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Fauteur de troubles

Série 415 Ink | Tome 3
$6.99 $5.24

Quand l’inspecteur Ruan Nicholls rencontre Ivo Rogers, il sait immédiatement que ce jeune tatoueur va bouleverser sa vie bien rangée. Fauteur de troubles par nature, Ivo est quelqu’un que Ruan non seulement ne comprend pas, mais qu’il n’est pas sûr de vouloir comprendre. Tout chez Ivo est plein de vie, impétueux, prétentieux et arrogant, mais Ruan ne veut rien de lui.

Ou du moins, c’est le mensonge qu’il se répète pour amoindrir le désir qu’il éprouve pour cet enfant terrible, issu des services sociaux, que le destin a placé au travers de sa route.

Deux choses importent dans la vie d’Ivo Rogers : sa famille et 415 Ink, le salon de tatouage qu’il a fondé avec ses quatre frères. Si sa famille porte encore des cicatrices après s’être battue contre les services sociaux pendant de nombreuses années, le lien qui existe entre eux est fort, assez pour soutenir Ivo dans les moments difficiles.

Mais voilà que ce dernier doit faire face à un nouveau défi quand il tombe amoureux d’un policier de la vieille école, qui a des idées reçues sur ce à quoi un homme doit ressembler. Ruan incarne la promesse d’une vie qu’Ivo n’aurait jamais pensé avoir un jour, mais leurs manières opposées de voir le monde menacent toute chance d’une relation entre eux. Il est facile d’être mal compris quand on est le fauteur de troubles de la famille, mais Ivo a confiance en Ruan : celui-ci saura accepter qui il est et l’aimer comme il le mérite.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

2022 Goldie Award Finalist - Science Fiction/Fantasy

Finding the right romantic partner is always a challenge—especially when your first spouse turns out to be a greedy, business-obsessed hardass who winds up on her CEO office floor with a bullet through her brain. 

After the murder of her first wife, Elaine is ready for a vacation and a solid relationship with a woman who only has time for her. Thanks to some found alien technology, Elaine can get what she wants… sort of. Okay, so a computer-generated tangible holographic image of a twentieth-century film star is about as far from “solid” as it gets. But as her themed pleasure cruise on a passenger starliner progresses and an additional plot to murder Elaine reveals itself, she finds herself inexplicably drawn to her fantasy companion.

Ricky might be the result of exceptional programming, but she proves to be more than the sum of her particles. She shows Elaine more affection, and eventually more protection, than any so-called “real” woman in her life ever has, leaving Elaine to wonder—are Ricky’s feelings for her truly artificial? Or is this REEL TO REAL LOVE?


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74

A chance meeting. A one-night stand. And then a pattern of them.

For Nigerian-born professional football linebacker Arikawe “Ade” Adeloyebe and Chicago newspaper reporter Rex Palmieri, not-so-casual sex is all they can have. Ade is closeted to protect his career, and Rex has to toe the line between his own job and his secret relationship with a sports celebrity.

Both men fall deeply in love, but misunderstandings, miscommunication, and outside pressure threaten to implode the relationship. Then a bounty-hunting scandal followed by a bloody gay bashing force Rex and Ade to face some hard choices. Can they tackle the opposition and cross the goal line to happiness together?


$4.99 $3.74
$9.99 $7.49

Rache. Wiedergutmachung. Überleben.


Als Tylers Leben von einem furchtbaren Verbrechen erschüttert wird, sehnt er sich nach Rache. Erst mithilfe von Detective Christian Martin sieht Tyler die Möglichkeit eines neuen Lebens – aber er muss sich entscheiden, ob er weiterhin an seiner Rache festhält und dabei jede Hoffnung auf eine Zukunft mit Christian opfert.

Gordon geht davon aus, dass seine Tage gezählt sind, denn durch seine Schuld kam bei einem Autounfall ein Mann ums Leben. Doch als Squirt – ein Obdachloser, der sein eigenes Päckchen zu tragen hat – ihn rettet, findet Gordon ein neues Licht, dem er folgen kann. Gordon hätte nie gedacht, dass er einen Weg finden würde, sich selbst zu vergeben. Doch indem er das tut, öffnet er sein Herz – für die Liebe eines Mannes, den er am meisten verletzt hat.

