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Summer Son

Lazy Days of Summer

Ellis Broad never imagined he would end up a single father before he turned twenty-nine. Then again, most of his expectations for the future evaporated when his husband of three years filed for divorce, leaving Ellis as their six-month-old son Harrison's only parent. After the divorce Ellis hides, working from home on his small graphic design business so he can be a full-time dad. He succeeds until Zane Hadlin stumbles into his life.

Zane is everything Ellis desires and everything he fears at the same time. A former gang member from the wrong side of the tracks, Zane turned his life around after his older brother was killed in a shooting. Now an artist, Zane shows Ellis a path back into the world and all he's been missing out on.

The only problem is, Ellis's ex-husband hasn't quite gone for good, and his digging into Zane's past could drag up secrets no one is prepared to deal with.


$4.99 $3.74


When a small creature has an unfortunate run-in with his car, Deacon Hearst wonders what in the world hit his windshield. A bird? A butterfly? No, that would make Deacon’s crazy life too simple. It is a fairy—or rather a Sidhe—with a gaze the color of the moon and thus eloquently named Mooneyes. The little creature's wing is broken, and it's shivering in the rain, and well... Deacon has a heart, after all.

While nursing Moon back to health, Deacon discovers Moon’s beauty is more than skin deep. Though they’re very different, especially in size, they’re alike in their loneliness, their need for affection. Despite the weirdness of the situation, Deacon finds himself falling for his not-quite victim.

Deacon thinks it's a hopeless—gah!—love, but what if it isn't? Moon might just have a few secrets of his own, secrets that could change everything in an instant and weave a different path for them both.


$4.99 $3.74

Dal buio alla luce

Un cavallo nell'ombra | Libro 3
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di Fuori dall’oscurità
Serie Un cavallo nell'ombra, Libro 3

Jeff, Evan e Dan vivono insieme felici da due anni. Ci sono ancora dei problemi, soprattutto tra Evan e Dan, ma la maggior parte delle volte riescono a trasformare le divergenze personali in tensione sessuale che puntualmente risolvono: nessuno di loro ha di che lamentarsi.

Ma un giorno si presenta da loro la sorella di Dan, che lui non vedeva da molti anni e che adesso è incinta di sette mesi e in fuga dalla legge, e la situazione da complicata diventa disastrosa. Jeff ed Evan vogliono aiutarlo, ma Evan è distratto dai propri timori per la sicurezza di sua sorella e Jeff dai tentativi di tenere nascosti i propri problemi di salute. Mentre la sorella di Dan lotta col passato, Evan sembra intenzionato a giocare d’azzardo sul suo futuro. Con i sentimenti e i legami familiari a tirarli in direzioni diverse, i tre dovranno riuscire a restare uniti o le persone che amano potrebbero separarli.


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Fire Horse

Polo Series | Book One
2013 Award Winners

Preston Fawkes is ten the first time he meets fifteen-year-old Konrad Schnell at the San Antonio Polo Club. Captivated by the mystique surrounding the sport of kings, Pres vows to learn the game at the hands of his newly acquired friend and mentor. The hero worship soon grows into something deeper, but the friends are separated when Preston goes off to boarding school in England.

The relationship that follows is riddled with challenges―their age gap, physical distance, and parental pressure taking precedence over feelings yet to be explored. Although their bond goes deep, they deal with the reality of their situation differently: Preston is open and fearless while Konrad is reticent and all too aware of the social implications of making a public stand.

Their paths intersect and twine, binding them as tightly as a cowboy’s lasso, but fate may alter their plans. How will love overcome the divots in the turf as they gallop toward the future—one where obstacles no longer stand in their way?


Quiet Nights

Mangrove Stories
$3.99 $2.99

Mangrove Stories

It’s a lovely little life Kelly Seaton leads. He’s got his own landscaping business, a nice little house, and his best friend, Cosimo Renaldi, and Coz’s goofball family who have adopted Kelly as their own. Sure, it’s a little lonely at night, but it’s a sweet deal, and Kelly can’t chance ruining it by letting on that he wants more—has always wanted more—with Coz.

