


Los guardianes de Folsam | Volumen 1
$6.99 $5.24

Volumen 1 de la serie Los guardianes de Folsam

Micah «Cachorro» Slayed sabe que desea a Tackett Austin desde el momento en que le pone la vista encima en los Guardianes de Folsom. Micah quiere tener un objetivo en la vida, que cuiden de él y cuidar de su Dominante. Quiere confiar en él completamente, vivir por él, pertenecerle. Convertirse en su todo. Micah está seguro de que Tackett es el indicado. El problema es que, para ser el sumiso perfecto, necesita mantenerse centrado, y eso no es fácil para Micah, que sufre de lo que él llama «cerebro averiado». La concentración y el trastorno de déficit de atención raramente coexisten. 

Desde la ceremonia del collar de Ty Callahan y Blake Henderson, Tackett ha estado pensando demasiado en su propia soledad. Incluso cuando Ty le presenta a Micah y anima a Tackett a darle una oportunidad, este no se deja convencer fácilmente. Se ha pasado la vida forjándose una exitosa carrera de negocios, y los sumisos a los que domina casi nunca disfrutan dos veces del beso de su cuero. Veinte años mayor que Micah, Tackett no tiene interés en domesticar a un sumiso tan joven y travieso… pero es difícil resistirse a las súplicas de un cachorro tan adorable.


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Cœur et honneur

Le Clan des Panthères | Tome 3
$6.99 $5.24

Suite de Cœur confiant
Le Clan des Panthères, tome 3

Les  nouveaux pouvoirs effrayants de Jin Rayne en tant que nekhene continuent de s'accroître ainsi que sa place en tant Reah de la tribu de Logan Church, lorsqu'il apprend qu'un sepat, un défi d'honneur, a été lancé. Logan, qui n'a jamais voulu faire autre chose que diriger sa tribu dans sa petite ville, doit voyager au bout du monde jusqu'en Mongolie et se battre pour devenir le leader le plus puissant dans le monde des panthères.

Logan ne sera pas le seul à faire ce voyage. En tant que compagnon, Jin doit se battre avec lui pour honorer son engagement envers Logan, sa culture et sa tribu. Mais le processus est long, impliquant une séparation prolongée entre les deux hommes, et l'humanité de Logan est en jeu. Afin de réussir à traverser ce sepat cauchemardesque, Jin et Logan doivent accepter leur sort, se faire confiance, et honorer les vœux qu'ils se sont fait, peu importe le coût.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

1 Samuel 18:1 & 3: “And it came to pass… that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul.”

David not only slew Goliath, he won the heart of Prince Jonathan, heir to the throne of Israel. They were star-crossed warrior lovers whose passionate affair changed history and gave rise to the nation of Israel, a legacy that has endured for 3,000 years. Their epic love story stands at the center of a religious tradition that shaped the world.

But Jonathan and David were also two men torn between duty and tradition, driven by their undeniably passionate and physical love for one another. Who were they beyond the historical facts given in the Bible? What were they like—as men? This modern-day novel tells the story of Israel’s first king and the man who captured his heart.


$6.99 $5.24

Un motivo valido

Il valore dell’amore | Libro 1
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Il valore dell’amore, Libro 1

Per Josh Brooks è un’estate di desideri che diventano realtà. Prima riesce a comprare il cavallo dei suoi sogni da un addestratore rivale. Poi conosce anche l’uomo dei suoi sogni, il Ranger Dane Keller, commilitone del fratello. Dane è sexy, abile, e reduce dall’ambigua politica dell’esercito americano riguardo all’omosessualità. Sarebbe tutto perfetto, eccetto che nessuno sa che Josh e Dane sono gay.

Quando Dane arriva al ranch, vuole soltanto una vita tranquilla senza la segretezza estrema che l’ha costretto a nascondersi e un lavoro che gli permetta di guadagnarsi da vivere. Ma il fratellino del suo migliore amico, quello che aveva scritto le lettere che li avevano tenuti su di morale in Afghanistan, sembra proprio essere cresciuto e Dane non può fare a meno di desiderare qualcosa di più, nonostante la paura di impegnarsi.

Mentre Dane e Josh cercano in tutti i modi di tenere le mani a posto, fallendo miseramente, qualcun altro osserva, in attesa, e infine colpisce, prima Josh e poi il prezioso cavallo. Quando tutti i loro segreti e le loro paure vengono esposti, Dane è determinato a proteggere Josh, anche se questo significa lasciarlo indietro.


