

Bound, Vol. 1

Little Goddess Universe
Little Goddess | Book Three, Vol.1
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Little Goddess: Book Three
Vol. 1

Humans have the option of separation, divorce, and heartbreak.  For Corinne Carol-Anne Kirkpatrick, sorceress and queen of the vampires, the choices are limited to love or death. Now that she is back at Green’s Hill and assuming her duties as leader, her life is, at best, complicated. Bracken and Nicky are competing for her affections, Green is away taking care of his people, and a new supernatural enemy is threatening the sanctity of all she has come to love. Throw in a family reunion gone bad, a supernatural psychiatrist, and a killer physics class, and Cory’s life isn’t just complex, it’s psychotic.

Cory needs to get her act and her identity together, and soon, because the enemy she and her lovers are facing is a nightmare that doesn’t just kill people, it unmakes them. If she doesn’t figure out who she is and what her place is on Green’s Hill, it’s not just her life on the line. She knows from hard experience that the only thing worse than facing death is facing the death of someone she loves.

Loving people is easy—living with them is what takes the real work, and it’s even harder if you’re bound.

2nd Edition
First Edition published as Bound: The Third Book of the Little Goddess Series by iUniverse, 2007.


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Dans une terre future, Patrick Harvey nouvellement promu Première Classe Empathe rêve de l’indépendance de sa position et de l’appartement pour lequel il épargne. Pour son premier cas en solo, il doit traiter John Doe 439, un homme trouvé en dehors de la Ville, battu, traumatisé et apparemment muet.

Les Empathes ne doivent pas avoir des relations romantiques, mais malgré ce tabou bien établi, Patrick se rend compte qu’il ressent une forte attraction pour son patient. Bientôt, il apprend que l’homme est un Talent psychique de haut niveau et qu’il s’appelle Jac. Puis ce dernier lui révèle que des hommes abusifs le chassent à cause de son don et le monde simple de Patrick explose.

Jac a besoin de retrouver ses compagnons et de fuir la Ville avant que tout le monde sache pour lui, mais il est peut-être déjà trop tard. La présence de Jac est parvenue aux oreilles du gouvernement central à Chicago. S’il veut garder sa liberté, il doit fuir, maintenant. Et si Patrick veut explorer une relation que sa société lui interdit, il va devoir échanger les chaînes sécuritaires de son travail pour l’incertitude de la liberté.


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Un libro de la saga "Almas gemelas"

El veterinario Seth Davies llega a Senaka, Wyoming, en busca de paz y anonimato, intentado escapar de su pasado. Siempre ha sido blanco de los problemas y el dolor, y ha tenido más que suficiente de ambos. Kasey Whitedove echa un vistazo a Seth y asume lo peor. Ningún hombre blanco podría amar a los animales de la forma en que la mayoría del pueblo cheyene espera, y Kasey convierte los primeros días de Seth en Senaka en más que desagradables.

Entonces, un accidente pone a Kasey en la incómoda posición de tener que tragarse sus palabras —y desear desesperadamente a Seth— a pesar de los peligros de la vida de Kasey como hombre lobo y de los estresantes secretos de Seth. Perseguir a Seth y mantenerle a salvo de su pasado se acaba convirtiendo en la tarea más importante para Kasey.


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Professional baseball player Harmon "Hawk" Kiel was a rookie sensation with dazzling talent and an arrogant attitude to match. But he's hit his sophomore slump, and his natural talent seems to have deserted him, along with the confidence of his team and the media's approval. During the All-Star Break, he hits rock bottom, gets careless, and sensational pictures of him at gay clubs go viral. All at once he's outed—and out of a job.

When he’s dealt to the Loggerheads, a worse-than-terrible expansion team in Charleston, South Carolina, he can't imagine he'll get a warm reception—nor does he particularly want one. But it's the only chance at redemption he has.

There he meets Caleb Jackson, a former player who's part of the Loggerheads organization, someone who tries to be the friend Harmon so desperately needs. But Caleb has a secret too, one more gut-wrenching than anything Harmon can imagine. Together they try to put the past behind them, rediscover their love of the game, and maybe even find the love of their lives.


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Sun and Shadow

Day and Knight | Book Six
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Sequel to Day and Knight
Day and Knight: Book Two

Dayton “Day” Ingram is recovering from an injury suffered in Mexico—and from his failed relationship with fellow Scorpion agent, Knight. While researching an old government document, Day realizes he might be holding the key to finding an artistic masterpiece lost since WWII.

But the Russians are looking for it too, and have a team in place in Eastern Europe hunting it down. Day and Knight are brought back together when they are charged with getting to the painting first.

Knight wants to leave Mexico and everything that happened there behind, and return to the life he had—except it wasn't much of a life. When he's partnered up with Day, keeping his distance proves to be challenging. But Day is as stubborn as Knight and isn’t willing to let him walk away.