Then Kelly’s past comes to town, bringing bad memories and hurt feelings that start to break Kelly down, and Coz just doesn’t understand why Kelly won’t let him be the support and strength that Kelly’s always been for him. They’ve already been through war, Coz’s devastating injury, and starting new careers in Mangrove, Florida. Why shouldn’t they face their chaotic pasts and build their future of quiet nights… together?


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Bloody Aria

The Laitha Chronicles
$6.99 $5.24

A Laitha Chronicles Tale

When the aero Antoine Suvalese is traveling on comes under attack by the infamous pirate ship, the Bloody Aria, Antoine is taken hostage by the Aria’s dreaded captain, Rivas the Ramshot. Antoine is uncertain if he’s to be ransomed to his father, owner of the powerful Suva Coal Company, or something far more sinister. While awaiting his fate, Antoine is unexpectedly accepted into the crew.

Sailing on the Bloody Aria opens Antoine’s eyes to a wider world and his unexpected attraction to the handsome pirate captain who holds him captive. When he realizes the attraction is reciprocated, Antoine is intrigued. But can he afford to trust Rivas when everyone on the Aria seems to have their own agenda?

Antoine learns there was more to his kidnapping than money, and that morality isn’t as simple as he grew up believing. As the date of the ransom exchange draws near, so do the forces conspiring against the Bloody Aria's crew. Antoine will have to determine who he can trust and who will profit from betraying him, or none of them will survive the imminent confrontation.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Successful lawyer Santi Herrera couldn’t be happier with the direction his life is taking. Not only is he on track to becoming a partner in his law firm, but he’s planning his wedding to Hank Burton, a south Texas contractor who has made a name for himself despite his humble beginnings. The introverted lone wolf Santi and the friendly, outgoing Hank complement each other perfectly. From the moment they laid eyes on each other, they were hooked, and as far as Santi and Hank are concerned, a happily ever after is their destiny.

But fate deals them a devastating new hand.

A construction accident leaves Hank with severe head trauma and brings him precariously close to death. When he finally awakens, Hank doesn’t remember Santi or the love they shared for the past three years. Santi faces the greatest challenge of his life. Can he respark a flame his lover can’t recall? And can he stop the diverging paths that fickle fate charts between them?

Santi has faith in the love he and Hank shared and in the words his father once spoke to him: “It’s never too late to fall in love. All over again.”


$6.99 $5.24

An Infatuation

In My Heart
Bittersweet Dreams
$4.99 $3.74

An In My Heart Novella

With his ten-year high school reunion approaching, Harold wonders whether Mario will be as muscular, sexy, and tantalizing as he remembers. As a teenager, it was love at first sight for Harold while tutoring football star Mario, until homophobia and bullying drove Mario deep into the closet. Now they’re both married men. Mario, a model, is miserable with his producer wife, while Harold, a teacher, is perfectly content with his businessman husband, Stuart. When the two meet again, will the old flame reignite, setting Harold’s comfortable life ablaze? How can Harold be happy with Stuart when he is still infatuated with his Adonis, his first love, Mario? Harold faces this seemingly impossible situation with inimitable wit, tenderness, and humor as he attempts to reconcile the past and the future.

A Bittersweet Dreams title: It's an unfortunate truth: love doesn't always conquer all. Regardless of its strength, sometimes fate intervenes, tragedy strikes, or forces conspire against it. These stories of romance do not offer a traditional happy ending, but the strong and enduring love will still touch your heart and maybe move you to tears.


$4.99 $3.74


Beyond Duty | Book Two
Guards of Folsom |
Guards of Folsom Universe

Beyond Duty: Book Two
A Guards of Folsom Story

Gunther Duchene, aka “Gunny”, and Macalister Jones, aka “Mac”, have overcome the obstacles of coming out and retiring after serving more than twenty years as Marines. Their exit ceremony is behind them, their wedding vows are made, and now it's time for the honeymoon. What better way to kick off their marriage than enjoying the retirement gift Mac gave Gunny? With the leather pants and collar packed, it's off to New York City and the Guards of Folsom club to celebrate—BDSM style.


