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Dopo il tramonto

Tempo al tempo | Libro 2
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Tempo al tempo, Libro 2

Sono passati due anni da quando Stefan Joss si è trasferito nel sud degli Stati Uniti per amore del rancher Rand Holloway. Stef ha cercato – con esitazione – di adeguarsi alla sua nuova vita, ma il vero amore non fila mai liscio come dovrebbe. Rand vuole che lui rimanga a casa al ranch, Stef vuole avere una rete di sicurezza nel caso Rand decida di sbarazzarsi di lui. Finalmente, dopo aver capito di essere stato ingiusto a dubitare di lui, Stef decide di impegnarsi sul serio con Rand e l’uomo è al settimo cielo.

Quando Stef ha l’opportunità di provare il suo amore, non si tira indietro, mettendo a repentaglio la sua stessa vita. E Rand ha la possibilità di dimostrare che – a volte – la vita può sorprenderti quando meno te lo aspetti.


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Newton's Laws of Attraction

Newton's Laws of Attraction and Impractical Magic

Rory was Ben's oldest and best friend until senior year of high school, when they confessed they'd harbored feelings for each other all along. They enjoyed only a few months of happiness until Ben chose closeted popularity over true love… and he's regretted it ever since.

Eight years later, Ben is out and proud and teaching art at the same high school he graduated from. When he learns the chemistry teacher is retiring, he's excited to meet her replacement until he finds out the brand new teacher is none other than Rory Newton—the first love he's never quite gotten over. Despite a painfully awkward start, it doesn't take Ben long to realize he'll do whatever it takes to win Rory back. But it's starting to look like even his best might not be enough.


Tonys Therapie

Sex in Seattle (Deutsch) | Buch 1
$4.99 $3.74

Buch 1 in der Serie - Sex in Seattle

Privatdetektiv Tony DeMarco soll in Seattle den Mord an einer jungen Frau aufklären. Dazu meldet er sich als Patient in der Sexklinik von Dr. Jack Halloran an, der das Opfer vor ihrem Tod behandelt hat. Tony arbeitet nicht das erste Mal als verdeckter Ermittler, aber dieses Mal möchte er am liebsten mit einem seiner Verdächtigen unter eine Decke kriechen. Er kann es nicht ändern – Jack Halloran ist der Typ von stahlhartem Mann, auf den Tony steht. Aber bevor Tony den Romeo spielen kann, muss er erst Jacks Unschuld beweisen und gleichzeitig verhindern, dass der Arzt sein falsches Spiel herausfindet.

Dr. Halloran hat seine eigenen Probleme. Als Feldchirurg im Irakkrieg wurde er verwundet, ist seitdem am rechten Arm behindert und leidet unter PTSD. Der attraktive neue Patient, ein großer, amüsanter Italiener mit treuherzigem Blick, verwirrt ihn. Tonys Humor bringt Jacks kühle Fassade zum Wanken und weckt Gefühle in ihm, die er lange vergraben und vergessen glaubte. Können der Arzt und der Privatdetektiv trotz der trennenden Geheimnisse, die zwischen ihnen liegen, ihren Weg ins Glück finden?


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Black John

Johnnies | Book Four
$6.99 $5.24

Johnnies: Book Four

John Carey is just out of rehab and dying inside when he gets word that Tory, the guy who loved him and broke him, has removed himself from the world in the most bitter way possible—and left John to clean up his mess.

Forced back to his hometown in Florida, John's craving a hit with every memory when he meets Tory's neighbor. Spacey and judgmental, Galen Henderson has been rotting in his crappy apartment since a motorcycle accident robbed him of his mobility, his looks, and his boyfriend all in one mistake. Galen's been hiding at the bottom of an oxy bottle, but when John shows up, he feels obligated to help wade through the wreckage of Tory's life.

The last thing John needs is another relationship with an addict, and the last thing Galen wants is a conscience. Both of them are shocked when they find that their battered souls can learn from and heal one another. It doesn't hurt that they're both getting a crash course on how growing up and getting past your worst mistakes sure beats the alternative—and that true love is something to fight to keep if your lover is fighting to love you back.


