Gay books


Daniel's Lynx

2016 Daily Dose | A Walk on the Wildside
$3.99 $1.00

Daniel Rigaud never imagined he’d be starting over at fifty-five, but relocating from his city practice to small-town Alberta to become the staff veterinarian at the Lac LaForge Wildlife Rescue Center might help him forget his deceitful ex—especially considering his handsome new neighbor, Ronan Magister.


At fifty-three, Ronan’s given up on love and prefers to keep relationships short and sexual. It’s easier than revealing his secret—he’s a lynx part of the time. Something about Daniel makes him long for more, but telling the truth proves disastrous. Daniel believes he’s traded one deceptive man for another.


If Daniel actually fell for Ronan’s outrageous fabrication, then he might be worried that several animals were caught in poachers’ traps near their homes that morning. He might wonder why Ronan isn’t answering his phone….


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Daily Dose package "A Walk on the Wild Side."


$3.99 $1.00

Finding Family

Dreamspun Desires
$4.99 $3.74

When you find your family, you’ll do anything to keep it.

When Charles Macquarrie inherits a fortune and an international clothing company, he also inherits three young cousins he desperately needs help raising. By a stroke of luck, he discovers and hires Jonathan Lamb, who spent his life in a children’s home due to chronic illness, to be his nanny.

If Jon thought a budding romance with his wealthy boss complicated his life, he has no idea of the hardships awaiting him when he’s charged with embezzlement and kidnapping. But even when threatened by accounting discrepancies and mob connections, Jon and Charles won’t let go of the family they’ve built together without a fight.


$4.99 $3.74

Holy Cow!

2016 Daily Dose | A Walk on the Wildside
$3.99 $2.99

American med student Duncan Stirling is traveling around India with his two best friends, who have just married. Their last stop is the magical city of Jaisalmer, a fort in the Thar Desert of Rajasthan. He feels like a third wheel on their honeymoon, though the three friends had the trip planned for years, to celebrate finishing medical school and have a last adventure before they start their residencies back in the States.

Akash Nandi is an Indian man from a wealthy and well-known family. At least that’s how he appears. He hides the truth that his family is descended from Nandi, Lord Shiva’s bull, and they’ve guarded sacred places for millennia. Being gay and immortal is tough, especially when his family’s expectations make finding the right mate impossible. As his grandmother, the family matriarch, nears death, a struggle for power puts Akash and his new crush, the charming American Duncan, in harm’s way.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Daily Dose package "A Walk on the Wild Side".


$3.99 $2.99

More Fish in the Sea

2016 Daily Dose | A Walk on the Wildside
$3.99 $2.99

Travel agent Jarrett Joynson won’t let his cheating boyfriend spoil his dream vacation, but being alone in Hawaii is more difficult than he imagined. When his attempts to catch a new lover fail, he turns to his Wiccan faith to ask the moon for guidance.

Shark shape-shifter Kainalu Enakai is in a similar position. His last relationship fell apart because he couldn’t share the truth with his boyfriend. Now Kainalu is on the prowl, looking for a new distraction.

When the moon draws Jarrett and Kainalu together, sparks fly. But the old scars on both their hearts cause trouble between them. If they cannot learn to trust each other, it will put not only their relationship in danger, but possibly Jarrett’s life.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Daily Dose package "A Walk on the Wild Side".


$3.99 $2.99

Quiet as a Mouse

2016 Daily Dose | A Walk on the Wildside
$1.99 $1.49

Upon moving to a new town, shy shifter Paul is instantly smitten with local choirmaster Cale. Wanting to spend as much time with Cale as possible, he becomes the proverbial church mouse so he can enjoy Cale’s music without revealing his feelings. But when Cale sees him and traps are set, Paul faces a difficult choice. What does he want out of life, and does he have the courage to go after it? Will he be a man… or a mouse?


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Daily Dose package "A Walk on the Wild Side."


$1.99 $1.49


2016 Daily Dose | A Walk on the Wildside
$1.99 $1.49

When Gray Fox sets out by canoe to visit Elk Horn, his childhood friend and secret crush, mysterious forces strand him on a terrifying hunk of ebony rock known as Black Island. During the dark, cold night, a strangely androgynous being seduces the young virgin. In the midst of his passion, the creature shifts into a comely youth, shocking the naïve young man. He can hardly wait to tell Elk Horn about the experience. But does he dare?


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Daily Dose package "A Walk on the Wild Side."


$1.99 $1.49


Hunting Evil | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Hunting Evil: Book One

A string of murders targeting effeminate gay men has the GLBTQ community of Chicago on alert, but budget cuts have left many precincts understaffed and overworked, and homophobia is alive and well within the law enforcement community so little has been done to solve the mystery. When the FBI calls in Special Agent Todd Hutchinson and his team, the locals are glad to hand the case off. But Hutch finds a bigger mystery than anyone originally realized—seventeen linked murders committed in several different jurisdictions. Hutch’s clues lead him to Noah Walker.

