

La prova del fato

Serie Scelta del cuore
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Un libro della Serie Scelta del cuore

Nella città segreta di Sobek, Domin Thorne sta cercando la sua strada come nuovo semel-aten, il capo del mondo delle pantere mannare. Aspira a grandi cambiamenti: ha degli obiettivi per se stesso e per le persone che ha scelto di portare con sé, e vuole cambiare il suo regno sul modello di quello del suo amico Logan Church. Ma Domin potrebbe aver stabilito un obiettivo troppo difficile: il suo solito stile di comando non sta funzionando.

Dovendo occuparsi di Crane e la sua nostalgia di casa, Mikhail e il suo malumore, Taj e la sua frusta, servitori con intenti omicidi, un ex in visita e un compagno in una pericolosa missione diplomatica, Domin deve affrontare da solo il suo nuovo ruolo. Deve anche decidere come gestire una cospirazione, mentre si sta innamorando profondamente di un uomo che, per la prima volta nella vita di Domin, ricambia quell’amore. Che Domin sia pronto o meno, il fato ha deciso di insegnargli una lezione: le minacce interne sono pericolose proprio come quelle esterne.


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Pakt des Blutes

$6.99 $5.24

Fortsetzung zu Allianz des Blutes
Buch 2 in der Serie - Blutspartnerschaft

Magier und Vampire haben eine Allianz geschmiedet, die auf Partnerschaften des Blutes und der Magie gründet. Sie hoffen, damit dem Krieg gegen die dunklen Magier eine entscheidende Wendung geben zu können. Einige Partnerschaften sind ebenso erfolgreich, wie die zwischen Alain Magnier und Orlando St. Clair. Auf andere trifft das nicht zu. Es kommt zu Streit, Vorwürfen und sogar offener Feindschaft zwischen den Partnern, obwohl sie durch ein gemeinsames Ziel verbunden sind.

Thierry Dumont ist entschlossen, dem Beispiel seines besten Freundes Alain zu folgen. Er ist mit dem Vampir Sebastien Noyer eine Partnerschaft eingegangen. Obwohl er sich, so kurz nach dem gewaltsamen Tod seiner Frau, in der Nähe des Vampirs – eines Mannes – unbehaglich fühlt. Aber sie stellen fest, dass ihre gemeinsame Verzweiflung die beste Voraussetzung ist, um einen Bund zu schließen. Thierry und Sebastien stellen den Schutz ihres Partners über alles und unterstützen sich vorbehaltlos.

Durch die Erfolge der Allianz bestärkt, beschließen das Oberhaupt der Magier und der Chef de la Cour der Vampire, ihr neues Bündnis der Öffentlichkeit bekannt zu machen. Sie erhoffen sich dadurch zusätzliche Unterstützung in ihrem Kampf gegen die dunklen Magier, die das Leben auf der Erde in seiner bisherigen Form zu vernichten drohen. Aber die Allianz erleidet auch Rückschläge, denn die Partnerschaften bringen nicht nur Vorteile mit sich, sondern gefährden auch das magische Gleichgewicht der Erde. Und diese Gefahr könnte sich als größer erweisen, als der Krieg selbst.


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Viviendo promesas

Manteniendo la Roca Promesa
$6.99 $5.24

Volumen 3 de la serie Manteniendo la Roca Promesa

Seis años atrás, Jeff Beachum consoló a un asustado adolescente a las afueras de una clínica de tratamiento de VIH, y Collin Waters recuerda su amabilidad desde aquel día. Ahora, tras seis años de estar encaprichado del encanto de aquellos amables ojos marrones que aparecían en sus sueños, Collin se siente adulto y lo bastante preparado como para acercarse. Es una pena que el destino, que nunca ha sido amable con Jeff, tenga otra cosa en mente.

