Urban Fantasy books


Les braises sous la cendre

Les contes de Pennymaker
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Les contes de Pennymaker, numéro hors série

Mark Sintorella (surnommé Cendres) travaille sans relâche en tant que valet dans un hôtel de luxe le jour, et dessine des vêtements la nuit, dans l’espoir secret de réussir un jour à entrer en école de mode. Mais tous ses plans tombent à l’eau le jour où il rencontre Ashton Armitage, fils de la cinquième plus grosse fortune des États-Unis. Le Prince Ashton est sans conteste le jeune homme le plus séduisant que Mark ait jamais vu de sa vie.

Le testament du grand-père d’Ashton le contraint à se marier s’il veut toucher l’héritage familial, aussi décide-t-il d’épouser Kiki Fanderel. Ce que personne ne sait, c’est qu’en réalité, Ash est gay, et c’est le garçon qui nettoie les cheminées qui fait battre son cœur.

Pour compliquer encore la situation, l’étrange Carstairs Pennymaker, petit homme espiègle et facétieux, découvre que Mark est styliste et décide de lui faire porter ses créations en le faisant passer pour une femme, espérant ainsi impressionner les gourous de la mode qui séjournent à l’hôtel. Et lorsque sonnent les douze coups de minuit, le prince se retrouve confronté non pas à une, mais deux princesses. Seulement l’une d’entre elles n’est pas ce qu’elle semble être. À qui la chaussure ira-t-elle ? Seul le mystérieux Monsieur Pennymaker le sait…


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$6.99 $3.49

Only a chosen few can prevent an ancient evil from overtaking the world: the Singers, the Seekers, and the Saviors….

Tyrell Hughes and Jeremy Michalak are both juniors at Winton Yowell High School in Chicago, and aside from sharing a homeroom, they couldn’t be more different. Tyrell is well-liked, surrounded by friends, popular with girls, and looking forward to a bright future. Jeremy transfers to Winton Yowell to escape the troubles of his past. He’s hoping to survive his last two years of high school by flying under his new classmates’ gaydar and indulging in his passion: playing clarinet.

Tyrell and Jeremy struggle to ignore their attraction to each other. But that becomes increasingly difficult as young people across the city start dying. Both teens realize they alone know the true cause of the tragedies—and have the ability to put a stop to them. They’re the city’s only chance to defeat the dark forces threatening it, but to succeed, they’ll need to find common ground and reconcile the desires they’re trying to deny.


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Quickening, Vol. 1

Little Goddess Universe
Little Goddess | Book Five, Vol. 1
$6.99 $3.49

Little Goddess: Book Five
Volume One

Cory thought she’d found balance on Green's Hill—sorceress, student, queen of the vampires, wife to three men—she had it down!  But establishing her right to risk herself with Green and Bracken had more than one consequence, and now she’s facing the world's scariest job title: mother.  

But getting the news that she’s knocked up takes a back seat when a half-elf hunts them down for help. Her arrival brings news that the werewolf threat, which has been haunting them for over a year, has finally arrived on their doorstep—and it’s bigger and more frightening than they’d ever imagined. 

Cory throws herself into this new battle with everything she’s got—and her men let her do it. Because they all know that whether they defeat this enemy now or later, the thing she's most afraid of is arriving on a set schedule, and not even Cory can avoid it.  The trick is getting her to acknowledge she's pregnant before she gives birth—or kills herself in denial.


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Uno scheletro sepolto

Serie Scheletri
$6.99 $3.49

Seguito di Un buono scheletro
Serie Scheletri, Libro 2

Non esiste un manuale per i lupi mannari, e nemmeno una guida per due uomini che si imbarcano in una storia d’amore. 

Sono passate alcune settimane da quando l’architetto Dylan Warner ha confessato al tuttofare Chris Nock di essere un mutaforma e lo ha salvato da Andy, il folle lupo mannaro responsabile della sua licantropia. Dylan e Chris si stanno ora dedicando sia a ristrutturare la casa di Dylan, sia a rafforzare le fondamenta del loro rapporto. Provengono da percorsi di vita molto diversi e nessuno dei due ha mai avuto una relazione importante. Riuscire a far funzionare la loro unione è già abbastanza difficile, anche volendo sorvolare su quel che succede a Dylan a ogni luna piena. 

