Urban Fantasy books


Sinders and Ash

Pennymaker Tales
2015 Award Winners

Housekeeper Mark Sintorella (Sinders) works diligently at a resort hotel while designing clothes anonymously, hoping to get into fashion school. Then his carefully planned life is upended with the arrival of Ashton Armitage, son of the fifth richest man in America—and the most beautiful guy Mark has ever seen. Ash must find a wife or he’ll lose his grandfather’s inheritance, and he settles on Bitsy Fanderel. But secretly Ash is gay, and the guy who cleans the fireplaces sets his heart ablaze.

Further stirring the pot is the little elf of a man, Carstairs Pennymaker, who has Mark wearing his own designs and masquerading as a girl to impress the fashion investors in the hotel. When the clock strikes twelve, two beautiful princesses line up for the wedding—but one isn’t a woman. Will the slipper fit? Only Mr. Pennymaker knows for sure.


Risarcimento di sangue

Legami di sangue
$6.99 $3.49

Seguito di Patto di sangue
Serie Legami di sangue, Libro 4

La guerra ha raggiunto la massima intensità ed entrambe le fazioni sono ormai al limite, quando i maghi oscuri mettono a segno una vittoria imprevista catturando Orlando St Clair. Devastato dalla preoccupazione e dal dolore per la separazione dal suo amante, Alain teme che, se anche riuscissero a ritrovarlo, il cuore e la mente di Orlando saranno ormai troppo danneggiati per poterlo salvare.

Sapendo che l’alleanza sta attraversando un momento di difficoltà, Christophe Lombard, il più anziano e potente vampiro di Parigi, abbandona il suo isolamento autoimposto e si unisce alla battaglia. L’amico di Alain, Eric Simonet, che l’aveva tradito per unirsi ai maghi oscuri, si ritrova a dover scegliere tra vendetta e redenzione. E mentre la battaglia decisiva si avvicina, Jean, adirato per la cattura di Orlando, si trova di fronte alla decisione più difficile della sua non-vita: le loro azioni porteranno alla disfatta dell’alleanza o alla salvezza del mondo?


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$9.99 $4.99

From Urban Fantasy to Contemporary, enjoy these four romances from Eric Arvin in this exclusive bundle. In Simple Men, Chip is a football coach at a small college, but his personal life is in a bit of a rut. Then he meets the new school chaplain, Foster. Chip decides to go for it, but love is never simple, and sometimes it's a downright mess! In Another Enchanted April, three men stay at a bed-and-breakfast with a breathtakingly beautiful garden that has an air of the supernatural. Jerry's there for love, Doug's there for sex, and Tony is practically dragged along. Three men clinging stubbornly to their self-destructive ways... can the magic of the garden prevent love's labors from being lost? In Woke Up in a Strange Place, Joe wakes up in a barley field with no clothes, no memories, and no idea how he got there. He sets off through a fantastical changing landscape to confront his past. If he wants to find peace—and reunite with the Stranger he is so strongly drawn to—he must continue on until the end. In Galley Proof, fiction writer Logan is perfectly happy—until he meets the editor of his next book, Brock. Soon his life and his new manuscript are in a shambles. To take his mind off the mess, Logan goes on a trip, but he might have to admit there are some things you can’t run from.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


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$4.99 $2.49

Cinder, a poor and beautiful young man who designs clothing, makeup, and hair for his stepmother and stepsisters, offers his clothing and slippers to a naked stranger in the woods, who turns out to be none other than Prince Charming. Follow Cinder and Prince Charming in this twist on the classic Cinderella tale as they discover their inner strengths and find their very own happily ever after.

Enjoy The Naked Prince and three other reimagined tales from Fairyland, each with a unique spin on stories we all know and love, including The Golden Rule, where eighteen-year-old Gideon Golden, after being thrown out of his home in Fairyland by his homophobic parents, breaks into the cottage of three burly men on Bear Mountain.

In Whatever Happened To…?, friction ensues between a celebrity with a growing appendage and a reporter who has a thing for giants.

And in Ice Cold, young Gaelen must save his love, Kieran, after a handsome but evil prince freezes Kieran’s heart and bewitches him into being the prince’s slave.


