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Il y a six ans, Noah Wheeler est allé à la rencontre de son petit ami, Dante Cerreto, à l'aéroport et son monde s’est écroulé. Dante embrassait quelqu'un dont il prétendait être amoureux. Noah avait repris son chagrin d’amour et les échographies de leur enfant et fermé la porte sur l’image de ce qu'il pensait être sa vie future, se concentrant plutôt sur le morceau de rêve qu’il avait réussi à sauvegarder : devenir père.

En vacances à Las Vegas, Noah rencontre accidentellement la famille Cerreto, puis l'homme en question, et apprend que non seulement il avait été trompé, mais que Dante l’avait été également. Maintenant Dante veut rattraper le temps perdu, l'équivalent de six années, et pour ce faire, il a besoin que Noah, le seul homme qu'il ait jamais aimé, et que Grace, la fille dont il ne connaissait pas l’existence, lui laissent une chance pour trouver le bonheur. Mais Dante va devoir prendre un cours accéléré de communication et de séduction. Parce que Noah ne va pas tomber amoureux juste pour être à nouveau anéanti.


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Little Goddess Universe
Little Goddess | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

Little Goddess: Book One

Working graveyards in a gas station seems a small price for Cory to pay to get her degree and get the hell out of her tiny town. She's terrified of disappearing into the aimless masses of the lost and the young who haunt her neck of the woods. Until the night she actually stops looking at her books and looks up. What awaits her is a world she has only read about—one filled with fantastical creatures that she's sure she could never be.

And then Adrian walks in, bearing a wealth of pain, an agonizing secret, and a hundred and fifty years with a lover he's afraid she won't understand. In one breathless kiss, her entire understanding of her own worth and destiny is turned completely upside down. When her newfound world explodes into violence and Adrian's lover—and prince—walks into the picture, she's forced to explore feelings and abilities she's never dreamed of. The first thing she discovers is that love doesn't fit into nice neat little boxes. The second thing is that risking your life is nothing compared to facing who you really are—and who you'll kill to protect.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by iUniverse, February 2005.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Shane Martinelli and William Houghton come from very different backgrounds. They meet at a high-end summer camp in the Adirondacks, where Shane works as a lifeguard to earn some money and begin saving for college. William is one of the guests, and he doesn’t want to be there. As far as William knows, his father only dumped him at the camp so he could spend time with his latest mistress. When Shane figures out William can’t swim, he offers to teach him. William enthusiastically responds, but when an unexpected storm blows in, William is caught in the water and Shane comes to his rescue. They barely reach shore before lightning strikes the dock—close enough to damage Shane’s hearing.

The following summer both boys return to the camp. Shane doesn’t let his use of hearing aids stand in his way. William is now a counselor-in-training. The attraction between them is undeniable, but how can they possibly make it work? Once camp is over, a week at William’s family home in the Hamptons will determine if the love that bloomed at the lake can survive in the real world.


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$4.99 $3.74

With his brother away at a conference, alpha wolf shifter Shadow finds himself paired with IT analyst Mace, the one man he can't stand. Stuck with the partnership due to his pack leader's order, Shadow can only count down the days until his life returns to normal. He's a loner. Period. No matter how much his inner beast protests.

Mace isn't thrilled either, but can't resist the temptation to push all the surly alpha's buttons, even as he fantasizes about what could be. Flirting with danger, he's determined to make the best of the situation, if he can only get Shadow to give in to both their desires.

Unfortunately, a twisted revenge-seeker has other plans. A series of events rocks the entire pack, leaving innocent people hurt and fear running rampant. Both men are thrust into the chaos, working tirelessly to track down the culprit before someone winds up dead. The pressure of trying to stay a jump ahead, with absolutely no clues, pushes them to the brink. Add in a burning hunger for each other, and their world begins to crumble around them. With no other choice, they have to trust and depend on one another in order to have a chance at solving the mystery and saving lives.


$4.99 $3.74

Shaken Up

Little Earthquakes | Book One
$3.99 $2.99

Little Earthquakes: Book One

Tim Myers is the flamboyant and overly fastidious owner of the adult shop Little Earthquakes. In his spare time, he moonlights as a sub for his friend's BDSM classes, and while he'd love to find a Dom to cater to his domestic servitude kink, he's wary of exposing his body and his heart. When Jae Seong comes into Tim’s shop and asks him for help with a wax play demo, Tim is turned off by the idea. Jae is nothing if not persistent, though. He’s a skilled Dom and soon finds out why Tim is so protective of his body, his neck, and his heart. Over a series of play dates, the two grow close, and it dawns on Tim that he might be looking at a match made for collaring.


