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Da tutta la vita Bryan ama perdersi in un mondo di fantasie western. Nella speranza di attirare l’attenzione di un vero cowboy, ogni volta che va nel suo locale preferito, si veste in un modo che induce perfino il suo coinquilino a chiamarlo “drag cowboy”. Quando Curtis gli offre una birra, però, Bryan non ha dubbi sul fatto che l’uomo sia un esemplare di quelli autentici. Ma riusciranno i due a spingersi oltre una notte di sesso incredibile dopo che Bryan avrà svelato a Curtis che l’unico cavallo che abbia mai cavalcato è un pony a una festa di compleanno?


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$6.99 $5.24

Wyeth Becker is a quiet man. Staid, serious, calm. A librarian. When he meets preschool teacher Deeze Long, he discovers joy for the first time in his life. With joy comes laughter, excitement, and a new way to look at the world through the eyes of the kindest, most loving man he has ever met.

When tragedy strikes and Deeze loses his joy, it is Wyeth who helps him find it again. It is Wyeth, the man who never truly understood happiness, who pays that gift back. Giving all he can of himself to the man who changed his life. Restoring in Deeze what he now so desperately needs.

But the road of their relationship doesn’t end there. The joys and sorrows of life are never-ending. As they set out to weather the highs and lows together, Wyeth and Deeze hang on to the one thing that makes all the tears and laughter worthwhile.


For only through love can life be truly savored at all.


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74

Pierce Atwater used to think he was a knight in shining armor, but then his life fell to crap. Now he has no job, no wife, no life—and is so full of self-pity he can’t even be decent to the one family member he’s still speaking to. He heads for Florida, where he’s got a month to pull his head out of his ass before he ruins his little sister’s Christmas. 

Harold Justice Lombard the Fifth is at his own crossroads—he can keep being Hal, massage therapist in training, flamboyant and irrepressible to the bones, or he can let his parents rule his life. Hal takes one look at Pierce and decides they’re fellow unicorns out to make the world a better place. Pierce can’t reject Hal’s overtures of friendship, in spite of his misgivings about being too old and too pissed off to make a good friend. 

As they experience everything from existential Looney Tunes to eternal trips to Target, Pierce becomes more dependent on Hal’s optimism to get him through the day. When Hal starts getting him through the nights too, Pierce must look inside for the knight he used to be—before Christmas becomes a doomsday deadline of heartbreak instead of a celebration of love.


$4.99 $3.74

Stalking Buffalo Bill

Shifter U
Dreamspun Beyond

A Shifter U Tale

A smitten coyote isn’t the only one stalking Buffalo Bill.

A buffalo walks into a cafe. Sounds like the start of a bad joke, but for coyote shifter Donnie Granger, it’s the beginning of an obsession. Donnie is a little hyperactive and a lot distractible, except when it comes to William. He finally works up the nerve to approach William but is interrupted by a couple of violent humans.

While William—don’t call me Bill—is currently a professor, he once worked undercover against an international weapons-trafficking ring. Before he can settle into obscurity, he must find out who leaked his location and eliminate the thugs. He tries keeping his distance to protect Donnie, but the wily coyote won’t stay away.

It’ll take both Donnie’s skills as a stalker—er, hunter—and William’s super-spy expertise to neutralize the threat so they can discover if an excitable coyote and a placid-until-pissed buffalo have a future together.


A Gift of Family

2017 Advent Calendar | Stocking Stuffers
$1.99 $1.49

Scott Burke has always desired a big family, but as a divorced single dad, all he has is his young daughter, Lexi. He pours himself into raising her, half-convinced he’ll never find what he’s looking for. When Brennan Price strolls into Scott’s life, he’d better have enough patience for both Lexi and Scott if he intends to stick around.

Brennan has a huge family and a successful career, but no one to call his own. Wooing Scott and his daughter is right up his alley, though, and he steps up to the challenge to prove he’s enough for both of them. His attraction to Scott is immediate, but he recognizes a family man when he sees one and hatches a plan to win Lexi over. Her handsome father is sure to follow….

