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Il nulla di Ben

Serie Storie di Austin | Libro 1
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Serie Storie di Austin, Libro 1

Ben Walsh sta per diventare uno dei migliori avvocati di Manhattan; ha un fidanzato meraviglioso e amici nell’élite della città. La sua vita è perfetta, finché una telefonata non distrugge tutto: un incidente d’auto porta via tragicamente i suoi genitori e ora deve tornare a Austin per crescere tre fratelli adolescenti che conosce a malapena.

Durante il funerale, Ben incontra Travis Atwood, il vicino di casa dalla parlata texana e dal cuore d’oro. All’inizio, il loro rapporto passa momenti di alti e bassi, tra discussioni e flirt, ma quando il peso della responsabilità comincia a gravare su Ben, si appoggia immediatamente a Travis, e la pressione modella la loro amicizia in qualcosa che somiglia molto all’amore. Ben pensa di aver trovato una soluzione per riavere, oltre alla sua vecchia vita, la sua nuova vita e Travis, ma deve rendersi conto che l’amore non è sempre facile. Riuscirà a capire che un’esperienza orribile potrebbe farlo giungere alla meta a cui era destinato?


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When Kyle Champlain’s grandmother, Molly, passes away, he returns to Wetlake, Canada, to settle her estate. Kyle spent his summers in Wetlake as a child, and now he has the chance to renew his acquaintance with some old friends, including Ryan Summers, before going home to Chicago. But when Kyle tries to pressure Ryan into a business decision, their renewed friendship—and any possible attraction--is almost immediately on the rocks.

As Kyle begins to deliver the personalized bequests from Molly’s will, he meets an odd assortment of people from all walks of life and realizes he has a lot to learn about living and love. But he’ll have to fight his parents, suspicious beneficiaries, and Ryan’s fears if he plans to stay in Wetlake.


My Dumb Jock

Dumb Jock | Book Six
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Dumb Jock: Book Six

The final book in the Dumb Jock series brings us back to Jeff and Brett thirty-plus years after their “happily ever after.” Jeff, now a university professor, and Brett, CEO of a sporting equipment company, prepare to celebrate Brett’s fiftieth birthday. Suddenly, a devastating emergency derails all plans. Fear and unknown questions force the couple to look back on a lifetime of struggles as an openly gay couple just starting out in the 1980s. My Dumb Jock chronicles their life together, beginning after the sports banquet at the conclusion of book one, continuing through their college years, engagement, wedding, and the birth of their children. Together they shoulder homophobia and rejection and build their own family in the face of many crippling losses and temptations. This final book of the series brings together an entire cast of characters from five books, all connected by one remarkable couple. A couple not quite ready to say good-bye.


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One Small Thing

One Thing | Book One

“Daddy” is not a title Rue Murray wanted, but he never thought he’d have sex with a woman either. Now he’s the unwitting father of a newborn named Alice. Between bartending and cosmetology school, Rue doesn’t have time for babies, but he can’t give her up. What Rue needs is a babysitter, and he’s running out of options. He’s on the verge of quitting school to watch Alice himself when he remembers his reclusive new neighbor, Erik.

Erik Van Nuys is a sci-fi novelist with anxiety issues to spare. He doesn’t like people in general, and he likes babies even less. Still, with his royalties dwindling, he could use the extra cash. Reluctantly, he takes on the role of manny—and even more reluctantly, he finds himself falling for Alice and her flamboyant father.

Rue and Erik are as different as two people can be, and Alice is the unlikeliest of babies, but Rue has never been happier than when Alice and Erik are by his side. At least, not until he receives an offer that puts all his dreams within reach and he’s forced to choose: the future he’s always wanted, or the family he thought he never did.


Spring Break at the Villa Hermes

Brandt and Donnelly Capers | Case File Four
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A Brandt and Donnelly Caper: Case File Four

Troopers Ethan Brandt and Gabriel Donnelly celebrate the one-year anniversary of their engagement by flying south for a week of calm relaxation at the Villa Hermes, a gay boutique hotel on the beach. But when the rest of the guests turn out to be college guys on spring break (unwittingly booked into a gay hotel by a passive-aggressive travel agent), their week turns out to be anything but calm.

Ted, one of the spring breakers, has harbored a crush on his roommate and best friend, Bark, since they met freshman year. Now, on their fourth and final spring break, Ted knows they must soon say good-bye. A lacrosse star and ladies’ man, Bark has no idea Ted has fallen for him—until a storm forces the entire group underground for twenty-four hours of stress and truth-telling. Bark doesn't want to say good-bye to Ted at graduation either. He just didn't know how to put his feelings into words or if he could face the consequences of speaking them. Brandt and Donnelly help the college guys through their crisis by showing them what love between best friends can grow into.