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Konflikt des Blutes

$6.99 $3.49

Fortsetzung zu Pakt des Blutes
Buch 3 in der Serie - Blutspartnerschaft

Die Allianz des Blutes zwischen Magiern und Vampiren wird stärker und fügt den dunklen Magiern empfindlichere Verluste zu. Immer verzweifelter suchen sie nach Informationen, um die drohende Niederlage abzuwenden. Sie wissen nicht, dass auch die Allianz unter wachsenden Spannungen in einigen Partnerschaften zu leiden hat.

Der Konflikt breitet sich aus. Es gibt Partnerschaften, die weder persönlich noch professionell harmonieren und die drohen, die Allianz von innen heraus zu zerstören. Alain Magnier und Orlando St. Clair versuchen, ein Auseinanderbrechen der Allianz zu verhindern. Sie werden unterstützt durch Thierry Dumont und Sebastien Noyer, aber auch durch Raymond Payet und Jean Bellaiche, den Chef de la Cour von Paris, die beide selbst noch darum kämpfen, ihre Partnerschaft auf eine stabile Grundlage zu stellen, um durch ihr Vorbild andere überzeugen zu können.

Während der Krieg immer brutaler wird und sich auf beiden Seiten die Verluste häufen, suchen die dunklen Magier immer noch nach Wegen, die Allianz zu zerstören. Derweil durchforsten die Blutspartner alte Quellen, um hinter den Vorurteilen und Legenden das entscheidende Quäntchen Wahrheit zu finden, das die Geschicke des Krieges endgültig zu ihren Gunsten wenden kann.


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The Haffling | Book One
$6.99 $3.49

The Haffling: Book One

All sixteen-year-old Alex Nevus wants is to be two years older and become his sister Alice’s legal guardian. That, and he’d like his first kiss, preferably with Jerod Haynes, the straight boy with the beautiful girlfriend and the perfect life. Sadly, wanting something and getting it are very different. Strapped with a mentally ill mother, Alex fears for his own sanity. Having a fairy on his shoulder only he can see doesn't help, and his mom's schizophrenia places him and Alice in constant jeopardy of being carted back into foster care.

When Alex's mother goes missing, everything falls apart. Frantic, he tracks her to a remote corner of Manhattan and is transported to another dimension—the land of the Unsee, the realm of the Fey. There he finds his mother held captive by the power-mad Queen May and learns he is half-human and half-fey—a Haffling. 

As Alex’s human world is being destroyed, the Unsee is being devoured by a ravenous mist. Fey are vanishing, and May needs to cross into the human world. She needs something only Alex can provide, and she will stop at nothing to possess it… to possess him. 

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Harmony Ink Press, 2013.


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Bound, Vol. 2

Little Goddess Universe
Little Goddess | Book Three, Vol. 2
$6.99 $3.49

Little Goddess: Book Three
Vol. 2

Cory’s newly bound family is starting to find its footing, which is a good thing because danger after danger threatens, and Green can't be there nearly as often as he’s needed. As Cory learns to face the challenges of ruling the hill alone, she’s also juggling a ménage relationship with three lovers—with mixed results.

But with each new challenge, one lesson becomes crystal clear: she can’t be queen without each of the men who look to her, and the people she loves aren’t safe unless she takes on that queendom with all of the intelligence and courage in her formidable heart.

But sometimes even intelligence, courage, and steadily increasing magic aren’t enough to do the job, and suddenly the role of Cory’s lovers becomes more crucial than ever. Nobody is strong enough to succeed in every task, and Cory finds that the most painful lesson she and her lovers can learn is not just how to deal with failure. Cory needs to learn that one woman is only so powerful, and she needs to choose wisely who sits outside her circle of family, and who is bound eternally in her heart.

2nd Edition
First Edition published as Bound: The Third Book of the Little Goddess Series by iUniverse, 2007.


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Onwaachige the Dreamer

The Two-spirit Chronicles | Book Three
$6.99 $3.49

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Sequel to A Scout is Brave
The Two-spirit Chronicles: Book Three

Love can mean sacrifice. Joshua Ishkoday must decide if he can abandon the boy he loves in order to save him.

