Urban Fantasy books


Von Fischen und Geistern

Hellsinger (Deutsch)
$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Hellsinger

Als sein Onkel Mortimer starb und ihm Hoxne Grange hinterließ, die Familienvilla aus dem späten neunzehnten Jahrhundert, wurde Tristan Pryce der Zweite in der Familie, der sich als Verwalter um das Anwesen kümmerte, einer Zwischenstation für Geister auf ihrem letzten Weg ins Leben nach dem Tode. Tristan ist auf die Herausforderung vorbereitet, wenn auch nicht unbedingt durch die Geister, die er seit seiner Kindheit sehen kann. Fest entschlossen, zu beweisen, dass Tristan geisteskrank ist, um Zugriff auf sein Erbe zu bekommen, heuern seine liebenden Verwandten Dr. Wolf Kincaid und seine paranormalen Ermittler, Hellsinger Investigations, an, um zu beweisen, dass es auf dem Grange nicht spukt.

Der Skeptiker Wolf Kincaid hat es sich zur Lebensaufgabe gemacht, übernatürliche Phänomene zu entlarven. Nach Jahren voller Schwindel und Fälschungen kann er es nicht erwarten, zu beweisen, dass die Geister des Grange nur auf knarrende Bodendielen und ein zugiges, altes Haus zurückzuführen sind. Auf dem Grange erwarten ihn einige Überraschungen, inklusive des bissigen, verschlossenen Besitzers. Tristan Pryce ist viel attraktiver und viel weniger verrückt, als Wolf bereit ist zuzugeben, und als sein Team im Grange einen geisterhaften Serienmörder befreit, ist er hin und hergerissen zwischen seinem Skeptizismus und dem Verlangen, den Mann zu beschützen, den er eigentlich diskreditieren soll.


$6.99 $5.24

Fox-Hat and Neko

2015 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Tsukino Ayumu is new to Yuuyake. When he lived in Tokyo, he always kept his head down, content to remain unnoticed in the crowd of students around him. Now in a small fishing village, he connects with Ikehara Haruki, his first real friend, and builds a close friendship with two girls, Shizuka and Chou. The four friends stick together as they forge their path through the haphazard world of dating and relationships while preparing for life after school ends. But fate will intervene, with Ayumu’s plans in particular, as the village’s young people are targeted by an unseen threat. Suffering violent and shocking dreams, Ayumu comes to discover that the spirit world has plans for his destiny. Despite his personal belief that he’s nothing but ordinary, he must learn to fight—and lead—to protect the friends he would die for. The mysterious Fox-Hat and Neko know Ayumu better than he knows himself, and he must decide if they will point him toward a path that leads to a happy ending for all… or the end of everything he knows and loves.


$6.99 $5.24

Carnival - Chattanooga

Carnival | Volume Two
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Carnival: Volume Two

Jesse, Donny, Chad, and Dax aren’t typical small town high school students. Not only do they make their homes amidst the gauze and glitter of the carnival, each of them possesses a supernatural power. They still face adversity, though, and their lives connect in surprising ways as they struggle against it.

Facing the death of his father, Jesse needs Donny’s love and support more than ever. Jesse and Donny are tired of hiding their relationship, but Donny is afraid of losing his eccentric family if he admits to being gay. Chad might be able to help them, but everything he does comes at cost, so he won’t intervene unless he’s sure he’s doing the right thing. Dax is sick of being bullied and having nowhere he feels he truly belongs. With enough effort, he hopes to find a home among the lights, music, and magic of the carnival.


$6.99 $5.24

Wounded, Vol. 1

Little Goddess Universe
Little Goddess | Book Two, Vol. 1
$6.99 $5.24

Little Goddess: Book Two
Vol. 1

Cory fled the foothills to deal with the pain of losing Adrian, and Green watched her go. Separately, they could easily grieve themselves to death, but when an old enemy of Green's brings them back together, they can no longer hide from their grief—or their love for each other.

But Cory's grieving has cut her off from the emotional stability that's the source of her power, and Green's worry for her has left them both weak. Cory's strength comes from love, and she finds that when she's in the presence of Adrian's best friend, Bracken, she feels stronger still.