Angetrieben durch den Austausch von Kreativität leben Milo und Logan in der Welt der Schriftsteller, Leser und Rezensenten. Sie genießen ihre grenzenlose Liebe zu Büchern und dem geschriebenen Wort, doch manchmal treffen Worte ihr Ziel zu heftig. Und wenn das passiert, muss dafür zwangsläufig der Preis gezahlt werden. Was für Milo und Logan als eine Zeit der neuen Liebe und romantischen Entdeckungen beginnt, wird zu einem Wettlauf um ihr Leben. Wer hätte damit gerechnet, dass eine wunderschöne Sache wie geschriebene Worte zum Auslöser für Rache werden könnte? Und letztendlich … für Mord?
Dieses Bundle enthält drei spannende Romane von John Inman.


$9.99 $7.49

Taking Chances (2nd Ed.)

Tales from Foster High | Book Five
Foster High Stories
$6.99 $5.24

A Foster High Story

Fearing the backlash of living as a gay man in Foster, Texas, Matt Wallace runs away to California, only to find it isn’t the Promised Land he’d hoped for. Christmas sees him returning to Foster, where he bumps into his old high school crush, jock Tyler Parker.

It's love at second sight—for Matt and Tyler. The problem is neither knows what to do next. Between running from the past and running from each other, Matt and Tyler need to do some reverse engineering to spur their relationship forward, or they’ll never get their love off the ground. 


$6.99 $5.24
$3.99 $2.99

Propriétaire d’un magasin de loisirs créatifs, Grant a toujours eu un faible pour les jolis visages, et c’est deux fois pire pour un joli visage avec un adorable acolyte. Quand Aubrey, sept ans, veut à tout prix participer à la série d’ateliers de fêtes déjà complets de Grant, il cède et abandonne son seul jour de congé par semaine pour qu’elle (et son tuteur canon, Josh) puisse avoir des cours particuliers. Le flirt entre eux monte en puissance semaine après semaine, et même si Josh n’est pas avec la mère d’Aubrey, Grant ne peut pas être sûr qu’il soit hétéro. Peut-être qu’il est simplement amical. Et Josh, qui n’est définitivement pas hétéro, craint d’être le type louche qui drague le professeur.

Frustrée par leur entêtement et leur ignorance, Aubrey prend les choses en main. Elle décide que le meilleur cadeau à offrir à Josh est quelque chose fait maison avec le cœur – un petit ami qu’ils aimeront tous les deux.


$3.99 $2.99

Risky Business

Animal Lark | Book 2
$6.99 $5.24

Veterinarian Dane Vincent is used to being unlucky in love. That’s why his crush on new friend Ben is No Big Deal. He’s more than happy to swoop to Ben’s rescue when he brings a ferret into his practice. It’s what friends do—and vets.

Ben Clifford came to Lockstone for a new job and a fresh start. He didn’t expect to make friends, never mind a tightknit group of them. They’re all wacky and wonderful, and he fits right in, something he’s never done before. They even support him when he finds a ferret at work and decides to keep the cute little bundle of joy.

There’s just one tiny problem. Ben’s house doesn’t allow pets.

Moving into Dane’s spare room is meant to be temporary, but the more time he spends with him, the less he wants to leave. They connect on a level he’s never experienced before, and slowly but surely, the feelings of friendship Ben has for Dane morph into something deeper.

The question is… does he have the courage to act on them?


$6.99 $5.24
$3.99 $2.99

Chère Ruth,

Je ne suis pas d’humeur à fêter Noël. Après une relation amoureuse partie en fumée, je suis retourné dans ma ville natale du Kansas rural. Puis ma mère est décédée. Je suis très occupé par mon travail de capitaine des pompiers, et maintenant par la chronique de conseils de ma mère, que j’ai reprise à contrecœur. Il y a un nouveau venu sexy dans la rue, un homme avec une petite fille et un malheureux mépris pour la sécurité incendie. Il semble vouloir nouer une amitié, mais cela crée des problèmes qui pourraient être trop brûlants pour moi. Je n’ai vraiment pas besoin de décorations inflammables et de trop de nourriture de Noël en ce moment.

Comment suis-je censé prodiguer de bons conseils aux autres alors que je n’arrive pas à mettre de l’ordre dans ma propre vie ?