La vida de Jeff se había roto por completo, a pedazos, antes de aquel día tanto tiempo atrás, y ahora no está mucho mejor. Jeff se ha endurecido, se ha vuelto autosuficiente; es el tipo divertido al que sus amigos acuden, el que da buenos consejos y consuela cuando hace falta. Pero todos los fantasmas de su pasado están a punto de salir para perseguirle, y la familia en la que ha apostado su futuro tampoco está en muy buenas condiciones.

Collin es más que un chico idealista, y eso es algo bueno, porque Jeff va a necesitar toda la ayuda que pueda encontrar. Nadie sabe mejor que él que la vida puede ser demasiado corta como para darle la espalda a un amor sincero, y que vivir felices para siempre es la mejor promesa de todas.


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Wounded, Vol. 2

Little Goddess Universe
Little Goddess | Book Two, Vol. 2
$6.99 $5.24

Little Goddess: Book Two
Vol. 2

Green and Bracken’s beloved survived their enemy's worst—with help from unexpected vampiric help.

But survival is a long way from recovery, and even further from safety. Green’s people want badly to return to the Sierra Foothills, but they’re not going with their tails between their legs. Before they go home, they have to make sure they’re free from attack—and that they administer a healthy dose of revenge as well.

As Cory negotiates a fragile peace between her new and unexpected lovers, Green negotiates the unexpected power that comes from being a beloved leader of the paranormal population. Together, they might heal their own wounds and lead their people to an unprecedented place at the top of the supernatural food chain—a place that will allow them to return home a better, stronger whole.

2nd Edition
First Edition published as Wounded: The Second Novel of the Little Goddess by iUniverse, 2006


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$6.99 $5.24

Welcome to The Cage, where you can share the ups and downs of a group of friends as they enjoy a rollicking adventure of sex and love in “the life.”

Being a Dom has always come naturally to Lazar Thornton, owner and operator of The Cage, a thriving adult toy store and meeting place for Lazar’s closest friends, Bran, Max, Otto, and the always flamboyant and fierce Miss Dré. But even the best of friends have different tastes in scenes—and in life.

Good-humored and laid back, but much in demand as both teacher and Dom, Lazar has always run from love. Until Ben Owen, relative newbie to the BDSM world, arrives wide-eyed and eager to learn, and Lazar wants to teach this sub everything he knows. But despite the openness needed for a Dom/sub relationship to thrive, neither discusses emotions. Feeling the sting of unrequited love, Ben isn’t as sure of his place in Lazar’s life as he wants to be. Lazar will need to read his sub’s heart as well as his mind if he truly wants to keep Ben in his life.


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Bay Area Professionals

On his way home from vacation, Scott Gregory, a closeted sub, hooks up with the gorgeous Red, a flamboyant Dom, for a thrilling one-off at a BDSM bar. They part ways after a satisfying scene... but meet again when Robin Kennedy—Red—arrives at his new job as a dental hygienist and discovers one of his two bosses is Scott.

Robin and Scott embark on a journey of exploration into their kinkier sides and discover they're more than compatible—they're a perfect match. But keeping employer/employee and Dom/sub separate at the office presents difficulties, and to make matters even more complicated, the owner of the dental practice is an acknowledged homophobe.

They fall in love, but Robin chafes at all the secrecy, refusing to live in the shadows. Scott isn't as brave; he's desperate to protect his job and his future. Will they be able to find some middle ground... or will their entire relationship fall apart because of fear?


Bitter Taffy

Candy Man
2015 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

A Candy Man Book

Rico Gonzalves-Macias didn't expect to fall in love during his internship in New York—and he didn’t expect the boss’s son to out them both and get him fired either. When he returns to Sacramento stunned and heartbroken, he finds his cousin, Adam, and Adam's boyfriend, Finn, haven't just been house-sitting—they've made his once sterile apartment into a home.

When Adam gets him a job interview with the adorable, magnetic, practically perfect Derek Huston, Rico feels especially out of his depth. Derek makes it no secret that he wants Rico, but Rico is just starting to figure out that he’s a beginner at the really important stuff and doesn’t want to jump into anything with both feet.

