Gay books

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Kitchen servant Yoli is one of only three men who know a carefully guarded secret about High Commander Koehen, the brilliant general who united their lands against a common invader. The enemy wants that secret, and they are willing to use either kindness or cruelty to obtain it.

Yoli must decide if his loyalties lie with the commander, who has shown him more affection than anyone in Yoli’s life, or with his own best interests. High Commander Koehen’s attention is capricious at best—he summons Yoli only when it is convenient for him, and Yoli knows there’s little hope of a future together. Is a glimmer of a hope for love worth sacrificing a chance for prosperity beyond his wildest dreams?

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Silver Publishing, 2013.


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When drama threatens to ruin a romance on a reality show, only a true friend can save a groomzilla’s wedding.

Daniel Green is neither a romantic nor a wedding planner, but he’s the only person who can manage his childhood friend Ander, an outrageous fashion designer soon to marry a wealthy entertainment lawyer. Distracting Daniel is Owen Grainger, a too-handsome-to-be-true producer whose quiet charm pulls Daniel into his orbit.

When the stress of the show triggers bad behavior from Ander, the coproducer decides it’s the key to a ratings bonanza, and he undermines Ander and Rafe’s relationship to create more drama. Daniel is determined to protect his friend, but when he falls for Owen, there’s much more at stake than ratings.

Groomzilla Does Vegas

Daniel Green and Owen Grainger found a happy ending in the middle of chaos. Now, a year later, they are engaged, setting up house, and working on their new production company. What could go wrong? Well, allowing the eccentric but well-meaning Ander to be the wedding planner is possibly Daniel's first mistake. A bachelor weekend in Las Vegas might just make or break Daniel's last nerve.


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Don't miss these reader favorites from Kate McMurray!

In Blind Items, Jonathan is too afraid to step out of the closet, and Drew thinks the smartest thing might be to let him go—until Jonathan shows up drunk one night at his apartment. The slow burn of their attraction doesn’t fade with Jonathan's buzz, but navigating a relationship is never easy—especially in the shadow of right-wing politics. In Four Corners, after five years gone, Adam is back, and he has his mind set on Jake. But those years of anger, hurt, and confusion are a lot to overcome, and Jake doesn’t find it easy to forgive. In The Stars The Tremble, Mike’s partner was killed when Emma was a toddler, and Gio mourns the beautiful voice he will never have again, so coping with loss is something they have in common. Their initial physical attraction quickly grows to something more as each hopes to fill the gap that loss and grief has left in his life. In When the Planets Align, quiet, practical Simon realizes he’s been in love with Michael all his life, only now Michael has moved on. They will find themselves in the right place at the right time to take the next step. In The Windup, Ian lets an old friend talk him into joining the Rainbow League, New York’s LGBT amateur baseball league. Baseball turns out to be a great outlet for his anxiety, and not only because sexy teammate Ty has caught his eye. But when Ian receives an offer for a job overseas, Ty needs a new plan: convince Ian that home is where Ty is.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


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A los veinticuatro años, los tics y tartamudeos de Carter Stevenson lo han convertido en una persona extremadamente tímida. Aunque sus amigos lo acusan de dejar que su síndrome de Tourette le dicte la vida, Carter decide irse de Los Ángeles y trasladarse a una ciudad más pequeña y tranquila de California, Santa Josefina. Su intención es mantener un perfil bajo y evitar a la gente. Lo que no estaba en sus planes es que su vecino, Ethan Hart, entre estrepitosamente en su soledad y lo obligue a salir y a vivir.

Desde el principio, Ethan deja claro su amor por Carter. Pero teme que Carter no vea más allá de su lesión cerebral, a pesar de que eso le permita estar más en armonía con sus sentimientos que la mayoría de la gente. Para Carter, hay un gran problema: ha sufrido mucho en el pasado a manos de quienes se suponía eran su pareja «perfecta» y no quiere volver a arriesgar su corazón.

Sea como sea, Ethan está decidido a mostrarle a Carter que deben estar juntos. Pero entonces, Ethan recibe malas noticias y de repente necesita a Carter para que le dé apoyo y fuerzas para seguir adelante. ¿Será capaz Carter de estar a la altura cuando Ethan más lo necesita?


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L'aspetto dell'amore

Serie Sensi e Sentimenti
$3.99 $2.99

Un libro della Serie Sensi e Sentimenti

Qual è l’aspetto dell’amore? E chi lo incontra gli darà l’attenzione che merita?