$5.99 $4.49

Josh Kelly est un acteur hétéro qui joue l’un des deux rôles du plus adorable couple gay d’une série télévisée, diffusée en journée. Sam Peterson, quant à lui réellement gay, complète le couple. Dans la vraie vie, Josh et Sam sont les meilleurs amis du monde. Ils ne savent pas encore que leur relation amicale va prendre un tout autre tournant.

Un fan psychopathe qui en veut à Sam vient bouleverser la situation. Josh commence à réaliser que l'amitié qu'il ressent pour son partenaire à l'écran n’est peut-être pas que de l’amitié. Mais pourra-t-il trouver la force de se déclarer à Sam, quand cette même amitié pourrait être remise en cause ?


$5.99 $4.49

Il fuoco del coraggio

Il fuoco | Libro 2
$3.99 $2.99

Seguito di l fuoco della redenzione
Serie Il fuoco, Libro 2

Lee Stanton e Dirk Krause si frequentano da qualche mese quando, all’improvviso, arriva una brutta notizia: la stazione di vigili del fuoco dove lavorano rischia di essere chiusa, a meno che non si trovino i fondi per eseguire i lavori di riparazione della struttura. La squadra decide di lottare unita e difendere la stazione ma c’è un piccolo problema: l’unica buona proposta per salvare la stazione è quella di Lee, e Dirk è contrario.

Purtroppo per lui, tutti gli altri compagni pensano che l’idea di organizzare un Barbecue di Pollo e... Manzi, in cui gli uomini dovranno servire a torso nudo, sia fantastica e Lee si mette al lavoro per organizzare tutto. Le obiezioni del consiglio comunale e le scarse vendite dei biglietti, però, rischiano di rovinare i piani di Lee. Riuscirà Dirk a mettere da parte il suo orgoglio e la sua natura testarda e salvare il loro posto di lavoro e la loro relazione?


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After the Sunset

Timing | Book Two

Timing: Book Two

Two years after riding off into the sunset with ranch owner Rand Holloway, Stefan Joss has made a tentative peace with his new life, teaching at a community college. But the course of true love never does run smooth. Rand wants him home on the ranch; Stef wants an exit strategy in case Rand ever decides to throw him out. Finally, after recognizing how unfair he's being, Stef makes a commitment, and Rand is over the moon.

When Stef gets the chance to prove his devotion, he doesn’t hesitate—despite the risk to his health—and Rand takes the opportunity to show everyone that sometimes life’s best surprises come after the sunset.


$6.99 $5.24

Mitch Donnelly and Grady Gilmore are two damaged souls. While walking in Central Park, novelist Mitch finds actor Grady in terrible distress, digging up the grass as if he can bury himself in the ground. After hearing the story of Grady’s long-time partner's betrayal, Mitch is afraid to leave him alone, so he invites him to stay in his spare room until he feels better. Mitch understands—he lost his first love in a car accident.

Upon Grady's arrival, Mitch is much happier and his writing improves. Grady, with Mitch's constant support, auditions and is cast as Iago in a production of Othello. Attraction slowly blossoms, but each man has been so terribly hurt in the past, both are afraid to act on it. With the encouragement of Emma Latimore, Mitch's outspoken landlady and friend, and constant chatter from a parakeet named Tweet, Mitch and Grady might find the courage to face their doubts and find a second chance at happiness.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

When Tyler Powell's life is torn apart by an unspeakable crime, the need for vengeance takes over. Every moment of every day, as he tries to pull his shattered existence together again, it's all he can think about—revenge.

Will he give in to his rage and become the very thing he hates most? A killer?

Only with the help of Homicide Detective Christian Martin, the cop in charge of his case, does Tyler see the possibility of another life beginning—the astounding revelation of another love reaching out to him. A love he thought he would never know again.