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Double Indemnity

The Stonebridge Mysteries | Book One
$6.99 $5.24

The Stonebridge Mysteries: Book One

Sam Flynn dreamed of being a journalist, until a car accident killed his parents and put his brother into a long-term coma. Now Sam spends his days as a landscaper, toiling in the New England sun, and his nights drunk in bed with the closest warm body. In his limited spare time, he writes about Stonebridge’s local crime and politics on his blog “Under the Bridge.”

Then Sam’s favorite client is found dead in her home—shortly after telling him someone has betrayed her trust. Sam can’t believe her grief-stricken husband, Nathan, would be a suspect, but the investigation focuses on him. Sam has always admired handsome Nathan from afar, but now he puts his libidinous feelings aside to help clear his name. But the closer he gets to Nathan, the more he’s told to keep away from him and the investigation—by the fatherly police chief, by an officer on the case who's hated him since school, and by Nathan himself.

Sam is determined to expose the real reason his friend died and to clear Nathan’s name—even if it’s the last thing he does. Which, considering how fast the death toll is rising in Stonebridge… it might be.


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Fractured Souls

Elemental Lovers | Book Two
$6.99 $5.24

Sequel to Beyond the Rift
Elemental Lovers: Book Two

Centuries ago, a group of Aranken mages left their homeland and became the ancestors of the Nikari. Now a Nikari prince will return, seeking truth and finding far more than he expected.

Shuri Fezenda has one goal in mind when he departs for A’rankin—to identify the culprit behind the conspiracy targeting Ivy, his brother’s consort and a man Shuri cares for deeply. But when he meets Prince Tynare’Or’Therar, Shuri’s world is turned upside down.

Beautiful and mysterious, Tynare draws Shuri like no other. The secrets he whispers taunt and tease, but Shuri’s treacherous heart races and his body responds when Tynare shoots him a knowing smile. And then Shuri meets Tynare’s twin brother, Nari, and in Nari’s kindness and blind eyes, he finds refuge and a love beyond anything he thought he could feel.

Torn between duty and confused emotions, Shuri faces an A’rankin on the brink of civil war and a foe he didn’t count on—the neighboring land of Shyrn. At the heart of the conflict, one question remains. Who is Tynare really, and who is Nari? Shuri is almost afraid to learn the answer.


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$6.99 $5.24

A Harmony Ink Press Title

Life in a small mining town can be like living in a fishbowl, where everyone knows everybody else's business. Fifteen-year-old Jodi's mother wants her father to quit his binge drinking and his dangerous job at the mine—even more so after a collapse leaves two miners dead and three trapped deep underground.

As tensions escalate both at home and around the town, Jodi seeks comfort with her friends but soon faces a double betrayal. Meanwhile, her ten-year-old brother Jake reacts by joining a gang of schoolyard bullies who engage in increasingly dangerous antics.

As Jodi struggles to gain autonomy over her life, she begins to discover the person she really is. But with everything around her spiraling out of control, it may not be the right time to let her family, friends, and ultimately the whole town know—no matter how much she wants to.


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When Jesse Morales, a recent college grad who aspires to be a mystery writer, volunteers to work on the summit of Mt. Washington for a week, he expects to work hard. What he doesn’t expect is to find a corpse in the fog, lying among the rocks, his head crushed. The dead man turns out to be a young tourist named Stuart Warren, who strayed from his friends while visiting the mountain.

Kyle Dubois, a widowed state police detective, is called to the scene in the middle of the night, along with his partner, Wesley Roberts. Kyle and Jesse are instantly drawn to one another, except Jesse’s fascination with murder mysteries makes it difficult for Kyle to take the young man seriously. But Jesse finds a way to make himself invaluable to the detective by checking into the hotel where the victim's friends and family are staying and infiltrating their circle. Soon, he is learning things that could very well solve the case—or get him killed.


Outing the Quarterback

The Long Pass Chronicles

Will Ashford lives in two closets. He meets his wealthy father’s goals as both the quarterback for the famous SCU football team and a business major, but secretly he attends art school and longs to live as a painter. And he's gay. But if he can win the coveted Milton Scholarship for art, he’ll be able to break from his father at the end of his senior year.

In a painting master class, Will meets his divergent opposite, Noah Zajack. A scarred orphan who’s slept on park benches and eaten from trash cans, Noah carefully plans his life and multiple jobs so he has money and time to go to art school. Will's problems seem like nothing compared to Noah's. Noah wants the scholarship too and may have a way to get it since the teacher of his class has designs on him, a plan Will isn't happy about.