A complicare la situazione, un fantasma infesta la casa di Dylan e nelle vite della nuova coppia riaffiorano scheletri che credevano sepolti. Dylan deve fronteggiare le conseguenze dell’uccisione di Andy e Chris continua a soffrire degli strascichi di un’infanzia difficile. 

Nel tentativo di sbarazzarsi del fantasma, Dylan riallaccia vecchie amicizie e si espone a nuovi pericoli. Intanto, il padre di Chris ricompare inaspettatamente nella sua vita, facendo riaffiorare emozioni sopite. Se Dylan e Chris vorranno costruire una relazione duratura, dovranno trovare la determinazione per affrontare ogni sfida.


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Order of the Black Knights
$6.99 $3.49

Order of the Black Knights

Gabriel Ingram is running from his past. It’s common knowledge at the college where he teaches that he’s a former CIA technical analyst, but no one knows the things he really did—or about the rage and bloodlust that are his constant companions. He’s holding on to his normal life with both hands, but he knows someday he’ll lose his grip.

Lucas Craig is a social worker studying to become a family therapist. For reasons Lucas can’t understand, the normally reclusive Professor Ingram takes an interest in him, and Lucas secretly hopes their friendship might become more.

Then Eric, Lucas’s roommate, disappears. Lucas is frantic. The police are no help. With nowhere else to turn, Lucas begs Gabriel for his expertise.

What starts as a simple errand to help a friend becomes a journey into a violent world of gangs and human trafficking—one that will bring Gabriel face-to-face with the forces intent on stealing his soul. But Lucas might be the one who can save him—if Gabriel can get them out alive.


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Une chienne de vie

Un hiver de loup
$6.99 $3.49

Un hiver de loup, numéro hors série

Le monde s’achève non pas dans une explosion, mais dans un déluge. Des tornades ravagent le cœur de Londres, une chaleur étouffante fait fondre le bitume à New York et des couches de permafrost de plus en plus épaisses paralysent la Russie. Au début, les hommes se mobilisent, organisent des co-voiturages et évacuent les populations, mais le temps ne fait qu’empirer.

À Durham, Danny Fennick, un professeur affable, s’est calfeutré chez lui en attendant que la tempête passe. Élevé dans les Highlands d’Écosse, il a connu des hivers plus rigoureux. Et surtout, il possède un avantage : c’est un loup-garou. Ou, plus exactement, un chien-garou. Moins impressionnant, mais tout aussi pratique.

Néanmoins, les loups-garous n’y voient pas qu’un simple hiver et franchissent le Mur du Nord pour marquer leur nouveau territoire. Parmi eux, son ex, Jack, fils du Numitor de la meute et prince héritier, et son frère, qui rêve de fratricide.

Un hiver de loup n’est pas blanc. Il est rouge comme le sang.


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$6.99 $3.49

Three hundred souls. That is all.

The entire world, all of human existence, comes to three hundred souls born and reborn again. No more and no less. Countless billions of people share these souls, each individual with a slight piece or sliver of grace. But when gods corrupt and upset the most delicate of balances, a hero must come forth to lead people toward a brighter day and a better life.


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$6.99 $3.49

Magical realism meets coming of age as four Verona College students are thrown together by choice as well as circumstance. When their lives and loves are threatened by blackmail and violence, they respond by using all the means at their disposal—including some they aren’t even aware they possess. But will that be enough to prevent tragedy or even death? 

Eric Arvin’s first novel is once again available, ready to set your heart racing and your mind reeling.

3rd Edition
First Edition published by Booklocker.com, Incorporated, 2006. Second Edition published by Wilde City Press, June 2016.


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$6.99 $3.49

My name’s Charlie. I’m many things, though none of them having to do with any real talent. I’m a runaway, a hustler when I need to be, a ghost when I have to scare hoodlums away from my home, and a loner who maybe reads too much. But most of all, I’m the keeper of the carnival. That’s how I see myself. I look after the place ’cause even dying things need to be cared for. Maybe it’s illegal. Maybe that rusty metal fence around the carnival is supposed to keep me out too. Or maybe me and this place were meant to find each other. Truth is, I never felt at home anywhere but here, not even in all the foster families and orphanages I was placed in as a young shit. They don’t look for me no more, those places. I suspect I ran away so much they finally just said, “Fuck! Let him go.” I am a hangnail on society’s manicured middle finger. I’m older. One year past the age anyone gives a shit. 