Working on his PhD in forensic psychology, Noah has been obsessed with serial murders since he was a child. Noah finds himself hunted, striking him off Hutch’s suspect list, but not off his radar. To catch the killer before anyone else falls victim, they’ll have to work together to bring him to justice.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2014.


$6.99 $5.24

Under a Blood-red Moon

Duncan Andrews Thrillers
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Dead End
A Duncan Andrews Thriller

Private Detective Duncan Andrews is back, along with the usual gang: Robbie, Gina, Nick, and Daisy, the zombie bulldog! Duncan is trying to figure out how his boyfriend, Robbie, will fit in with the team now that he is no longer a ghost. That worry is soon set aside when Duncan accepts a new case to locate a missing young man named Graig Betz. Duncan soon learns Graig is part of a werewolf pack that is terrorizing Indianapolis. The pack is led by a witch, Ashley Campbell, an old rival of Gina’s. Duncan and his team must try to rescue and cure Graig and stop the wolf pack from destroying an entire city.


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74

Sequel to Romanus

Fireman Mason James thought finding out he is a Romanus—a rare class of gargoyle—would be the surprise of a lifetime, but he’s proven wrong when he discovers he is the son of a comte and goji nobility. But his newly discovered family doesn’t think his gargoyle lover, Luc, is good enough for a goji of Mason’s stature—how could a warrior ever be? But despite the Moreaus’ uncertainty and elitism, they are Mason’s only chance to unravel the mystery behind his mother’s death, find a solution for the class divide that might separate him from Luc, and discover what it truly means to be a Romanus.


$4.99 $3.74


Love, Unexpected
$6.99 $5.24

A Love, Unexpected Tale
They never knew what hit them.

Two months after Mitch Jenkins had the rug pulled out from under him when his two-year relationship came to an abrupt end, he is still hurting. A colleague’s attempt to cheer him up brings Mitch to a secret “club.” Mitch isn’t remotely interested in the twinks parading like peacocks, until he spies the young man at the back of the room, nose firmly in a book and oblivious to his surroundings. Now Mitch is interested.

Nikko Kurokawa wants to pay his debt and get the hell out of the Black Lounge. Earning his freedom isn’t proving easy, especially when he starts attracting interest. Life becomes that little bit easier to bear when he meets Mitch, who is nothing like the other men who frequent the club. And when Mitch crawls under his skin and into his heart, Nikko figures he can put up with anything. Before long he’ll be out of there, and he and Mitch can figure out if they have a future together.

Neither of them counted on those who don’t want Nikko to leave….


$6.99 $5.24


Stopping to offer help one sultry summer night, Mason James is unprepared for the change that this simple act of kindness will bring. After giving an old man a ride home, Mason discovers a new, magical, and even dangerous world he cannot hope to understand. But he also finds Luc Toussaint and is intoxicated at first sight... and even the secret Luc protects won’t be enough to keep Mason away from the truth of his heritage and their love.


Fireman Mason James thought finding out he is a Romanus—a rare class of gargoyle—would be the surprise of a lifetime, but he’s proven wrong when he discovers he is the son of a comte and goji nobility. But his newly discovered family doesn’t think his gargoyle lover, Luc, is good enough for a goji of Mason’s stature—how could a warrior ever be? But despite the Moreaus’ uncertainty and elitism, they are Mason’s only chance to unravel the mystery behind his mother’s death, find a solution for the class divide that might separate him from Luc, and discover what it truly means to be a Romanus.


Bad Dogs and Drag Queens

Rose and Thorne | Book One
$5.99 $4.49

Rose and Thorne: Book One

Vinnie Delarosa and Ethan Thorne are partners—on and off the clock. Federal undercover detectives, they’re part of a covert task force designed to promote goodwill between the feds and local authorities. They lend an unobtrusive helping hand wherever it’s needed. No credit required.

Vinnie and Ethan work primarily in the Southeast region of the United States and live together in Richmond, Virginia. A mugger problem brings them to Roanoke, where Vinnie is thrown out as bait to catch the man who’s been snatching purses in a city park, but they end up with more than they bargained for. Why is Vinnie always the one who has to wear the dress? Ethan says it’s because Vinnie looks much prettier in a skirt. How can he argue with that?

Expecting to return to Richmond afterward, Vinnie and Ethan find themselves assigned a new case instead. They are to go undercover at The Stroll, one of the biggest gay nightclubs in Roanoke. Someone is terrorizing both the customers and the performers. Could they be dealing with a hate crime? Someone has to protect the drag queens of Roanoke, so it’s Vinnie and Ethan to the rescue!



The author is donating 10% of the royalties from this book to No Kid Hungry. Visit for more information about this organization.


$5.99 $4.49
$3.99 $2.99

London bartender Fane thinks he’s hit the jackpot when he finds a rare and expensive service Bot discarded in a dumpster, and he takes it home to get it working again. The Jo-E brings some much-needed companionship to Fane’s lonely life, but there’s something different about this Bot, as indicated by its odd behavior. Fane’s developing feelings toward Jo-E trouble him, and things go from bad to worse when a robotics engineer arrives on Fane’s doorstep, demanding the return of his property. Fane is forced to choose between a hefty reward and following his heart. Giving in to his forbidden desires might get him killed—or change his life forever.