Il poliziotto volontario Sebastian Sumner sarà anche sordo, ma è forte e capace. Ha una relazione con il detective Jordan Waters ormai da un anno. La loro storia ha avuto alti e bassi, ma il loro amore poggia su basi solide. Peccato che le loro vite lavorative siano più incerte, perlomeno quella di Jordan, che assieme al suo partner sta indagando su Aldous Henley, un losco mercante d’arte sospettato di contraffazione e ricettazione. Ma dimostrare i crimini dell’uomo e consegnarlo alla giustizia si sta rivelando una sfida più difficile del previsto.

Henley non è più solo un problema di lavoro. Il caso consuma l’attenzione di Jordan, che fatica a mantenere l’equilibrio fra la sua impegnata vita professionale e l’altrettanto importante vita privata, soprattutto con un anniversario importante in arrivo. L’amore sarà anche sotto gli occhi di tutti, ma questo non significa che vada dato per scontato.


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$6.99 $5.24

Even though bankers’ hours leave long weekends for romance, cosmic intervention is Grant’s only option when money doesn’t buy happiness and he’s got virginity in spades.

Grant Adams is a twenty-six-year-old bank teller who’s unlucky at love, yet hopelessly hopeful. After years of horrific first dates, he’s convinced he’s saving himself for true love. Surely he has bad taste in men because it couldn’t possibly be his persnickety nature that’s sent them packing.

Tristan Carr has been in a holding pattern since his daughter was born fifteen years ago, which suits his workaholic lifestyle just fine. This ex–naval officer turned auto mechanic never wanted anyone interfering with being a weekend dad. For Tristan to rearrange his carefully orchestrated life, a guy will need to be special. Or in the case of the newest employee at his bank, the guy will need to be adorable, shy, and open to the prospect of forever when it shows up at his window.


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$6.99 $5.24

Their physical and mental survival depends on them bonding.

Jamal Zumati joins the military, determined to repay the country that fed and housed him. But during his Hamask activation, his senses go offline and he enters a berserker rage. The United States Hamrammr Program, or USHP, has only one option: put him into hibernation.

Despite his extraordinary ability to read and manipulate situations, Vargr Lt. Rum Walker has stepped on one too many brass toes, and the USHP demoted him back to teaching new candidates. Rum is one paranoid thought away from self-destruction when he is recruited for a covert mission: pull Jamal from hibernation.

The problem is, no one has ever survived a berserker fury—at least not officially. If Rum is to challenge the military stereotypes, he’ll not only need to wake Jamal—he’ll need to get him to agree to be bonded as a Hamra Pair, the ultimate supersoldier team.

When Jamal and Rum team up with an FBI Hamra Pair to stop the terrorist group Dios Provee, Rum thinks he’ll show Jamal their true potential lies in an equal partnership, but Jamal is convinced Rum should take the lead. Will Rum stop Jamal from going berserk again and destroying both of their futures?


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$3.99 $2.99

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Max Jackson is your typical teenage boy, concentrating on his classes at school and being accepted into a good university after graduation. There’s just the small matter of the bomb in his basement, one Max and his fellow members of the “Injustice League” plan to use to level their city’s unethical government. Too bad superhero Crush Goodman puts a stop to their plans. Max understands why Crush would steal the League’s doomsday device, but why is Crush following him around and acting like they’re friends? When the reprehensible Doctor Decay butts his head into Max’s business, Max has to figure out how to save the city he’s always worked to destroy—with or without Crush’s help.


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$6.99 $5.24

Will Mracek is forced to flee to Prague when he witnesses his boyfriend, powerful security magnate Jean Claude la Bête, commit murder. On the run, and with help from his cousin John, Will becomes an English teacher named Max Knight and does everything he can to blend in. Meeting Hadrian Walls, however, changes everything.

Max falls in love with the grumpy ex-RAF, now bartender, and Hadrian finds himself doing the same, despite not knowing the secrets of Max’s dangerous past.

But trouble has a way of coming home, and Max and Jean Claude will face each other one last time in a confrontation that sends both of them over the edge….