But defeating their enemy is by no means a sure thing. As the attacks against Cory and her lovers keep coming, it becomes clear that their love might not be enough if they can't heal each other—and themselves—from the wounds that almost killed them all.

2nd Edition
First Edition published as Wounded: The Second Novel of the Little Goddess by iUniverse, 2006.


$6.99 $5.24

Spell Bound

The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge | Book One
2015 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge: Book One

Mason Blackmoor just can’t compete with his brothers, much less his father. They represent the epitome of black magic, strong, dark, and wicked, and though Mason tries to live up to his respected lineage, most of the spells he casts go awry. To make matters worse, his active power has yet to kick in. While his brothers wield lightning and harness the cold, Mason sits on the sidelines, waiting for the moment when he can finally enter the magical game.

When a dead body is discovered on the football field of his high school, Mason meets Drake Carpenter, the new kid in town. Drake’s confident demeanor and quick wit rub Mason the wrong way. Drake is far too self-assured for someone without an ounce of magical blood in his body, and Mason aims to teach him a lesson—like turn him into a roach. And if he’s lucky, maybe this time Mason won’t be the one turned into an insect.

Not surprisingly, the dislike is mutual, and Drake does nothing to dispel Mason’s suspicion that the sexy boy with a southern drawl is somehow connected to the murder.

If only Mason didn’t find himself inexplicably spell bound whenever they are together, they might actually find out what danger hides in the shadows.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Joe se despierta desnudo en un campo de cebada, sin recuerdos y sin saber cómo ha llegado hasta allí. Antes de que se dé cuenta, emprende el último gran viaje de su vida. Junto a su guía espiritual, Baker, y la orden de tener valor que recibe de boca de un misterioso y atrayente desconocido, que de alguna manera le resulta familiar, Joe parte por un paisaje extraño y cambiante para enfrentarse a su pasado.

La misión no está exenta de desafíos. El pasado de Joe no es siempre fácil de rememorar, pero si quiere encontrar paz, y reunirse con el desconocido por el que se siente tan atraído, debe continuar hasta el final por mucho que le tiente detenerse por el camino.


$6.99 $5.24

A Counselor Among Wolves

Leader Murders | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Leader Murders: Case Two

Five dead leaders, their bodies arranged in a pentagram. Treason, lies, and backstabbing. A make-believe affair that turns into a real mating.

Timothy Sands is a PBI counselor, half-fey, half-elf, with a secret crush on Herman Weiss, PBI director. As a new chapter is added to the Leader Murders, it is Weiss’s responsibility to investigate what seems an impossible-to-solve case. The other problem? Weiss is suffering from rages, and his only salvation lies in Tim’s emotional-grid-balancing skills. They only have to pretend to be a couple for Tim to use his talents, and he owes Weiss a big favor. Piece of cake, right?

The fey might be involved in the Leader Murders. Someone on the Council might be their ally, and another prominent PBI figure looks more and more suspicious as they investigate. The stakes are upped when Timothy’s father, the Fey King, threatens to leave the Council destitute if they don’t hand Timothy over to him. Weiss’s brilliant solution? Mating Timothy and forcing the Council into protecting him.

There’s only one small hitch in that plan: instead of protecting one, the Council might decide to get rid of two.


$6.99 $5.24

Allianz des Blutes

$6.99 $5.24

Buch 1 in der Serie - Blutspartnerschaft

Können ein verzweifelter Magier und ein verbitterter, desillusionierter Vampir einen Weg finden, Partner zu werden und ihre Welt zu retten?

In einer Welt, in der ein Krieg der Magier tobt, werden Vampire von vielen als minderwertig angesehen, als die stereotypischen Geschöpfe der Nacht, denen die Menschen zum Opfer fallen. Doch der Krieg wird immer bedrohlicher und die Magier wissen, dass sie Hilfe brauchen, um das Geschick zu ihren Gunsten zu wenden. Die dunklen Magier wollen die bestehende Welt auslöschen, und die Stärke der Vampire könnte den Ausschlag geben, um das zu verhindern.

