

Duke in Hiding

Dreamspun Desires

Every gentleman has something to hide.

Meeting Heath Blackwood, a gorgeous English farmer, is probably the most exciting thing to ever happen to small-town landscaper Theo Brody, who has lived in quiet Maplehurst, New Hampshire, all his life. The sexy and secretive Brit shakes the foundations of his orderly world as they are swept up in a springtime romance neither can resist.

But Heath’s secrets run deeper than Theo ever imagined. He’s actually Heathcliff Pierrepont Blackwood, Duke of Kingston, in hiding from recent death threats. Suddenly there’s more separating them than the Atlantic Ocean, and Theo doubts he’ll ever fit in with English nobility. Though Heath and Theo are opposites in almost every way, their love might bridge the gap—if they’re willing to take the risk.


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Matt Blanco is a legend on the Brooklyn Eagles, but time and injuries have taken their toll. With his career nearing its end, he’s almost made it to retirement without anyone learning his biggest secret: he’s gay in a profession not particularly known for its tolerance.

Iggy Rodriquez is the hot new rookie in town, landing a position in the starting lineup of the team of his dreams and playing alongside his idol, Matt Blanco. Iggy doesn’t think it can get any better, until an unexpected encounter in the locker room with Matt proves him wrong.

A relationship—and everything it could reveal—has never been in the cards for Matt, but Iggy has him rethinking his priorities. They fall hard for each other, struggling to make it through trades, endorsement deals, and the threat of retirement. Ultimately they will be faced with a choice: love or baseball?

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Loose Id LLC, 2012.


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The Cattle Baron's Bogus Boyfriend

Dreamspun Desires
2017 Award Winners
$4.99 $3.74

It might be a sham to his boss, but it's all too real to him.

Administrative assistant Jonah Hollis has nurtured a hopeless crush on his boss, millionaire cattle rancher Lincoln Courtwright, ever since he started working for him. But hope is kindled when Linc and beautiful rodeo star Melissa Cutler break up just weeks before the biggest event of the Dallas social season, the Cattle Baron’s Ball, and Linc asks Jonah to accompany him in her place.

Is it all a ploy to make Melissa jealous? Can Jonah fit into Linc’s world? It takes some encouragement from his roommates and his best friend, Caylee, for Jonah to agree. Before long, Jonah dares to believe Linc might just feel something for him… until interfering family and a series of misunderstandings threaten his fragile dream of happiness.


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$6.99 $5.24

Liam Grady is the owner of the Feathered Quill, a quirky little bookstore in Asheville, and—though he doesn’t realize it yet—a dream walker. His last relationship failed almost a year ago, and he’s not had the interest or nerve to pursue anyone he’s met since.

Cameron Danu is a tattoo artist from rural Georgia. Cameron is left without a job after his boss, José, is forced to close the shop after a heart attack. When Cameron learns José has set up an interview for him at a small tattoo parlor in Asheville, he hopes for a fresh start in a new town.

Fate brings Cameron and Liam together, and they realize they’ve met before—in their dreams. A chance encounter and a winged tattoo might lead them to their destiny—if fear doesn’t turn their dreams into a nightmare.


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Bugie e seduzione

Peccato e seduzione | Libro 2
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Peccato e seduzione, Libro 2

La vita di Jason è orribile. Prima Jansen, il suo migliore amico, il ragazzo di cui era innamorato, si sposa con un uomo che lui considera la feccia della terra. Poi deve vedersela con un collega che ha una cotta pazzesca per lui. Gestisce una gastronomia durante il giorno e il palco di un night club la notte. Per lui, il caos è uno stile di vita: nulla potrebbe renderla peggiore. Fino a quando al club non incontra una celebrità locale, presumibilmente etero, e i suoi veri problemi iniziano.

Bradley Britt ha tutto: fama, una casa in periferia, una moglie e una bimba piccola. Nessuno sa che è tutta una copertura per nascondere ciò che è realmente. Jason è una tentazione e Bradley teme che il loro primo incontro non sarà l’ultimo. Pur sapendo che sta mettendo a rischio il suo mondo falso, non riesce a non innamorarsi di Jason. Essere completamente onesto metterà in pericolo tutto quello per cui Bradley ha lavorato, ma affrontare la realtà è la sua unica possibilità di essere davvero felice.