And this is my adventure…

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Wilde City Press, October 2014.


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$6.99 $3.49

As prince of the Anzuni demon clan, Jerricho’s entire life has been planned for him. At twenty-five, he will become the crown prince of the Anzuni, marry a man chosen by his parents, and bear his husband’s children all without choice. If that wasn’t enough, he must remain a virgin until his wedding night. To do otherwise would spark an unimaginable scandal.

With only ten months until his twenty-fifth birthday, the walls close in on Jerry, and the realization that he will lose his small apartment, his job at the library, and his freedom hits hard. But that’s nothing compared to losing the man he loves. Rex is a smart and sexy construction foreman with a keen interest in demon “mythology.” When Jerry and Rex give in to spending one night together, their indiscretion can’t be kept secret for long. But that’s only the beginning of their problems.

Someone wants to harness the power of Jerry’s bloodline and his ability to conceive—someone with designs on horrifying experiments, sex slavery, and murder. Jerry and Rex are at the mercy of power-hungry sadists. With no one left to trust, they must fight for each other, their freedom—and their unborn child.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Amber Quill Press/Amber Allure, 2015.


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Spell Fall

The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge | Book Four
$6.99 $3.49

The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge: Book Four

Love and trust made them soul mates, but destiny might have other plans.

Ever since Drake Carpenter fell in love with warlock Mason Blackmoor, his life has been one supernatural battle after another, but Drake doesn’t mind… much. To be with Mason and experience the magical connection they share, Drake would face entire hordes of vampyren, shifters, or fae—and he has. Luckily Drake is immune to magic, though no one can explain his natural ability to negate almost any enchantment. With Drake’s own family gone, Mason is all he has. So why is Drake experiencing disturbing dreams about Mason that terrify him?

A new threat looms on the horizon, and a revelation about Drake’s identity and the true origin of his bond with Mason shatters everything Drake believes. If Drake, Mason, and all of magic are to survive the coming Spell Fall, the most destructive curse in sorcery, Drake must deal with the truth and fight his way back to Mason—because their enemies are gaining strength, and they intend to reach the boy Drake loves first.


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The Haffling | Book Two
$6.99 $3.49

The Haffling: Book Two

Liam Summer, with the face of an angel and the body of an underwear model, has done bad things. Raised as the whore and cat’s paw of a murderous fairy queen, he has ruined many with his beauty. When Queen May’s plot to unite and rule the fairy and human realms fails, Liam wakes naked and alone in a Manhattan building on fire. Unaware the blaze is arson, and he’s its intended victim, he prepares to die.

Enter ax-wielding FDNY firefighter Charlie Fitzgerald, who Liam mistakes for an ogre assassin. As Charlie rescues Liam, he realizes the handsome blond has nowhere to go. So he does what he and his family have always done—he helps.

As for Queen May, trapped in the body of a flame-throwing salamander, she may be down, but she’s not out. Yes, she failed the last time, but Liam—and others—will pay. She knows what must be done: possess a haffling, cross into the human world engorged with magic, and become queen and Goddess over all.

As Liam realizes the danger they all face, he discovers unexpected truths. That even the most wicked are not beyond redemption, and that love—true love—is a gift even he can receive.


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$9.99 $4.99

Welcome to Jasper Lane, possibly the gayest suburb around. In SubSurditySuburbalicious, and SuburbaNights, meet the entire neighborhood and follow their misadventures with porn, dead bodies, parenthood, religious zealots, and romance, of course! No matter what problem they’re facing, they’ll do it with humor and style.

In Kid Christmas Rides Again, the Jolly Old Elf himself  has keeled over, and the Committee to Oversee the Christening of Kringle (COCK) must find a replacement. Kid Christmas is here to save Christmas as long as he can make it past the many traps and obstacles in his way.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $4.99

Beauty, Inc.

Pennymaker Tales

A Pennymaker Tale

Is beauty only skin deep?