Derek is a both-feet kind of guy. But he’s also made mistakes of his own and doesn’t want to pressure Rico into anything. Together they work to find a compromise between instant attraction and long-lasting love, and while they’re working, Rico gets a primer in why family isn’t always a bad idea. He needs to believe Derek can be his family before Derek’s formidable patience runs out—because even a practically perfect boyfriend is capable of being hurt.


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$6.99 $5.24

È facile diventare cinici quando la vita non rema mai dalla tua parte.

Cole Reid è un asociale recluso dall’età di quindici anni, quando uno spiacevole episodio negli spogliatoi della sua squadra di baseball del liceo ha rivelato la sua omosessualità. Da allora, il suo comportamento ossessivo-compulsivo e la sua natura sarcastica lo hanno tenuto lontano dalla maggior parte della gente; tutti gli altri invece lo odiano perché è gay. Per come la vede lui, è condannato ad allontanare qualsiasi potenziale amico, per non parlare dei fidanzati, quindi perché sforzarsi?

Quando Cole arriva al college, è ormai diventato un perfezionista solitario; la cosa diventa un problema quando il suo coinquilino si laurea e l’ufficio alloggi assegna Ellis Montgomery all’appartamento di Cole. Ellis è maldestro, magnifico, etero e, peggio di tutto, uno sportivo!

In un anno scolastico popolato di confratelli, escursioni in campeggio e genitori ficcanaso, tra Cole ed Ellis nasce un’amicizia che capovolge la mentalità da bicchiere-mezzo-vuoto di Cole. In Ellis c’è dell’altro oltre allo sportivo amante del divertimento, e forse la risvegliata libido di Cole ha riacceso in lui la speranza di sperimentare qualcosa di più del cameratismo.


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$6.99 $5.24

Depuis leur premier jour d’université, Quent Jackson avait marché dans les traces de Jason Spade, de leur cabinet d’investissement aux soirées poker. Huit ans plus tard, quand Jace comprend enfin que Quent est l’homme de sa vie, il ne voit pas pourquoi il changerait sa façon de faire.

Mais autant Jace est intimement persuadé que le poker est une métaphore de la vie, autant personne n’a jamais donné ce manuel-là à Quentin. Après leur première nuit, débordante de passion, le vrai jeu a commencé. L’amour et la confiance que Jace, qui est resté seul trop longtemps, ne sait plus accorder. Il ne sait parler que deux langues : le poker et le sexe. Entre les deux, il doit absolument trouver un moyen de se convaincre de prendre le risque d’aimer de nouveau. Et de laisser Quentin l’aimer à son tour. C’est une chance qu’ils soient doués pour interpréter les cartes, parce qu’ils jouent une partie importante et leur relation est un enjeu suffisamment élevé pour prendre tous ces risques.


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Trevan Bean has a job that’s going from illegal to frightening, a boyfriend who may not be in his right mind, and a guardian angel who might actually be evil incarnate. Add to that the reappearance of his boyfriend’s estranged family, death threats, kidnapping, and the struggle of saving money to realize a dream, and Trevan has a lot on his plate. But Trevan is up to the challenge: he promised Landry a happily ever after, and Landry’s going to have it if it kills him!

It just might.

Landry Carter was a broken doll when they met two years ago but has grown into a partner who can stand at Trevan’s side… most of the time. Now that Trevan’s life just got scary—and Landry just got himself kidnapped—Trevan has to hope Landry’s love stays strong through this newest challenge, because the happily ever after won’t happen if Trevan has to go it alone.


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In an alternate world, Romeo and Juliet are gunslingers. Verona gives way to a steampunk Victorian London. The victims of turf wars are dumped in an alley they call Lovers’ Lane, and the moment the son of his family's enemy touches his face, Cain's revenge is poisoned by love. Fate would have it no other way.