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2017 Advent Calendar "Stocking Stuffers."


$1.99 $1.49

All Creatures Great and Small

2017 Advent Calendar | Stocking Stuffers
$1.99 $1.49

Growing up an orphan meant Charlie never celebrated Christmas. He’s committed to making sure his newly adopted cat, Max, doesn’t miss out like he did. Unfortunately, he discovers that giving Max the perfect Christmas might be easier said than done—and not without risk.

Charlie’s landlord, successful and wealthy real estate developer Aemon Scotfield, is charmed by the gorgeous redhead and his shameless alley cat. He finds himself compelled to help orchestrate a memorable celebration for Max—and Charlie—despite the mishaps that seem to just keep coming. As difficult as it will be to pull off the perfect holiday, the real challenge might be walking away when it’s over.

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2017 Advent Calendar "Stocking Stuffers."


$1.99 $1.49

An Unexpected Sanctuary

2017 Advent Calendar | Stocking Stuffers
$1.99 $1.49

An aggressive super-flu pandemic wipes out a majority of the population over the course of one Christmas holiday—and brings Tobin and Kyle together. For almost a year, they’ve been trekking across the country from Colorado toward a sanctuary in upstate New York. Kyle’s survival skills have kept them alive, and Tobin wants to repay the man he loves with a very special gift of his own making. He sneaks off in search of the last few pieces… only to get himself and Kyle kidnapped by a desperate stranger. With their journey to New York on hold—possibly indefinitely—they’ll need to accept that home isn’t always defined by a place as much as the person you’re with.

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2017 Advent Calendar "Stocking Stuffers."


$1.99 $1.49

Candy Canes and Cappuccinos

2017 Advent Calendar | Stocking Stuffers
$1.99 $1.49

Kyle is struggling to run his coffee shop on his own after his partner walked out on him. He has his eye on Steven, who comes into the shop each day, but hasn’t worked up the nerve to express his interest. When Steven asks Kyle to help out with Christmas lunch at the homeless shelter where he works, Kyle is too exhausted to agree. He donates his tips but still feels he’s blown his chances with Steven and made himself look like a selfish jerk.

On Christmas Day, Kyle sees a way to make amends—to both Steven and the needy people depending on his kindness. It’s the right thing to do, and Kyle hopes he can clear up the misunderstanding and show Steven the type of man he really is. Maybe then they can consider some dessert when the lunch at the shelter is over….

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2017 Advent Calendar "Stocking Stuffers."


$1.99 $1.49

Christmas Grace

2017 Advent Calendar | Stocking Stuffers
$3.99 $2.99

Christmas has been a lonely time of year for Aaron since losing his family fifteen years ago. But now he’s seeing Craig, and though Aaron is sure they belong together, both have been hurt in the past, so they’re taking things slowly. So far, Craig has been supportive of Aaron’s struggles with anxiety—struggles that cost Aaron relationships in the past.

On Christmas Eve, Aaron is closing his bookshop when Craig surprises him with a specially planned evening. Will this be the night they take that final step and deepen their physical relationship? Aaron hopes so, but things aren’t that simple. Craig has been keeping a secret…. Can Aaron take his place as part of a family again and accept the love he’s missed for so long—or will he find that some deceptions are too big to be forgiven, even with the help of some Christmas grace?

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2017 Advent Calendar "Stocking Stuffers."


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Dear Ruth

2017 Advent Calendar | Stocking Stuffers
$3.99 $2.99

Dear Ruth,

I’m not in the mood for Christmas. After a romantic relationship went up in flames, I returned to my hometown in rural Kansas. Then my mother passed away. I’m really busy with my job as fire marshal—and now with my mother’s advice column, which I reluctantly took over. There’s a sexy newcomer down the street, a guy with a young daughter and an unfortunate disregard for fire safety. He seems to want to be friends, but that creates problems that may be too hot for me to handle. The last things I need right now are flammable holiday decorations and too much holiday food. How am I supposed to give good advice to others when I can’t seem to get my own life straight?