– Rabat-joie, Bailey Springs


$3.99 $2.99

Dance with Me

Inevitable Duets | Book Two
Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

Inevitable Duets: Book Two

When dance instructor Jamie Griffin choreographs a contemporary ballet pas de deux to a love song by rock band Inevitable Thorns, he doesn’t expect the band’s keyboardist, Beau Davis, to witness it. He definitely doesn’t expect the steamy one-night stand that follows.

Beau leaves to continue touring, but he can’t get Jamie or his passion out of his head... especially once a video of the dance goes viral. This leads to a chance for the two of them to reconnect on tour, with Jamie performing his dance while the band plays live. The lines between a casual fling and a forever romance blur as rock music and ballet join to create magic onstage.

That magic suffuses their relationship too, but the price of fame is steep. When an explosive interview threatens the foundation of what they’re building together, will Beau and Jamie set the record straight and define their relationship—and their art—on their own terms? Or will the stars they’re reaching for elude their grasp?


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

Verhelfen das Polarlicht und eine Liebe im zweiten Anlauf einem sich quälenden Künstler zu neuer Inspiration?

Als der New Yorker Maler Devon Starr seine Sucht aufgibt, verschwindet auch seine Inspiration. Devon braucht eine Veränderung und reist wegen des Schlaganfalls seines Vaters nach Hause, nach Alaska. Die kleine Stadt, in der er aufgewachsen ist, ist jedoch nicht mehr so wie in seiner Erinnerung.

Enrique Salazar kann sich noch ausgesprochen gut an Devon erinnern und macht es zu seiner persönlichen Mission, Devon die Augen für die wilde Schönheit und all die Möglichkeiten um sie herum zu öffnen. Die beiden Männer kommen sich näher, und gerade als Devon langsam begreift, was immer für ihn da war, sind sie gezwungen, sich gegen eine Bergbaugesellschaft zu wehren, die die unberührte Natur bedroht, dank derer sie sich verliebt haben. Der gemeinsame Kampf verstärkt ihre Bindung noch, doch als das Verlangen, wieder einen Pinsel in die Hand zu nehmen, zurückkommt, vernimmt Devon auch den Ruf der Stadt.

Ein Mann gefangen zwischen zwei Welten. Devon bleibt nur, seinem Herzen zu folgen.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

La Voûte – Livre II

Terrence Moss. Conrad Harris. Gold Team Leader. Darius Hawthorne. La Voûte. Devoir jongler avec toutes ces identités en ébranlerait plus d’un, mais pour Darius, c’est juste la routine habituelle. Après avoir clos un chapitre de sa vie, il ne laisse derrière lui qu’un nom – et toutes les personnes auxquelles il était familier. À plus de quarante ans, il n’a réussi à garder le contact qu’avec une poignée de collègues, un nombre d’amis encore inférieur et aucun partenaire notable… mais les choses sont sur le point de changer.

Ce nouveau chapitre risque de bousculer l’ordre défini de sa vie : un domicile fixe, une identité qu’il s’est nouvellement réappropriée, une famille inattendue, et c’est sans parler de sa rencontre fortuite avec le seul homme que Darius ait jamais aimé : Efrem Lahm. Les raisons pour lesquelles ils se sont séparés demeurent valables et regagner une confiance mutuelle n’a rien d’une priorité entre eux. Malgré tout, Efrem est déjà certain d’une chose : il ne laissera pas Darius lui échapper cette fois-ci… et ce dernier va devoir décider s’il est prêt à retenter sa chance et lui offrir son cœur après s’être tant fait attendre.


$6.99 $5.24

Bad to be Merry

Bad to Be Good | Book Four
$3.99 $2.99

Bad to Be Good: Book Four

Former mobster Richard Marsden grew up scrounging on the streets of Detroit. This Christmas, for the first time, he has a family and the means to provide an abundant Christmas, and that’s what he intends to do.

But his husband, Daniel, grew up with everything. For Daniel, Christmas isn’t about receiving gifts, but the opportunity to help others. With his son in the hospital recovering from a tonsillectomy, Daniel knows just who he wants to help this year.

Both Daniel and Richard make plans for their family Christmas assuming the other is on board, leaving their holiday dangling on the precipice of disaster—unless they can remember that family, love, and the holidays mean compromising to give each other what they need. 


$3.99 $2.99
$3.99 $2.99

Welcome to the Cardinal Christmas Market, an exclusive holiday experience where the offerings are as unique and quirky as the people and town who run it. 

