
$6.99 $5.24

Inspired by true events, Splinters is an American family tragedy infused with love and hope.

After witnessing a horrific murder by their own mother in rural West Virginia, brilliant young Gerald and his baby sister Stephanie become orphans and find very different fates. Stephanie is quickly adopted, while Gerald languishes in a series of schools for boys. Eventually Gerald joins the Army and is recruited for intelligence work in a secret facility, where he becomes addicted to stimulants. When he gets thrown out of the Army for sexual impropriety, Gerald makes his way to Los Angeles, where he finds work as a go-go dancer and meets Aziah.

Young, gay, and Black, Aziah identifies with Gerald’s loneliness and difficulty fitting in. The two fall in love. Then Gerald’s addiction and the ghosts of his past begin to surface, and he vanishes. When Stephanie shows up in Los Angeles, she and Aziah must confront the question of whether Gerald is so far gone that he can’t recover.


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Canning the Center

The Long Pass Chronicles

Six foot seven inch, 300 pound Jamal Jones loves football, so when he finds out the ultra-conservative owner of his new pro football team fired their current center because he’s gay, bisexual Jamal decides to stay in the closet and hang with the females. Then, at a small drag show, he comes face-to-face with his sexual fantasy in the form of Trixie LaRue, a drag queen so exquisitely convincing she scrambles Jamal’s hormones—and his resolve to nurse his straight side.

Trevor Landry, aka Trixie LaRue, hides more than his genitals. A mathematician so brilliant he can’t be measured, Trevor disguises his astronomical IQ and his quirk for women’s clothes behind his act as a gay activist undergrad at Southern California University.

To Trevor, Jamal is the answer to a dream—a man who can love and accept both his personas. When he discovers Jamal’s future is threatened if he’s seen with a guy, Trevor becomes Trixie to let Jamal pass as straight. But Trevor risks his position every time he puts on a dress. Is there a closet big enough to hold a football pro and a drag queen?


At first glance, Cade and Aiden hardly seem like a match made in heaven. Their worlds couldn’t be further apart. Cade is quiet, serious, and determined to succeed; Aiden's a party-loving frat boy. Cade comes from a rough home and worked hard to get the scholarships that make it possible for him to attend college; Aiden's had it all thrown in his lap by supportive, kind, and wealthy parents. Cade wants nothing to do with Aiden, but from the moment they meet, Aiden is determined to find a way to bring their different worlds together.

Aiden manages to persuade Cade he’s a decent guy, and a tentative friendship becomes much more. But a trip to Aiden's family cottage puts Cade in the path of a ghost from his past, and a dark secret he never expected to face again. Cade did what he had to do to escape his dead-end life, but now he sees he didn’t leave it as far behind him as he thought.


Life is going pretty well for Derek LaVigne. He’s playing professional hockey in Los Angeles where hockey is barely on the radar, and this allows him to live in relative anonymity. Derek’s world is tilted on its axis when he’s traded to the Detroit Wheels. Not only is this one of the top teams in the National Hockey League, he’ll also be playing in a city that lives and breathes hockey. It sounds like a dream come true, but soon enough it becomes clear it isn’t.

The reason for Derek’s change of heart is Trevor Ladouceur. Five years ago Derek and Trevor were linemates on Team Canada at the World Junior Championship. They were inseparable both on and off the ice and became known as the Wonder Twins. After winning the gold medal, they slept together. Trevor was gone the next morning, and they haven’t spoken since. Now they’re together again, and the expectation is for the Wonder Twins to help Detroit win the Stanley Cup. Much to Derek’s dismay, he realizes he’s falling in love with Trevor all over again.


Cœur de loup

Histoires de cœur
$6.99 $5.24

Histoires de cœur, tome 1

Après une première année en fac de médecine, Dakota Holden est contraint de revenir dans le Wyoming de son enfance pour reprendre le ranch familial et s’occuper de son père, atteint d’une sclérose en plaques. Dévoué à sa famille, il ne s’autorise qu’une semaine de vacances par an. Sept jours, sept petits jours qu’il passe le plus loin possible du ranch, et durant lesquels tous les interdits du reste de l’année tombent enfin. Lors de ses dernières vacances sur une croisière, il fait la connaissance de Phillip Reardon, qui va jouer un rôle important dans sa vie.