$6.99 $5.24

A Forced Silence

Zero Hour | Book One

Zero Hour: Book One

For paramedic Adam Carson, his world is lights and sirens and saving lives. Pressures at work keep him firmly in the closet, and life is too busy to contend with the complications that come with dating and relationships. When a familiar face from his past turns up where he least expects it, Adam starts to question whether or not there is room in his life for those complications.

The last person forensic pathologist Sam McKenna expects to see at pub night is Adam, the guy who made his life hell in high school. The attraction is instant, but Adam isn't gay and Sam has no interest in pursuing him. Still, the leftover animosity from their teenage years isn't enough to extinguish the lust growing between them. After both are called to the scene of a horrific murder, Adam admits he’s not as straight as he led Sam to believe and they seek comfort and distraction in each other's arms. One night becomes many as the murder investigation intensifies, but when Adam is faced with losing Sam, he is forced to make a choice: to break his silence, or to give up everything for the job he loves.


$6.99 $5.24

A Love Can't Novel

Bullied as a child in small-town Kansas, Jeremy Cox ultimately escaped to Portland, Oregon. Now in his forties, he’s an urban park ranger who does his best to rescue runaways and other street people. His ex-boyfriend, Donny—lost to drinking and drugs six years earlier—appears on his doorstep and inadvertently drags Jeremy into danger. As if dealing with Donny’s issues doesn’t cause enough turmoil, Jeremy meets a fascinating but enigmatic man who carries more than his fair share of problems.

Qayin Hill has almost nothing but skeletons in his closet and demons in his head. A former addict who struggles with anxiety and depression, Qay doesn’t know which of his secrets to reveal to Jeremy—or how to react when Jeremy wants to save him from himself.

Despite the pasts that continue to haunt them, Jeremy and Qay find passion, friendship, and a tentative hope for the future. Now they need to decide whether love is truly a powerful thing or if, despite the old adage, love can’t conquer all.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Everett Hallman might not be the world’s most powerful witch, but he does his part by helping wayward souls find their way to the beyond. Then a feeling Everett can’t explain lures him away from the magical woods near his house, to a local martial arts school. There, he is intrigued when he uncovers remains left by supernatural beings of enormous power, and he cannot resist looking into the mystery.

Everett learns he is a Bridge Master: a witch capable of passing into different spirit realms, but his revelation comes with a new set of problems. First, the powerful witch instructing him disappears, and then he notices something strange about his attractive new friend from the martial arts studio. Worst of all, Everett’s reserves of spell-casting energy continue to deplete. Only one thing is certain—Everett cannot turn his back on this puzzle until he gets some answers.


$6.99 $5.24

Finding Family

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

When you find your family, you’ll do anything to keep it.

When Charles Macquarrie inherits a fortune and an international clothing company, he also inherits three young cousins he desperately needs help raising. By a stroke of luck, he discovers and hires Jonathan Lamb, who spent his life in a children’s home due to chronic illness, to be his nanny.

If Jon thought a budding romance with his wealthy boss complicated his life, he has no idea of the hardships awaiting him when he’s charged with embezzlement and kidnapping. But even when threatened by accounting discrepancies and mob connections, Jon and Charles won’t let go of the family they’ve built together without a fight.


$4.99 $3.74


Hunting Evil | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Hunting Evil: Book One

A string of murders targeting effeminate gay men has the GLBTQ community of Chicago on alert, but budget cuts have left many precincts understaffed and overworked, and homophobia is alive and well within the law enforcement community so little has been done to solve the mystery. When the FBI calls in Special Agent Todd Hutchinson and his team, the locals are glad to hand the case off. But Hutch finds a bigger mystery than anyone originally realized—seventeen linked murders committed in several different jurisdictions. Hutch’s clues lead him to Noah Walker.

Working on his PhD in forensic psychology, Noah has been obsessed with serial murders since he was a child. Noah finds himself hunted, striking him off Hutch’s suspect list, but not off his radar. To catch the killer before anyone else falls victim, they’ll have to work together to bring him to justice.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2014.