But Ted and Bark aren’t the only spring-breakers with secrets.


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Determined to help the war effort, Frankie Norris joins the US Air Force in 1943. Braving intimidating drill sergeants and unending marches, Frankie struggles to hide his secret—he’s queer. But having passed basic training, he’s not going to risk an undesirable discharge or any of his fellow recruits finding out. Then he receives word that he’s been granted a position flying the plane he loves, the P-51 Mustang.

But as Frankie finds his wings in the sky, feelings of isolation may keep him grounded. Slowly making friends among his squadron, Frankie realizes he may not be as alone or as abnormal as he thinks. Other queer men have formed a community in the Armed Forces to offer support. Then Frankie meets his crew chief, Jim Morrow. Initially antagonistic, they slowly become friends and a mutual attraction develops as they join the Eighth Air Force in Britain. Confessing their feelings, snatching what time they can together, and wary of discovery, Frankie and Jim are there for each other through dangerous missions and the loss of friends. It’s a long war with enemies on both sides. All they can hope for is to survive long enough for a chance at something more.


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Desert World Allegiances

Desert World | Book One
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Desert World: Book One

Livre once offered Planetary Alliance miners and workers a small fortune if they helped terraform the mineral rich planet. People flocked to the world, but then a civil war cut the desert planet off from all resources.  Half-terraformed and clinging to the edge of existence, Livre devolved into a world where death was accepted as part of life, water resources were scarce and constantly dwindling, and neighbors tried to help each other hold off the inevitable as the desert fought to take back the few terraformed spaces.

Temar Gazer claims to be the victim of water theft.  His claims could be a simple misdirection intended to help him escape a term of labor after his criminal prank caused irreparable damage to a watering system.  However as the only member of the council arguing against a short-term slavery sentence for Temar, Shan Polli can’t escape the fear that something darker is happening. The more he investigates Temar’s story, the more he finds that his world is not as free of politics or danger as he had assumed. Together, Shan and Temar must get to the bottom of the conspiracy before time runs out for the entire planet.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, September 2011.


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Fuera de la oscuridad

Caballo Oscuro | Volumen 2
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La secuela de "Caballo Oscuro"
Volumen 2 de la serie Caballo Oscuro

«Ya es suficientemente duro entre dos personas. Meter a una tercera en la ecuación es… no sé, ¿no va a parecer que estamos buscando problemas?».

No fue fácil, pero el entrenador de caballos Dan Wheeler había comenzado a construirse una nueva vida, había encontrando su sitio en California con sus amantes Evan Kaminski y Jeff Stevens. Cuando las cosas iban bien era espectacular: había cariño, risas y pasión. Pero al parecer, las cosas no solían ir bien muy a menudo.

Dan sigue luchando contra la pérdida de su anterior pareja y a veces tenía dudas de si merecía ser feliz. Evan tiene celos de cualquiera que buscara el afecto de Dan (incluido Jeff); y a este le preocupa ser demasiado mayor para sus hombres más jóvenes, y llega a preguntarse si no era mejor alejarse.

A pesar de todas sus resoluciones, Dan siente una conexión especial con los otros dos hombres, pero no sabe si eso será suficiente. Sabe que duele estar juntos, pero lo que tiene que hacer es decidir si no será incluso más doloroso estar separados.

Segunda Edición


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La peur du rejet

Les contes de Toronto
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Les contes de Toronto, tome 3

À trente-cinq ans, Rick Haviland est un orthophoniste respecté. Alors que tous ses amis s’engagent dans des relations durables, il refuse d’abandonner sa vie sexuelle de clubbeur sans attaches. Pour lui, les relations sont dangereuses ; il a un secret à cacher. Quand il rencontre Ian O'Donnell, chargé de clientèle dans un tabloïd local, Rick compte sur ses propres règles pour le protéger d’une relation qui serait plus que passagère.

Lorsqu’Ian révèle son homosexualité, lassé par les rencontres anonymes et de cacher des secrets à sa grande famille catholique, Rick est là, et il est justement le genre d'homme qu’il a envie de mieux connaître. Leur attirance est immédiate, électrique et mutuelle. Ian convainc Rick de briser de plus en plus de ses règles et ses défenses s’effondrent. Mais quelqu'un les surveille, quelqu'un qui aimerait voir cette nouvelle relation échouer.

Lorsque le travail d’Ian devient une menace risquant d'exposer le secret de Rick, leurs carrières et leurs cœurs pourraient bien être détruits.


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Keeping Sweets

Newport Boys | Book One

Days away from high school graduation, with hardly a penny to his name, Evan Lowry needs to earn money for college. When he comes across an ad for modeling, he thinks his luck has changed—until he learns he’s interviewing for an adult film and will be expected to have sex. On camera. With other men.