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Feuer und Wasser

Carlisle Cops (Deutsch) | Buch 1
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Buch 1 in der Serie - Carlisle Cops

Officer Red Markham kennt die Schattenseiten des Lebens. Von einem Autounfall, der seinen Eltern das Leben kostete, hat er hässliche Narben davongetragen, die ihm den Umgang mit anderen Menschen schwer machen. Sein Job als Polizist auf den Straßen von Carlisle, Pennsylvania, trägt ebenso dazu bei, da sich in letzter Zeit Drogenmissbrauch mit tödlichem Ausgang häuft. Eines Nachmittags wird Red wegen eines Kindes, das bei einem Unfall fast ertrunken wäre, zum örtlichen Schwimmbad gerufen. Am Unfallort stellt er fest, dass das Kind von dem Rettungsschwimmer Terry Baumgartner gerettet wurde. Red ist nicht überrascht, als der gut aussehende Terry ihn und sein hässliches Gesicht keines Blickes würdigt.

Mit anzuhören, dass einer der Rettungskräfte ihn für oberflächlich hält, öffnet Terry die Augen. Vielleicht ist er doch nicht so nett, wie er immer gedacht hat. Seine Freundin Julie schlägt vor, dass er Menschen unterstützt, denen es nicht so gut geht, indem er Essen an ältere Leute liefert. Auf seiner Tour trifft er die offenherzige Margie, eine Frau, die sagt, was sie denkt. Es stellt sich heraus, dass sie die Tante von Officer Red Markham ist.

Reds und Terrys Welten prallen aufeinander, als Red versucht, den Ursprung der Drogenwelle zu finden und Terry vor seinem Exfreund zu beschützen, der ein Nein nicht akzeptieren kann. Zusammen finden sie vielleicht mehr, als sie erwartet hatten – wenn sie es schaffen, hinter die Fassade des anderen zu blicken.


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$4.99 $3.74

L’ultimissima cosa che Vincent Wade si aspetta è che Carson Cress gli chieda di uscire. Vince è uno studente di biologia scrupoloso e solitario; Carson Cress, al contrario, è una superstar del football, una specie di mito che vive costantemente sotto ai riflettori. È impossibile che tra loro possa funzionare. Ma Vince sta imparando che spesso le persone piombano nella tua vita come una forza inarrestabile e che tutto quello che ti resta da fare è aggrapparti, oppure ritrovarti con il cuore spezzato. Se la loro storia riuscirà a sopravvivere al disastroso incidente che costringe Carson a ripensare tutto il proprio futuro, allora forse Vince potrà finalmente trovare qualcosa in cui credere.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Brethren Novel

Jeremy Spencer never imagined the occult order he and his boyfriend, Bowyn, started as a joke in college would become an international organization with hundreds of followers. Now a professor with expertise in Renaissance music, Jeremy is drawn back into the world of free love and ceremonial magick. The old jealousies and hurt that separated him from Bowyn eight years ago no longer seem significant. 

Then Jeremy begins to wonder if the centuries-old score he’s been asked to transcribe hides something sinister. With each stanza, local birds flock to the old mansion, a mysterious fog descends upon the grounds, and bats swarm the temple dome. During a séance, the group receives a cryptic warning from the spirit realm. And as the music’s performance draws nearer, Jeremy realizes it may hold the key to incredible power—power somebody is willing to kill for.

Second Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2013.


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Dirty Heart

Cole McGinnis Mysteries
$6.99 $5.24

Cole McGinnis Mysteries

Former LAPD detective Cole McGinnis’s life nearly ended the day his police partner and best friend Ben Pirelli emptied his service weapon into Cole and his then-lover, Rick. Since Ben turned his gun on himself, Cole thought he’d never find out why Ben tried to destroy him.

Years later, Cole has stitched himself back together. Now a private investigator and in love with Jae-Min Kim, a Korean-American photographer he met on a previous case, Cole’s life is back on track—until he discovers Jeff Rollins, a disgraced cop and his first partner, has resurfaced and appears to be working on the wrong side of the law.

As much as Cole’s fought to put the past behind him, he’s soon tangled up in a web of lies, violence, and death. Jeff Rollins is not only trying to kill Cole’s loved ones, he is also scraping open old wounds and long-forgotten memories of the two men Cole loved and lost. Cole is sure Rollins knows why Ben ruined all their lives, but he isn’t looking for answers. Now Cole is caught in a cat-and-mouse game with a cold-blooded killer with the key to not only his past but his future.


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In My Heart Novellas

An Infatuation

With his ten-year high school reunion approaching, Harold wonders whether Mario will be as muscular, sexy, and tantalizing as he remembers. As a teenager, it was love at first sight for Harold while tutoring football star Mario, until homophobia and bullying drove Mario deep into the closet. Now they’re both married men. Mario, a model, is miserable with his producer wife, while Harold, a teacher, is perfectly content with his businessman husband, Stuart. When the two meet again, will the old flame reignite, setting Harold’s comfortable life ablaze? How can Harold be happy with Stuart when he is still infatuated with his Adonis, his first love, Mario? Harold faces this seemingly impossible situation with inimitable wit, tenderness, and humor as he attempts to reconcile the past and the future.