Douglas is a first-time vendor, and he's determined to make a splash and grow from there. A mix-up means he has no choice but to share a booth with Boyd, one of Cardinal's own.

Douglas and Boyd don’t like each other’s style... or one another. But in the ensuing weeks working the booth, with help from a little Cardinal Christmas Market magic, they find their art, world views, personalities, and passions are complementary—even compatible. Can they get past feeling like the coal in each other's stockings to a sweet happy ending, or are they destined to be holiday humbugs?


$3.99 $2.99
$3.99 $2.99

Workaholic investment banker Timothy Wyatt is determined to spend the first Christmas since his divorce with his four-year-old daughter, Megan. Fate—in the form of the largest winter storm system in a decade—seems determined to thwart him. When his flight from Dallas to Chicago is canceled, along with every other flight for at least the next two days, Tim is willing to try any alternative means of transportation to keep from disappointing his daughter yet again. 

Luckily for Tim, he’s befriended by Zach Whelan, another stranded traveler. Zach is a travel agent, and since he was only planning a solo vacation in Mexico over the holidays, he makes it his mission to get Tim to his daughter in time for Christmas instead. They have three days—how hard can it be?


$3.99 $2.99

Dark Tide

Kildevil Cove Murder Mysteries | Book Three
$1.99 $1.49

A Kildevil Cove Murder Mystery

They say it never rains but it pours. Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Inspector Danny Quirke would have to agree.

First someone murders a vulnerable Kildevil Cove man and dumps him in an abandoned well. Then the body of a sex-trafficking victim washes up on a nearby beach. Danny has to get to the bottom of both deaths, but with few leads and little support from his superiors, he’s spinning his wheels in a mud pit of a case. Vital resources go missing, witnesses disappear, and suspects proliferate.

Each step toward the truth brings him two steps back. Help comes in the form of Scottish investigator Martin Belshawe, but he may not be who he says he is, and someone in the highest echelons of the Newfoundland Constabulary is lying to Danny. Even Danny’s lover, Tadhg Heaney, whom he looks to for emotional support, seems to know more than he should about the shady characters who keep popping up in the investigation.

With time running out, Danny must decide who, if anyone, he can trust—before the sex traffickers claim their next victims. But on an island, there's no escaping the tide.


$1.99 $1.49
$3.99 $2.99

When Wil Buchanan walks into the yarn shop in his hometown of Asheville, he isn’t expecting anything other than to get an heirloom bedspread repaired as a Christmas present for his mother. He certainly doesn’t expect the owner to be his age, single, and attractive. The only problem? Wil’s life is in San Francisco… and he left Asheville behind for a reason. But the more time he spends in the city—and with Travis—the more he realizes it’s not the city he remembers, and he’s not the boy he once was.


$3.99 $2.99
$4.99 $3.74

Cassidy Hancock hates being late—he’s pathological about it. Until the crisp fall morning when he pauses to watch his neighbor’s handsome son chase his dog down the sidewalk… and gets hit by a tree.

Mark Taylor sees the whole thing, and as a second-year medical resident, he gets Cassidy top-notch care. In spite of himself, he’s fascinated by his mother’s stodgy neighbor, and as he strives to help Cassidy recover from a broken leg, he begins to realize that behind Cassidy’s obsession with punctuality is the story of a lonely boy who thought he had to be perfect to be loved.

Mark and his family are far from perfect—but they might be perfect for Cassidy. As the two of them get to know each other, Cassidy fantasizes about the family and happy-ever-after he never thought he’d have, and Mark starts to yearn for Cassidy’s wide-eyed kindness and surprising creativity. But first they have to overcome Cassidy’s fears, because there is so much more fun to be had during Christmas than just being on time.


$4.99 $3.74
$4.99 $3.74

Come the New Year, Luca Vocci is reluctantly headed to LA to start a new life he isn't sure he wants, far away from his beloved New York City and the lights of Broadway. Until then, he’s directionless, without his spark or any idea what to do next—so, with the holiday season upon him, Luca agrees to do a favor for an old friend and his high-school theater class.

Everything goes according to plan until a snowstorm traps Luca in a house with six rather dramatic teenagers, two chaperones with relationship problems, and three unexpected guests. For Luca, the house is full of memories—and now, music. Maybe the spark he’s looking for is hiding in plain sight.


$4.99 $3.74