Their assignment leads them through Germany and Austria with agents hot on their tail—agents willing to do whatever it takes to get to the masterpiece first. If Day and Knight can live long enough to find the painting, they might also discover something even more precious—each other.


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Sparks fly when Chance meets tall, sexy Xav at a Wilmington bar and they have the hottest one-nighter of their lives. But Chance doesn’t do repeats, Xav seems detached, and they go their separate ways without a word. Later, when closeted Assistant District Attorney C. Evan “Chance” Fairchild meets Dare's Landing's newest deputy sheriff, Xavier “Xav” Constantine, Evan isn’t only wary. He’s irritated as hell.

Xavier is a former FBI agent turned deputy sheriff who is hot on the trail of a South American child prostitution ring. Evan is fighting to put an end to rampant cocaine trafficking and chafing under the thumb of an election-hungry boss. When someone tries to kill the eleven-year-old witness who holds the key to both their investigations, they’re forced to work together as they put their lives on the line to protect him. As Chance and Xav collide in the heat of a sweltering North Carolina summer, dodging bullets and chasing bad guys isn’t the only action going on.


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King of the Kitchen

2016 Award Winners
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Rising kitchen talents Beck Douglas and Duncan Walters have been on the foodie paparazzi radar for years, since their status as heirs to two of the biggest celebrity chef empires around makes them culinary royalty. Beck is known for his charm and traditional food as cohost of his uncle’s popular TV cooking show, while Duncan earned himself a reputation as a culinary bad boy, both for his refusal to work in his father’s restaurants and his avant-garde approach to cooking.

They’re also heirs to a food rivalry that could put the Hatfields and McCoys to shame, and when they’re photographed in the middle of a heated argument, the press goes wild with speculation. Damage control ensues, with a fake friendship engineered by PR cronies that leaves both of them secretly pining for more.

Beck chafes under his uncle’s micromanagement, and Duncan’s relationship with his homophobic father becomes even more tenuous when Beck and Duncan start getting closer. It’s hard to hide their chemistry on national television when Duncan joins Beck’s cooking show, but they won’t be able to take their relationship—or their careers—to the next level without breaking a few eggs.


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A Thousand Years of Persistence

Between Heaven and Earth | Book Two
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Between Heaven and Earth: Book Two

Lu Delong, half-human, half-yao mercenary, has been training to become more powerful in his quest to be of worth to Cangji, the formidable immortal he desires. To prove he deserves a place in the expedition to Mount Kunlun, Delong risks his life in a dangerous mission against Black Moon Sect. However, as Delong grows stronger, he becomes more aware of the vast disparity between himself and Cangji—ten years is not nearly enough time for Delong to be of much use in the impending conflict that may shake the very foundations of the universe.

Yet the realization only fuels his yearning to understand the forgotten mysteries of his connection with Cangji. Delong knows he will never achieve his goal of saving the celestial dragon if he remains mortal. Luckily, thanks to his past he has a shortcut to attaining immortality.

However, memories from his previous incarnations deeply disturb Delong, and he soon realizes he might not be the innocent outsider in the conflict between gods as he first imagined himself to be.


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Na, das war es wert!

Der Wert der Liebe | Buch 1
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Buch 1 in der Serie - Der Wert der Liebe

Für Josh Brooks ist es ein Sommer, in dem Träume wahr werden. Zuerst bekommt er sein Traumpferd von einem konkurrierenden Trainer. Dann kommt der Armeekumpel seines Bruders, Dane Keller, auf die Ranch, um dort zu arbeiten, und Josh begegnet auch noch dem Mann seiner Träume. Dane ist heiß, tüchtig und frisch raus aus „Nichts fragen – Nichts sagen“. Alles wäre perfekt – abgesehen davon, dass niemand weiß, dass Josh und Dane homosexuell sind.

Alles was Dane will, ist ein ruhiges Leben in einem weniger beengenden stillen Kämmerlein und einen Job auf einer Ranch, mit dem er seinen Lebensunterhalt verdienen kann. Aber als sich herausstellt, dass der kleine Bruder seines besten Freundes, der die Briefe schrieb, die ihnen in Afghanistan geholfen hatten, den Mut nicht zu verlieren, an genau den richtigen Stellen erwachsen geworden war, kann Dane nicht anders, als trotz seiner Angst vor Bindungen mehr zu wollen.

Während Dane und Josh damit beschäftigt sind – allerdings erfolglos – die Hände voneinander zu lassen, liegt jemand anderes auf der Lauer und wartet seine Zeit ab. Dann schlägt er zu; zuerst gegen Josh und dann gegen das geliebte Pferd. Als all ihre Geheimnisse und Ängste bloßgelegt werden, ist Dane entschlossen, Josh zu schützen, selbst wenn das bedeutet, ihn zurückzulassen.


