Reed heads for Sicily on the trail of a suspected antiquities-smuggling ring and to find Peter Isett—a former FBI partner he also hasn’t been completely truthful about. Stung by Reed’s dishonesty, Trent questions what else Reed might be hiding. But when he overhears something that tells him Reed's life is in danger, Trent follows Reed to a remote chain of ancient volcanic islands off Sicily's northern coast. Soon Trent is caught up in the smugglers’ web, and Reed must decide between his heart and his mission—a decision complicated by his past with Peter. Reed’s position is perilous: unless he can learn to put the past behind him, he risks destroying everything he's built with Trent.


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The Thirteenth Sigil

Section Thirteen
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to The Thirteenth Pillar
A Section Thirteen Story

After his last somewhat disastrous assignment, sidhe special detective Tuulois MacColewyn effectively got benched. But when a break-in at a high-tech storage facility leaves no witnesses—alive or, Cole’s specialty, dead—and just one missing canister, he’s recalled to Section Thirteen, the NYPD’s paranormal branch. It’s nice to get to work again with his current flame, Inspector Joss Vallimun, even if they do have their hands full: some mysterious force is cutting a swath through the city in search of that canister. If Cole and Joss figure that out, there’s the disappearances of employees connected to a local children’s television program to solve. Meanwhile, Internal Affairs is breathing down their necks.

But while Section Thirteen is working to find the stolen property and figure out what it is, something even stranger starts happening. Children’s imaginary friends are somehow manifesting themselves—and they’re coming after Section Thirteen. Even with a newly deputized witch and an ogre to bolster their numbers, the detectives have their work cut out for them.


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$6.99 $5.24

Eight years ago, Jake Anders was a college kid from the wrong side of the tracks. Then Trace Michelson recruited him into The Trust, a CIA-backed agency whose “executives” eliminate rogue biotechnology operations. Trace was everything Jake ever wanted in a man: powerful, brilliant, and gorgeous. But Jake never admitted his attraction to his mentor, and Trace always kept Jake at arm’s length.

Now Trace is dead and Jake is one of The Trust’s best operatives, highly skilled and loyal to the organization. But the secret agent has his own secret: six years ago, before he was assassinated, Trace designed a Sim chip containing his memories and experiences—and now that chip is part of Jake. It’s just data, designed to augment Jake’s knowledge, but when Sim becomes reality, Jake wonders if Trace is still alive or if Jake really is going crazy like everyone claims. He doesn’t know if he can trust himself, let alone anyone else.

To learn the truth about Trace and the chip, Jake embarks on a dangerous mission—except he’s not the only one looking for the information. Some of the answers are locked in his head, and unless he finds the key, he’ll be killed for the technology that’s become a part of him.

Now, more than ever, Jake wishes Trace were here to guide him. Too bad he’s dead... right?


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