

Versöhnung des Blutes

Partnership in Blood
$6.99 $5.24

Fortsetzung zu Konflikt des Blutes
Buch 4 in der Serie - Blutspartnerschaft

Der Krieg nähert sich seiner entscheidenden Phase und beide Seiten sind bis an ihre Grenzen gefordert. Da gelingt den dunklen Magiern ein vernichtender Schlag, denn sie nehmen Orlando St. Clair gefangen. Am Boden zerstört vor Sorge um seinen entführten Partner, muss Alain befürchten, dass auch Orlandos Befreiung aus den Klauen der dunklen Magier den Vampir nicht mehr retten kann, weil sein Herz und sein Verstand unheilbaren Schaden genommen haben.

Christophe Lombard, der älteste und mächtigste Vampir von Paris, weiß, dass die Allianz an der Schwelle zur Niederlage steht. Er gibt seine selbstgewählte Isolation auf und schließt sich dem Kampf an. Alains abtrünniger Freund Eric Simonet, der zu den dunklen Magiern übergelaufen war, wird vor die Wahl gestellt zwischen Rache und Erlösung. Und Jean, durch Orlandos Schicksal in Wut und Zorn versetzt, muss sich der schwierigsten Entscheidung seiner Existenz stellen, während um ihn herum der alles entscheidende Kampf tobt. Werden sie mit ihren Entscheidungen die Allianz endgültig zerschlagen oder schaffen sie es doch noch, ihre Welt vor dem Untergang zu bewahren?


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How to Be a Normal Person

2015 Award Winners

A How to Be Novel

Gustavo Tiberius is not normal. He knows this. Everyone in his small town of Abby, Oregon, knows this. He reads encyclopedias every night before bed. He has a pet ferret called Harry S. Truman. He owns a video rental store that no one goes to. His closest friends are a lady named Lottie with drag queen hair and a trio of elderly Vespa riders known as the We Three Queens.

Gus is not normal. And he's fine with that. All he wants is to be left alone.

Until Casey, an asexual stoner hipster and the newest employee at Lottie’s Lattes, enters his life. For some reason, Casey thinks Gus is the greatest thing ever. And maybe Gus is starting to think the same thing about Casey, even if Casey is obsessive about Instagramming his food.

But Gus isn’t normal and Casey deserves someone who can be. Suddenly wanting to be that someone, Gus steps out of his comfort zone and plans to become the most normal person ever.

After all, what could possibly go wrong?


Unstable Stud

Lexington Lovers
Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

Lexington Lovers

Horses were his passion, until he laid eyes on his boss.

Eighteen months ago, tragedy struck Bywater Farm when a riding accident killed Clay Hunter’s lover and traumatized his prize horse, King of Hearts. Clay and King lingered in limbo, surviving but not really living, until a breath of fresh air in the form of Luke Davis, a new groom in the stud barn, revives them both.

When a fall from King’s back sends Luke to the emergency room, Clay watches the shaky foundation of their budding relationship tumble down. Can Clay really love a jockey again, or will his fear of losing another man he loves keep them apart for good?


$4.99 $3.74


Elpida | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Elpida: Book Two

High school senior Michael Sattler leads a charmed life. Almost. He has great friends, parents who love him just the way he is, and he was a champion hurdler until someone took out his knee when they kidnapped his boyfriend. Yet, Michael is determined to make the USATF tryouts in spite of his injuries.

Christy Castle is Michael’s entire world. Healing from years of abuse, his abduction by a predator has left him hiding a new secret as he tries to start his life again. Together, Michael and Christy work to recover from their wounds in time to make prom and graduate high school. To complicate matters, Christy is astonished to learn a fellow victim from his native Greece has survived. Christy will stop at nothing to bring him to the US to keep him safe.

But the prosecution of Christy’s kidnapper looms large in their futures and the struggle to return to normal only worsens. Christy's past continues to haunt them and, when the prosecution turns ugly and Christy’s new life is torn apart, only their unrelenting courage and determination can save them from the nightmare that threatens to destroy their future together.


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Perdonare Thayne

Compagni predestinati
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della serie Compagni predestinati

Nicholas Cartwright ha fatto tutto ciò che era in suo potere per dimenticare la notte di sei mesi prima a Senaka, quando il suo compagno predestinato l’ha rifiutato, lasciandolo distrutto e disilluso. Si è buttato nel lavoro, consumandosi fino all’esaurimento, e trova ormai intollerabile il tocco di chiunque altro. Improvvisamente il suo compagno ha bisogno del suo aiuto e gli chiede forse più di quanto Nick riesca a dare.