$3.99 $2.99

Moment of Impact

Moments in Time | Book One

Moments in Time: Book One

Outside Collin Fitzpatrick’s dorm room is a dangerous place. Beyond his door the students of his small, conservative college think he’s straight, as does his Catholic family who'd disown him if they learned the truth. Inside, he’s safe with his incredibly sexy roommate Tanner D’Amico. Their room makes a perfect place to hide away and fall in love. The moment they cross the line from roommates to lovers, Collin becomes caught between their heavenly passionate encounters and the hellish reality that someone might find out and destroy everything. Tanner's not used to being so confined, and wants to show the world how much he loves Collin. But Collin’s not sure he’s ready for the impact stepping outside will make.


$6.99 $5.24

Lernt Patrick Cleary kennen: Nachtschwärmer, Versager, Spastiker. Patrick versucht verzweifelt, sich zu ändern. Das Ergebnis ist so eindrucksvoll, dass es ihn fast umbringt.

Lernt Wes „Whiskey“ Keenan kennen: Ein Biologe auf Dauer-Exkursion, der sich fragt, wann es wohl Zeit wird, sesshaft zu werden. Als der schlimmste Tag in Patricks Leben damit endet, dass Whiskey ihm das Leben rettet, fangen die beiden an, ihr Leben und eine winzig kleine Koje in dem heruntergekommensten Hausboot, das die Welt je gesehen hat, zu teilen.

Patrick will sein Leben auf die Reihe bekommen und Whiskey will ihm dabei helfen. Doch Patrick ist sich nicht sicher, ob das überhaupt möglich ist. Er ist davon überzeugt, dass er eine Anomalie der Natur ist. Aber Whiskey, der mit echten Anomalien arbeitet, glaubt, dass alles, was Patrick braucht, ein klein wenig Hilfe ist, um die Schönheit unter seiner spastischen Hülle zu sehen, und Whiskey bietet sich gerne dafür an. Zwischen ungewöhnlichen Fröschen, einem lebensbedrohlichen Ex-Freund und Patricks eigenen Blockaden, benötigt Whiskey seine gesamte Geduld, damit Patrick das Gute in sich findet, bevor die beiden in klarem Wasser schwimmen können.


$6.99 $5.24

Stoccata finale

Questione di tempo
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro della serie Questione di tempo

La vita non è mai stata facile per Duncan Stiel. La sua infanzia è stata un incubo. Il suo lavoro come poliziotto sotto copertura lo obbliga a nascondere la sua vera natura e, di tanto in tanto, lo fa finire in ospedale. Quando finalmente incontra l’uomo perfetto, non è una sorpresa che tutto vada completamente a rotoli. Quello che Duncan non si aspetta è che l’ostacolo più grande da superare prima di poter vivere la sua storia con Aaron Sutter è quello che porta dentro di sé.

Tutti pensano che Aaron abbia tutto: bellezza, soldi, fama e un successo incommensurabile. Tutti tranne lui. Alla fine di ogni giornata, lontano dai flash, con le questioni di affari risolte e mentre gli amici tornano alle loro vite, Aaron si ritrova sempre solo. Nel momento stesso in cui incontra il travolgente detective Duncan Stiel, sa che farà di tutto per tenerlo con sé. Quando però capisce che i soldi non bastano a comprare la felicità, deve trovare la forza per regalare a Duncan qualcosa di molto più importante: il suo cuore.


$6.99 $5.24

Fire and Snow

Carlisle Cops | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

Carlisle Cops: Book Four

Fisher Moreland has been cast out of his family because they can no longer deal with his issues. Fisher is bipolar and living day to day, trying to manage his condition, but he hasn’t always had much control over his life and has self-medicated with whatever he could find.

JD Burnside has been cut off from his family because of a scandal back home. He moved to Carlisle but brought his Southern charm and warmth along with him. When he sees Fisher on a park bench on a winter’s night, he invites Fisher to join him and his friends for a late-night meal.

At first Fisher doesn’t know what to make of JD, but he slowly comes out of his shell. And when Fisher’s job is threatened because of a fire, JD’s support and care is more than Fisher ever thought he could expect. But when people from Fisher’s past turn up in town at the center of a resurgent drug epidemic, Fisher knows they could very well sabotage his budding relationship with JD.


$6.99 $5.24

After a meet-cute in a bathroom and a whirlwind courtship, Ryan is ready to introduce Scotty to his parents. But a misunderstanding and some stubborn cuff buttons tangle Ryan up in an oxford shirt at a really inopportune time. Can Scotty take this opportunity to teach Ryan one or two more lessons about falling in love?

2nd Edition
Previously published in the Curious: A Woman's Introduction to Gay Romance anthology by Dreamspinner Press, 2010.