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Leslie "Red" Parks was pretty surprised to find he was considered attractive enough to be a male escort. And once he started and the money came rolling in, he found he didn’t want to stop. For the first time in his life, people truly want him, and he likes that. A lot.

Kirk Toliver has never thought of himself as desirable either—which is why he is single. That, and he has spent years of his life caring for his ill mother. Before she passed away, she made him promise he would splurge on something crazy with the money she left him. So what’s crazier than hiring a male escort?

But neither expected that one night together could lead to what was missing in both their lives.


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$6.99 $5.24

Fin dall’infanzia, Jake, Adam, Kyle e Brendan sono stati compagni di squadra, migliori amici, quasi fratelli. Un giorno, però, compiuti venticinque anni, Adam sparisce senza dire una parola, sconvolgendo i suoi amici – nessuno però quanto Jake, che ne è stato segretamente innamorato sin dall’adolescenza.

Ora, cinque anni dopo, Adam torna e non riesce a smettere di pensare a Jake. Ma tutti quegli anni di rabbia, dolore e confusione sono troppo da superare e l’amico non riesce a perdonarlo facilmente. Non sa se torneranno più a essere perfetti l’uno per l’altro come lo erano stati in passato. Jake, Kyle e Brendan sono andati avanti con le loro vite, ma la carriera di famoso uomo d’affari di Adam lo costringe a rimanere nascosto – lì dove è rimasto per anni. Eppure le sue scuse sembrano sincere, l’attrazione è ancora presente e Jake vuole disperatamente concedergli una seconda possibilità. Ma prima, deve scoprire perché Adam se n’è andato e se è davvero tornato per sempre.


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De la A a la Z

La saga de la ciudad de Coda
$6.99 $5.24

Un libro de La saga de la ciudad de Coda

Zach Mitchell está preso en la rutina. Su novio de la universidad lo dejó hace diez años, pero él aún vive en el mismo apartamento, conduce el mismo coche y alimenta al desagradecido gato de su ex novio. Su negocio en Denver, el videoclub De la A a la Z, está en apuros. Tiene clientes molestos, excéntricos vecinos, y un romance vacío con su casero, Tom.

Angelo Green, es un tipo duro resentido que lleva botas de combate y se ha criado en casas de acogida. Está solo desde los dieciséis años, por eso nunca aprendió a confiar ni a querer a nadie. No tiene amigos, así que cuando consigue un trabajo en el videoclub De la A a la Z, decide que Zach está estrictamente prohibido.

A pesar de sus diferencias, Zach y Angelo se hacen amigos rápidamente por lo que cuando Zach rompe con Tom y la estabilidad de su negocio se tambalea, es a Angelo a quien se le ocurre una solución. Junto a Jared y Matt, sus amigos de Coda, Colorado, Zach y Angelo encontrarán una forma de salvar De la A a la Z, ¿pero serán también capaces de salvarse el uno al otro?


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$6.99 $5.24

Il n’y a pas de fumée sans feu...

Depuis le 11 septembre, Griff Muir, pompier à Brooklyn lutte contre ses sentiments impossibles envers son ami et co-équipier de l’unité 181, Dante Anastagio. Malheureusement, Dante est un parfait homme à femmes et le Corps des Pompiers de New York ne voit pas exactement l’homosexualité d’un bon œil. Pendant dix ans, Griff a caché son cœur dans un semblant de vie faite d’exploits publics et d’angoisses privées.

La prudence de Griff et l’effronterie de Dante font d’eux une équipe imbattable. Pour protéger son ami, Griff serait prêt à tout… jusqu’à ce qu’un Dante criblé de dettes lui propose le pire plan qui soit :, un site porno gay où des beaux gosses en uniforme se déshabillent et se donnent en spectacle. Et Dante veut qu’ils apparaissent là… ensemble. Griff devra protéger son cœur et vivre ses fantasmes les plus sombres devant la caméra. Peut-il sauver l’homme qu’il aime sans ruiner leurs carrières, leurs familles ou leur amitié ?