In the expansive and sometimes deadly northwoods of Wisconsin, Joshua must make a heartbreaking choice as he battles his greatest fears. His best friends, Mokwa and Little Deer, accompany him when a nightmare sends him on an adventure of self-discovery. But the three teenagers aren’t alone in the vast forest. Joshua realizes bizarre creatures called Memegwesi have not only been manipulating him through his dreams, but plan to use him in a mysterious plan of their own. Soon he’s fighting three enemies: the lethal storm headed their way, the mysterious beings appearing in his dreams, and most frightening of all, his mother’s hatred and bigotry.


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Soul Struck

The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge | Book Three
$6.99 $3.49

The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge: Book Three

Like the electricity he commands, Pierce Blackmoor streaks through life on raw power and pure sexual energy. His conquests on the battlefield and in the bedroom form his foundation, but that bedrock crumbles when his younger brothers’ abilities surpass his own. Pierce finds himself at an all-time low, and clawing his way back to the top becomes his only concern.

Pierce's plan to reassert his dominance, however, takes a backseat when he wounds Kale Aquilo, an emissary of the Beast King, lord of all shifters.

Kale’s beguiling nature shoots like a lightning bolt straight to Pierce’s soul, and when the soft-spoken Kale relays that a virus is killing his people, Pierce abandons his quest for power to do something he has never done before—protect someone other than himself.

As Kale, Pierce, and his brothers struggle to find the root of the magical virus spreading plague across Aeaea, the shifter island, they face a gauntlet of old and new foes. Soul struck, Pierce and Kale must uncover the truth behind the conspiracy gathering in the shadows.


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Section Thirteen

Section Thirteen
$9.99 $4.99

Don't miss this exclusive bundle of all four stories of the Section Thirteen series by J.L. O'Faolain!

The Thirteenth Child: Immortal sidhe Tuulois MacColewyn and Detective James Corhagen at the NYPD had a highly combustible friendship that burned itself out a year ago. But now that the NYPD is facing a rash of messy black-magic murders, James needs Cole’s help. With a powerful killer on the loose, Cole, James, and Inspector Vallimun must race against time to stop the monster out to claim the thirteenth child. —The Thirteenth Pillar: Last month was hell for Cole... and this month is shaping up to be much worse. When Vallimun is gravely injured just as the investigation reaches a fever pitch while a snowstorm blankets the city, Cole will need all the help he can get to have any hope of salvaging it. —The Thirteenth Sigil: A mysterious force is cutting a swath through the city in search of a missing canister, and there’s the disappearances of employees connected to a local children’s television program to solve. And if that wasn't enough for Cole and his current flame, Joss, children’s imaginary friends are somehow manifesting themselves—and they’re coming after Section Thirteen. —The Thirteenth Shard: When a powerful witch is murdered by mundane means, the NYPD calls in Tuulois MacColewyn and the rest of Section Thirteen. A revelation during the investigation leaves Cole reeling and sets him up to make what could be the biggest mistake of his life….


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


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Conflit de sang

Partenariat de Sang
$6.99 $3.49

Suite de Contrat de sang
Partenariat de Sang, tome 3

Alors que les partenariats magiciens-vampires de l’Alliance deviennent plus forts, les sorciers rebelles en subissent les effets. Ils cherchent de plus en plus désespérément à trouver des informations capables de les contrer, ignorant la pression croissante des liens de la magie de sang sur les magiciens et les vampires.

Le conflit se propage. Les querelles des partenariats mal assortis, à la fois sur un plan personnel et professionnel, menacent de déchirer l’Alliance de l’intérieur, malgré les efforts d’Alain Magnier et d’Orlando Saint Clair, de Thierry Dumont et de Sébastien Noyer, et même de Raymond Payet et de Jean Bellaiche, le chef des vampires de Paris qui se bat pour établir un équilibre avec son propre partenaire afin de pouvoir donner l’exemple.

Alors que la guerre fait rage et que les pertes déchirantes augmentent dans les deux camps, les sorciers rebelles continuent à chercher des indices pour comprendre et contrer la force de l’Alliance, alors que les partenaires liés par le sang de l’Alliance font la chasse aux anciens préjugés et partent à la recherche de savoirs oubliés pour trouver un avantage qui pourrait inverser le cours de la guerre une fois pour toutes.