Die Magier gehen das Wagnis ein, den Chef de la Cour der Vampire zu einem geheimen Treffen zu überreden, um ihn von ihrem guten Willen zu überzeugen und seine Unterstützung zu gewinnen. Alain Magnier, ein verzweifelter Magier, und Orlando St. Clair, ein verbitterter, desillusionierter Vampir, treffen sich in Paris auf einem Friedhof. Das Schicksal der Welt hängt vom Ausgang dieses Treffens ab. Werden die Vampire sich dem Kampf gegen die dunklen Magier anschließen und sich mit den Magiern auf eine Partnerschaft einlassen, um den Krieg gemeinsam zu gewinnen?


$6.99 $5.24

Blood and Ghosts

Blood | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Blood and Rain
Blood: Book Two

Vampire hunter Adrien Gilbert never dreamed he’d fall for his prey or that his love, Nicolas Lambert, would give him the gift of immortality. But when a hunter bent on destroying the truce between vampires and hunters throws the gauntlet at Adrien’s feet, Adrien must travel through time to save Nicolas, and with him, the entire vampire race.

With Nicolas’s marriage to a rival clanswoman only weeks away, Adrien struggles to come to terms with his defeat at the hands of Verel Pelletier, a vampire hunter and an immortal like himself. Adrien and his former teacher, Roland Günter, begin to explore his newly acquired abilities, but without his soul’s sword, Adrien flounders.

Then, on Nicolas’s wedding day, his brother reveals a two-hundred-year-old secret, sending the wedding party into a blazing battle between hunters and vampires. Once again Adrien finds himself facing Pelletier’s superior strength. Just as Adrien believes all hope of a future with Nicolas is lost, he finally learns his true gift—he can turn back time. But time travel comes with a high cost. To save Nicolas, Adrien must become strong enough to use his power without descending into madness.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

What if youth wasn't wasted on the young?

On the eve of his fortieth birthday, Ian Parker is looking for a reboot. He may be the proud owner of a trendy coffee shop in Austin called La Tazza Magica, but his love life has been MIA for years. During a trip to Denver with his best friend, Mark, Ian buys an enchanted chocolate from a mysterious candy store—then wakes up from a nap two decades younger. After the initial shock, Ian realizes a quirk of the universe has given him a second chance and, with Mark’s help, he devises a plan to start over.

With a new lease on life, Ian sets his sights on handsome architect Bartley James, a regular customer at La Tazza. He pursues Bartley as Ian’s twenty-one-year-old alter ego, Ryan, with decidedly unexpected results. Joining Ryan on his adventures are Matthew, the dreamy new barista, Jeremy, the geeky high-school math teacher, and Sam, the pizza delivery boy. Even as misunderstandings and expectations collide, Ian remains determined to right his past mistakes and find his off-ramp to happiness.


$6.99 $5.24


Little Goddess Universe
Little Goddess | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Little Goddess: Book One

Working graveyards in a gas station seems a small price for Cory to pay to get her degree and get the hell out of her tiny town. She's terrified of disappearing into the aimless masses of the lost and the young who haunt her neck of the woods. Until the night she actually stops looking at her books and looks up. What awaits her is a world she has only read about—one filled with fantastical creatures that she's sure she could never be.

And then Adrian walks in, bearing a wealth of pain, an agonizing secret, and a hundred and fifty years with a lover he's afraid she won't understand. In one breathless kiss, her entire understanding of her own worth and destiny is turned completely upside down. When her newfound world explodes into violence and Adrian's lover—and prince—walks into the picture, she's forced to explore feelings and abilities she's never dreamed of. The first thing she discovers is that love doesn't fit into nice neat little boxes. The second thing is that risking your life is nothing compared to facing who you really are—and who you'll kill to protect.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by iUniverse, February 2005.


$6.99 $5.24

Conflitto di sangue

Legami di sangue
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di Patto di sangue
Serie Legami di sangue, Libro 3

Mentre l’Alleanza tra maghi e vampiri si rafforza, i maghi oscuri ne subiscono gli effetti e iniziano una disperata ricerca di informazioni per poterla contrastare, inconsapevoli della crescente influenza che i legami hanno su maghi e vampiri.