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Valhalla | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Valhalla: Book Three

The world is over. Among ruins and the wretched, only Vibeke remains. Her sole reason for living is her strong will to see Violet again, yet the quest to find her might ruin what little is left of the planet Earth, and success could be darker than anything Vibeke has faced before. Among the horrors of which mankind is capable and the darkness the future may hold, a sole light can still be found—one last hope for love and redemption that lies beyond the most dangerous path of all.


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La rançon

Série Royal Navy | Tome 1
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Série Royal Navy, tome 1

Un officier, un gentleman… et un sodomite. Si les deux premiers titres inspirent honneur et respect, le troisième pourrait coûter la vie à David Archer. Il réalise sans espoir son attirance pour le nouvel aspirant, William Marshall, lorsque ce dernier défie en duel le prédateur sexuel du bord – et le tue.

Marshall considère la Royal Navy comme sa seule chance d’échapper à ses modestes origines. Pendant que d’autres passent leurs jours de congé à ripailler, il étudie avec acharnement. Enlevés par un renégat, les deux amis et leur capitaine deviennent les pions d’un jeu sadique. Pour protéger celui qu’il aime, David Archer choisit d’affronter ses démons et de se soumettre à de nouveaux abus. En apprenant ce sacrifice, Marshall réalise que ses sentiments dépassent la simple amitié. Amoureux pour la première fois de sa vie, il tient à exprimer sa passion pour Davy.

D’abord, ils doivent s’évader. Ensuite, il leur faudra trouver le moyen de préserver leur secret sans le payer de leur vie.


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Ein Titel der Sinne Serie

Sich um einen geliebten Menschen zu kümmern, der Krebs hat, ist hart. Dabei auf sich allein gestellt zu sein, ist noch härter – besonders wenn der geliebte Mensch ein Kind ist. Seit Ken Brightons Lebensgefährte ihn verlassen hat, hat Ken den Großteil seiner Zeit im Krankenhaus bei seiner Tochter Hanna verbracht und auf ein Wunder gehofft. Die mysteriösen Geschenke, die für Hanna wie aus dem Nichts auftauchen, waren zwar nicht die ersehnte Heilung, dafür bringen sie allerdings einen Funken Hoffnung in Hannas und sein schwieriges Leben – genauso wie Kens Nachbar, der ehemalige Sänger Patrick Flaherty.

In den letzten beiden Jahren konnte Patrick an nichts anderes denken als an das Leben, das er eigentlich führen sollte. Durch einen Unfall hat er seine Stimme verloren und seitdem fällt es ihm schwer, neue Menschen kennenzulernen. Doch in den letzten Monaten hat er viel Zeit damit verbracht, seinen Nachbarn dabei zu beobachten, wie er sich um sein krankes Kind kümmert. Als Patrick Ken kennenlernt, fängt er an, sich ein Leben mit ihm zu wünschen - ein Leben, von dem er sich nicht sicher ist, ob er es haben kann.

Ken erkennt erst, dass er sich verliebt hat, als es beim Kampf der Ärzte um Hannas Leben zu Rückschlägen kommt. Ken ist fest entschlossen, neu anzufangen – zusammen mit Patrick und Hanna. Die zurückhaltende Stille seines Nachbarn lässt Ken allerdings wundern, ob Patrick das Gleiche will.


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Jeff Dawkins è stato lasciato dal suo partner con un mutuo che non può permettersi e un paio di biglietti non rimborsabili per una vacanza di un mese in Europa. Nonostante la sua riluttanza a viaggiare, Jeff decide di partire comunque. Dopotutto, ha già pagato. Mette in valigia un Kindle pieno di romanzi gay e arriva a Venezia trepidante. Lì incontra il bellissimo e affascinante Cleve Prieto, un americano che vive all’estero, che gli offre di fargli da guida turistica. Jeff ha molti sospetti – non è nato ieri e qualcosa gli dice che Cleve non gliela racconta giusta – ma tutto è meglio che girare per i canali da solo. Grazie a lui, Jeff s’innamora di Venezia e inizia a riconciliarsi con il passato. Per la prima volta, si ritrova anche a provare dei sentimenti per qualcun altro. Ma non può essere sicuro di chi sia quella persona, perché il passato di Cleve rimane un mistero avvolto dalle bugie.

Poi una figura oscura riemerge dal passato di Cleve e Jeff deve scegliere se lasciare che questi scappi da solo o unirsi a lui in una corsa disperata attraverso l’Europa centrale. Forse Jeff riuscirà finalmente a vedere dietro la maschera di Cleve, se sopravvivrà al viaggio.


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Es fácil ser cínico cuando la vida no está de tu lado.