Will he let that love into his life, or is he lost already? Is payback more important to Tyler than his own happiness? And the happiness of the man who loves him? Tyler is determined to find a way to exact his revenge without sacrificing all hope for a future with Christian, but it will be difficult—if not impossible—and in the end he might be forced to make an unbearable choice.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Gay teenager Hart could finish his fairy tale for class if his horrible stepsiblings would stop harassing him. Talia’s depression is like a sleeping curse and may kill her if she doesn’t ask for help. Independent, overweight bisexual Sienna deals with her “nice guy” neighbor while visiting her grandmother. When a mysterious girl climbs up Rachael’s fire escape, Rachael might finally break free from her overprotective mother. Transgender Amelia is bullied regularly for her identity, but she’ll show everyone exactly who she is. Princess Rellyn must face down a dragon since she’s seventh in line and battle her father since she's not a boy, and she’s not sure which one is scarier. An adventurous knight whisks away genderfluid Noll when all they want is a quiet life on their farm. Mermaid Astrid wants revenge on the man who betrayed her, but is confused by her attraction to the one sailor immune to her song. Asexual Myka might love Princess Lysandria, but Myka must learn to control her inner werewolf before the king marries her off to “cure” her. With the help of a witch, blacksmith’s apprentice Malcolm must find his missing prince.

You’ve never heard stories like these at bedtime.


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$3.99 $2.99

The city of New Alexandria is filled with powerful magicians-in-training and mechanical follies, the world’s largest library, and marvels beyond compare. The allure of this modern metropolis draws young people from all over the world, but Idrian has come instead for the opportunity to learn the new art of alchemy.

He’s been taken as an apprentice by Maketh, a scholar experimenting with new ways to combine technology and the ancient mystic arts. Together they’ve animated a living ice sculpture. Idrian cannot wait to unveil the sculpture alongside the other wonders at the annual Spring Festival.

After witnessing his master in a passionate embrace with another student, Idrian’s mind drifts to things beyond alchemy. And when a warm touch accidentally awakens the consciousness within the living sculpture, Idrian learns firsthand about physicality and the magic of passion.


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Friends With Benefits

Shifter Hardball | Book One
$4.99 $3.74

Shifter Hardball: Book One

Playboy wolf shifter Wiley can’t duck out of his pack’s biggest annual event, despite knowing his grandmother has possible suitors lined up and waiting. Wiley has no intention of settling down, and the situation dangles just above disaster. Thankfully, Wiley’s best friend, lion shifter Ram, agrees to pose as Wiley’s boyfriend for the weekend.

They find out fate has other plans when they kiss on a dare, and the passion erupts, so hot and intense they fear the couch may spontaneously combust beneath them. Neither man is able to push the small act of affection from his mind, but both struggle with uncertainty and the ramifications of following where their libidos lead.

If they can’t outrun their feelings, they’ll have to muster the courage to face their fears before they lose everything, including their friendship.


$4.99 $3.74

Wood, Screws, & Nails

Hard Hats | Book One

Aaron Costa’s summer was all planned. Despite having to remodel the family lake house, it would be a vacation of sorts, and he had every intention of enjoying it—until the friend who was supposed to help him got injured and left him in a lurch. He decides to take the opportunity to bond with his son and hires Julian and his roommate, Malachi, to assist.

As a broke college student, Malachi could use the money, and spending the summer with Aaron for eye candy sounds like a dream. "Look but don’t touch" becomes his motto. But when Julian starts flaking on his responsibilities and Malachi and Aaron are forced to spend long hours alone together, their mutual attraction is impossible to resist.

Aaron can’t fight the temptation sexy Malachi presents. But more than their age difference stands in their way, not the least of which is Aaron’s semi-closeted status and the fact that he’s never openly discussed his sexuality with his son. He has no idea how Julian will react when he learns his father is not only gay, he’s also dating his best friend.