Lorsque Phillip décide d’accepter l’invitation de Dakota de venir lui rendre visite dans son ranch, Dakota est heureux de le revoir et de rencontrer son ami vétérinaire, Wally Schumacher. Le problème, c’est que Wally n’a très vite qu’une seule idée en tête, protéger les loups que les hommes de Dakota sont obligés de chasser afin de protéger le bétail. Mais malgré leurs différends, Dakota et lui se trouvent de nombreux points communs et très vite, une forte attirance s’installe entre eux. Il leur faudra alors décider si les terres du Wyoming sont assez grandes pour le troupeau de Dakota, les loups de Wally, et leur amour.


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In tandem

Guards of Folsom (Italiano) | Libro 2
$6.99 $5.24

Serie Guards of Folsom, Libro 2

Dopo la morte del loro sub, i precedenti proprietari del Guards of Folsom, Robert “Bobby” Alcott e Rig Beckworth, si sono ritrovati a raccogliere i cocci delle loro vite come meglio hanno potuto. Dopo sette anni, i due Dom sono pronti ad andare avanti e trovare l’uomo che li completerà. La sofferenza del passato si abbatte nuovamente su di loro quando incontrano Mason Howard, un sottomesso che ha perso da poche settimane i suoi Dom in un incidente stradale.

Imprigionato da una travolgente tristezza, complicata da un grave disturbo d’ansia sociale, Mason non riesce quasi a lasciare la sua casa. Quando Rig e Bobby lo trovano, ha toccato il fondo, convinto che non valga più la pena vivere. Bobby e Rig sono determinati a dimostrare al giovane che si sbaglia. Il destino ha fatto incontrare i tre uomini, ma dovranno affrontare di petto il dolore della paura e della perdita prima di ricominciare a vivere davvero.


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Sobre luces y sombras

Caballo Oscuro | Volumen 3
$6.99 $5.24

La secuela de Fuera de la oscuridad
Volumen 3 de la serie Caballo Oscuro

Jeff, Evan y Dan han estado juntos los dos últimos años, felices. Todavía tienen problemas, especialmente entre Evan y Dan, pero la mayoría de las veces logran convertir esos desacuerdos interpersonales en tensión sexual, que luego resuelven, así que nadie se queja.

Dan llevaba muchos años sin ver a su hermana y cuando esta aparece, embarazada de siete meses y prófuga de la justicia, y la situación se transforma de complicada a abrumadora. Jeff y Evan quieren ayudar, pero como Evan teme por la seguridad de su propia hermana y Jeff debe luchar para mantener bajo control sus problemas de salud, están un poco distraídos.

Mientras la hermana de Dan lucha con su pasado, Evan parece querer apostar por su futuro. Con las emociones y los lazos familiares empujándolos en diferentes direcciones, los tres deberán mantenerse juntos, o la gente que aman puede lograr separarlos.


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Coming Back

The Belladonna Arms
$6.99 $5.24

A Belladonna Arms Novel

Barney Teegarden knows what it’s like to be alone. He knows what it’s like to have a romantic heart, yet no love in his life to unleash the romance on. With the help of a friend, he acquires a lease in a seedy apartment building perched high on a hill in downtown San Diego. The Belladonna Arms is not only filled with the quirkiest cast of characters imaginable, it is also famous for sprinkling love dust on even the loneliest of the lovelorn.

At the Arms, Barney finds friendship, acceptance, and an adopted family that lightens his lonely life. Hell, he even finds a cat. But still true love eludes him.

When his drag queen landlord, Arthur, takes it into his head to rescue a homeless former tenant, he enlists Barney’s help. It is Barney who shows this lost soul how to trust again—and in return Barney discovers love for the first time in his life.

It’s funny how even the hardest battles can be fought and won with laughter, hugs, friends, plus a little faith in the goodness of others. All it takes to begin the healing is the simple act of coming back.


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One Marine, Hero

2015 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

He's a hero to everyone but himself.

Marine helicopter pilot Captain Jake Woodley struggles after receiving the Medal of Honor for a mission where he didn’t bring every man back alive. Being called a hero and having his photo plastered across the news makes him hate himself more. He despises his cushy job flying with the Marine One squadron, carrying the president and other officials, when he’d rather risk something, even death. He gets his wish when he’s ordered to fly a series of classified trips.