Levi Ruslaniv is the heir to the Ruslaniv family gang, but ridiculous ancient feuds do not interest him. Cain Dietrich’s vengeful hatred for the Ruslaniv family is rooted deep, since he believes the Ruslanivs arranged for the murder of his parents. But his encounter with Levi pierces him deeper than hatred ever could.

With bullets and blazes of glory, schemes, spies, and pack mentalities, loyalty runs as deep in the veins as passion or revenge, and there is only one way to end the fighting. From the start it was inevitable—a bloodstained fate for children with bloodstained hands, and the streets of New London will never be the same.


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$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Final Encore

Country superstar Billy Eagan’s career is soaring. He’s topping the charts and winning award after award. He and his manager and life partner, Ian Dillon, have been virtually inseparable for almost five years, solidifying their relationship as well as Billy’s skyrocketing stardom. After a secret kiss between the two of them at an awards show is caught on camera, a tabloid newspaper outs Billy and Ian as lovers, which could sabotage Billy’s career on the bigoted Nashville music scene. To make matter worse, an old adversary rears his ugly head and threatens to end everything Billy and Ian have worked for—including their lives.


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Twins Blake and Bianca Dunlap have always been there for each other, ready to lend support and make sacrifices. Blake can't imagine a bigger sacrifice than getting along with Bianca's fiancé, Matt. However, Matt turns out to be more than the meathead Blake had dismissed him as, but Matt's best friend, Ryan Everett, is a different story. Ryan seems intent on being an insufferable jerk as often as possible. The fact that Blake is undeniably attracted to Ryan only makes the whole situation more annoying.

Since they'll all be stuck together for the long haul, Blake is determined to make nice. Unfortunately he overshoots, and he and Ryan end up on much friendlier terms than Blake intended. While he and Ryan agree there's no harm in having a strings-free fling, that changes when Matt and Bianca find out about it. As more complications arise, Blake and Ryan become more determined to do what it takes to avoid letting them down. But the only way to ensure getting through a joyous wedding and avoid the questions neither of them want to answer is to convince everyone it's something more.


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Bruto lleva una vida solitaria en un mundo donde la magia es algo común. Mide casi dos metros y treinta centímetros, es muy feo y por culpa de sus padres tiene mala reputación. Nadie, ni siquiera él, cree que sea posible ser más que un obrero. Pero los héroes son de todas las formas y tamaños, y cuando es mutilado mientras rescata a un príncipe, su vida cambia abruptamente. Es llamado a servir en el palacio de Tellomer como guardia para un solo preso. Parece algo fácil, pero resulta ser el reto de su vida.

Los rumores dicen que el prisionero, Gray Leynham, es un brujo y un traidor. Lo cierto es que ha pasado años en la miseria: ciego, encadenado y casi mudo por un tartamudeo extremo. Sueña con las muertes de otras personas antes de que se hagan realidad.

Cuando Bruto se acostumbra a la vida de palacio y llega a conocer a Gray y descubre su propio valor: primero como amigo y hombre, y después como amante. Pero Bruto también aprende que los héroes a veces se enfrentan a decisiones difíciles y que hacer lo que es correcto puede atraer el peligro sobre ellos.


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$6.99 $5.24

A malicious deception... An ancient curse... A timeless love...

Brian Macon is a worn-out homicide detective whose job and life hold no meaning until he meets a gorgeous German man who turns his world upside down. Alrick Ritter has a poet's soul, a master cellist's skill, and a sniper's deadly accuracy, and though constrained by sinister forces to be a killer-for-hire, Alrick wants nothing more than to be with Brian. Helpless to resist the call of their hearts, Brian and Alrick begin a cautious affair, keeping secret the reality that places them on opposite sides of the law. But an ancient danger threatens to destroy their love.