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Conflitto di sangue

Legami di sangue
$6.99 $5.24

Seguito di Patto di sangue
Serie Legami di sangue, Libro 3

Mentre l’Alleanza tra maghi e vampiri si rafforza, i maghi oscuri ne subiscono gli effetti e iniziano una disperata ricerca di informazioni per poterla contrastare, inconsapevoli della crescente influenza che i legami hanno su maghi e vampiri.

Il conflitto si va espandendo. La pressione generata dalla difficoltà di alcune relazioni, sia private che professionali, rischia di lacerare l’Alleanza dall’interno, nonostante gli sforzi di Alain Magnier e Orlando St. Clair, Thierry Dumont e Sebastien Noyer e persino di Raymond Payet e Jean Bellaiche, il capo dei vampiri parigini, che sta cercando di instaurare un rapporto stabile col suo compagno, in modo da poter guidare attraverso l’esempio.

Mentre la guerra imperversa e da entrambe le parti aumentano le perdite, i maghi oscuri continuano a cercare elementi per poter comprendere e contrastare la forza dell’Alleanza, mentre le coppie all’interno di essa studiano i vecchi pregiudizi e le antiche leggende alla ricerca di qualcosa che possa cambiare le sorti della guerra una volta per tutte.


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Talkers Reifeprüfung

Talker (Deutsch) | Buch 3
$3.99 $2.99

Fortsetzung zu Talker – Am Ende einer langen Nacht
Buch 3 in der Serie - Talker

Was kommt nach dem nackten Überleben? Brian Cooper hat sich von dem Angriff erholt, bei dem er beinahe getötet wurde, und Tate Walker hat seine inneren Dämonen besiegt. Nun haben die beiden nur noch ... sich selbst. Zusammen erwachsen werden und in ihre Liebe hineinwachsen ist alles andere als einfach.

Sind Talkers ewiger Optimismus und Brians stetiges Vertrauen genug, die großen und kleinen Hindernisse zu überwinden, die ihnen im Weg stehen – und alle Schwierigkeiten auszuräumen, damit ihre Träume sich erfüllen?


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To Be Loved

To Be Human
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to To Be Human

Tim—designation TM 05637—thought he'd escaped his fate as a genetically engineered supersoldier when David Conley offered him a precious chance at a normal life. But General Woodard, Tim’s handler, captures them, crushing Tim’s short-lived dream. Thrilled at the return of his pet killing machine, Woodard plans to break Tim’s resistance by forcing him to virtually kill David.

Fortunately, Dr. Paul Anderson, the scientist who created Tim, offers them a chance at freedom. But a deadly weakness implanted in Tim’s DNA threatens his life. Without regular doses of a special medication, Tim faces debilitation and even death. In search of a more permanent solution, Dr. Anderson enlists David’s help to infiltrate a base where a cure is kept. But David is unable to fully trust Tim, haunted by seeing Tim killing him in Woodard’s brutal training simulations.

Desperate to protect David, both from the general—and himself—Tim struggles to find the strength to leave the man he loves while completing the mission. With Dr. Anderson’s help, Tim and David try to stay a step ahead of the general, knowing they must reach the cure before mistrust tears them apart, Woodard catches up with them, or the clock runs out on Tim's life.


$6.99 $5.24

Prequel to Final Encore

Tires flying over the interstate, college student Ian Dillon can’t get out of Greenville, SC quickly enough. As he watches his entire life fading away in his rearview mirror, his thoughts are only of his lover, Todd, and the memories of their time together, now completely shattered by Todd’s incomprehensible betrayal. His mind still reeling, Ian drives through the night until a split second decision guides him to Nashville, Tennessee. Everything will be better there. It has to be!


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For most of his life, Terry Geirhart worked beside his best friend and lover on their farm nestled in rural southwestern Ontario. With Karlstadt being a small town, their true relationship remained a secret. Seth’s death in a tragic accident leaves Terry beside himself. After two years of mourning, Terry wants to learn to live again. Unfortunately, he has no idea how.