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Réparation de sang

Partenariat de Sang
$6.99 $5.24

Suite de Conflit de sang
Partenariat de Sang, tome 4

La guerre est à son paroxysme et les deux camps sont sur les nerfs, quand les sorciers rebelles obtiennent une victoire étonnante et capturent Orlando Saint Clair. Accablé par l’inquiétude et le chagrin, Alain, son amant, craint que, même s’ils retrouvent Orlando, le cœur et l’esprit du vampire soient beaucoup trop abîmés pour pouvoir être sauvés.

Comprenant que l’Alliance risque de chanceler, Christophe Lombard, le vampire le plus vieux et le plus puissant de Paris, quitte sa réclusion volontaire pour rejoindre la lutte. L’ancien ami d’Alain, Éric Simonet, celui qui l’a trahi en rejoignant les sorciers rebelles, est confronté à un choix : la vengeance ou la rédemption.

De son côté, Jean, rendu furieux par la capture d’Orlando, fait face à la plus déchirante des décisions de sa non-vie alors que la bataille finale se profile : leurs actions vont-elles conduire à l’écroulement de l’Alliance ou au salut du monde ?


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$6.99 $5.24

It’s an old, old story: a tale of the consequences of good and evil.  Plus the limitless power of faith and love, and how they can forever change an empty life.

When Charlie Strickland, a reclusive artist living in the backwoods of Indiana, opens his door to find a handsome young stranger standing naked on his front porch, an astounding odyssey begins.

It doesn’t take Charlie long to fall head over heels in love with his oddly innocent visitor. The young man calls himself Joe. Just Joe. But when amazing things begin to happen, Charlie soon comes to realize who Joe really is.

What follows will turn Charlie’s world, and everyone else’s, upside down.


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Dawn and Dusk

Day and Knight | Book Seven
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Sun and Shadow
Day and Knight: Book Three

For Scorpion agents Day and Knight, their relationship is slow to develop, and trust is hard to build. Then Day’s brother, Stephen, goes missing, and Day finds out more about him than he ever dreamed. Day’s first reaction to Stephen’s disappearance is to try to get to him as fast as possible.

Knight initially holds him back so they can attempt to find out what they’re walking into. But when Knight sees Day’s desperation, he steps in to help and tries to calm the man he’s growing to care about, even though the trail is cold and clues are scarce.

When Day witnesses his brother being shot live on television, he loses the last of his control. Despite the lack of answers, Day is more determined than ever to find out what happened. Stephen was all the family he had left.

Bone-deep fear and adversity threaten to tear Day and Knight apart, but facing unimaginable hardship together might finally cement the bond between them.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Vermillion, Georgia, is the small town that time forgot, or at least that’s how it feels to fifteen-year-old Rufus. As if being a scrawny ginger called “Matchstick” isn’t bad enough, Rufus is also gay, an artist, and the son of conservative religious fanatics. He doesn’t have a prayer of fitting in in the Bible Belt—at least not until he meets Syd, a spiky-haired girl in black eyeliner. Sick of being the adult her mother can’t seem to be, Syd hides behind a snarky attitude and takes refuge in classic movies, and eventually, her friendship with Rufus.

As isolated as they feel in Vermillion, Rufus and Syd soon discover they’re not as alone as they thought. Josephine, an aging free spirit who once ran a repertory cinema in Chicago, and Cole, a middle-aged gay man living with a brain injury as a result of a violent homophobic attack in his youth, offer help as the two teens struggle to discover who they are, what they want, and where they might belong. But not everyone in their town is so freethinking or open-minded.

When things become unbearable, where do two outspoken atheists turn? Trusting in each other and standing together is their only chance of making it through the opposition on all sides.


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$6.99 $5.24

Trois ans d’infiltration dans l’un des pires gangs du pays ont laissé l’agent du FBI, Joshua Chastain, complètement bouleversé. Luttant contre les cauchemars et l’addiction, il quitte la jungle bétonnée pour le Nouveau-Mexique, le pays des chevaux, en espérant recommencer à zéro dans le ranch de son oncle.