Three thousand years ago in the burning sands of ancient Egypt, Prince Rahotep and his devoted slave, Tiye, were robbed of their lives, betrayed by a powerful woman’s mad hatred and the cruel humor of an evil god. Now destiny has reunited the lovers, joining them in an unquenchable passion even as a twist of fate casts them as potential enemies. Will Brian and Alrick be able to overcome the centuries-old curse to secure the love that should have always been theirs?

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, November 2010.


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Von Fischen und Geistern

Hellsinger (Deutsch)
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Hellsinger

Als sein Onkel Mortimer starb und ihm Hoxne Grange hinterließ, die Familienvilla aus dem späten neunzehnten Jahrhundert, wurde Tristan Pryce der Zweite in der Familie, der sich als Verwalter um das Anwesen kümmerte, einer Zwischenstation für Geister auf ihrem letzten Weg ins Leben nach dem Tode. Tristan ist auf die Herausforderung vorbereitet, wenn auch nicht unbedingt durch die Geister, die er seit seiner Kindheit sehen kann. Fest entschlossen, zu beweisen, dass Tristan geisteskrank ist, um Zugriff auf sein Erbe zu bekommen, heuern seine liebenden Verwandten Dr. Wolf Kincaid und seine paranormalen Ermittler, Hellsinger Investigations, an, um zu beweisen, dass es auf dem Grange nicht spukt.

Der Skeptiker Wolf Kincaid hat es sich zur Lebensaufgabe gemacht, übernatürliche Phänomene zu entlarven. Nach Jahren voller Schwindel und Fälschungen kann er es nicht erwarten, zu beweisen, dass die Geister des Grange nur auf knarrende Bodendielen und ein zugiges, altes Haus zurückzuführen sind. Auf dem Grange erwarten ihn einige Überraschungen, inklusive des bissigen, verschlossenen Besitzers. Tristan Pryce ist viel attraktiver und viel weniger verrückt, als Wolf bereit ist zuzugeben, und als sein Team im Grange einen geisterhaften Serienmörder befreit, ist er hin und hergerissen zwischen seinem Skeptizismus und dem Verlangen, den Mann zu beschützen, den er eigentlich diskreditieren soll.


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A Spirit Without Borders

Without Borders | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to A Heart Without Borders
Without Borders: Book Two

Dillon McDowell, an infectious disease specialist, jumps at the opportunity to work with Doctors Without Borders in Liberia. But when he arrives, things are very different than he expected, and he’s out of his depth. Will Scarlet takes him under his wing and helps him adjust. A hint of normalcy comes when a group of local boys invite Dillon to play soccer.

Will’s family rejected him for being gay, and he’s closed off his heart. Even though meeting Dillon opens him to the possibility of love, he’s wary. They come from different worlds, and Will plans to volunteer for another stint overseas. But Will realizes what Dillon means to him when Dillon becomes ill, and they can no longer deny their feelings.

When Dillon’s soccer friends lose their parents and aunt to disease, Will and Dillon must work together to ensure that the boys aren’t cast adrift in a society that’s afraid they might be contagious. They must also decide if their feelings are real or just the result of proximity and hardship.


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Fox-Hat and Neko

2015 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Tsukino Ayumu is new to Yuuyake. When he lived in Tokyo, he always kept his head down, content to remain unnoticed in the crowd of students around him. Now in a small fishing village, he connects with Ikehara Haruki, his first real friend, and builds a close friendship with two girls, Shizuka and Chou. The four friends stick together as they forge their path through the haphazard world of dating and relationships while preparing for life after school ends. But fate will intervene, with Ayumu’s plans in particular, as the village’s young people are targeted by an unseen threat. Suffering violent and shocking dreams, Ayumu comes to discover that the spirit world has plans for his destiny. Despite his personal belief that he’s nothing but ordinary, he must learn to fight—and lead—to protect the friends he would die for. The mysterious Fox-Hat and Neko know Ayumu better than he knows himself, and he must decide if they will point him toward a path that leads to a happy ending for all… or the end of everything he knows and loves.


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