—Bah Humbug in Bailey Springs

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2017 Advent Calendar "Stocking Stuffers."


$3.99 $2.99

Eugene and the Box of Nails

2017 Advent Calendar | Stocking Stuffers
$3.99 $2.99

Every time it seems like things are looking up for Eugene Kraft, disaster hits. Bankruptcy, a bigoted sibling, and a back-breaking accident have all left him with little money and less faith in the universe.

His last-ditch effort at peace is the small lakeside property where he is building a tiny house from recycled materials. If he can get it livable before the cold sets in, maybe he’ll be okay. Hopefully Cullen, the foreman on the construction site next door, won’t notice Eugene pilfering discarded materials from his dumpster.

When Cullen stops by to talk to Eugene, he’s sure the gig is up—but all Cullen wants is a date. Can two things go right in Eugene’s life? At first it seems possible. Projects on Eugene’s house are getting completed by what he dubs “construction elves” while he’s off site. But like Eugene predicted, his good fortune can’t last, and soon he has a tough choice to make: give up his home… or the man of his dreams.

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2017 Advent Calendar "Stocking Stuffers."


$3.99 $2.99

Homemade from the Heart

2017 Advent Calendar | Stocking Stuffers
$3.99 $2.99

Craft store owner Grant has always been a sucker for a pretty face, and that goes double for a pretty face with an adorable sidekick. When seven-year-old Aubrey has her heart set on taking Grant’s already-full holiday craft series, he caves and gives up his one day off a week so she (and her hot guardian, Josh) can take private lessons. Their flirting ramps up week after week, and even though Josh isn’t with Aubrey’s mother, Grant can’t be sure the man isn’t straight. Maybe he’s just being friendly. And Josh, who most definitely is not straight, is afraid of being the creepy guy hitting on the teacher.

Frustrated by their stubbornness and cluelessness, Aubrey takes matters into her own hands. She decides the best gift to give Josh is something homemade and from the heart—a boyfriend they’ll both love.

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2017 Advent Calendar "Stocking Stuffers."


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The Billionaire’s Boxing Day Bargain

2017 Advent Calendar | Stocking Stuffers
$1.99 $1.49

Milo is too nice to say no when the desperate call goes out for more staff to work Boxing Day at Eden Consumer Electronics. It’s just until they sell the door-crasher specials, but it means he can’t see his billionaire boyfriend Lance until later that day.

Lance spends December 25 jetting back from a business trip, eager to see Milo. He calls as soon as his flight lands Boxing Day morning, only to find out that seven hundred and thirty televisions are cock-blocking him.

What’s the point of being a billionaire if you can’t spend your way around obstacles? Milo doesn’t want Lance solving his problems with cash, but he’ll never find out because Lance’s efficient personal assistant, William, is on the case. Unfortunately, even billionaires are subject to the law of unintended consequences—and these aren’t the kind Lance can buy his way out of.

Will Lance and Milo have their Boxing Day date? Or have Lance’s pushy billionaire ways finally gone too far?

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2017 Advent Calendar "Stocking Stuffers."


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$9.99 $7.49

The Art Series Collection

Art and love intersect in this series by beloved author Andrew Grey.

In Legal Artistry, Dieter Krumpf is in search of the family art collection left behind when fleeing the Nazis and recruits lawyer Gerald Young to his cause; while trying to reclaim the paintings, they may just find something even more precious—love. In Artistic Appeal, Brian Watson has taken over the case, but he suspects that his good friends Gerald and Dieter have ulterior motives for inviting him to their Christmas party; when he meets deaf art restorer Nicolai, they’ll have to break down each other’s defenses to build a new relationship.

In Artistic Pursuits, FBI agent Frank Jennings and Interpol agent Leslie Carlton meet for an investigation and one night of passion, but when their case heats up again, they find their feelings getting in the way of their jobs. And in Legal Tender, when Timothy finds of cache of coins in his deceased grandfather’s possession, he sets out to solve the mystery and meets Joiner, a man determined to help Timothy on his quest.. and to steal Timothy’s heart.

See excerpt for individual blurbs.