While not ready to date, Terry does need a new hired hand. A close friend suggests her relative from the city who’s looking for a new start. Damien Manicuso, stylish and openly gay, has never stepped out of the city, but after flunking out of university and being kicked out by his family, Terry’s job couldn’t be more welcome. The two have nothing in common except a mutual attraction, but working a farm brings people close. Both afraid to admit their feelings, they must find the courage or lose everything all over again.


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Conflicto de sangre

Coalición de Sangre
$6.99 $5.24

Volumen 3 de la serie Coalición de Sangre
La secuela de "Pacto de sangre"

A medida que los emparejamientos entre magos y vampiros formados dentro de la Alianza se hacen más fuertes, los magos rebeldes sufren sus efectos y están cada vez más desesperados por encontrar información que les permita contrarrestarlos, desconocedores de la creciente tensión que el vínculo entre sangre y magia causa tanto a los magos como a los vampiros.

El conflicto se está extendiendo. Los problemas creados por relaciones incómodas o molestas, tanto desde el punto de vista personal como profesional, amenazan con destruir la Alianza desde su interior, a pesar de los esfuerzos de Alain Magnier y Orlando St. Clair, Thierry Dumont y Sébastien Noyer e incluso Raymond Payet y Jean Bellaiche, líder de los vampiros de París, quien está luchando a su vez por establecer un pacto estable con su propio compañero de tal forma que pueda servir de ejemplo.

Mientras la guerra se recrudece y bajas dolorosas aumentan en ambos bandos, los magos rebeldes siguen buscando claves para comprender y neutralizar la fuerza de la Alianza, al mismo tiempo que las parejas vinculadas por la sangre rebuscan entre antiguos prejuicios y tradiciones populares para encontrar alguna ventaja que pueda inclinar la guerra a su favor de una vez por todas.


$6.99 $5.24

Une portion d'amour

Les arômes de l'amour
$6.99 $5.24

Les arômes de l'amour, numéro hors série

Sebastian Franklin a attendu longtemps avant de pouvoir faire ses preuves en tant que responsable de salle du Café Belgie, mais sa première nuit en charge du restaurant alors que Darryl, son patron, est en vacances, est loin d’être une réussite. Le restaurant est braqué à l’heure de la fermeture, et le bon Samaritain qui a déjoué le vol apporte de nouvelles complications.

Robert Fortier, le nouveau juge du comté, est réticent à occuper ce poste. Il est bien au fait qu’avoir une vie publique n’est pas toujours chose aisée, spécialement quand votre vie privée fait de vous la cible idéale des battages médiatiques. Malgré cela, Robert apprécie la compagnie de Sebastian, et Sebastian, qui n’est jamais contre une portion de bonheur, a un penchant pour sa personnalité publique favorite. Mais Sebastian n’est pas sans problèmes, lui non plus – une situation familiale chaotique et un ex en difficulté lui mettront la pression alors qu’ils se débattent pour démarrer cette nouvelle idylle.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

Kaden James verbirgt seine quälende Vergangenheit und einen mit Narben übersäten Körper, was es ihm nicht leicht macht, einen Job zu behalten. Das Blatt wendet sich für ihn endlich zum Guten, als er Arbeit als Koch auf einer Ranch in Montana findet, wo er dem verboten gutaussehenden Logan Michaels begegnet. Logan ist anders als alle Männer, die Kaden je getroffen hat, und ehe er es sich versieht, ist er auf dem Weg, sich in den großen Cowboy zu verlieben.

Aber Kadens Albträume lassen sich nicht so leicht bannen – und er hat nicht nur Angst vor seinem eigenen Schatten, sondern muss ein Leben voller Missbrauch, schrecklichen Erinnerungen und seine Sucht nach Selbstverletzung bewältigen. Kann Logans zärtliche Berührung Kaden helfen, zu heilen?


$6.99 $5.24

Here Without You

One Voice | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

One Voice: Book Two

With all of his scratched and dented heart, Nate DeMarco wants to be two places at once, but he’s been forced to make an unbearable choice. Having barely survived high school, Nate and his boyfriends, Casey Minton and Zander Zane, are ready to move forward. Casey and Zander have left home to attend Boston City College. Nate remains in New Hampshire to protect his volatile younger sister from their increasingly violent, alcoholic uncle. Nate suffers with anger, resentment, and loneliness as what he wants battles against what he feels he must do.

Separated, the young men fight to stay in contact. But they are faced with separate issues. Casey copes with residual fear from having been bullied in high school. Zander obsesses over the establishment of One Voice, the gay-straight alliance at Boston City College. And Nate fights for his sister’s survival. Meanwhile, the intensity of the boys’ relationship increases, both sexually and emotionally.