Cole Reid ha sido un excluido social desde los quince años, cuando el equipo de béisbol del instituto lo sacó del armario. Desde entonces, su comportamiento obsesivo-compulsivo y su naturaleza sarcástica lo han llevado a distanciarse de la mayoría de las personas, además todo el mundo lo odia por ser gay. Tal y como él lo ve, está destinado a repeler a cualquier amigo potencial y, por supuesto, a cualquier novio, así que, ¿para qué molestarse?

Cuando Cole entra en la universidad, ya es un solitario en su fase anal-retentiva más dura, pero eso no es un problema hasta que su compañero de piso se gradúa y el departamento de alojamiento le asigna otro, Ellis Montgomery. Ellis es desordenado, atractivo, heterosexual y lo peor de todo: ¡un atleta!

Durante un semestre lleno de compañeros de fraternidad, acampadas y padres entrometidos, Cole y Ellis desarrollarán una amistad que volverá del revés el vaso medio vacío de la cabeza de Cole. Tiene que haber algo más en Ellis que un divertido atleta; y quizá la renovada libido de Cole pueda reavivar su esperanza por algo más que una simple camaradería.


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On an earthlike planet ruled by the Elite, a rite called “the Gleaning” is used to select suitable spouses for those of merit. Nico Stamford is a member of the Geisha class. Though he has been trained for marriage all his life, becoming a healer and a priest in the process, all he wants is to cook and open a restaurant. Instead he becomes a candidate for the ritual. He hopes the Goddess will look kindly on him and eliminate him before the final choices are made. Alex DeVrie is a member of the Warrior class who has recently returned triumphant from a clash with an alien enemy. Made a duke of the Sixth Land as a reward, all Alex needs now is a husband. As soon as Alex sets eyes on Nico, he refuses to settle for anyone else.

Tradition says they can part ways after a year and a day. But love begins to grow as they unravel the mystery behind tragic events in the Sixth Land, and they uncover a conspiracy that could change their society.


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When it’s meant to be, it’s useless to fight it.

Four years ago a drowning accident brutally ripped Jason out of artist Frank Hunter’s life. As he celebrates his forty-fifth birthday with his friends, Frank knows his dating life is over. A chance meeting with Donny Rodriquez, however, shakes Frank’s world to its core. Donny is twenty years Frank’s junior, but so full of life and vitality that Frank knows he has to paint the young man. Donny agrees, although he makes his romantic interest in Frank plain. Frank does his best to put Jason and the past behind him, but the memory of his late lover won't let him go.

Yet Donny sparks something in Frank, and after several disastrous dates with men his own age, Frank ends up back with Donny. Donny soon learns that to win Frank’s heart, he must not only bridge the age gap but find a way to enable Frank to let go of the past.


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Question de temps tome 1

Tout vient à point...
$6.99 $5.24

Jory Keyes mène une vie normale comme assistant d'un architecte jusqu'à ce qu'il soit témoin d'un assassinat brutal. Bien qu'initialement sauvé par l'inspecteur de police Sam Kage, Jory refuse la détention préventive – il a une vie qu'il aime et à laquelle il ne renoncera pas, peu importe qui est après lui. Mais la vie de Jory est réellement en danger, surtout après qu'il accepte de témoigner à propos de ce qu'il a vu.

Alors qu'il jongle avec les tentatives de meurtre dont il est l'objet, des amis bien intentionnés qui veulent le voir heureux, un patron trop protecteur et un mystère qui se dévoile lentement et qui est beaucoup plus sinistre que ce qu'il aurait pu imaginer, le jeune homosexuel se retrouve impliqué avec Sam, l'inspecteur en conflit avec lui-même et dans le placard. Et si Jory a une chance de survivre au danger, il ne peut pas survivre à un cœur brisé.


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$6.99 $5.24

On his sixteenth birthday, Francisco “Cisco” Aguilar first sets eyes on Maximilian De Ferrari, owner of Wicked Grounds, an exclusive BDSM club. Cisco has been lost, unsure of what is missing in his life. Over a century old, Max leads a vampire clan, and Cisco is drawn to him in a way he can’t explain. The moment he sees Max he knows his quest isn’t about what he’s been missing, but who.

Five years’ wait seems more than Cisco can bear, but he perseveres and on his twenty-first birthday he walks into Wicked Ground. He’s unafraid to meet the vampire he’s sure is his destiny. Max has been waiting for him, too.

What Max has known all these years, and what Cisco soon discovers, is that more than fate is drawing them together. Iunctio Copula is a powerful binding link capable of restoring cold, dead hearts. With Max and Cisco bound, Cisco will be Max’s greatest weakness. Unable to let Max go, Cisco is thrust into a dark world, where he’s nearly powerless, left to fight for his life and his future with Max. Worse, he’s at the mercy of those who will use him—and hurt him—just to get to the powerful vampire.


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