Le contremaître Eli Kelly passe sa vie à réhabiliter des animaux maltraités, et Joshua est juste une autre âme perdue. Mais quand Joshua commence doucement à reconstruire sa vie, Eli réalise que Joshua représente beaucoup plus qu’un nouveau projet.

Le plan de Joshua semble fonctionner – peut-être qu’un nouveau départ était exactement ce dont il avait besoin. Puis, au moment où il commence à peine à trouver un semblant de paix, le crime et la haine détruisent presque tout ce pour quoi il a travaillé, le forçant à réévaluer ce qu’il veut vraiment faire ressortir de sa relation avec Eli et de sa propre vie.


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Amore incondizionato

Serie Sette giorni
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della Serie Sette giorni

La vita di una persona può cambiare in un solo giorno? E in sette?

Donald Pottier e Jason Greene sono poco più che ragazzi quando si conoscono a Chincoteague Island, in Virginia. Dopo un giorno passato a pescare granchi, i due estranei diventano prima amici, poi qualcosa di più. Il tempo a loro disposizione è però limitato: alla fine dell’estate, Jay dovrà lasciare l’isola e Donald.

Il destino ha però in serbo per Don e Jay molto più di una notte carica di speranze. In dodici anni di amicizia, dolore, amore, perdite, malattie e sfortune, spiccano sette giorni. Sette giorni definiscono e formano le persone che sono e la loro relazione. Nei sette giorni di incontri e separazioni, incidenti e fortune inattese, rifiuti e accettazioni, delusioni e speranze, viene gettata la base su cui posa ogni storia romantica: l’amore incondizionato.


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$6.99 $5.24

Tre anni sotto copertura con una delle peggiori gang del paese hanno lasciato dei segni profondi nell’agente dell’FBI Joshua Chastain. Accompagnato dagli incubi e dalla sua battaglia contro la tossicodipendenza, Josh lascia la giungla di cemento per la campagna del Nuovo Messico, nella speranza di poter cominciare una nuova vita nell’allevamento di cavalli dello zio.

Il sovrintendente Eli Kelly trascorre le giornate a recuperare cavalli maltrattati e considera Joshua nient’altro che l’ennesima anima in pena. Ma non appena il giovane comincia a rimettere insieme i pezzi della propria vita, Eli si accorge che in realtà rappresenta molto di più che la sua ultima sfida.

Il piano di Joshua sembra funzionare e, forse, un nuovo inizio è davvero tutto ciò di cui ha bisogno. Poi, quando finalmente sembra cominciare a ritrovare la pace, violenza e odio lo portano vicino a distruggere tutto ciò che ha costruito e lo costringono a mettere in discussione il proprio futuro con Eli e la propria vita.


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No Good Deed

Philip Potter Series
$6.99 $5.24

A Philip Potter Story

On Christmas Eve in 1966, Philip Potter, a kind-hearted Smithsonian curator, wraps up his last-minute shopping. Meanwhile, James, his lover of several years, takes his own life back in their home. Unaware of what awaits him, Philip drops off gifts at a homeless shelter, an act of generosity that will later make him a suspect in the murder of a male prostitute.

Following James’s shocking death, two men enter Philip's life—and both drive yellow Continentals. One of them, though, is a killer, with the blood of at least six hustlers on his hands. And both are hiding something.

As Philip is about to discover, no good deed goes unpunished.

2nd Edition
First Edition published as After Christmas Eve by MLR Press, 2013.


$6.99 $5.24


Mi Familia (Español)
$6.99 $5.24

Como bailarín principal de una compañía de danza contemporánea de Nueva York, Sean tiene el privilegio de trabajar con estudiantes en prácticas. La última joven seleccionada, Lupe, es una bailarina de talento que estudia en Purchase, y el hombre que la recoge después de clase despierta el interés de Sean.