Chemist Dr. Robert “Belle” Belleterre loves flowers, green trees, his best friend Judy, and “his baby:” the new face cream he developed to help put his father’s small cosmetics company on the map. Sadly he gets no help from his alcoholic, gambling-addicted father, who loses Belle in a poker game to Magnus Strong, the CEO of Beauty, Inc., the largest American cosmetics company—a man infamous for his scarred ugliness.

Belle finds himself uprooted from his home, living in a wildly crazy apartment in New York owned by Mr. Pennymaker, and completely unprepared for his mad attraction to the charismatic Strong. Feeling like a traitor, Belle fights his passion, only to see more and more of the goodness and humility hidden by Strong’s ugly face. But when Belle’s family starts manipulating his life again, the odds turn against happiness for beautiful Belle and his beloved beast.


Anyplace Else

2016 Advent Calendar | Bah Humbug
$3.99 $2.00

Grant Beaudoin should be thrilled to escape Minneapolis at Christmastime and grateful to lounge on a Hawaiian beach. Instead he is mired in self-pity and drowning in too much tequila. His twin is marrying the perfect man, while Grant is stuck in middle management with no love life in sight. A walk into the rain forest leads to a meeting with a doomed man who has a story about a holiday that predates Christmas. Grant comes to realize that difficult endings can lead to new beginnings—and perhaps a brighter future.


A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Advent Calendar "Bah Humbug."


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Rampant, Vol. 2

Little Goddess Universe
Little Goddess | Book Four, Vol. 2
$6.99 $3.49

Little Goddess: Book Four
Vol. 2

Lady Cory has carved out a life for herself not just as a wife to three husbands but also as one of the rulers of the supernatural communities of Northern California—and a college student in search of that elusive degree. When a supernatural threat comes crashing into the hard-forged peace of Green's Hill, she and Green determine that they're the ones in charge of stopping the abomination that created it. To protect the people they love, Cory, Bracken, and Nicky travel to Redding to confront a tight-knit family of vampires guarding a terrible secret. It also leads them to a conflict of loyalties, as Nicky's parents threaten to tear Nicky away from the family he's come to love more than his own life.

Cory has to work hard to hold on to her temper and her life as she tries to prove that she and Green are not only leaders who will bind people to their hearts, but also protectors who will keep danger from running rampant.

2nd Edition
First Edition published as Rampant: The Fourth Book of the Little Goddess Series by iUniverse, 2010.


$6.99 $3.49

A Chance for Us

New Vampire Justice | Book Two
$6.99 $3.49

New Vampire Justice: Book Two

Love between a young man with a broken mind and the jaded New Vampire Justice officer who cares for him might be the last hope to stop a human-vampire war….

Justin Masters is stuck in a nightmare. Waking after seven years in a catatonic state, he falls desperately in love with the straight NVJ officer who saved him. Between that and dreams of being tortured and taking pleasure in the pain, which bleed into his waking hours, Justin’s sure he’s starting to crack.

The growing unrest in the vampire world should be Max Kincaid’s focus, but Justin’s struggle, along with Max’s confusing feelings for his ward, have him reeling. When Justin’s attacked, his resulting needs might be more than Max can fulfill, but he’ll be damned if anyone else will touch Justin.

As the NVJ investigates humans missing from a high-end bite club, they uncover a deeper plot that traces back to Justin. If those who want him have their way, there will be bloodshed. Justin and Max are in a fight to save Justin not only from those who would use him, but from his own mind.


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$3.99 $2.00

Massage therapist Joe Wells is in a little over his head with his first job at the posh Magic Touch Sports Spa. He’s also secretly falling for his friendly, sexy coworker, the top-notch masseur Andre Swift. All the clients clamor for Andre, and so far none have taken to Joe.

On the verge of being fired, Joe saves the life of a mysterious kitten belonging to a white witch, who grants him a wish: a magic touch that could save his job and maybe even win him Andre’s love and respect. As Joe’s stock at the spa rises to crazy and barely manageable levels of success, demand for Andre’s services drops off. Will Joe lose Andre to an out-of-control spell? Or worse—Andre’s love might prove to be only a result of the magic, just like Joe’s sudden talent.


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