Nate’s effort to live two lives leads to tragedy, which threatens to blast their relationship apart before they can adjust to the changes in their lives. They must find their way back to a united path before it's too late.


$6.99 $5.24
$6.99 $5.24

What if sexuality wasn’t a definable thing and labels merely got in the way?

Nick Jones can’t remember a time when he wasn’t part of the in crowd. Everywhere he goes, he stands out as the best looking guy in the room, and women practically fall into bed with him. Then, after kissing Corey on a dare led to much more and on many occasions, Nick’s “screw anything” reputation escalated, but he didn’t care.

When Nick meets RC at the restaurant where he works, it throws his whole life out of whack. RC lives up to his dubbed nickname “Scruffy Dude.” He seems Nick’s complete opposite, but Nick can’t get him out of his head.

Because of peer-pressure and his fears about defining his sexuality, Nick struggles with stepping out of his comfort zone and caring about someone different than himself. If he’s lucky, somewhere between arrogance and ignorance, Nick might find out what it means to be an adult, but if he’s wrong, he could lose everything.

Second Edition


$6.99 $5.24


Bronco's Boys | Book Three
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Upside Down
Bronco's Boys: Book Three

Club owner Harry Klinger has had his eye on Tristan Martin for months, but never had the nerve to approach him. He’s watched as Tristan dated Eddie and then reluctantly sat on the sidelines during the emotional breakup when Tristan discovered Eddie was dealing drugs. Now that Tristan seems to be healing, Harry hopes to get his chance.

When Eddie sends his men into Harry’s club to harass Tristan, Harry steps in to help. Tristan is reluctant at first since he admittedly has terrible taste in men, but Harry seems genuine, and Tristan can’t help but think Harry’s sexy as well and begins to hope for happiness for both of them.

Unfortunately, Eddie isn’t behaving rationally, sampling too much of his own product. With his determination to take Tristan back, it’ll take more than Harry’s help to keep Tristan safe as Eddie ratchets up his attempts to get what he wants.


$6.99 $5.24

Cherish & Blessed

Faith, Love, & Devotion
$6.99 $5.24

Faith, Love, & Devotion: Book Four & Book Five


After several years of happy coupledom, Matt and Evan can relax in the knowledge that their little family has survived the worst of it. The two older girls are away at college, the twins have yet to fully hit teen angst, Matt is doing well with his part time security consulting, and Evan is about to be promoted to captain—it seems like things are calm and bright.

Until they aren’t.

As the holidays approach, Evan and Matt get a shock no parent is ever prepared for: feisty Miranda, Evan’s eldest, has a new boyfriend, Kent, and they are talking marriage after just three months together. In fact, Miranda wants to bring him to Thanksgiving dinner—along with his parents, Blake and Cornelia.


Lives are in transition as everyone gathers at the stunning Hamptons beach home of Daisy and Bennett to celebrate the christening of their new baby. Griffin and Jim—secretly growing tired of their rootless lifestyle—are in a rocky spot in their relationship. And as the godfather, Griffin finds himself yearning for something he's sure Jim won't be interested in.


Matt and Evan are looking to reconnect during the long weekend, as their respective careers pull them in separate directions. With less time spent together, Evan grows concerned about what will happen when the last two kids leave the nest.

2nd Edition
1st Edition of Cherish published as an eBook by Loose Id LLC, November 2012.


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$6.99 $5.24

Ever since arriving in Hollywood, Skylar Murphy has been loving life. He’s starring in a hit television show and on the verge of grabbing the lead role in the most anticipated movie of the decade. Poised on the edge of superstardom, he doesn't want or need any complications to distract him from that goal. Whether he’s sleeping with a woman or a man, his noncommittal, no-strings-attached love life suits him perfectly, and despite his rep for playing gay roles, the world still thinks he’s straight.

At the launch party for his new show, Skylar meets Aiden Moore, an openly gay firefighter by day and cater waiter to the stars by night. Skylar is immediately attracted to him, but Aiden rejects him. When an arsonist appears to have targeted Skylar, their paths keep crossing. Always up for a challenge, Skylar works to win Aiden over, and he agrees to a date. Soon enough they can’t stay away from each other. Despite hiding their relationship away from the ever-present paparazzi, they’re happy together until a jilted fan joins forces with the arsonist to sabotage their future.


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