A Shooting Star

On the eve of the best night of his life, winning an Academy Award, Jonathan Bello thinks back to his one great love, David Star.

Flipping back the pages of time, Jonathan recalls his handsome, muscular, and charismatic college roommate. Since Jonathan was a freshman and David a senior in the Theatre Department, David took Jonathan under his wing and molded him, not only as an actor but as a lover. With every wonderful new adventure, David left his joyful mark on anyone with whom they came in contact, but Jonathan soon uncovered David’s dark past, leading to a shocking event. Undaunted, Jonathan celebrates the captivating man who will always hold a special place in his heart.

A Bittersweet Dreams title: It's an unfortunate truth: love doesn't always conquer all. Regardless of its strength, sometimes fate intervenes, tragedy strikes, or forces conspire against it. These stories of romance do not offer a traditional happy ending, but the strong and enduring love will still touch your heart and maybe move you to tears.



2015 Award Winners

Derek Sawyer thinks he has it all—a high-salaried position, a boyfriend, a dog, even a new cabin on the lake—until a business trip with his manager and best friend, Victor, shatters his world.

One night of drunken horsing around in their hotel room leads to the most intensely personal violation Derek has ever endured. As if the humiliation of working under his attacker every day isn’t enough, Victor reports Derek for sexual harassment. Now he’s without a job, without a boyfriend, and the mortgage on the cabin is due.

Officer Russ Thomas has worked with rape victims before, and it doesn’t take him long to sort out the truth in Derek’s tale. With his support, Derek finally reports the crime, months after it happened. But restraining orders and lawyers further Victor’s anger toward him, and even though a relationship develops between Derek and the policeman, Russ can’t be there to protect him all the time.


$6.99 $2.69

When vacationing Denver architect Roger Mackie rolls into a quaint old trading post in Montana’s Bitterroot Mountain Range to gas up his car, it’s the start of a life-changing journey. Lean, handsome Chippewa Johnny Two-Guns is looking for a ride. He’s on a mission to recover some clan treasures. Roger is immediately smitten and drives Johnny all the way to Arizona.

Although the two successfully build a friendship, Roger is unable to initiate the intimacy they both seem to desire. A second visit gives Roger another chance to draw Johnny out of his shell. The payoff is spectacular, leading to a week of sex and discovery, during which Johnny’s innocent enthusiasm shows Roger a new side of love between men. But trouble is on the horizon for the new couple, as fate seems set against them. And what does the sudden appearance of sexy young architect Brad Beaver portend for the future?


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Love Comes to Light

Senses Series
$6.99 $5.24

A Senses Series Story

Artist Arik Bosler is terrified he might have lost his creative gift in the accident that left his hand badly burned. When he’s offered the chance to work with renowned artist Ken Brighton, Arik fears his injury will be too much to overcome.

He travels to Pleasanton to meet Ken, where he runs into the intimidating Reg Thompson. Reg, a biker who customizes motorcycles, is a big man with a heart of gold who was rejected by most of his family. Arik is initially afraid of Reg because of his size. However it’s Reg’s heart that warms Arik’s interest and gets him to look past the exterior to let down his guard.

But Arik soon realizes that certain members of Reg’s motorcycle club are into things he can’t have any part of. Reg can’t understand why Arik disappears until he learns Arik’s injury was the result of his father’s drug activity. Though neither Reg nor Arik wants anything to do with drugs, the new leadership of Reg’s club might have other ideas.


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$6.99 $5.24

Old friends and business partners, Maitland Carter and Lenny Fritz, may not be the two sharpest pickle forks in the picnic basket, but they have big hearts. And they are just now coming around to the fact that maybe their hearts are caught in a bit of turmoil.

Diving headfirst into a whirlwind of animal mayhem, these two self-proclaimed pet detectives strive to earn a living, reunite a few poor lost creatures with their lonely owners, and hopefully not make complete twits of themselves in the process.

When they stumble onto a confusing crime involving venomous reptiles, which is rather unnerving since they’re more accustomed to dealing with misplaced puppy dogs and puddy tats, they take the plunge into becoming real-life crime stoppers.

While they’re plunging into that, they’re also plunging into love. They just haven't admitted it to each other yet.


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