Avec cette nouvelle force à ses côtés, les dirigeants de l’Alliance décident d’annoncer son existence au monde entier, dans l’espoir de rallier des soutiens contre les sorciers rebelles qui menacent de détruire la vie comme ils la connaissent. Luttant pour trouver sa voie dans la guerre qui s’étend, l’Alliance découvre que, malgré ses avantages, les partenariats ont une incidence sur l’équilibre du pouvoir magique dans le monde, ce qui est pourrait être une menace encore plus grande que la guerre elle-même.


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Bound, Vol. 1

Little Goddess Universe
Little Goddess | Book Three, Vol.1
$6.99 $3.49

Little Goddess: Book Three
Vol. 1

Humans have the option of separation, divorce, and heartbreak.  For Corinne Carol-Anne Kirkpatrick, sorceress and queen of the vampires, the choices are limited to love or death. Now that she is back at Green’s Hill and assuming her duties as leader, her life is, at best, complicated. Bracken and Nicky are competing for her affections, Green is away taking care of his people, and a new supernatural enemy is threatening the sanctity of all she has come to love. Throw in a family reunion gone bad, a supernatural psychiatrist, and a killer physics class, and Cory’s life isn’t just complex, it’s psychotic.

Cory needs to get her act and her identity together, and soon, because the enemy she and her lovers are facing is a nightmare that doesn’t just kill people, it unmakes them. If she doesn’t figure out who she is and what her place is on Green’s Hill, it’s not just her life on the line. She knows from hard experience that the only thing worse than facing death is facing the death of someone she loves.

Loving people is easy—living with them is what takes the real work, and it’s even harder if you’re bound.

2nd Edition
First Edition published as Bound: The Third Book of the Little Goddess Series by iUniverse, 2007.


$6.99 $3.49
$9.99 $4.99

Don't miss this exclusive bundle of all four volumes of the epic paranormal Partnership in Blood series by Ariel Tachna. Can a desperate wizard and a bitter, disillusioned vampire find a way to build the partnership that could save their world? In a world rocked by magical war, vampires are seen by many as less than human, as the stereotypical creatures of the night who prey on others. But as the war intensifies, the wizards and the vampires forge an alliance based on blood and magic, hoping to turn the tide of the war against the dark wizards. As the war rages on and heartbreaking casualties mount on both sides, the dark wizards keep searching for clues to understand and counter the strength of the Alliance, while the blood-bound Alliance partners hunt through ancient prejudices and forgotten lore to find an edge that can turn the tide of the war once and for all.


See excerpt for individual blurbs.


$9.99 $4.99

Blood Tied

The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge | Book Two
$6.99 $3.49

The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge: Book Two

Thad Blackmoor’s heart is as cold as his icy magical abilities. He considers emotions a waste of his time and prefers to study the arcane, using the sacred books of his coven to grow in his craft. He aspires to supersede his father and elder brother Pierce in power, and now that his younger brother, Mason, has tapped into the rare warlock power of darkness, he needs to work harder than ever.

But Thad's ambitions are halted when he saves Aiden Teine, a fire fairy, from a banshee. Thad’s immediate attraction to Aiden catches him off guard and thaws his cold heart for the first time. As Thad, Aiden, and his brothers investigate the connection between the banshee attack and the vampyre and shadow weaver who almost killed them, Thad tries to dodge Ben, a sexy warlock who won’t let him be after a one-night stand.

Their search for answers leads them to the Otherworld, where something even more insidious is at work—something Thad will need more than logic to stand against.


$6.99 $3.49

Challenge the Darkness

Yellowstone Wolves | Book One
$6.99 $3.49

Yellowstone Wolves: Book One

When alpha shifter Mikael Volokov is called to witness a challenge, he learns the evil and power-hungry Anton Gregor will stop at nothing to attain victory. Knowing he will need alliances to keep his pack together, Mikael requests a congress with the nearby Evergreen pack and meets Denton Arguson, Evergreen alpha, to ask for his help. Fate has a strange twist for both of them, though, and Mikael and Denton soon realize they’re destined mates.