Jaime, fotógrafo y estudiante de artes gráficas en Purchase, es primo de Lupe. Poco después de que Sean y Jaime empiecen a salir juntos, sus encuentros ocasionales se convierten en algo especial, algo que ninguno de los dos quiere perder, sin importarles cómo un compromiso pueda complicar sus vidas.

Lupe averigua la naturaleza de su relación y saca del armario a Jaime ante su familia, que vive en Arizona y es extremadamente religiosa. Sean decide apoyar a Jaime hasta el final, aunque este puede elegir complacer a su familia en lugar de tener una vida de amor y libertad con Sean.


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Feather Fall

Spell Slave | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Spell Slave: Book Two

Hero and criminal. Brute force and subtle charm. Jonathan White and Crow Belcane are polar opposites, but if they want to rescue the man they both love, they’ll have to work together.

After visiting his former lover, Crow knows only one thing: he loves Regis and he will do anything to reclaim him. But before his very eyes, Regis is abducted. Kidnapped by high-end slavers. Only Regis’s infuriating partner, Jonathan—a dangerous vigilante—is willing to help.

To infiltrate the slave ring, Jonathan and Crow disguise themselves as master and pet. As a slave, Crow is pushed to his limit. He’s chained, branded, whipped, and forced to obey Jonathan’s every order. But the longer he spends at Jonathan’s feet, the more natural his disguise begins to feel—and the more he likes it. As much as he hates Jonathan, they make a good team.

Both of them are devoted to Regis. Despite the overwhelming attraction between them, Jonathan is unwilling to betray his partner, and Crow is unwilling to come between them. But once the three of them are together again, all bets are off. With the world against them, they have only each other to cling to.


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$6.99 $5.24

Angus Conrad (Gus) McRae is a privileged Charlestonian following family tradition and attending the Citadel, harboring big dreams of a military career. With the infamous Hell Week behind him, he quickly realizes being a Knob (a freshman cadet) is just as tough—especially for a man like Gus who must keep his sexuality a secret. Then a sudden dorm reassignment lands him with a roommate in the form of one of the football team’s top players—working-class jock Stewart Adam (Sam) Morley—and life gets increasingly complicated.

Gus can’t imagine a man like Sam as gay, yet there’s something between them—exchanged glances, the occasional innuendo. Sexual tensions rise, leaving them more than friends but less than lovers. Gus and Sam know there’s too much to lose and they must keep their attraction hidden. If they fail, they risk destroying their hopes and dreams for a prosperous future in a military world that’s not yet ready to accommodate masculine gay men.


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Il ritorno

Serie Storie di Austin | Libro 2
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Storie di Austin, Libro 2

Musica. Topher Manning raramente pensa ad altro, ma il suo lavoro diurno come meccanico non si sposa esattamente con le sue ambizioni da rock star. Se non troverà un modo per sbloccare tutte le canzoni che ha nella testa, la sua band si avvierà presto verso l’oblio.

Poi arriva il festival South by Southwest che, insieme a una macchina guasta, porta nella sua vita il critico newyorchese Stanton Porter. Stanton offre a Topher un biglietto per il concerto di Bruce Springsteen, dove un bacio esitante e le vibrazioni fantasma del cellulare del ragazzo danno il via a una storia d’amore che promette di andare al di là del possibile.


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Question de temps, tome 2

Tout vient à point...
$6.99 $5.24

Trois ans plus tôt, Jory Harcourt change de nom et referme la porte d’un passé chargé de douleur dans le but de devenir plus fort. Il a une nouvelle carrière, une associée formidable, et une vie satisfaisante – mis à part le trou béant dans sa poitrine que lui laissé l’inspecteur Sam Kage lorsqu’il est parti en emportant son cœur.

Maintenant, Sam est de retour et il sait ce qu’il veut… et ce qu’il veut, c’est Jory. Jory, qui ne sait pas s’il peut survivre à une nouvelle rupture – ou à la perte de Sam durant l’une de ses missions dangereuses – résiste à retomber dans les bras du seul homme qu’il a jamais vraiment aimé. Mais lorsqu’un tueur en série avec un compte à régler prend Jory pour cible, il devra décider si l’amour vaut le danger alors qu’il tente de résoudre l’affaire et de protéger Sam.


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