Thayne Whitedove è sempre stato un nomade. Passa i giorni sulla strada e le notti tra le braccia di qualche facile conquista, fino a quando un fatidico sbaglio non lo costringe a tornare a casa per trovare conforto. Purtroppo, l’unico modo per rimediare al suo errore di giudizio è accettare la sola cosa che non ha mai voluto: il suo compagno. Thayne deve decidere se fuggire oppure restare e lottare per ottenere il perdono di Nick.


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Tackling the Tight End

The Long Pass Chronicles
2016 Award Winners

A Novel in the Long Pass Chronicles

Everyone wants the best for SCU student and tight end Raven Nez—and they know exactly what that is. Enter the NFL draft, become a big football hero, promote his tribe’s casino, and make a lot of money to help people on the reservation. Just one problem. Raven’s gay and he  really wants to work with gay kids. Plus he figures a gay Native tight end will get flattened in the NFL. Then the casino board hires a talented student filmmaker to create ads for the tribal business and asks Raven to work with him. But the filmmaker is Dennis Hascomb, a guy with so much to hide and a life so ugly it’s beyond Raven’s understanding. Still, he’s drawn to Dennis's pain and incredible ability to survive. Captivated by Raven’s stories of the two-spirited and by the amazing joy of finally having a friend, Dennis knows he has to break free from everything he’s ever been taught was good—but that’s a struggle that could kill him and Raven too. Is there a chance for “the great red hope” and the “whitest guy on earth”? A future for the serpent and the raven?


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Twenty-nine-year-old Lucas Thompson is at the top of the corporate ladder. But when his lifelong friend and ex-boyfriend invites him to his last-minute destination wedding in the Bahamas, Lucas realizes his corporate success can’t hide his private loneliness. Nor will he be able to escape seeing his family at the wedding—and having to explain, yet again, why he’s rich, handsome… and still single.

Fate and a taxi ride change everything when Lucas meets the charismatic and clever Jack McQueen, who just so happens to be a male escort. Jack’s presence on Lucas’s arm at the wedding keeps questions at bay, but their pretend relationship turns into something more after ten days of sun, sand, and sex. And before the trip is up, both men will discover that what started as a simple escapade in paradise might just lead to their very own happily ever after.


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Planting His Dream

Planting Dreams | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Planting Dreams: Book One

Foster dreams of getting away, but after his father’s death, he has to take over the family dairy farm. It soon becomes clear his father hasn’t been doing the best job of running it, so not only does Foster need to take over the day-to-day operations, he also needs to find new ways of bringing in revenue.

Javi has no time to dream. He and his family are migrant workers, and daily survival is a struggle, so they travel to anywhere they can get work. When they arrive in their old van, Foster arranges for Javi to help him on the farm.

To Javi’s surprise, Foster listens to his ideas and actually puts them into action. Over days that turn into weeks, they grow to like and then care for each other, but they come from two very different worlds, and they both have responsibilities to their families that neither can walk away from. Is it possible for them to discover a dream they can share? Perhaps they can plant their own and nurture it together to see it grow, if their different backgrounds don’t separate them forever.


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Resurrecting Elliot

Newport Boys | Book Two

Newport Boys: Book Two

Nightmares and panic attacks following a horrific tragedy leave Professor Elliot Lawrence a prisoner in his own home. After months of relying on his sister as his only connection to the outside world, Elliot is desperate for a sliver of independence. But leaving the safety of his home isn’t an option, not yet, and he reaches out in the most innocuous way he can think of: grocery delivery.

Colton Kelly, retired porn star and recent college grad, is struggling at two minimum wage jobs to make ends meet. During one of his grocery deliveries, he meets Elliot. Although the attraction between them is instant, they must first traverse the long road of putting Elliot back together. When disaster strikes yet again, this time in Colt’s life, Elliot’s not sure he’s strong enough to be the man Colt needs him to be.


$4.99 $3.74

Il loro matrimonio doveva essere solo una questione d’affari…

Quando Chris Valentine, scrittore in cerca di editore, incontra Jesse Donovan, è interessato a un contratto letterario o magari a un appuntamento. L’ultima cosa che si aspetta è una proposta di matrimonio dallo scapolo d’oro di New York!

Jesse è nei guai. Per mantenere il controllo della sua compagnia deve sposarsi, perciò offre a Chris un accordo: dovrà vivere nella sua splendida villa per un anno e recitare la parte del marito devoto. In cambio avrà tutto il tempo per scrivere e, al termine del contratto, se ne andrà via con un milione di dollari. Chris ce la può fare. Sì, ce la può fare a vivere con l’uomo più bello e affettuoso che abbia mai incontrato, un uomo che lui desidera disperatamente e non può avere. Perché, quando serve, al cuor si comanda. O forse no?