$6.99 $5.24

Under a Blood-red Moon

Duncan Andrews Thrillers
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Dead End
A Duncan Andrews Thriller

Private Detective Duncan Andrews is back, along with the usual gang: Robbie, Gina, Nick, and Daisy, the zombie bulldog! Duncan is trying to figure out how his boyfriend, Robbie, will fit in with the team now that he is no longer a ghost. That worry is soon set aside when Duncan accepts a new case to locate a missing young man named Graig Betz. Duncan soon learns Graig is part of a werewolf pack that is terrorizing Indianapolis. The pack is led by a witch, Ashley Campbell, an old rival of Gina’s. Duncan and his team must try to rescue and cure Graig and stop the wolf pack from destroying an entire city.


$6.99 $5.24


Love, Unexpected
$6.99 $5.24

A Love, Unexpected Tale
They never knew what hit them.

Two months after Mitch Jenkins had the rug pulled out from under him when his two-year relationship came to an abrupt end, he is still hurting. A colleague’s attempt to cheer him up brings Mitch to a secret “club.” Mitch isn’t remotely interested in the twinks parading like peacocks, until he spies the young man at the back of the room, nose firmly in a book and oblivious to his surroundings. Now Mitch is interested.

Nikko Kurokawa wants to pay his debt and get the hell out of the Black Lounge. Earning his freedom isn’t proving easy, especially when he starts attracting interest. Life becomes that little bit easier to bear when he meets Mitch, who is nothing like the other men who frequent the club. And when Mitch crawls under his skin and into his heart, Nikko figures he can put up with anything. Before long he’ll be out of there, and he and Mitch can figure out if they have a future together.

Neither of them counted on those who don’t want Nikko to leave….


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Stopping to offer help one sultry summer night, Mason James is unprepared for the change that this simple act of kindness will bring. After giving an old man a ride home, Mason discovers a new, magical, and even dangerous world he cannot hope to understand. But he also finds Luc Toussaint and is intoxicated at first sight... and even the secret Luc protects won’t be enough to keep Mason away from the truth of his heritage and their love.


Fireman Mason James thought finding out he is a Romanus—a rare class of gargoyle—would be the surprise of a lifetime, but he’s proven wrong when he discovers he is the son of a comte and goji nobility. But his newly discovered family doesn’t think his gargoyle lover, Luc, is good enough for a goji of Mason’s stature—how could a warrior ever be? But despite the Moreaus’ uncertainty and elitism, they are Mason’s only chance to unravel the mystery behind his mother’s death, find a solution for the class divide that might separate him from Luc, and discover what it truly means to be a Romanus.


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Lernt Patrick Cleary kennen: Nachtschwärmer, Versager, Spastiker. Patrick versucht verzweifelt, sich zu ändern. Das Ergebnis ist so eindrucksvoll, dass es ihn fast umbringt.

Lernt Wes „Whiskey“ Keenan kennen: Ein Biologe auf Dauer-Exkursion, der sich fragt, wann es wohl Zeit wird, sesshaft zu werden. Als der schlimmste Tag in Patricks Leben damit endet, dass Whiskey ihm das Leben rettet, fangen die beiden an, ihr Leben und eine winzig kleine Koje in dem heruntergekommensten Hausboot, das die Welt je gesehen hat, zu teilen.

Patrick will sein Leben auf die Reihe bekommen und Whiskey will ihm dabei helfen. Doch Patrick ist sich nicht sicher, ob das überhaupt möglich ist. Er ist davon überzeugt, dass er eine Anomalie der Natur ist. Aber Whiskey, der mit echten Anomalien arbeitet, glaubt, dass alles, was Patrick braucht, ein klein wenig Hilfe ist, um die Schönheit unter seiner spastischen Hülle zu sehen, und Whiskey bietet sich gerne dafür an. Zwischen ungewöhnlichen Fröschen, einem lebensbedrohlichen Ex-Freund und Patricks eigenen Blockaden, benötigt Whiskey seine gesamte Geduld, damit Patrick das Gute in sich findet, bevor die beiden in klarem Wasser schwimmen können.


$6.99 $5.24

Stoccata finale

Questione di tempo
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della serie Questione di tempo

La vita non è mai stata facile per Duncan Stiel. La sua infanzia è stata un incubo. Il suo lavoro come poliziotto sotto copertura lo obbliga a nascondere la sua vera natura e, di tanto in tanto, lo fa finire in ospedale. Quando finalmente incontra l’uomo perfetto, non è una sorpresa che tutto vada completamente a rotoli. Quello che Duncan non si aspetta è che l’ostacolo più grande da superare prima di poter vivere la sua storia con Aaron Sutter è quello che porta dentro di sé.