Denton resists the pull between them—he has his own pack and his own responsibilities. But Mikael isn't willing to give up. The Mother has promised Mikael his mate, told him he must fight for him, and that only together can they defeat the coming darkness. When Anton casts his sights on Denton's pack, attacks and sabotage follow, pulling Denton and Mikael together to defeat a common enemy. But Anton’s threats sow seeds of destruction enough to break any bond, and the mates’ determination to challenge the darkness may be their only saving grace.


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Pakt des Blutes

$6.99 $3.49

Fortsetzung zu Allianz des Blutes
Buch 2 in der Serie - Blutspartnerschaft

Magier und Vampire haben eine Allianz geschmiedet, die auf Partnerschaften des Blutes und der Magie gründet. Sie hoffen, damit dem Krieg gegen die dunklen Magier eine entscheidende Wendung geben zu können. Einige Partnerschaften sind ebenso erfolgreich, wie die zwischen Alain Magnier und Orlando St. Clair. Auf andere trifft das nicht zu. Es kommt zu Streit, Vorwürfen und sogar offener Feindschaft zwischen den Partnern, obwohl sie durch ein gemeinsames Ziel verbunden sind.

Thierry Dumont ist entschlossen, dem Beispiel seines besten Freundes Alain zu folgen. Er ist mit dem Vampir Sebastien Noyer eine Partnerschaft eingegangen. Obwohl er sich, so kurz nach dem gewaltsamen Tod seiner Frau, in der Nähe des Vampirs – eines Mannes – unbehaglich fühlt. Aber sie stellen fest, dass ihre gemeinsame Verzweiflung die beste Voraussetzung ist, um einen Bund zu schließen. Thierry und Sebastien stellen den Schutz ihres Partners über alles und unterstützen sich vorbehaltlos.

Durch die Erfolge der Allianz bestärkt, beschließen das Oberhaupt der Magier und der Chef de la Cour der Vampire, ihr neues Bündnis der Öffentlichkeit bekannt zu machen. Sie erhoffen sich dadurch zusätzliche Unterstützung in ihrem Kampf gegen die dunklen Magier, die das Leben auf der Erde in seiner bisherigen Form zu vernichten drohen. Aber die Allianz erleidet auch Rückschläge, denn die Partnerschaften bringen nicht nur Vorteile mit sich, sondern gefährden auch das magische Gleichgewicht der Erde. Und diese Gefahr könnte sich als größer erweisen, als der Krieg selbst.


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Wounded, Vol. 2

Little Goddess Universe
Little Goddess | Book Two, Vol. 2
$6.99 $3.49

Little Goddess: Book Two
Vol. 2

Green and Bracken’s beloved survived their enemy's worst—with help from unexpected vampiric help.

But survival is a long way from recovery, and even further from safety. Green’s people want badly to return to the Sierra Foothills, but they’re not going with their tails between their legs. Before they go home, they have to make sure they’re free from attack—and that they administer a healthy dose of revenge as well.

As Cory negotiates a fragile peace between her new and unexpected lovers, Green negotiates the unexpected power that comes from being a beloved leader of the paranormal population. Together, they might heal their own wounds and lead their people to an unprecedented place at the top of the supernatural food chain—a place that will allow them to return home a better, stronger whole.

2nd Edition
First Edition published as Wounded: The Second Novel of the Little Goddess by iUniverse, 2006


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$6.99 $3.49

A malicious deception... An ancient curse... A timeless love...

Brian Macon is a worn-out homicide detective whose job and life hold no meaning until he meets a gorgeous German man who turns his world upside down. Alrick Ritter has a poet's soul, a master cellist's skill, and a sniper's deadly accuracy, and though constrained by sinister forces to be a killer-for-hire, Alrick wants nothing more than to be with Brian. Helpless to resist the call of their hearts, Brian and Alrick begin a cautious affair, keeping secret the reality that places them on opposite sides of the law. But an ancient danger threatens to destroy their love.

Three thousand years ago in the burning sands of ancient Egypt, Prince Rahotep and his devoted slave, Tiye, were robbed of their lives, betrayed by a powerful woman’s mad hatred and the cruel humor of an evil god. Now destiny has reunited the lovers, joining them in an unquenchable passion even as a twist of fate casts them as potential enemies. Will Brian and Alrick be able to overcome the centuries-old curse to secure the love that should have always been theirs?

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, November 2010.


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