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Quand un témoin important change son histoire devant la Cour, permettant ainsi à l'homme qui a agressé un petit garçon d'être libéré, le self-contrôle légendaire de Finn DeHavilland, procureur principal de la Couronne, part en fumée. Suspendu de toute apparition en audience, Finn se retrouve avec bien trop de temps libre dans les mains. Mourant d'envie de continuer à travailler, et après ses rendez-vous obligatoires avec une psychiatre, il accepte une affaire délicate impliquant un inspecteur de police frauduleux de Scotland Yard.

Excité à l'idée d'être affecté à cette affaire avec sa partenaire Stevie Fielding, Tommy Drummond, sergent-détective qui a un faible pour Finn depuis que celui-ci l'a défendu lors d'une enquête interne, commence à mettre à jour des preuves. Une série d'événements apparemment sans lien entrave leur enquête. Pensant qu'ils sont sur la bonne voie, l'équipe va plus loin, jusqu'à ce que l'appartement de Tommy soit incendié. Finn décide alors de lui offrir sa chambre d’amis, et la tension entre les deux hommes monte peu à peu. Mais les bagages émotionnels de Finn sont peut-être trop durs à gérer, et la paranoïa menace de les séparer. Alors que le nœud qui entoure l'inspecteur corrompu se resserre, il devient clair qu'il doit avoir de l'aide haut placée. Et si Finn et Tommy n’étaient que des pions dans le jeu ?


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$6.99 $5.24

Ein Titel der Clouds and Rain Serie

Nachdem Cooper Nelsons Affäre mit einem verheirateten Bezirksstaatsanwalt zu einem Skandal und dem Entzug seiner Lizenz geführt hat, hat er seinen Frieden als Ranchhelfer auf der Blue River Ranch gefunden. Acht Jahre später, bei einem seiner seltenen Besuche in der Stadt, trifft er zufällig auf Kelly Freed, einen Mann, den er fünfzehn Jahre zuvor verlassen hatte, als er gerade anfing, als Anwalt zu arbeiten. Unglücklicherweise kandidiert Kelly gerade für den Posten des Sheriffs und seine Frau ist todkrank, darum steht für ihn eine Wiederaufnahme ihrer Beziehung außer Frage. Aus seiner eigenen Vergangenheit weiß Cooper, dass das Verschweigen der Wahrheit alle Beteiligten nur ins Unglück stürzen wird, weshalb er nicht mehr das kleine, schmutzige Geheimnis eines anderen Mannes sein will.

Währenddessen ist die Lage auf der benachbarten Blackwater Ranch verzweifelt. Gables Freundin Calley hat Brustkrebs, und als Gable und Flynn ihre Kinder aufnehmen, brauchen sie die Hilfe ihrer Freunde. Cooper und Kelly helfen dabei, Gable auch rechtlich als Vater seiner Kinder einzusetzen und Calleys Verhältnisse zu ordnen, sollte das Schlimmste eintreten. Für Cooper war es nie einfach gewesen, sich von Kelly fernzuhalten, doch jetzt, wo sie ein gemeinsames Ziel haben, ist es ungleich schwerer, Kelly auf Abstand zu halten.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A los veinticuatro años, los tics y tartamudeos de Carter Stevenson lo han convertido en una persona extremadamente tímida. Aunque sus amigos lo acusan de dejar que su síndrome de Tourette le dicte la vida, Carter decide irse de Los Ángeles y trasladarse a una ciudad más pequeña y tranquila de California, Santa Josefina. Su intención es mantener un perfil bajo y evitar a la gente. Lo que no estaba en sus planes es que su vecino, Ethan Hart, entre estrepitosamente en su soledad y lo obligue a salir y a vivir.

Desde el principio, Ethan deja claro su amor por Carter. Pero teme que Carter no vea más allá de su lesión cerebral, a pesar de que eso le permita estar más en armonía con sus sentimientos que la mayoría de la gente. Para Carter, hay un gran problema: ha sufrido mucho en el pasado a manos de quienes se suponía eran su pareja «perfecta» y no quiere volver a arriesgar su corazón.

Sea como sea, Ethan está decidido a mostrarle a Carter que deben estar juntos. Pero entonces, Ethan recibe malas noticias y de repente necesita a Carter para que le dé apoyo y fuerzas para seguir adelante. ¿Será capaz Carter de estar a la altura cuando Ethan más lo necesita?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Even though bankers’ hours leave long weekends for romance, cosmic intervention is Grant’s only option when money doesn’t buy happiness and he’s got virginity in spades.

Grant Adams is a twenty-six-year-old bank teller who’s unlucky at love, yet hopelessly hopeful. After years of horrific first dates, he’s convinced he’s saving himself for true love. Surely he has bad taste in men because it couldn’t possibly be his persnickety nature that’s sent them packing.