For gay porn star Brandon Court, the shine has worn off of regular shoots. He and his producer, Les, decide to try something new: a reality-show porno set at a beach house. When he meets wide-eyed and naïve Evan for the first time, Brandon isn’t sure if he wants the kid to get lost or get naked. Naked wins.

On set, Brandon takes Evan under his wing, and over the next month, they are thrown together in every intimate way conceivable—except emotionally. Both Brandon and Evan are terrified of trying for anything deeper, and insecurities and doubts wear on their hopes, but the chemistry between them won’t let them slow things down.


Sail Away

Royal Navy Series | Book Four
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Sequel to Home is the Sailor
Royal Navy Series: Book Four

Sail away once again with Will Marshall and Davy Archer in this collection of missing moments from their saga. Meet some of the background players from their story as they take center stage in tales of their own. Enjoy a journey through the family album of the Royal Navy series universe in the following stories:

Captain’s Courtship is the tale of Cynthia Lancaster and newly promoted Commander Paul Smith as they face revolution in both the Lancaster household and the colonies, unwilling to let anything stand in the way of their love.

While fleeing an angry mob who takes exception to a despised Aristo courting a French girl, David Archer's cousin Christopher St. John and his fiancee wind up on the HMS Calypso in See Paris and Live.

The relationship between Will Marshall and David Archer has moved beyond friendship into love worth risking death for—even though neither young man has spoken his feelings. But when a storm leaves them Castaway on a deserted island, their fantasy is within reach… if they dare to take the chance.

After the harrowing events in Ransom, David Archer is given the chance to take the test that will promote him to Lieutenant, and secure the first step in his career. But when Will Marshall realizes the vast difference between their social standing in their Voyage to London, he wonders whether there will be room in Davy's life for him, after all.

Finally, enjoy six short Royal Navy stories that show a glimpse of Will and Davy at the holidays—Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's day, shore leave… and a special nit-picking vignette from Charlie Cochrane.

3rd Edition
First Edition published by Linden Bay Romance, 2006. First Edition of Gift Exchange published in Heroes Unwrapped by Linden Bay Romance, 2006. Second Edition published by Cheyenne Publishing/Bristlecone Pine Press, 2012.


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Life Beyond the Temple

The Fires of Destiny | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

The Fires of Destiny: Book One

Casey Kelley, a powerful young mage, has spent her whole life inside the walls of the Temple. The day she leaves to venture into the real world, the Old Ones task her with killing a dangerous necromancer who is gaining strength. She is joined by knight protector Regan Cartmell. Society may despise mages, but Regan never did, and she has sworn to protect Casey, even at the price of her own life.

Pickpocket Cameron is a mage whose father escaped the Temple, choosing to raise her in secret. After her parents were killed, she was forced to live on the streets, gaining a deep distrust for mages. She wants nothing to do with the Temple or magic of any kind.

The three friends must put aside their differences and defeat the growing evil before it spreads.


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Jake Manning’s smart mouth frequently gets him into trouble. Because of it, he can’t hold a job. Combined with some bad luck, it's prevented him from keeping steady employment. A huge debt looms over him, and alone he shoulders the care of his alcoholic mother and three younger sisters. When a housekeeping position opens, Jake’s so desperate he leaps at the opportunity. On landing, he finds his new boss, Patrick Stanford, a fussy, arrogant, rude… and blind man.

Born without sight, Patrick is used to being accommodated, but he’s met his match with Jake, who doesn’t take any of his crap and threatens to swap all the braille labels on his groceries and run off with his guide dog unless he behaves.

Jake gets a kick out of Patrick. Things are looking up: the girls are starting their own lives and his mum’s sobriety might stick this time. He’s sacrificed everything for his family; maybe it’s time for him to live his life and start a relationship with Patrick. When his mother needs him, guilt makes his choice between family and Patrick difficult, and Jake must realize he’s not alone anymore.


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On a cold February evening, Robert Chambers gives a panhandler a significant amount of cash. That gift allows Matt Cosgrove to turn his life around. When the men meet again, Matt, now employed at a local home improvement center, offers to build a shelving unit for Robert as a thank you. They become friends, and soon the chemistry between them cannot be denied. Robert, once betrayed by a faithless lover, believes he can finally build a relationship based on mutual trust and honesty. Then Robert discovers the dark secret that left Matt begging on a street corner. Their relationship appears doomed unless the walls of the prison of silence Matt has erected around his past can be breached.