$6.99 $5.24

A Bond of Three

Sensual Bonds
$6.99 $5.24

In the kingdom of Teruna, the red-cloaked Seruani teach the Terunans the art of love. Taken from their homes at seventeen to be trained, they are shunned as outcasts by society and considered the lowest of the low. So when Prince Tanish falls in love with the Seruan Feyar, the man who took his virginity and the only one to share his bed, he is not about to declare that love. No one can ever know, because the consequences would be too painful to consider for both of them.

When the king of Vancor visits Teruna, he promises that his son, Prince Sorran, will marry Prince Tanish to solidify the alliance between the two kingdoms, with the proviso that the virginal Sorran is instructed in the art of pleasing his husband-to-be. When Tanish’s father chooses Feyar to be this instructor, the lovers decide Prince Sorran must be taught that this is to be a marriage in name only….

A resentful prince, unwilling to share his lover.

A resentful Seruan, unwilling to share his prince.

And the shy prince whose very nature sparks changes in the lives of all those around them.

Teruna is about to change forever.


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Dirty Dining

2015 Award Winners
$6.99 $5.24

Jeremy Linden’s a PhD student researching an HIV vaccine. He’s always short of money, and when biotech startup PharmaTek reduces funding for his fellowship, he’s tempted to take a job at a men’s dining club as a serving boy. The uniforms are skimpy, and he’s expected to remove an item of clothing after each course.  He can handle that, but he soon discovers there’s more on the menu here than fine cuisine. How far will he go to pay his tuition, and will money get in the way when he realizes he’s interested in more from one of his gentlemen?

Brice Martin is an attorney for a Silicon Valley venture capital firm. When he’s asked to take a client to the infamous Dinner Club, he finds himself unexpectedly turned on by the atmosphere and especially by his server, Remy. He senses there’s more to the sexy young man than meets the eye. The paradox fascinates him, and he can’t get enough of Remy.

Their relationship quickly extends beyond the club and sex. But the trust and affection they’ve worked to achieve may crumble when Jeremy discovers Brice’s VC firm is the one that pulled the plug on PharmaTek—and Jeremy’s research grant.


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Love Means... Endurance

Love Means... Series
$6.99 $5.24

A Love Means... Story

Together for over ten years, Geoff and Eli built a fulfilling life. Their love and support helped raise their adopted son. Their hard work and dedication grew their farm from raising cattle and boarding horses to expanding into therapy riding sessions. Surrounded by a loving circle of friends, Geoff and Eli couldn’t ask for more. Until driven Eli loses his energy, and the doctor gives them the dire diagnosis of cancer.

Caught up in never-ending doctor’s appointments, surgeries, and treatments, their world turns upside down. With so many people dependent on them, they must pull together to put on a brave face, continue living as best they can, and care for their family. Geoff fears Eli, the love of his life, while a fighter, may not endure this battle, but neither is willing to consider succumbing as an option.


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$3.99 $2.99

When Shawn Wells learns a planned development project threatens the quaint gay neighborhood of Trickstown, he jumps into action. This is his home turf. Plus, his favorite hangout, bathhouse Hot Haven, is the heart of the community--along with its owner, Toby Macintyre, who has been a sort-of friend to Shawn for years.

Surprisingly, Toby seems opposed to Shawn’s community-wide campaign to save the uniqueness and unity of the area. Even so, an unexpected attraction sparks between them, further fanning the flames of change.

Shawn has to fight for the future of his community, his beloved bathhouse, and for Toby. The sauna lover quickly finds himself in some real hot water.


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$3.99 $2.99

The year is 1934, and disgraced federal agent Nathan Devereaux is escorting convicted felon John Banks to visit his dying mother. Banks is despondent, miserably ill with a heavy cold, and unenthusiastic about traveling by plane. It isn't a responsibility Devereaux wants, but something about the prisoner’s plight resonates with him.

Devereaux charters a plane to Wisconsin, hoping to get there before Banks's mother breathes her last. But a routine journey swiftly turns into a sojourn in hell when a violent winter storm forces the plane miles off course, and Banks’s seemingly bad cold turns out to be diphtheria.

Stranded many miles from the destination, Devereaux must find a way to save Banks's life without compromising the mission. Like Banks, Devereaux has secrets of his own, and the scope and purpose of his mission don't quite square with the stories he tells. Making matters worse, he is the only one standing between Banks and certain death, but even a federal agent can do only so much—especially an agent with blood on his hands.


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