Tutti pensano che Aaron abbia tutto: bellezza, soldi, fama e un successo incommensurabile. Tutti tranne lui. Alla fine di ogni giornata, lontano dai flash, con le questioni di affari risolte e mentre gli amici tornano alle loro vite, Aaron si ritrova sempre solo. Nel momento stesso in cui incontra il travolgente detective Duncan Stiel, sa che farà di tutto per tenerlo con sé. Quando però capisce che i soldi non bastano a comprare la felicità, deve trovare la forza per regalare a Duncan qualcosa di molto più importante: il suo cuore.


$6.99 $5.24

Fire and Snow

Carlisle Cops | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

Carlisle Cops: Book Four

Fisher Moreland has been cast out of his family because they can no longer deal with his issues. Fisher is bipolar and living day to day, trying to manage his condition, but he hasn’t always had much control over his life and has self-medicated with whatever he could find.

JD Burnside has been cut off from his family because of a scandal back home. He moved to Carlisle but brought his Southern charm and warmth along with him. When he sees Fisher on a park bench on a winter’s night, he invites Fisher to join him and his friends for a late-night meal.

At first Fisher doesn’t know what to make of JD, but he slowly comes out of his shell. And when Fisher’s job is threatened because of a fire, JD’s support and care is more than Fisher ever thought he could expect. But when people from Fisher’s past turn up in town at the center of a resurgent drug epidemic, Fisher knows they could very well sabotage his budding relationship with JD.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

L’infanzia di Terrell Washington è stata una tripla schifezza: non c’è nessun vantaggio a essere nero, gay e povero in America. Terrell si è fatto strada fuori dal ghetto solo per colpire un soffitto di cristallo e trovarsi imprigionato nel ristorante di una popolare catena a fare il barista con una laurea in giornalismo. L’unica nota positiva è Colby Meyers, un suo collega che non ha paure o inibizioni e che non conosce limiti. Terrell e Colby passano l’estate al fiume e le loro pause sul retro del Papiano. Per quanto Terrell sia terrorizzato all’idea di uscire allo scoperto, gli è impossibile stare lontano dal magnetico sorriso di Colby e dalla sua risata contagiosa.

Ma Colby ha finito l’università, adesso, e ha grandi progetti per il futuro… progetti che Terrell è certo che lasceranno il suo nero culo secco nella polvere di Sacramento, fino a un momento mozzafiato, rubato nel mezzo del caos del ristorante, che gli dice che potrebbe sbagliarsi. Quando quell’istante viene infranto da un mistero e da un atto di violenza, Terrell e Colby rimangono con due rompicapi da risolvere: chi ha ucciso quel furfante del loro capo e come potranno far confluire le loro vite, il loro nero e il loro bianco, in un unico scintillante futuro?


$6.99 $5.24


Ennek Trilogy | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Ennek Trilogy: Book One

Praesidium is the most prosperous city-state in the world, due not only to its location at the mouth of a great bay but also to its strict laws, stringently enforced. Ordinary criminals become bond-slaves, but the worst punishment—to be suspended in a dreamless frozen state known as Stasis—is doled out by the wizard and reserved for only the most serious of traitors. 

Ennek is the youngest son of Praesidium’s strict Chief. Though now a successful portmaster, Ennek grew up without much of a purpose, unable to fulfill his true desires and always skating on the edge of the law. But he is also haunted by the plight of one man, Miner, a prisoner for whom Stasis appears to be a truly horrible fate. If Ennek is to save Miner, he must explore Praesidium’s deepest secrets as well as his own.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by CreateSpace, 2009.


$6.99 $5.24

Malcolm Tate hung up his flogger when his submissive sought out another Dom and landed in the hands of a serial killer. Convinced his lack of dominance sent his sub away, Mal has spent two years blaming himself for what happened. But when his best friend finally convinces him to go back to the local dungeon, Mal’s grateful. Especially when he wins beautiful, submissive, firmly closeted Kyle Bingham in a charity slave auction.

College grad Kyle hasn’t earned enough to move out of the loft his conservative, homophobic parents bought, much less to buy any of the other things still in their name. When he’s won at auction by the hot, amazing Mal, he’s shocked that anyone would want him. No one else seemed to—not his parents, his former Doms, or any of his disastrous dates.

But Mal does want him and Kyle lets his guard down, only to be outed to his parents. With his world crashing down, he must find a way to trust Mal—and their developing relationship—or risk losing everything.