Matt “Beau” Beaumont has been relegated to covering the fashion beat after getting downsized from a hard-news position. But an unexpected invitation to a White House dinner might be the boost his career needs. Offering a hot Marine an after-dinner blowjob wasn’t on Beau’s agenda, but when Jake takes him up on the proposition, some phenomenal casual sex soon blossoms into a relationship both of them crave.

When Beau’s extracurricular research uncovers defense department funding anomalies, he soon discovers the trouble goes higher than he imagined. Just as events start to make sense, the investigation puts Beau and Jake in deadly danger. It takes a daring play by Jake—risking everything he loves—to uncover the truth.


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$6.99 $5.24

In the tradition of novel noir, nothing is ever quite as it seems.

Novelist and war hero Tony Leonard sees private investigator Edwin Malory being mugged outside a seaman’s mission in downtown Los Angeles, so he takes him home and gives him clean clothes and access to a hot shower. It doesn’t take him long to discover Malory was hired by wealthy industrialist Linton Vanderbilt Stirling, the father of Tony’s estranged wife, Janet. The reason for this is simple: Tony’s father-in-law suspects him of drinking away his daughter’s personal fortune.

On a whim, Tony drops in on Janet one night and finds her naked, dead, and tied up, her skull beaten in. Horrified, Tony flees the scene, knowing that as her husband, he is the number one suspect in the killing. He sees only one way out. He needs to fake his own death.

And who better to send his “suicide note” to than Edwin Malory.


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The Long Slide Home

The Rainbow League | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

The Rainbow League: Book Three

Nate and Carlos have been the best of friends since their childhood playing baseball together in the Bronx. For the past few years, Nate’s been in love with Carlos, though he’s never acted on it and Carlos has never given any indication that he returns Nate’s feelings. Nate has finally given up, determined to move on and find someone else, especially now that Carlos has shacked up with his boyfriend, Aiden.

Carlos doesn’t understand why Nate has suddenly gotten weird, acting cold and distant at team practice for the Rainbow League. But if that’s how things are going to be, Carlos is done trying to figure Nate out. But then Aiden reveals he has a violent side, and Carlos needs his best friend’s support. On top of that, he starts to realize his feelings for Nate might not be limited to friendship. But in the aftermath of his relationship with Aiden, and with Nate having problems of his own, the timing is all wrong to make a real relationship work. As emotions run high, both have a hard time figuring out what is real and what is just convenient.


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We Found Love

2015 Award Winners

It’s no surprise Riley Connors is dealing with issues. He was kidnapped as a young boy, and his parents abandoned him after his newsworthy return. He bounced from foster home to facility and back. Now an adult, ghosts from his past continue to haunt him. After a suicide attempt, he is locked away in Hartfield so that people can make him tune in to emotions he has tried to bury.

Hunter Morgan had the kind of love that spans ages. But the stress of college and adulthood became too much to handle, and the love of Hunter’s life turned to drugs. After he overdoses, Hunter finds himself soaring out of control on the same miserable path. His brother finds him and calls an ambulance, and the sister Hunter would rather not have calls it a suicide attempt, landing Hunter in Hartfield.

Finding love isn’t easy, but it can happen under the most dire circumstances. Together Hunter and Riley may be able to grow from their pain. But they will need to learn to live for themselves, letting love come second.


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It begins with a 3:00 a.m. telephone call. On one end is Terry Bachelder, a closeted teacher. On the other, the suicidal teenage son of the local preacher. When Terry fails to prevent disaster, grief rips the small town of Crystal Falls apart.

At the epicenter of the tragedy, seventeen-year-old Jonah Riverside tries to make sense of it all. Finding Daniel’s body leaves him struggling to balance his sexual identity with his faith, while his church, led by the Reverend Isaac Thompson, mounts a crusade to destroy Terry, whom Isaac believes corrupted his son and caused the boy to take his own life.

Having quietly crushed on his teacher for years, Jonah is determined to clear Terry’s name. That quest leads him to Eric Jacobs, Daniel’s true secret lover, and to get involved in Eric’s plan to shake up their small-minded town. Meanwhile, Rev. Thompson struggles to make peace between his religious convictions and the revelation of his son's homosexuality. If he can’t, he leaves the door open to eternal damnation—and for a second tragedy to follow.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Itineris Press, August 2012.