Tristan Carr has been in a holding pattern since his daughter was born fifteen years ago, which suits his workaholic lifestyle just fine. This ex–naval officer turned auto mechanic never wanted anyone interfering with being a weekend dad. For Tristan to rearrange his carefully orchestrated life, a guy will need to be special. Or in the case of the newest employee at his bank, the guy will need to be adorable, shy, and open to the prospect of forever when it shows up at his window.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Their physical and mental survival depends on them bonding.

Jamal Zumati joins the military, determined to repay the country that fed and housed him. But during his Hamask activation, his senses go offline and he enters a berserker rage. The United States Hamrammr Program, or USHP, has only one option: put him into hibernation.

Despite his extraordinary ability to read and manipulate situations, Vargr Lt. Rum Walker has stepped on one too many brass toes, and the USHP demoted him back to teaching new candidates. Rum is one paranoid thought away from self-destruction when he is recruited for a covert mission: pull Jamal from hibernation.

The problem is, no one has ever survived a berserker fury—at least not officially. If Rum is to challenge the military stereotypes, he’ll not only need to wake Jamal—he’ll need to get him to agree to be bonded as a Hamra Pair, the ultimate supersoldier team.

When Jamal and Rum team up with an FBI Hamra Pair to stop the terrorist group Dios Provee, Rum thinks he’ll show Jamal their true potential lies in an equal partnership, but Jamal is convinced Rum should take the lead. Will Rum stop Jamal from going berserk again and destroying both of their futures?


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Will Mracek is forced to flee to Prague when he witnesses his boyfriend, powerful security magnate Jean Claude la Bête, commit murder. On the run, and with help from his cousin John, Will becomes an English teacher named Max Knight and does everything he can to blend in. Meeting Hadrian Walls, however, changes everything.

Max falls in love with the grumpy ex-RAF, now bartender, and Hadrian finds himself doing the same, despite not knowing the secrets of Max’s dangerous past.

But trouble has a way of coming home, and Max and Jean Claude will face each other one last time in a confrontation that sends both of them over the edge….


$6.99 $5.24

Feuer und Wasser

Carlisle Cops (Deutsch) | Buch 1
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Carlisle Cops

Officer Red Markham kennt die Schattenseiten des Lebens. Von einem Autounfall, der seinen Eltern das Leben kostete, hat er hässliche Narben davongetragen, die ihm den Umgang mit anderen Menschen schwer machen. Sein Job als Polizist auf den Straßen von Carlisle, Pennsylvania, trägt ebenso dazu bei, da sich in letzter Zeit Drogenmissbrauch mit tödlichem Ausgang häuft. Eines Nachmittags wird Red wegen eines Kindes, das bei einem Unfall fast ertrunken wäre, zum örtlichen Schwimmbad gerufen. Am Unfallort stellt er fest, dass das Kind von dem Rettungsschwimmer Terry Baumgartner gerettet wurde. Red ist nicht überrascht, als der gut aussehende Terry ihn und sein hässliches Gesicht keines Blickes würdigt.

Mit anzuhören, dass einer der Rettungskräfte ihn für oberflächlich hält, öffnet Terry die Augen. Vielleicht ist er doch nicht so nett, wie er immer gedacht hat. Seine Freundin Julie schlägt vor, dass er Menschen unterstützt, denen es nicht so gut geht, indem er Essen an ältere Leute liefert. Auf seiner Tour trifft er die offenherzige Margie, eine Frau, die sagt, was sie denkt. Es stellt sich heraus, dass sie die Tante von Officer Red Markham ist.

Reds und Terrys Welten prallen aufeinander, als Red versucht, den Ursprung der Drogenwelle zu finden und Terry vor seinem Exfreund zu beschützen, der ein Nein nicht akzeptieren kann. Zusammen finden sie vielleicht mehr, als sie erwartet hatten – wenn sie es schaffen, hinter die Fassade des anderen zu blicken.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Brethren Novel

Jeremy Spencer never imagined the occult order he and his boyfriend, Bowyn, started as a joke in college would become an international organization with hundreds of followers. Now a professor with expertise in Renaissance music, Jeremy is drawn back into the world of free love and ceremonial magick. The old jealousies and hurt that separated him from Bowyn eight years ago no longer seem significant. 

Then Jeremy begins to wonder if the centuries-old score he’s been asked to transcribe hides something sinister. With each stanza, local birds flock to the old mansion, a mysterious fog descends upon the grounds, and bats swarm the temple dome. During a séance, the group receives a cryptic warning from the spirit realm. And as the music’s performance draws nearer, Jeremy realizes it may hold the key to incredible power—power somebody is willing to kill for.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2013.


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