Il conflitto si va espandendo. La pressione generata dalla difficoltà di alcune relazioni, sia private che professionali, rischia di lacerare l’Alleanza dall’interno, nonostante gli sforzi di Alain Magnier e Orlando St. Clair, Thierry Dumont e Sebastien Noyer e persino di Raymond Payet e Jean Bellaiche, il capo dei vampiri parigini, che sta cercando di instaurare un rapporto stabile col suo compagno, in modo da poter guidare attraverso l’esempio.

Mentre la guerra imperversa e da entrambe le parti aumentano le perdite, i maghi oscuri continuano a cercare elementi per poter comprendere e contrastare la forza dell’Alleanza, mentre le coppie all’interno di essa studiano i vecchi pregiudizi e le antiche leggende alla ricerca di qualcosa che possa cambiare le sorti della guerra una volta per tutte.


$6.99 $5.24

Conflicto de sangre

Coalición de Sangre
$6.99 $5.24

Volumen 3 de la serie Coalición de Sangre
La secuela de "Pacto de sangre"

A medida que los emparejamientos entre magos y vampiros formados dentro de la Alianza se hacen más fuertes, los magos rebeldes sufren sus efectos y están cada vez más desesperados por encontrar información que les permita contrarrestarlos, desconocedores de la creciente tensión que el vínculo entre sangre y magia causa tanto a los magos como a los vampiros.

El conflicto se está extendiendo. Los problemas creados por relaciones incómodas o molestas, tanto desde el punto de vista personal como profesional, amenazan con destruir la Alianza desde su interior, a pesar de los esfuerzos de Alain Magnier y Orlando St. Clair, Thierry Dumont y Sébastien Noyer e incluso Raymond Payet y Jean Bellaiche, líder de los vampiros de París, quien está luchando a su vez por establecer un pacto estable con su propio compañero de tal forma que pueda servir de ejemplo.

Mientras la guerra se recrudece y bajas dolorosas aumentan en ambos bandos, los magos rebeldes siguen buscando claves para comprender y neutralizar la fuerza de la Alianza, al mismo tiempo que las parejas vinculadas por la sangre rebuscan entre antiguos prejuicios y tradiciones populares para encontrar alguna ventaja que pueda inclinar la guerra a su favor de una vez por todas.


$6.99 $5.24
$4.99 $3.74


When a small creature has an unfortunate run-in with his car, Deacon Hearst wonders what in the world hit his windshield. A bird? A butterfly? No, that would make Deacon’s crazy life too simple. It is a fairy—or rather a Sidhe—with a gaze the color of the moon and thus eloquently named Mooneyes. The little creature's wing is broken, and it's shivering in the rain, and well... Deacon has a heart, after all.

While nursing Moon back to health, Deacon discovers Moon’s beauty is more than skin deep. Though they’re very different, especially in size, they’re alike in their loneliness, their need for affection. Despite the weirdness of the situation, Deacon finds himself falling for his not-quite victim.

Deacon thinks it's a hopeless—gah!—love, but what if it isn't? Moon might just have a few secrets of his own, secrets that could change everything in an instant and weave a different path for them both.


$4.99 $3.74
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Gay teenager Hart could finish his fairy tale for class if his horrible stepsiblings would stop harassing him. Talia’s depression is like a sleeping curse and may kill her if she doesn’t ask for help. Independent, overweight bisexual Sienna deals with her “nice guy” neighbor while visiting her grandmother. When a mysterious girl climbs up Rachael’s fire escape, Rachael might finally break free from her overprotective mother. Transgender Amelia is bullied regularly for her identity, but she’ll show everyone exactly who she is. Princess Rellyn must face down a dragon since she’s seventh in line and battle her father since she's not a boy, and she’s not sure which one is scarier. An adventurous knight whisks away genderfluid Noll when all they want is a quiet life on their farm. Mermaid Astrid wants revenge on the man who betrayed her, but is confused by her attraction to the one sailor immune to her song. Asexual Myka might love Princess Lysandria, but Myka must learn to control her inner werewolf before the king marries her off to “cure” her. With the help of a witch, blacksmith’s apprentice Malcolm must find his missing prince.