Legal Artistry previously published by Dreamspinner Press, September 2011 Artistic Appeal previously published by Dreamspinner Press, October 2011 Artistic Pursuits previously published by Dreamspinner Press, February 2012 Legal Tender previously published by Dreamspinner Press, April 2012


$9.99 $7.49

When it comes to romance, ageless images are carried forever in your heart: A candle in the window burning bright. Warmth billowing from an old stone hearth. Snowflakes falling from the night sky under a full moon. Twinkle lights glinting in a lover’s eyes.

Welcome to the holiday world of Paul Richmond's Cheesecake Boys, pinups for a new generation where skin-baring wardrobe malfunctions take an equal opportunity approach. Grab your crayons, markers, or colored pencils because these fellows need your magic touch—all over! 

Single 8.5x11 printable PDF for your coloring enjoyment.


It's the most fervent dream of the holidays: to have a life full of blooming romance and enduring devotion with love, joy, and even a touch of lust to warm the cold winter nights. No matter what holidays are celebrated, the idiom holds true: home is where the heart is.

Welcome to the holiday world of Paul Richmond's Cheesecake Boys, pinups for a new generation where skin-baring wardrobe malfunctions take an equal opportunity approach. Grab your crayons, markers, or colored pencils because these fellows need your magic touch—all over! 

Single 8.5x11 printable PDF for your coloring enjoyment.


Suite de De A à Z

Coda, numéro hors série


La lettre Z


Zach et Angelo se sont faits à leur nouvelle vie à Coda dans le Colorado. Avec l’aide de leurs amis Matt et Jared, ils ont trouvé leur place dans la communauté. Zach et Angelo explorent aussi les particularités de leur relation, mais quand ils prennent une décision que Jared désapprouve, Angelo se fâche avec le meilleur ami de son partenaire. Et le partenaire de son meilleur ami.

Lorsqu’ils décident de partir quelques jours à Las Vegas, Angelo croit que Jared et lui sont sur la voie de la réconciliation. Mais lorsqu’ils rencontrent par hasard l’ex-petit ami de Zach, Angelo se remet en question, ainsi que leur relation. Matt et Jared ont toujours été là lorsque Zach et Angelo ont eu besoin d’aide. Mais quand il s’agit de leur relation, leurs amis pourraient plus être le mal que le remède.


Paris de A à Z


Zach Mitchell et son amant Angelo Green sont en route pour Paris – en compagnie de leurs amis de Coda Matt et Jared – afin d’assister au mariage de Jon et Cole. Matt devra faire face à l’ex-amant de Jared et Angelo devra passer toute une semaine avec l’ex-petit ami de Zach. Entre la jalousie de Matt et le mauvais caractère d’Angelo, Zach se dit qu’ils auront de la chance qu’ils passent la semaine sans que l’un des fiancés se retrouve avec un bon œil au beurre noir. Mais très vite, Zach se rend compte qu’il devrait moins s’inquiéter d’Angelo et plus de lui-même. Affronter ses souvenirs doux-amers et son sentiment de culpabilité d’avoir brisé le cœur de Jon est plus difficile que prévu. Mais s’il veut un avenir avec Angelo, Zach devra trouver le moyen de surmonter son passé.



The Haffling | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

The Haffling: Book Three

The human and fey worlds plummet toward an ancient war. Enter two unlikely lovers, a myth, and a mad queen hell-bent on conquest and revenge. Fire Marshal Finn Hulain, tormented by the death of his best friend and an unrequited love, is tossed from the world he knows into the upside-down realm of the fey. Dr. Redmond Fall, psychiatrist to the deadliest criminals in the Unsee, awakes to find the brutal Queen May deposited within the walls of his hospital for a bit of therapy. While May would like to get over her daddy issues, it’s sometimes easier to bite off heads.

Hound, the epic finale to the Haffling trilogy, delves into the darkest reaches of the addictions we all carry. To save the worlds and themselves, Finn, Redmond, and even May must confront the ghosts of their past and the demons of their present. The clock is ticking. There are no second chances. Everything is on the line.


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