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$6.99 $5.24

Une nuit avec Ash Gallagher, c’est tout ce qu’il faut à Eli Hollister pour se convaincre qu’il a enfin rencontré la bonne personne au bon moment. Heureusement qu’il n’avait rien parié là-dessus parce qu’il s’avère qu’Ash est étudiant dans la classe d’Eli à l’Université locale. Eli ne peut nier qu’il est attiré, mais la situation est complexe. Il a déjà assez de problèmes avec son directeur de département. Celui-ci ne souhaite qu’une chose : refuser à Eli sa titularisation et le renvoyer.

Ash attend avec impatience de pouvoir passer à la prochaine étape. Après un tour sur le terrain dans les Marines et une période en tant que réserviste, il est prêt à mettre fin à sa carrière militaire. La dernière chose qu’il imaginait expérimenter ce semestre était de tomber sous le charme de son professeur de littérature. Mais plus Eli résiste, plus Ash est déterminé à l’avoir. Puis Ash découvre qu’Eli est sérieux, et Ash ne veut qu’une aventure… Ou peut-être pas ? Entre ces deux-là, quand il s’agit d’aimer, tous les paris sont permis !


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The Gift

Las Vegas Escorts | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to The Price
Las Vegas Escorts: Book Two

Ember is a drop-dead gorgeous Las Vegas escort. He notices Alejandro in some of the classes he teaches at his side business—a yoga studio. Then, color-blind Alejandro further captures Ember’s attention when he’s momentarily blinded by a quick change in light and needs Ember’s help at a club. What Ember doesn’t expect is the way Alejandro touches his heart.

Alejandro never intended to develop feelings for Ember. He’s in Las Vegas for a year to sow some wild oats. But Alejandro quickly sees more in Ember when he sets out to make some of Alejandro’s dreams come true—including a trip to the Grand Canyon and the beaches of LA. Alejandro’s wild oats could turn into something memorable.

Ember knows keeping his escort job from Alejandro isn’t the right thing to do, but he wants to be liked for who he is. Alejandro keeps his own secrets for the same reason. But Alejandro’s family obligations, along with Ember’s profession, could make it impossible for the two of them to stay together—unless they can figure out how to make the most of the gifts they’ve been given.


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At twenty-five, Hank owns a small parcel of land in Australia’s rural southwest where he supplements his income from the property with seasonal shearing. Hank is a “shearing gun”—an ace shearer able to shear large numbers of sheep in a single day. His own father kicked him out when his sexuality was revealed, and since no one would ever hire a gay shearer, Hank has remained firmly closeted ever since.

Elliot is the newbie doctor in town—city-born and somewhat shell-shocked from his transplant to the country. When a football injury brings Hank to Elliot’s attention, an inappropriate sexual glance and the stuttered apology afterward kickstarts their friendship. Romance and love soon blossom, but it’s hard for either of them to hope for anything permanent. As if the constant threat of being caught isn’t enough, Elliot’s contract runs out after only a year.


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A Harmony Ink Press Title

In a dystopian future ravaged by a zombie virus, teenaged Flo dreams of becoming a hunter. Instead, he becomes infected, and while plagued by hunger, he is able to control his urges. Hoping his life can still hold some meaning, Flo agrees to travel with hunters Hulme and Dihr, and he discovers a world unlike anything he imagined.

On the continent, people are struggling to hold back the apocalypse by finding a cure to the disease, and Flo might be the key. But friendships and trust are tested as the trio crosses hostile territory and faces dangers beyond the zombie infestation. In the end, only Flo can decide if he can live with what he’s become.


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$6.99 $5.24

Nuages et Pluie, numéro hors série

Tim Conroy a de la patience. Depuis trois ans, il attend que son ami Rory McCown sorte de prison, après une condamnation pour un vol de chevaux commis au ranch Blue River. Rory serait susceptible de bénéficier d’une libération anticipée, mais à condition d’avoir un poste stable et un endroit où loger. Aussitôt, Tim se donne pour objectif de convaincre son ami et patron, le rancher Hunter Krause, d’offrir à Rory une deuxième chance.

Quand Hunter accepte, Tim le regrette presque : Rory a changé. À certains moments, il se montre morose et renfermé, à d’autres, arrogant et trop présomptueux. Pourtant, l’attraction est toujours aussi forte entre eux. Malheureusement, dès qu’ils commencent à se rapprocher, un ennemi acharné œuvre dans l’ombre, prêt aux plus sombres machinations pour les séparer…

Leur relation encore fragile sera-t-elle assez forte pour résister aux tempêtes à venir ?


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