You’ve never heard stories like these at bedtime.


$6.99 $5.24

Contrat de sang

Partenariat de Sang
$6.99 $5.24

Suite de Alliance de sang
Partenariat de Sang, tome 2

Les sorciers et les vampires ont forgé une Alliance fondée sur le sang et la magie dans l'espoir de renverser la tendance de la guerre contre les sorciers rebelles. Quelques liens sorcier-vampire sont aussi réussis que celui d’Alain Magnier et Orlando de Saint-Clair, mais d’autres le sont beaucoup moins, menant à des disputes, des ressentiments, ou carrément à des combats entre les alliés en dépit de leurs objectifs communs.

Suivant l'exemple de son meilleur ami Alain, Thierry Dumont accepte résolument un partenariat avec le vampire Sébastien Noyer et ce malgré l'inconfort du sorcier à être si proche d'un vampire – et un homme – si peu de temps après le décès de sa femme. Mais ils constatent que leurs désespoirs sont peut-être la clef pour former une Alliance qui fonctionne : Thierry et Sébastien sont presque immédiatement dévoués à la sécurité de l’autre.

Avec cette nouvelle force qui la soutient, les dirigeants de l’Alliance se préparent à annoncer son existence au monde entier dans l’espoir de les rallier contre les sorciers rebelles qui menacent de détruire la vie telle qu’ils la connaissent. Luttant pour trouver sa voie dans la guerre en pleine expansion, l’Alliance découvre que malgré ses avantages, les partenariats ont une incidence sur l’équilibre des pouvoirs magiques élémentaires dans le monde qui peut être une menace encore plus grande que la guerre elle-même.


$6.99 $5.24

Alliance in Blood

Partnership in Blood
$6.99 $5.24

Partnership in Blood: Volume One

Can a desperate wizard and a bitter, disillusioned vampire find a way to build the partnership that could save their world?

In a world rocked by magical war, vampires are seen by many as less than human, as the stereotypical creatures of the night who prey on others. But as the war intensifies, the wizards know they need an advantage to turn the tide in their favor: the strength and edge the vampires can give them in the battle against the dark wizards who seek to destroy life as they know it.

In a dangerous move and show of good will, the wizards ask the leader of the vampires to meet with them, so that they might plead their cause. One desperate man, Alain Magnier, and one bitter, disillusioned vampire, Orlando St. Clair, meet in Paris, and the fate of the world hangs in the balance of their decision: Will the vampires join the cause and form a partnership with the wizards to win the war?

Second Edition
This second edition received minor revision and proofing for re-release in honor of the publication of Partnership Reborn, the final book in the series.


$6.99 $5.24

Conflict in Blood

Partnership in Blood
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Covenant in Blood
Partnership in Blood: Volume Three

As the Alliance wizard-vampire partnerships grow stronger, the dark wizards feel the effects and become increasingly desperate to find enough information to counter them, unaware of the growing strain of the blood-magic bonds on the wizards and vampires alike.

The conflict is spreading. The strife of uncomfortable relationships, both personal and professional, is threatening to tear up the Alliance from the inside, despite the efforts of Alain Magnier and Orlando St. Clair, Thierry Dumont and Sebastien Noyer, and even Raymond Payet and Jean Bellaiche, leader of the Paris vampires, who is fighting to establish a stable covenant with his own partner so he might lead by example.

As the war rages on and heartbreaking casualties mount on both sides, the dark wizards keep searching for clues to understand and counter the strength of the Alliance, while the blood-bound Alliance partners hunt through ancient prejudices and forgotten lore to find an edge that can turn the tide of the war once and for all..

With new strength behind it, the Alliance’s leaders move to announce its existence to the whole world, hoping to rally support against the dark wizards who threaten to destroy life as they know it. Struggling to find its way in the expanding war, the Alliance discovers that despite its advantages, the partnerships are affecting the balance of magical power in the world, which may be an even bigger threat than the war itself.

Second Edition
This second edition received minor revision and proofing for re-release in honor of the publication of Partnership Reborn, the final book in the series.


$6.99 $5.24