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Quand l'horizon a disparu

Austin, Texas | Tome 1
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Austin, Texas, tome 1

Ben Walsh est en voie de devenir l’un des plus célèbres avocats de New York, il a un compagnon et fréquente les cercles les plus huppés de la ville. Bref, tout est parfait dans sa vie jusqu’à ce qu’il reçoive un funeste appel téléphonique, quelques jours avant Noël : ses parents viennent de décéder dans un accident de voiture. Il doit de toute urgence retourner à Austin, Texas, pour élever trois jeunes frères qu’il connaît à peine. 

Pendant les funérailles, Ben rencontre Travis Atwood, un voisin ouvrier au grand cœur. Leur relation commence sur les chapeaux de roue avant les premiers écueils inévitables, mais lorsque Ben fléchit sous le poids de ses responsabilités c’est vers Travis qu’il se tourne. L’urgence de la situation façonne leur amitié en un sentiment qui ressemble à l’amour. Ben pense avoir trouvé le moyen d’associer ses deux vies, l’ancienne et la nouvelle, et d’y incorporer Travis, mais le chemin de l’amour a ses obstacles. Ben comprendra-t-il que le bonheur arrive parfois quand on s’y attend le moins, au cœur des pires catastrophes ? Saura-t-il reconnaître la dynamique d’un destin qui l’emmène, au-delà de l’horizon, là où est sa vraie place ?


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Sieben Tage

Sieben Tage Serie
Seven Days Series
$6.99 $5.24

Ein Titel der Sieben Tage Serie

Kann sich ein ganzes Leben an nur einem einzigen Tag völlig verändern? Was ist mit sieben Tagen?

Dies ist die Geschichte der sieben alles verändernden Tage in Evan Donaldsons Leben. Evan war ein Strichjunge, als Vater Valentin ihn dazu überredete, zur St. Bartholomäus Akademie zu kommen. Dieser Tag veränderte Evans gesamtes Leben. An diesem Tag traf er seinen Zimmergenossen, Clay Mueller, und an diesem Tag begann Evan wieder zu leben. Aber Evans Leben sollte sich auch weiterhin immer wieder ändern – von Missbrauch über die erste Liebe, Trennung und gebrochene Herzen, bis hin zur Gründung seiner eigenen Familie. Und wann immer sich für Evan eine Tür schloss, öffnete sich gleichzeitig ein Fenster, und das Fenster war Clay.

Von jenem ersten Tag, an dem Evan wieder zu vertrauen lernte und sich zwischen ihm und Clay spontan ein tiefes Band knüpfte, folgt diese Geschichte den Drehungen und Wendungen ihrer Beziehung und blickt auf sieben alles verändernde Tage und auf die wundersame Weise, wie sich in einem einzelnen ausschlaggebenden Moment ein Schicksal ändern kann.


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Winter's Wolf

Tales of the Harker Pack | Book Three
2015 Award Winners

Winter Thane was raised on the two cardinal rules of werewolf existence: don’t reveal yourself to humans under penalty of death, and there’s no such thing as a gay werewolf. It’s no surprise when his father drags him from his wild life in remote Canada back to Connecticut to meet his old pack in hopes it will persuade Winter to abandon his love of sex with human males. Of course Dad’s hopes are dashed when they come face-to-face with the gay werewolves in the Harker pack.

Winter takes one look at FBI agent Matt Partridge and decides bird is his favorite food. Partridge is embroiled in an investigation into drug dealing and the death of a fellow agent. He can’t let himself get distracted by the young, platinum-haired beast, but then Winter proves invaluable in the search for clues, a move that winds them both up in chains and facing imminent death. Winter quickly learns his father’s motives are questionable, the pack alphas are a bunch of pussies, humans aren’t quite what they seem, and nothing in the forests of Connecticut is pure except love.


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Of all the tiny towns, in all the world, he walks into mine.

Texas native Kieran Quinn has hit the big time, working in Manhattan as a columnist for Gloss, a national literary magazine. He’s well-known for his snarky, sardonic columns, but deep down he’s more interested in exploring what makes people tick than his editor would like. He keeps his desire to find his own Mr. Right hidden under a sexy, carefree persona that favors champagne and underwear models of the male variety.

Jaxon Lang loves being the high school principal in tiny Buckwheat Springs, Texas after relocating from Austin to pursue his relationship with Danetta Archer, despite her reputation for leaving grooms at the altar. So far, he’s avoided examining the questions he has about himself, certain that marriage will put them to rest. Then Kieran arrives in town. Kieran’s charm and unique attitudes about sex and attraction soon challenge Jaxon’s concept of what—and who—he wants.

While covering the latest wedding of a real-life “runaway bride," Kieran falls hard for the gorgeous—and supposedly straight—groom, Jaxon Lang, despite that ridiculous X. Then Kieran discovers the bride’s hiding a shocking secret.

2nd Edition
First Edition published by Ravenous Romance, April 2009.


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